
Saturday 1 July 2017

Mixed up Saturday/Michele's Magazine review

Good Morning Ladies,

As promised we have Michele's magazine review, a new feature that we will hopefully have every month, after this first one we will schedule the post so that all of the magazines are still available.
I would like to thank Michele for taking the time to write this review, at least she has a good excuse to go and buy them all now!! I actually remember you going to buy the first 'Diecutting' magazine Michele and you weren't over keen, I guess its improved since then though, it does have some good freebies though.
So here is Michele's review.......

Papercraft Inspirations-fee gift is a set of stamps, embossing folder plus a very small flower Die. In fact it's so small that I rejected about 3 issues in Tesco as I thought it was missing-ha ha!

Making Cards-different to the rest of the bunch. Great quality papers & pretty good stamps.

My favourite magazine-Simply Cards & Papercraft. The free gift is usually Dies/Stamps-this month it's a matching set plus some great digital downloads for anyone that doesn't want to stamp and colour in-like me...!!!!

Cardmaking & Papercraft- stamps, embossing folder & a few papers. Lovely set but not my taste.

Papercraft Essentials (my second favourite) with s great set of Dies & stamps.

Diecutting Essentials-got a subscription as a gift. The Dies look really useful and will work well with previous sets of Dies. This is turning into a favourite as I just love die cutting!

Quick Cards Made Easy-stamps with papers and sentiments as a free gift. Lovely but again, not my taste.

This is a card I have made with one of the free gifts-the nesting dolls from Simply Cards & Papercraft. I printed out 2 sets of the Dolls, cut them all out then diecut two in plain card. Made a pop up box card and covered the 3 flaps plus the long piece at the back.

Added the dolls to strips of a acetate, all at different heights.

I made one doll hinged by using a tiny brad and added a baby behind her!

This is the back panel & I've written on it as I'm using it for my crazy friends birthday card.

See you all again next month with my magazine review.

Love Michele

Thanks so much Michele, I am looking forward to next month's edition already.

Ladies if any of you have craft shopping to share with everyone please send me a photo, I have a couple already and would like to have a full post.

I bought some 'Foamiran' so I can have a go at making some flowers, watch this space for the results, thanks Val for inspiring me xxx

Hoping to get some videoing done today, plus I still need to make a challenge card!! oops!

Have a lovely day everyone,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    Thank you MICHELE for your review of mags. I don't seem to have a picture of your card of Nesting Dolls. Is there something I have to do to get it please.

    I bought the 'Papercraft Inspirations' mag on my way down to Dover. I agree that the die is very small and as yet I haven't used it. I have to confess that I very rarely buy crafting mags as I find them so expensive and I'm not usually inspired by the articles. Looking forward to your next review.

    Well our trip to market yesterday was horrible. We had rain rain and yet more rain and we both finished up soaking wet through. We did get to the cake shop so here are this week's treat. I have to say we were very conventional this week.

    Jim had a Mille-feuille - layers of puff pastry with layers of confectioners' custard and the top layer finished with a coating of icing sugar

    I had a variation of that - Mille-feuille with Chantilly Cream and Strawberries. This was layers of puff pastry with cream on each layer and strawberries hidden in the cream. Again the finishing touch was a dusting of icing sugar with a strawberry on top.

    Both were delicious and I have to say that it's a good thing that we only have these treats once a week. I would hate to think of how many calories there are in these beautiful pastries.

    We have another very dull and wet start to the day but the forecast is for the day to get brighter and some sun to return tomorrow.

    Have a good week-end and I hope all plans go ahead and the weather doesn't spoil.

    I see the CAFE sign is saying open so no doubt Marigny Dobbie will be busy. I've sent extra provisions for the week-end - the usual breakfast croissants etc and cream muffins for this afternoon.

    HUGS for you all are on their way. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      My word your pastry treats do make my mouth water. It's a shame that your weather is a bit like ours at the moment. It should be sunny so you both can sit in your amazing garden.

    2. Hi Janet. Your cakes sound delicious, I would choose yours this week, puff pastry, strawberries and cream are a mix made in heaven...yum 😊 I'm sorry to hear you both got soaked in your shopping trip to buy them yesterday though. It's dry here, at the moment, but still more rain is forecast. Have a good day whatever you get up to x

  2. Morning Ladies

    I've messaged Sandra -hope she can add the photos then I'll pop back & add my comments.

