
Sunday 2 July 2017

Your Challenge cards

My Challenge Card

Happy Birthday Lynda

Have a lovely Day 

Good Morning Ladies,

It's Sunday again and that means it's time to look at your amazing Challenge cards but before that I would like you to join me in wishing our lovely Lynda a very Happy 70th Birthday !!!!
I hope you have a lovely day with your family celebrating your very special birthday. XXXXX

Now onto your cards......


I decided to make a thank you card to send to the couple that held a BBQ (I'm trying to remember hee hee) I found an image of dancers on Google and it had all of the colours for the challenge
The "Thank You" was cut on ScanNCut in white, pale blue and navy- looks black in the photo!

 I found this paper in my stash from a kit I bought from Lidl and did a little happy dance when I saw the "circles" of red and blue hearts So on this one I "copied" the sketch using SW New Arrivals die I can't remember where the EF is from It was el cheapo at AP!
Thanks Karen for taking part .


Val's card is perfect for a teenage boy, I love that Embossed background, it works perfectly with the style of your card.  Thank you so much for taking part.


Margaret I absolutely love your card this week, you have created a beautiful background, perfectly finished with your Happy Birthday die cut and pretty bow.
Thank you for taking part.


Janet, you have been a busy girl this week, 4 amazing cards, it's impossible to choose a favourite, I love them all, the first card is just beautiful, I love the 'Art Deco' style is just gorgeous.  The second and third cards are fantastic Christmas cards, the fourth is such a pretty card too, that Teapot and Teacup are so detailed.  Thank you so much for taking part Janet.  


Lilian, omg, Such a stunning card, I imagine it's s view that you see often, I love the 'sea effect' you have achieved with your inks,  can I ask how you achieved it ???  Such a perfect Summer card.  Thank you so much for taking part.


Michele found a free card kit that fit our Challenge perfectly and just look what a fantastic card she created with it, I am loving all of the 'Nautical' themed cards this week.  Thank you so much for taking part Michele.


Our birthday girl has managed two cards this week, both cards are fantastic, I think that Lynda has created the backgrounds to both of today's cards, the first card Lynda had embellished with a beautiful handmade flower, the second with a pretty butterfly. Thank you so much for taking part this week Lynda, have a wonderful day !

Well ladies, what can I say ?! You are all amazing, another fantastic display of cards, every one completely different. 

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday, especially our lovely birthday girl. 

Love and hugs to all Of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHERDAY LYNDA- have a wonderful day with those who love you.

    This week's CCs are just beautiful and the display board is packed with thoughts of the wonderful Sea.
    I'm always so pleased that we don't have to choose a favourite as I never can. I think 'this one' then of course change my mind over the day many times.

    Yesterday was a complete WASH OUT. the rain from Friday continued through the night and all day. The water butts are overflowing and everything is soaked through. Its not doing the tomatoes any good as they're not ripening like they should. We have a little blue in the sky this morning and it's a little brighter but still no sunshine.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
    Extra HUGS on their way to MICHELE. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and the rest of the week.

    I see the CAFE door is open so pop in to have a peek at display board and help yourselves to a cup of coffee/tea with a little refreshment too.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Thank you very much for your kind birthday wish.
      I would like to thank you for your beautiful card love it Hug's
      Love Lynda xx

  2. Morning Sandra and everyone.

    HAPPY 70 th BIRTHDAY LYNDA. May it be everything you wish for.

    Lovely selection of cards this week ladies. As usual you've excelled yourselves. WOW Janet youre definitely the star this week coming up with 4 lovely cards.

    Nothing much doing today. Off to the Sunday Market shortly then see what happens for the rest of the time.

    MICHELE good luck for tomorrow. Well be there standing beside you. Xxx

    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Thank you for your kind birthday wish
      A big thank you for your lovely card too love it.
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Happy 70th Birthday Lynda-hope you have a wonderful day.

    Lovely collection of challenge cards today. Mine was made in a hurry as I hadn't felt like crafting all week and hubby wanted to do some gardening yesterday afternoon. Think he was trying to keep me busy! We just finished around 5pm when it started raining so that was well timed.

    Once I've done the homework etc I think we're going to have a walk down to the beach-it's sunny but breezy here today.


