
Friday 30 June 2017

Two amazing cards from Tracy

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, I hardly seems possible that a week as passed since I was preparing to go to Birmingham, I'm in two minds as to whether I'd go again to be honest, I enjoyed it, although pain did overshadow the fun at times, it's the days that it takes to recover to a bearable level of pain that is frustrating, the other huge thing for me is being reliant on others, I couldn't go and get my own lunch and drinks myself so always had to ask for help, don't get me wrong Danielle was hugely supportive, fetching my food and craft packs etc, but I felt conscious that I was affecting her weekend.  The hotel had thick carpets everywhere which made it impossible to propel myself in my wheelchair.   Anyway it's over now and it was worth it if only to have met Amanda and made a lovely new friend too, so every cloud does have a silver lining! 

Tracy has shared the two A4 cards that she was asked to make by a friend, one from a Grandmother and one from an Aunt for a 40th Birthday.  Tracy you have done an amazing job, creating two absolutely stunning cards, the first card is super 'girly' with those 'Cheery Lynn' Flourishes and the gorgeous flowers.  The second card has a totally different feel, I absolutely love that script background you have used, the lace really softens the feel of the card and ties in beautifully with the Heart lace doily you have used. Every element has been carefully thought out and placed perfectly.  
I know you said that you were out of your comfort zone with these large cards Tracy but my goodness you did an amazing job, they are both stunning, I feel that you will be getting many more orders for these cards.
Thank you so very much for sharing them today XXX

Michele, keep you chin up sweetheart, don't let things get you down, you will have a lot of arms around you today my lovely, just today to get through then it's the weekend.  Love and hugs on their way XXX

We have a special new feature tomorrow ladies, Our Michele has offered to do a monthly post about Craft Magazines, the freebies you get with them etc. It will be on the first Saturday of each month.  Michele has a knack of making the very best of the freebies that come with magazines so I am looking forward to seeing what she has come up with .

Lynda I hope you are enjoying the last few days if your 'sixties', have you got anything planned for Sunday? XXX

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    TRACY- two beautiful A4 cards. I think your 'out of your comfort zone' has been banished for ever. They are eye catching in every way and I'm sure that your ladies were more than pleased with them.

    My 'see what turns up' day certainly was just that. I decided I wanted to see what I could use for my Seasonal Cards this year so out came my dies and then I went for my card and sticky stuff and what did I find - I have only brought half of the coloured card I need and I cannot find any of my two sided sticky sheets to take glitter and yes I haven't any glitter card either!!!! To say that I was displeased with myself is not the words. So my Knight in Shining Armour came to my rescue as he always does and took my off to the only craft shop we have around here (a 95k round trip). I found two packs of glitter card - 10 sheets in total of mixed colours and nothing else so last night I spent an hour on Hochanda ordering stuff. I will say this for that company they are wonderful with their service and if you're a FREEDOM MEMBER AND DON'T PAY POSTAGE YOU STILL DON'T PAY FOR DELIVERED OVER HERE.


    Today is Market Day in Corbigny as usual so we're off there this morning. The weather is still on the cool side but hey ho.

    I see Marigny Dobbie has a French breakfast on the menu today and the doors are open so what are you waiting for lol.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. WOW aren't you dedicated, going on a 95k trip for glitter card.
      Thanks for the tip re Hochanda. I hadn't realised they would even deliverto Spain as last time I asked them they said no. I don't know now whether knowing they deliver here is a good idea. My credit card has been quietly tucked away for a while, perhaps it needs another airing!!!!
      Enjoy your Market Day. Looking forward to hearing what yummy pastries you treated yourselves with. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet. How annoying to find you didn't have or couldn't find the sard and sticky sheets. Isn't you Jim a lovely chap driving you to the craft shop. Have a good day in Corbigny and enjoy choosing which cakes to have 😊 x

    3. I Janet
      How annoying that you left half of the things you needed behind. But how wonderful that Jim was prepared to drive you such a long way.
      Enjoy your market day out and look forward to seeing what pastries you have

    4. Hi Janet
      Sorry you forgot half of your craft things behind but so
      How good ( is your pet) Jim taking you to the craft shop just round the corner HaHa.enjoy your crafting. Also your hope you enjoyed your pastries. Big Hug's xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Tracey-two really lovely cards, I'm sure the person who ordered them & the recipient were very happy with your cards.