    Off to the hairdressers at 9.30 then I'll head into my craft room in the hopes it distracts me from the dreadful situation at work. The colleague who isn't speaking to me has now put a complaint in of bullying. I decided this was getting personal so I contacted the Union to ask for advice & a representative during this matter.

    Hopefully crafting will take me to a nicer place this weekend!!


    1. Oh dear Michele, what a pickle and I'm so glad to hear you have contacted your Union. Why do people use the 'bullying accusation' every time they cannot do their job properly? You are her manager and she should do as you ask not whinge and whine then act childish by not speaking to you. That shows an utter lack of respect for her colleague. Chin up girl, we're all behind you. xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I totally agree with everything Cheryl has said. The world would be in turmoil if everyone did as they pleased. Yes, I agree it does sound personal now so it's good you can have the union by your side.

    3. Hi Michele. Hopefully this unpleasant person will be told in no uncertain terms to grow up and get on with her job, after first apologising to you. We are all by your side supporting you through all of this. On a much happier note I must say thank you for a great post. It's interesting to see what's each magazine has and to get some inspiration from you. Your Russian doll pop up box is fabulous, thank you again for taking the time to do this review 😊 I hope you can relax and loose yourself in crafting over the weekend. Big hugs are on the way to you x

    4. Oh how awful for you Michele. There are sadly people in the world who just like to cause trouble but it's horrible when you're on the wrong end of it. I think you've done a wise thing getting the Union so they can hear your point of view.
      Enjoy your trip to the hairdresser and hope you can manage to have a good weekend. Hugs Valxxx

    5. Hi Michele.
      I hope things get better for u at work it's not easy I know. I'm beginning to hate mine with a passion and I never used to be that way. Different circumstances tho lol.
      On a brighter note love what uve done. Simply cards and paper craft is also my favourite one to get. I recently bought the subscription as the chameleon pens were on offer so that particular mag was my first from it. Never made anything tho as usual the bits go in a box for me to use in years to come lol. Although my mom would so love ur box she collects the Russian dolls I have two but I put them away when my pal Mandy comes over as she lives to play with them lol x

    6. Mandy's daughter loves to play with them not Mandy ha ha lol

    7. Hi Michele,
      Thank you so much for the time & effort which you put into review of magazines, I have just stopped having Cardmaking & Papercraft on subscription as I found I did not always read it & decided to buy one if I see one I like,would rather put money to Stampin Up goodies!!! I am so sorry work is soo difficult at the moment please knowing are all here for you, sending gentle

    8. Hi Michele you have my sympathy, I remember when R was office manager, the staff would winge to the union about the smallest telling off.
      Your review of the magazines is great, as I don't go supermarket shopping these days, if I want a mag have to get it mail order, so now I know what they have. I have the die cutting mag with the beetle on it.

  3. Morning Sandra and all,

    Up and out early today as I'm helping Lynn clean an apartment ready for the owners return tomorrow. Not looking forward to it in this heat but with 2 of us doing it , it will be quicker.

    MICHELE many thanks for your detailed review. Sadly I'm not getting and pictures but maybe it's my Tablet. I'll try on Lynn's later.

    JANET your pastries sound delicious as usual and yes I bet they're loaded with calories.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Hugs to all not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Hope the cleaning goes well. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  4. Hiya I can't see/open any photos - sorry It's great to have the revues MICHEYI think that my local newsagents had the Russian doll one and thought who am I actually going to use that for - nobody OMG I'm saddened to hear how you're being treated at work Don't let the b/tards get you down MICHELE
    I hope those of who are on hols are enjoying themselves and relaxing
    I hope you're OK LYNDA I'm sure you're mouth isn't half as bad as you think Have the birthday celebrations started Afterall it's a special one and you need to "milk" It girlfriend!
    Nothing much happening here today I've been plagued all week with a vicious sore throat but it does seem to be easing now A bit of housework and then I ought to tidy a space to start making some Christmas cards Take care all x

    1. Crikey Michele, Christmas cards already. Hope your sore throats improves over the weekend.

    2. WOW Karen, I'm impressed your starting your Christmas cards. Well done you. So glad your sore throat is easing. Enjoy your weekend. Xxx

    3. Hi Karen. I hope you have had a good day and that your sore throat is better still. Don't forget to drink lits of very hot tea, or which ever alcoholic tipple takes your fancy. Either way they should help you feel better 😉 Actually just remembered that alcohol and diabetes don't really go together so maybe just have a small tipple and lots of tea instead. Good luck on getting ready to start your Christmas cards x

