
Tuesday 4 July 2017

Ciara's Birthday Card

Ciara's Birthday Card
πŸŽˆπŸŽπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰Belated Birthday Wishes Ciara πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽπŸŽˆ

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly I have a message from Paul thanking you all for your kind words and thanks yesterday.  He is enjoying a few weeks leave while looking for a new career, I think his priority this next week is his allotment, now that he has time to do it properly, after that who knows!!  

Now onto today's card, Our Brenda made this amazing card for Ciara, the image couldn't be more perfect for Ciara who loves all things crafty so this Stamp was a really great buy.  I love how you have coloured the image with your Polychrome Pencils, I love the Sweet Sugarplum paper and ribbon you have used too, such an amazing idea to colour the vellum with the Sweet Sugarplum ink before die cutting into doillies, they are beautiful. 
Ciara I hope you had a lovely birthday sweetheart, I hope you got some craft goodies to play with too xxxxxx

Thank you so much Brenda for sharing Ciara's card with all of us xxxxxx

Lesley, it was lovely to read your comment yesterday, I am so pleased that you plucked up the courage to comment, I look forward to your next comment too, you will be in great company in here, were are all mad, but kind, caring and friendly as well as mad!! XXX

Maria, glad you had a lovely holiday and you came back feeling better than when you left.  You'll soon lose the 5lb you 'found' on holiday πŸ˜‰ teehee !!!XXX

Lynda, what are you like, more pills, I bet you sound like a maraca when you wiggle your bum !!! Hahaha, hope your poorlys heal up soon XXX

Pat I am sorry to hear your cough has flared up again, I hope you are feeling better today than you did when we spoke last night XXX

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    BRENDA- a Beautiful Birthday Card for Ciara and I just know how much she will have loved it. Yes the theme really says CIARA with all her crafty stuff around her.

    MARIA-pleased to see you back in the CafΓ© safe and sound and that you had a lovely holiday. I have to say that I too am so much better when I'm here in a different climate than the UK (the house next door is still empty hehehe).

    MICHELE- I hope all went well yesterday and that you had some support from your line manager. We'll still be with you today.

    Well we had our first full day without rain yesterday. The temps were in the upper 20s which are manageable so now all we need is a few dry and warm days to dry out the grass which is in desperate need of cutting and the roses need dead heading etc

    I see that the CAFE SIGN IS LIGHT so everything must be ready for you all to pop in even if it's only for a few minutes.
    HUGE HUGS to you all for today.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hope the rain stays off today so you can get out into the garden and get those roses dead headed.
      Enjoy your

    2. Hi Janet hope the sun shines all day for you so you get the roses dead headed. Enjoy your day sending sunny ☀️ happy Hug's xx

    3. Thank you Janet, this really was a 'must have stamp, it is her to a tee!
      Pleased the rain has now passed. Poor Jim must have found it so frustrating not being able to get outside. Both you and I wouldn't have this problem...... Craft room here we come! xx

    4. Hi Janet, spoke to Sandra about the place next door as a craft retreat spot. Wonder if the 5lb I found on holiday will be enough Lol Have a nice day xx

    5. Hi I'm with Maria on that one, would have to blag a lift as no licence yet.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-gorgeous card, I love the image you have used.

    Yesterday was a busy day which kept me occupied. I was finally contacted by the Union & I meet with someone on Thursday. My line manager is livid that someone has complained about me being on the interview panel & says she's going to find out who it was and speak to them-I won't hold my breath through!
    Watched 3 episodes of Law & Order last night then read my book trying to keep busy as I just keep going over & over things. Couldn't even finish my tea as I feel physically sick all the time . Heh Ho-another day to look forward to!!


    1. Hi Michele
      Well I'd certainly follow it up to see if your line manager has spoken to the person who complained. If she's any kind of boss she should do what she says she going to. Hopefully all this stupidity will get sorted out sooner rather that later. I hope there's not an atmosphere at work as that can have an adverse effect on you as well.
      Gentle hugs are on the way.