    Sandra-was the Hotel a suitable venue for a meet up?

    Sorry I didn't comment yesterday-Verna but distracted. The member of staff that had an issue with something I said has now gone to the Union to ask for Mediation!! Then yesterday someone decided to go to the Union to complain that I knew one of the candidates I'm interviewing next week. Perhaps they didn't realise I'd already declared that to my managers & it was approved by them!!
    Hubby has got an interview today with another company so that's been a bit stressful plus a Tesco have announced 25% job losses, decisions willl be announced in 4-6 weeks.
    To be honest-Crafting has been the last thing on my mind but hopefully I'll cheer up once I finish work tonight & get crafty this weekend!!


    1. Not sure where the word Verna appeared from!!!


    2. Hi Michele, so sorry to hear of your problems at work and home. People can be so nasty. Hope everything sorts itself out happily for you. Try to put it out of your mind over the weekend and hopefully immerse yourself in your crafting. Hugs being sent to you. Xxx

    3. Hi Michele
      How awful for you. Why oh why are some people so horrid. We're only here once so what's the point of being nasty to someone else. Some people take unbridge at the least little thing. I hope hubbys job gets sorted. As you say a stressful time you could do without.
      Gentle hugs are coming from us to you. Hope you manage to get through to the weekend without to much hassle.

    4. Sorry Michele
      Meant to say I'm looking forward to seeing the freebies on the magazines and seeing what you can do with them.

    5. Hi Michele, sorry to hear you are having such a bad time at work, hope everything calms down soon.
      Love the idea of your mag ideas, I buy a mag , but find them so uninspiring.

    6. Hi Michele
      Sorry your getting grief at work It's not nice working with bad feelings with your colleagues.Dont let it spoil your weekend. Looking forward to your mag freebies on Saturday Hug's onthere way xx

  3. Morning Sandra and everyone.

    TRACY just love both your cards. Both so different but equally lovely. I bet the recipient's were delighted with them

    MICHELE looking forward to your monthly spot. I have a couple of mags delivered every month but really bad to say I very rarely use the freebies that arrive with them. It was be great to get some hints and tips from you.

    LYNDA I hadn't realised it was a BIG birthday this time otherwise I would have put a large 70 on your card. You're almost catching up to me!!!

    I love Fridays as it's Craft Club day Yeh. Wendy has her granddaughter over on holiday at the moment so she's coming to the group to craft today which should be fun. She's either 5 or 6 but she loves being in Wendy's craft room playing with card and pens. Obviously a crafter in the making.

    MARIA and LILLIAN hope you're both having a good holiday with lots of R+R.

    Hope everyone is well and enjoy your Friday.
    Lots of love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val no problem it's only a number after all. I'm sure your card will be lovely minus the 70 😂😂 hope you enjoyed your craft class.
      Love Lynda xx

  4. Two gorgeous cards Tracy It's not easy trying to make completely different cards for the same person
    Oh MICHELE Take care Don't let that person get you down You've done all of the right things I'm looking forward to your monthly slot I don't have access to shops that sell craft magazines but I will enjoy seeing your tips etc
    I can imagine how you feel SANDRA about the week end BUT don't feel bad People like to help where they can DANIELLE probably thoroughly enjoyed herself helping you It probably calmed her own nerves etc
    Of to work soon which is a pain at the mo We have a guy that thinks the world revolves around him and Samosa-gate ensues It's pathetic but easily destroys the team's morale I'll try and pop back later xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Thank you for the lovely comments on my cards. It's nice to share with other crafters to see what they think. I was struggling a bit with them but I was happy eventually. I double wrapped them so Julie couldn't peek. She gave them to her gran and auntie that day and she text to say that whatever I had done they were delighted and said the cards were amazing so I was well happy.

    Michelle, people are never happy in the workplace when it comes to interviews. As at our place the managers have already decided who they want and the interviews for the rest is merely formality lol it's the same at my hubbies place. To be honest there's always one that complains Sod's law. But there was no need for the person to be nasty to u it's not ur fault u know the person at least I were honest to ur bosses about it some people just like being meanies.