    1. Hi Michele
      Thank you so much for your birthday wishes & your gorgeous card I opened this morning.i love lt.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. You've done it again ladies Beautiful cards Now I can see why the nautical themes Duh! The colours are perfect for seaside ideas! They're all my favourites
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNDA Enjoy your day
    I hope your friend is doing OK LILIAN
    I hope it all calms down at work for you next week MICHELE
    I didn't get to my craft room as planned yesterday The mojo decided to walk out the front door and got invited out by daughter to go to a sort of a fete Wasn't going to turn down seeing Oscar was I!
    Might try again later Going to watch Sue W Perhaps she'll provide a bit of inspiration that I can use with my "old" dies
    Beautiful sunshine here but looks a bit breezy Home alone, so I may go for a walk in a bit

    1. Hi Karen thank you so much for your gorgeous card & lovely birthday wishes
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Lynda wishing you a very Happy Birthday enjoy your
    Sandra once again a lovely selection of cards. I love doing random stamping, especially with the Stampin Up ones you get a lovely selection with each set, thank you for introducing me to
    Michele will be thinking of you tomorrow, a walk to beach sounds lovely, hugs on
    Lilian hope your friend is doing ok & your knee improving, hugs on
    Out to friends for coffee this morning so must get on, sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello Margaret sorry my first comment disappeared.
      Thank you for your lovely birthday wishes & gorgeous card I opened this morning
      Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello All, dry but cloudy.

    Firstly, MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY LYNDA, hope it's a memorable one. Have a lovely day.

    A beautiful lot of cards again, well done Janet on doing so many.

    Not much on today, might do a bit of gardening this afternoon, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Thank you Lillian for your birthday wishes & your lovely card
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. The Car display boards look wonderful with so many beautiful CCs. There is something for everyone. Thank you all 😊
    Janet, I hope the sun comes out for you today. It is out here with a nice breeze so a day in the garden 😊 after doing some food shopping 😔
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. The Car display boards look wonderful with so many beautiful CCs. There is something for everyone. Thank you all 😊
    Janet, I hope the sun comes out for you today. It is out here with a nice breeze so a day in the garden 😊 after doing some food shopping 😔
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY LYNDA hope you have a great day being spoilt by all of your family xx

    Thank you Sandra for another WOW Sunday, ladies your cards are amazing, I love them all. Each one a work of art and all so different. We are so blessed to have so much inspiration on this blog. JANET, four cards, you are certainly star of the week. xx

    MICHELE, thinking of you and praying your week goes smoothly. Remember you are only doing your job. Hold your head high, don't let the b.....s get to you xx
    Time to get a wiggle on, whatever you are doing I hope you have a lovely day.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda thank you for your lovely birthday wishes & your lovely card
      Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    More fabulous cards this week all beautiful in their own special ways. My favourite this week is Janet's teapot n tea cup. That's so cute n pretty love it!!

    Lynda--- happy biiiig birthday ma wee pal. I hope ur surviving the excitement and that terry has undone ur bubble wrap for the day to enjoy urself lol! Hope u get loadsa great goodys xxx

    1. Hi Tracy thank you had A lovely day at my daughters with my two grandsons Harry youngest & Joseph eldest . My son Sam & Ian.
      Shattered now. Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra ladies and especially Lynda
    Hi Zlynda
    I hope your having a fabulous day with your family on your 70th Birthday our special friend.
    A lovely selection of cards today. Especially love Vals sea scape card. You did a much better card than me. I'll have to do an inked background on mine.
    Had a lovely barbecue yesterday for Doreen's 21st. Doreen stayed last night. We went out for lunch today as usual then went and sat along the Canal at Thrupp as it was so nice. Can home at 5.30. On the outskirts of Witney we saw a lot of trotting horses with small carts behind them. Must have been about 30 in all, a lovely sight going along the high street up towards the road leading towards Wood Green school. Pulled into a field just outside the Witney boundary before you turn off onto the road that leads towards North Leigh.

    1. Hi Pat thank you
      I had a brilliant day at Lisa's lovely having my eldest & youngest grandsons together but shame Alfie wasn't aloud to come his evil mother stopped Darren's visit again GRRR. Had some lovely gifts & lots of flowers . Only been home about half an hour a go.
      So bit shattered now. It takes hour n half to get home..
      Love ZLynda 😂😂😂😂 xx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous selection of cards - love them :-)
    Happy Birthday Lynda, hope you've had a lovely day xx
    Busy day here for us today, been celebrating with the family for Luke's 18th tomorrow :-) Hope everyone had a good day. Love and hugs to all xxx

  13. Hello Sandra thank you so much for your kind birthday wishes & with your gorgeous card I love it I wish mine came out like it did something wrong will try again though. Thank Paul I received it on Saturday & thank him for posting it.xx
    I had a brilliant day at Lisa's & Ian's she done me proud we had a lovely dinner & a birthday cake Darren Sam & Harry also came so had my oldest grandson & youngest grandson but sadly no Alfie his evil mother stopped Darren's visit again. Lisa made a lovely dinner & a Birthday cake lots of flowers so very full. We got home about 10.30pm so shattered. About an hour n half away.
    I would like to thank everyone for my gorgeous cards from you all.
    What a lovely selection of gorgeous CC this morning the café boards are bursting with lovelyness.
    I will say goodnight as I'm ready for my bed Terry is 😴😴💤💤
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
