
Monday 3 July 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge card

The sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

Well that's it, Paul has finished his last shift, he has served his country for 32 years, so he deserves a bit of a break I think, he has not taken any leave for months so he has time to relax before starting something new. They have to have a medical before they are discharged and Paul said when he walked into the doctors office she was laughing, he asked her why and she told him that in her whole  career she had never seen a medical record like his, she went on to explain how unusual it is to see only 2 doctor visits in 32 years!, He is a stubborn old bugger and doesn't like taking tablets, or admitting that he feels unwell.  I am so very proud of him. 

I have returned to the traditional sketch this week, I thought that this one was different, yet simple to follow.
I hope that you all like it too.

My card was made using Tranquil Tide card for the base card, t
'Whole lot of Lovely' designer paper, then I used Falling Flowers Stamp and die set to create the flowers and embellishments. Oh and there is a Doily peeking out behind the flowers too. With Pool Party and Daffodil Delight accent colour cards.
I hope it gives you a little inspiration. 

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, especially our Birthday girl Lynda, it sounds like you had a lovely day XXX

Michele we will ALL be standing with you today, I know how sick you are feeling from nerves.  Remember that you have done absolutely nothing wrong so have no need to worry, hopefully it will get sorted today so that you can relax a little. I am sending you the biggest, squishiest huggle ever xxxxx

Love and hugs to all of you 



  1. Morning Everyone
    A lovely sketch for this week's Challenge - thank you Sandra and a beautiful card to start the week.

    PAUL- CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR RETIREMENT FOR HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE. I want to say a BIG BIG THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR YEAR'S HELPING TO PROTECT OUR COUNTRY AND WE WHO LIVE WITHIN IT'S SHORES. We really do not say that enough. We get on with our lives doing what we want and really never give thought to all people who are protecting us on a daily basis whatever SERVICE they are in until something happens to make us stop and see.
    Have a wonderful retirement with your beautiful Family (I know you are really too YOUNG to Retire but hehehe) and all best wishes for a continued healthy life.

    At long last we can see some blue sky this morning and at the moment it's dry. I want it to stay like this as I've a load of washing waiting to be put out on the line. After that who knows I just might have a play at my Crafting Table unless I get distracted by something in the

    Marigny Dobbie has the OPEN sign on the door so it looks as though everything is ready for you all.
    Have a really good Monday. Hugs are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope your able to enjoy your sunshine today.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-interesting sketch & a gorgeous card today.
    Please pass on my congratulations to Paul. 32 years in one job is fantastic and the fact he has served his country for that long is amazing. I hope he has a nice break before he needs to start searching for a new role.

    Can I just say a massive Thank You for all your positive comments, I'm very apprehensive about going in to work this morning. Hopefully I'll be able to see my line manager (the chocolate teapot) first thing do I can find out a) what I've been accused of and b) how we can resolve this problem.

    Thanks again Ladies, you've all been very supportive.
    Sandra-thanks for putting up with my long, moaning messages!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope today wasn't to traumatic for you, and that everything's been resolved without to much hassle. Hopefully common sense prevails.

    2. Hi Michele, hope your day went well and everything got sorted out.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS PAUL Like JANET I just want to say a huge THANK YOU too Not only serving the nation but you helped reassure me when my daughter was stranded in Egypt too
    Good luck MICHELE We're all with you
    This week's challenge looks interesting Will have a think later
    I'm meeting an old school friend for lunch today So I'm really looking forward to that
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you enjoyed you lunch with your friend.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Lovely card Sandra.
    A big congratulations to Paul on his retirement!! I know what u mean tho about the drs visits my hubby is like that too lol. I hope that he will find something he enjoys to do and enjoys the rest of life and what it brings.

    Michelle thinking of u today sweetie. Hope all goes ok x

    Love to all xx

  5. Morning Sandra and all,

    What a beautiful card to start off the week Sandra. Great sketch as well.
    Congratulation's Paul on your retirement. 32 years is an amazing feat. I want to reiterate what Janet says and thank you and all servicemen for protecting us so well. They normally just get on with their job and it's not until some incident occurs do we realise just how much they're needed and how much we rely on them. Hope you can now have a lovely break until you find another suitable

    MICHELE finger crossed that after speaking to your line manager today everything will be resolved and you can stop worrying. Thinking of you. Hugs xxx

    Pip my window cleaner has just arrived. Better go and put the kettle on. A day of doing nothing today. How lovely.

    LYNDA.glad you had such a lovely birthday with your family and got lots of goodies. Xx

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val thank you yes I had a lovely birthday day with my two children & two gorgeous grandsons SIL &DIL
      Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra
    I look at your Blog nearly every day and am a great admirer of your beautiful cards. Just had to comment this morning on this striking card, I love it!
    Lesley S x
    Ps wishing your husband a long and happy retirement!