    4. Hi KAREN
      Sorry your throat is still sore throat is better soon.
      Wow Christmas cards your very organised
      The scab on my lip was like the size of a apple 😂😂well a bit of a exaggeration but glad it came off but now another scab is growing Grrrr 😭😭😭
      Hug's Lynda xx

      Take care Hug's xx

  5. Hi Ladies,

    Not quite sure what happened with photos, our internet has been playing up for days (Virgin Media) Gggrrrr!!!!
    Hope you can see photos now
    Sorry xxxxxx

  6. Morning Sandra, ladies and Michele.
    Thank you so much for the review of the magazines Michele. Love the pop up box you made using the Russian dolls. I do hope those horrible ladies didn't make you life a misery yesterday as well at work.
    Well, I still have my cough and I always feel like the phlegm build up in the morning is so hard to shift it nearly makes he sick. I know to much information ladies. As they found nothing, only cobblestone like lumps on the left side of it, ( their words not mine ) I haven't a clue what's causing it. Can't see the Dr until the 15th July as I do want to see my own one. Never met her yet and I'd like some cream for my psorias. The steroid one I have is doing nothing at all and I have a crusty lump in the middle of it. Yuk.

  7. Karen, Petes daughter, has just sent us a picture of a hedgehog that has taken up residence in her chickens henhouse. She now has one unhappy chicken.

    1. Hi Pat sorry your still having trouble with your cough it's been a long time now. Sending Huge. HUG'S.
      Cuddles for Karen's unhappy chicken 😂😂xx

  8. Hopefully everyone can now see the magazines & free gifts. I had great fun using the Russian doll set-I used the digital printouts and the Dies to make the pop upcard.
    I'm hoping to use the horse/unicorn set plus the car die soon.

    If anyone has any questions about a particular magazine then feel free to ask.


    1. Hi Michele - Can now see pics thank you so much
      Chin Up Lady we're all with you. Being a Manager is hard work but certainly doesn't deserve the treatment you're getting at the moment. HUGS on their way. xxxx

    2. It will be interesting to see what you do with the horse/unicorn set. I have looked at this mag in the shops as all of the granddaughters and DILs love both but I need some inspiration so I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them 😊 sending you hugs x

  9. Hi all, the cleaning wasn't too bad. We put the air con on and whizzed through the small apartment.
    MICHELE I can see all the lovely photos now.
    I buy Papercraft essentials and Card Making and Papercraft every month but I think the gifts care hit and miss. The mermaid isn't my taste either but I like the fish. My favourite is Making Cards but it's too expensive to get over here. I love the look of this month's free gifts so hopefully I can still get one next weekend when I'm in the UK. Lynn and I are having a quick trip- Friday night to early Monday.Many thanks for all the info. I love your pop up

    PAT so sorry you're still suffering with a nasty cough. Hope the doc can sort you out on

    SANDRA hope you have lots of fun with the FOAMIRAN. Bet you really enjoy

    Bye for now Valxxx

    1. Hi Val how lovely that you can pop backwards and forwards to the uk. I hope you have a lovely weekend and can you please bring some sunshine with you. Yes, I hope the doc can sort my cough out,

    2. Hi Pat. I get really itchy feet if I stay in one place too long. Always been like that., so a weekend away keeps me going as well as being able to shop which is one of the few things I miss with living over here.
      ILL try to bring some sun with me.
      Hope you're having a good weekend Pat. Xxx

    3. Hi Val. I'm glad you and Wendy got the cleaning done quickly. It's been lovely here today, fingers crossed it stays like it now. How nice that you are able to pop back here for a quick visit. Great for stocking up on the craft goodies for you isn't it 😊 x

    4. Hi Val bet next weekend can't come quick enough for you. It good your able to pop over to UK now & then. Where about did you live in U.K. Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Thank you so much Michele for your very helpful magazine reviews. I saw this edition of Card making and Papercraft and thought who would I use that for. Seeing the beautiful result you have achieved maybe if they still have a copy in the shop I will pick it up. I really feel for you with all the problems you're having at work. Pleased you have involve the union, might just make this person realise that you are not going to be bullied by there immature behaviour. Also as manager you are organising things for the benefit of the patients and the department. Hope all is resolved soon. xx Hope your OH got through his interview yesterday, how long before they let him know or does it go to a second round of interviews? .... Fingers crossed for you both. xx

    Sandra good luck with the flower making.