    2. I do feel for you MICHELE At least it seems your line manager is on your side That's a start I Would be tempted to check in with her in a couple of days I hope you can relax a bit today

    3. Hi Michele. So sorry the problem isn't yet resolved. I do hope your manager follows up on her promise to speak to the nasty person who complained. This problem will have an adverse affect on all of working together and I so hope for your peace of mind it's sorted out quickly. Hugs xxx

    4. Hi Michele hope you have a better day & your manager speaks to the horrible person who complained like she promised. Chin up remember you haven't done anything wrong. Hug's xx

    5. Thank you Michele, it is a lovely stamp. The image shows up very well, I have to confess I made the mistake of using Watercolour paper, hence to waves on the paper. But Ciara liked it, that's what mattered. I hope you have the continued support from your line manager and this issue is resolved for the better of the department. I was thinking about you yesterday and praying all would be well. I used to hate a bad atmosphere at work, it always seems so unnecessary, if only people would say what's on their mind, instead they go winging behind your back, so much bad feeling could be avoided. .... Sorry to go on! ..... Thinking about you and wishing for a peaceful outcome xx

    6. Hi Michele, hope today has been better, there always some jealous person trying to make trouble in most places.

    7. Hi Michele, really hope your manager do following up what happened and this is soon cleared up. It's horrible when the atmosphere at work is no good. Thinking of you and hope all goes well xx

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Just a quick visit before we're off to the hospital. So I'll call in later.
    A belated birthday wishes to Cairo. Love the card you made for her Brenda. I hope she enjoyed her day.
    Michele I hope yesterday's day wasn't to traumatic for you and the matter has been resolved.
    Saw the Dr yesterday re my coughing which hasn't gone away at all. He's upped my Omeprosole to see if that helps. I'd already made an appointment with my own dr for the 14th so will go back then for a review. Didn't help that last night I coughed so much I was sick. My, was I in a mess. I hope it doesn't happen again as it really came out of the blue.

    1. Oh Pat I'm sorry to hear that the cough is no better and taking its toll Take care hun

    2. Oh Pat, this cough has been going on for far too long. Hopefully upping the dose of Omeprosole will do the trick.
      Good luck at the hospital today. Hugsxxx

    3. Hi pat.
      Ur having an awful time with this cough.
      Although I thought omeprazole was for tummy issues with excess acid as that's what I take it for lol must have different uses lol x

    4. Hi Pat, I've just read Tracy ' s comment and I also take this tablet for tummy probs. Interesting that it's good for other things as well. Xxx

    5. Hi Pat
      Sorry your cough isn't any better & making you sick. Hope the extra tablets help you. Hope Pete's hospital appointment goes well &Not waiting around to long Hug's on there way.xx

    6. Thank you Pat.
      Dear friend what are we going to do with you. This cough has been with you far to long. I hope you have some relief from the tablets. You have been so busy looking after everyone else and neglecting yourself. Now that is just not on. PLEASE TAKE CARE xx

    7. Oh Pat, so hope the meds. will work for you. This cough has gone on far too long. I'm taking the Omeprazole too for the tummy. This morning my OH told me they apparently are no good to take reading from the Mail, will take that with a pinch of salt as Son saying you can't believe anything they writing. Take care Pat xx

    8. Hi Ladies
      I take mine for reflux, indigestion issues so I'm assuming that to do with the stomach. The acid causes my Barrett's which could also have a bearing on my cough apparently. I'm due an endoscopy this year sometime. It was late 2 years ago so I haven't a clue when I'll have it this year.

    What a beautiful card BRENDA and is just perfect for the young lady
    Today will be busy at work Today we have an event where all of the departments in community health showcase their work advertising what services we can provide i.e in our case reports that help budgeting etc
    I feel like a bit of a spare part in these scenarios because I'm a lowly admin officer and not an analyst Wevall work hard at these occasions but at least we're away from the office for a time
    See you later xx

    1. Hope today goes well and you enjoy your time away from the office. Xxx

    2. Hi Karen hope you enjoy your time away from your desk. Hope all goes well Hug's xx

    3. Hello Karen and THANK YOU. This was the perfect stamp for her. xx

    4. Hope today goes alright Karen, nice not sitting at the desk all day, hugs xx

    5. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your day away from the office.