    Rant over. Really looking forward to ur freeby tutorials. I always have loadsa the stuff from mags I end up never using half of it or give it away.
    However on the first card I did use a hunky dory bit of paper that came from a mag years ago so I am trying lol xx

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracy
      WOW 2 gorgeous cards they are lovely I can imagine the recipient will be over the moon with them. Hope your feeling better today sweetie.
      🤗🤗s xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card yesterday, sorry did not comment I had something on all day plus had problems with our TV & internet,a break in Virgin's cable luckily, it was so annoying as one minute it was working then it wasn't luckily the 2nd engineer sorted it. Enough of my waffle. Looking forward to what Michele has for us
    Michele so sorry you are having a tough time at & home hope you can relax over weekend, hugs on
    Tracy your cards are beautiful, thank you for showing us, hope your back is still
    Lynda hope you are healing well in time for your big birthday, Are you spending it with family?xxx
    Maria, Lilian & Sue hope you are all
    Must get on & do some jobs sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies. I hope your feeling better today and are able to move about without to much pain.
    Tracey two stunning cards from you today. I bet the recipients will love hem.
    I hope that Matts counciling went ok Sandra and that he has another appointment in the not to distant future. I've actually manages to get some ironing done this morning. I basket still to do. However, I have one load done and another one being washed. Never ending this washing and ironing.

  8. I Lynda
    Sorry I didn't know it was your big birthday either. I don't now if you'd told Sandra the date when she originally wrote out the birthday list I could have looked and worked it out. But didn't look at the list date wise as I had it on my calendar that ut was your birthday. Lots of endless hugs for tomorrow.

  9. Hello All, home again, halfway through sorting everything out and putting away.

    Tracey two great cards,have to say I am hopeless at big cards.

    Sandra loved your piggy card yesterday

    What has happened to the weather, when we left last week it was up in the upper twenties, came home to wind rain and a very chilly thirteen deg.

    I unfortunately twisted my good knee when we were walking a footpath, it was very muddy and slippery, so have been suffering, hoping it will mend quickly.

    I bought my new little die cutting machine at the craft shop, they had the spell binders prizm machine on special offer. Just tried it cuts surprising well, think it will be great, for when I just want a small label, flower or butterfly.

    Will try and do a c card tomorrow, sorry did not get one done last week.

    Hope the weather is better where your are, have a good evening, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Hope this weather cheers up soon.

    2. Meant to say as well I hope your knee improves as well. I just about managed walking up the hill in Looe on our last evening.

  10. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Felt a bit down this morning with the massive big scab on my lip looked horrible after breakfast I went for my shower & unintentionally I knocked it off. Felt very sore looked better but now it's forming another scab. 😭😭 so looks like I'm entering my 70th still with a scabby lip.Boohoo.
    Went for our walk this morning then Tesco. I have made my CC so must send them to Sandra.also my secret buying I managed to get them into craft room before my Pet found them. 😂😂.
    Have a lovely weekend whatever your upto. MARIA & LILIAN hope your enjoying your holiday.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Ooooh lynda. New goodies. U should've just told terry it was a birthday gift from urself to celebrate early lol. Xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Enjoy your birthday tomorrow. Hope this second scab doesn't mar your day. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, we were up and out early, went to hairdresser friend, them to daughters, took Ciara swimming, then back to daughters to feed the children, after that went to a school music evening. By the time we returned home it was after 10.00 I was exhausted, Today I have been resting and drifting off to sleep every time I sat down. .... must be my age!

    Sandra I hope Matt will continue to get support from his counselling secessions, he should have been offered this after this tragic accident. I know we have had a conversation about this. I was offered this service when I saw a group of youths trying to kick in a neighbours front door. I had rang 999 after witnessing this from my bedroom window. ! I declined others need this service more than I did...... Matt stay strong xx
    TRACY love your A4 cards, so pleased they were appreciated. You certainly did a fantastic job. xx
    Sorry my lovely friends, I am ready for my bed.
    Sending caring hugs and love to everyone, Brenda xxx