    1. Welcome Lesley to the friendliest cafe & blog, & all the food is calorie free. Look forward to seeing you again.xx

    2. Hello Lesley, So lovely to see you 'pop' into the café. xxx

    3. Hello Lesley. Lovely to see you in the cafe today. Hope we see you in again.

    4. Hi Lesley, great to see you ,pop in again soon

    5. Hi Lesley welcome lovely to see you today hope you pop in again.xx

  7. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    I'm still trying to catch up with what have happened this last week but thought I pop in to say Hi before reading anymore.
    I wish the girls good luck in their last exams, sure they can't wait for a nice summer. Also Good Luck to Paul and Congrats to his retirement from the services. Glad Matt is getting some help at last. Hope your mum had a lovely Birthday but what a horrid journey for you. I have loved all the cards that being shown, very interesting to see you 12x12. Glad you had a good weekend and Welcome to Danielle to our little cafe' !
    Lilian- hope you had a fun time at the Crafty Devils and a few days away. Misprint sometimes do make me laugh (pup cooking the dinner Lol)
    Sue- hope you have a nice time in Devon ? you might be back but haven't got to that yet hihi
    Pat- thinking of you and sending hugs to you both.
    Michele- not sure what happened but sending you hugs and support for a day that hopefully won't be too bad.
    Karen- have a nice lunch with your friend.
    Hope our Birthday girl Lynda had a fabulous day! Glad the card got to you. Two others we sent to same address on the same day have not turned up.
    Janet- I could do with some of our blue sky today but it doesn't look likely so washing will be hanged indoors. Have a nice day.
    Nice to see Laura in the cafe', hope you be back soon and to anyone looking in, do pop in and say Hello.
    Flying out with a walking stick and pain level 8 or more and coming back without the stick and around level 2 is pretty good, just wished we stayed longer (I'm still looking for that little finca with a pool somewhere) Had a lovely time just lazing around the pool,swimming, reading, drinking (water and coffee's ) and eating (5lb on,oops lol) Now back to reality so going shopping soon and machine nr two is going on.
    See you later. Have a nice day everyone ! Many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm glad you had a lovely rested holiday. Hope the knee is holding up. Never mind the 5lbs, I expect that will come off once you start walking.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely challenge this week, your card is beautiful.
    Please pass on my best wishes to Paul & will second what Janet said, thank
    Michele hope today is not too bad, we are there with you hugs on
    Maria pleased to hear holiday did you good sounds perfect, you will soon lose the 5lbs. Lovely to have you in cafe
    Lynda glad you had a lovely family day, take
    Must get on taking friend to Dr. after lunch & want to get jobs out of way first.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and all,

    Firstly I must say well done Paul LOL .... 32 years serving Queen and Country, that is some achievement. I also say ditto to everything Janet has said, we are and you should be very proud of yourself. Not forgetting the roll Sandra and the family have played in supporting Paul, it isn't always easy when you are married to someone in the services, your other half can be whisked away to another country at short notice. You are both blessed with a lovely supportive other half, I wish you and the family all the luck in the world for whatever the future holds for you. XX

    Like the challenge Sandra, I'm thinking, with so many cards to make between now and August 13th I could make the CC as one off my list.

    I noticed we have a new young lady in the Café today, welcome LESLEY S. it lovely you found time to say hello, please stop by again soon.

    LYNDA sounds like you had a super birthday, shame about Alfie not being allowed to come. I'm sure he was thinking of you.xx

    MARIA, your holiday sounds lovely, just what the doctor ordered. Don't worry about those few extra pounds will soon walk them off now you're back home xx

    Today is fast running away from me, I was awake just after five this morning, at some point must've drifted off to sleep again, when I woke up it was 8.45.

    Time to get on, One line of washing out and almost dry, this afternoon I might have time to do a little bit of weeding or should I go to the craft room ......... decisions, decisions.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Hugs Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies. I agree with everything the ladies have written Paul. Congratulations on finishing your long service for Queen and country, I hope you have a rest now before you start working again.
    Love today's card Sandra.
    Saw the Dr this morning re my cough, phlegm and sore throats. He's recommended that I double up on my medication and some cream for my psoriasis which now has aorribke lump in the middle of my hand. I see how I go with this and still see my own Dr on the 14th July.

  11. Hi Lynda
    I'm glad you had a lovely day for your birthday. Also a shame the Alfie wasn't able to make it. I'm not to sure whether his Mum can cancel his visit just on a whim. We had the same problem with Karen and Craig. If the visits are sanctioned through the courts she certainly can't and would get into trouble if reported. Speak to him about ut when you next see him.

  12. Hello All, not much of a day here, rain this morning.

    Congratulations to Paul on his fabulous service to Queen and Country, I also echo Janet's comments.

    Sandra lovely card and interesting sketch.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope the rain subsides soon for you.

  13. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love your card today Sandra & sketch looks interesting. Congratulations Paul for serving his Queen & country for the last 23 years enjoy your retirement for a while with your family before looking for a new job.
    My comment this morning looks like it's been pinched again from the cyber clan☹️.
    Michele I hope you got things sorted at work today was thinking of you.Hug's x
    MARIA glad you enjoyed your holiday & its helped the pain in your leg Hug's xx
    I went to the doctors this morning as my lip & toe looked infected so I have a course of antibiotics. Went for our walk again up the park it was lovely & warm
    & nice sitting with our tea & coffee just people watching for an hour or so.
    Well time for my antibiotics. Hopefully this will stay published
    Love Lynda xx