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Happy belated birthday Ciara. Hope you had a lovely day. Beautiful card Brenda and so apt for an budding crafter. Bet she loved

    Maria, lovely to see you back. Glad you had a good holiday and lots of R+R has done you good. You'll get that weight off in no time. Xxx

    Lynda sorry youre on more anti biotics but so hope they do the

    Lynn's calling for me shortly and we're off shopping at Iceland and also getting a stock of cat food and dog biscuits for while we're away this weekend and Pauls in charge. I think we're going for a cheap Chinese lunch as well then I'm going to make this week's cc.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs to all. Xxx

    1. Hi Val thank you yes more tablets I rattle when I walk πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ enjoy your shopping & Have a nice lunch with Lynn Hope you get the CC finished Hug's xx

    2. Hello Val, Thank you very much. Hope you get all of the shopping and then you can start packing, do you come over with a shopping list? xx

    3. Thanks Val, yes the week in the sun did me feel more alive :-) Where do you stay this time in the UK ? Have a nice lunch xx

    4. Hi Val enjoy your shopping and your lunch with Lynn later.

    5. Hi ladies, I'm coming over with an empty case (apart from ciggies and whisky for Barrie) and a long list. We're flying into Manchester but staying on the Wirral. It's where we used to live so know where all the shops are.
      Just in the middle of making my cc.
      Enjoy your day everyone. Xxx

  6. Morning ladie

    Love the card it's so pretty. I do really like that colour of card too. A wet day today and o canny be bothered doing anything so maybe I won't lol.
    The thought of going back to work next week is playing on my mind. I just don't wanna go. Maybe once fri is over and I've visited dads grave for the anniversary I might feel better.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day xx

    1. Hi Tracy sending you BIG HUG'S Have a good day doing nothing.
      Will be with you holding your hand on Friday xxx

    2. Hi Tracey, Thank you very much. I'm sure you are not looking forward to returning to work. We have enjoyed the times you have popped into the CafΓ©. We will be with you when you return to work, if only in spirit, please take care and make sure no one leaves any boxes for you to trip over. LOL xx

    3. Hi Tracy, have a nice day doing nothing at all. We all need that sometimes. You be fine as soon you get back to work, will be thinking of you and sending some extra hugs. Saw your A4 cards yesterday, both are great. Not easy to make such big ones , you did well there xx

    4. Hi Tracey
      Well I'll be with you in spirit when you go back to work. I hope the day won't be busy for you.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    πŸŽ‰Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY CIARA. I hope you had a lovely birthday with lots of new crafty goodies. I bet you loved your crafty birthday card, it is gorgeous and perfect for you πŸŽ‰
    Lynda, it sounds like you had a lovely birthday with most of the family. Sorry that Alfie wasn't allowed to join you though x
    Im not sure if I did actually comment or not yesterday (bit doped up on pain meds πŸ˜•) but I love this weeks challenge and card.
    And I need to add my thanks to Paul for 32 years of helping to keep our country safe. I agree with Janet's words to you Paul.
    I want to echo Janet's words to you Paul on your retirement from the RAF and to add my thanks. Enjoy some r&r, you certainly deserve it x
    Maria, I'm so glad that you feel much better, fingers crossed that it stays that way x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue sorry your in a lot of pain & taking extra meds.
      Yes thank you I had a lovely birthday. Take care Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Thank you Sue, I will pass on your wishes to Ciara.
      As I said before her wish list was mostly cooking utensils. Her Mum cooks because she has to, Ciara cooks with passion. xx

    3. Hi Sue, sorry you have to take more meds. but some day's it is the only thing. Watched a documentary with Son yesterday about healthier living and to reduce all meat, fish and chicken in your diet. I could not become a Vegan like him but will try to reduce the meat intake to see if the pain gets any less and not just with pill popping. The Co-codomol tho have made me go less, if you know what I mean so bought some prunes to see if they will help Lol gentle hugs xx

  8. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Brenda love your card for Ciara it's lovely I bet she loved it.
    Going round Margaret's this morning for few hours. She made me a lovely book folding book "BEST FRIEND " it's really beautifully decorated.
    I have commented on the way down so I better get a wiggle on. Pop in later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thank you Lynda, yes she did. Hope you are starting to feel better, can't believe half of what's been happening with you lately. Has Terry removed the bubble wrap yet?
      Like the sound of the book Margaret gave you. If it's not to late sat 'hello' to her from me. xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      I hope your feeling much better today.