    Lynda, Sorry I didn't realise it was a significant birthday. Anyway ......
    Happy 70th Birthday for tomorrow xx I'm sure your lovely 'Pet' and the family will spoil you xx

    Must go and take a picture of my latest buys and send it to Sandra, I've been good and only bought 3 stamps. Need to go easy on the pennies as July and August we have 5 birthdays and 2 anniversaries!

    Must get a wiggle on, hope you all have a good day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi BRENDA thanks for your birthday wishes.
      Look forward to seeing your new stamps. I have a few new ones as well
      Wow what a lot of cards you have to make Hope you got your mojo
      😂😂 xx

    2. Sorry ment to say Big Hug's love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Brenda
    I look forward to seeing which stamps you've bought.

    1. Oh Brenda looking forward to seeing your

    2. Hi Brenda. I'm looking forward to seeing which stamps you have bought. Goodness me, you have got a lot of celebrations over the next few weeks haven't you! You sound like you are having a quieter day today. You have been busy again haven't you x

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Loving the run down Michele but omg u must spend a fortune every month lol. If I see a msg that interests me I'll buy it. I used to buy loads but then I thought hey wait a minute I could buy a die set with that cash and use Pinterest for ideas lol. So now I just have the simply cards n paper craft on subscription again. I tend to get a year and miss a year lol x depends on the gift offer before I take it out lol x

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a good idea to have Michele do a review, thank you. How annoying for you having problems with the internet, it is when you cannot use you realise how much we rely on it. Hope you have a lovely
    Janet your cakes sounded scrumptious, hope rain has
    Karen sorry to hear you have sore throat hope it goes soon, healing hugs on
    Pat sorry you still have your cough, hope Dr. can
    Lynda hope you are ready for your special birthday joining those of us in our 70's,
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi MARGARET
      Thank you for my birthday wishes. I'm not sure where those 70 years went.xx

    2. Hi Mum. I hope you've had a nice day and have been able to relax. Will ring tomorrow for a chat. Love you xxxx

  14. Hello All, lovely day , been catching up with all the washing and putting everything away.

    My friend at Oxford is in hospital again, and the news is not good, we have been friends for 35 yrs, so am feeling a bit sad.

    I hope everyone has a lovely rest of the weekend.

    Lynda hope your birthday tomorrow is lovely from beginning to end, will be joining you in the seventies in October.

    Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      Sorry to hear about your friend in Oxford, hope she is not suffering too much. Hope you knee is getting easier, hugs on way to

    2. Hi Lilian. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Sending you gentle hugs x

  15. Oh Lilian, so very sorry to hear your good friend is not well. Hope she's as comfortable as she can be. Thinking of you. Valxxx

  16. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sorry late went for our walk up the park then popped into Broadstairs as a spring fair on the green also we sat at the band stand listening to the band &We had a cupper & toasted tea cake. Got home about 5ish just got in & Margaret came round with my birthday present. I said I've already had it last year my Todo
    I will share it with you Tomorrow.& all my goodies ( if I get any )
    MICHELE I love your Magazine review you did an amazing job. I saw the mag with the nesting Dies but wasn't sure if I would use them but your card is stunning so will get one if any left. Look forward to your next review.
    So sorry your situation at work is escalating out of control good for you getting getting advice from the union. Hope you get sorted. Sending Hug's xx
    Hi LILLIAN thanks for your birthday wishes. Sorry your friend is poorly & in hospital sending Hug's xx
    Will have to pop back in as got more comments to read see you later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. I'm sure your scab won't look half as bad on the birthday photos as you think it looks. Enjoy your special day tomorrow, I'm sure you will be spoiled, just as you should be 😊 Hugs on their way to you and that lovely pet of yours x

    2. Hi Sue thank you for your birthday wishes. Looking forward to seeing my Daughter son Joseph & Harry shame not Alfie though our step granddaughters are out with boyfriends growing up fast.
      Glad holiday was good & BIL was better.
      Love Lynda xx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. Where has today gone? I started to comment much earlier and have only just now had a chance to finish seeing what you are all up to. We had a lovely time in Devon visiting lots of the family. BIL is looking much better than he did 4 weeks ago. He starts cardiac rehab classes next week so that should help him too.
    We have had a lovely sunny day here, I hope it continues now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

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