    3. Hi Lynda, hope you starting to feel more yourself and the crusty bits are coming off. You got to take care ! Glad you had a nice birthday. hugs xx

    4. Hi Brenda Terry took the bubble Wrap off for Sunday but then he's put it back πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Glad Ciara hand a nice birthday & she will love her party next weekend. She sounds a lovely young lady.
      Love Lynda xx

    5. Hi Pat thanks just feel worn out with one thing after another. Hope you get your cough sorted soon. Take care Hug's for you & Pete.
      Love Lynda xx

    6. Hi Maria still got crusty bits on my lip feel horrible when I go out. People starring. But hay ho. Pleased your knee is bit better your holiday did you good . Love & many Hug's xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and all,

    What a surprise I had when I looked in today, I wasn't expecting to see Ciara's birthday card looking at me! This stamp was one of the three I bought last week, I just had to get it, it really is so Ciara. It's from Stampingbella the Uptown Girls Collection. The other two stamps are the same company from the Tiny Townie Collection, both are equally cute. Yes and Ciara did love it. Her birthday was a bit low key as the family had been to a friends 50th birthday the previous evening also her brother was going on a school trip to Barcelona at 4am Monday morning. But she will not miss out she is having a party this coming weekend, it just make the birthday last longer. John and I popped over to give her her birthday present. Most of her wish list was for cooking utensils, she just loves cooking. Mum (our daughter) lets her have the run for the kitchen, bless her she is so confident, but will ask for help, but only if she has to.

    Hope everyone has a good day, me I have a hospital appointment this afternoon, so not going to be able to do much else. I always prefer my appointments first thing, then at least I have the rest of the day to do my own thing.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda I love your stamp on Ciara's card it's so sweet.
      Hope hospital went ok. Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hi Brenda
    How lovely that Caira gets to prolong her birthday. I'm glad that she liked her card. As you say it was just her.

    1. Hi Brenda, I love the card you made for Ciara, it is so sweet and so her. Hope she will have a nice party weekend. Hope all goes well at the hospital. Many hugs xx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Cloudy day here and feeling a chill. Doing some gardening but not thinking of doing much else.
    Did you see Sandra that the place next to Janet is still available ? :-)
    Hi Lesley- welcome to the cafe', hope to see you again x
    Have comment on the way down so just will wish you all a nice day. Love and hugs, Maria Xoxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Perhaps we can all club together and put an offer in.

  12. Margaret Palmer4 July 2017 at 16:31

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for email will answer later. Thank you for showing Brenda's lovely card for Ciara.xx
    Ciara belated happy birthday enjoy your party next weekend, thank you Brenda it is a perfect card for Ciara.xx
    Lynda & Pat sorry you are both still suffering, hope your meds kick in soon, healing hugs on
    Trying to get inspiration for cc but not much luck at moment.
    Sending hugs to all who need them lobe

    1. Hi Margaret still waiting for antibiotics to kick in hopefully soon
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Margaret
      I hope they do the trick but I'm not holding my breath after all this time.

  13. Hello Everyone, warm and muggy here today.
    Brenda love your card for Ciara, hope she has a lovely party.
    Lynda and Pat, hope you will soon be on the mend.

    Had to go for my echocardiogram this morning, hate that sticky gel. Very nice lady, seems to be a private company working for nhs. All seems fine, still have a leaky valve but no worse so that's good. O/H away so had to have a taxi, 9mins journey £10 !!!!! Long time since I have used taxi, have to go hospital tomorrow to have an r-test monitor fitted to wear for a week, all this trying to find out what happened when I had my accident last Feb. Much as I hated driving do miss the convenience of driving.
    Not much doing today, mostly watching the tennis from Wimbledon.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian what a rip off £10 for a 9 min journey.
      Hope appointment's goes well tomorrow
      Take care Hug's xx

    2. Hope all goes alright tomorrow at the hospital. Reg. the place next to Janet,I think it would be perfect. We talked about it some time ago, do you remember. Have to hitch a lift too as I'm not driving. we can always fantasise and dream can't we Lol

  14. Hi Lilian
    I do hope they get to the bottom of your accident soon.
