
Thursday 29 June 2017

A sentiment from me to all of you......

This Little Piggy Stamp set

Good Morning Ladies,

Oh my goodness, how cute are these pigs?!!
I have fallen in love with this stamp set, perfect for thank you cards, anniversary cards, well they would brighten anyone's day wouldn't they?!

I coloured my image with using the watercolour method, but I used the ink pads with a little water, painting onto watercolour card, I like how it turned out I think, I'm never sure with watercolouring though as I'm a bit of a perfectionist and you don't necessarily get a 'perfect' image with watercolours.
I used the new Stampin Up Berry Burst seam binding ribbon for the first time and it ties into bows like a dream!

Not much on the cards today, slowly getting myself moving around, the girls have Spanish mock exam today, Lucy had Biology yesterday, they both had Geography on Monday, Sophie has 5 hour Art exam on Friday, so tension is a little tight in this house at the moment.  They finish on Monday so we can all relax a little then.
My son finally starts his Councilling today, he has waited for far too long, I am hoping that this will be the start of us getting our son back, it's been a tough year for him.  He witnessed a horrific accident this time last year, a young mum lost her life under the wheels of a fully laden car transporter, she ran out to save her young daughter Cheryl had run out in front of it, Matt was working right beside the road and ran to help only to watch the poor young lady get dragged under the front wheels, he was first on scene and hasn't been able to get the image out of his mind, I was surprised that the police didn't offer any kind of Councilling as I believe they usually do.  He has suffered terribly with his health since then too which is possibly down to stress, although he does take immunosuppressant drugs for his arthritis too.
So please cross your fingers that this is the first step in the right direction for him.

Well I have waffled enough for one day, I hope I haven't depressed you all, I do think it helps to write these things down sometimes, it's a kind of therapy in itself!!

I hope you all have a fantastic day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a very dull/grey and WET Marigny.

    We had a very up and down day yesterday with the weather one minute the sun was shining and then a real downpour throughout the day. According to the weather forecast for here we should have the same today. How thankful am I that I got all the washing done and dry at the beginning of the week.

    SANDRA- A very cute card and it just happens to feature one of my very favourite animals. Don't ask why but I've always loved piggies they are so fascinating. Your colours are just right for him too.

    Wishing all the best for Mat today - I know how he has suffered and today is the first step.

    What's on for me today? at the moment I haven't a clue but I do know I have some photos to take to send to Sandra and apart from that it going to be a 'what turns up' day.

    I hope you're all managing with the horrible weather I see is across the UK and that no-one has experienced any flooding.

    The CAFE sign is shining bright so Marigny Dobbie must be ready for you all to pop in and have a chat.
    HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      You day weather wise sounds a bit like ours. I'm not to sure what happened to summer.

    2. Hi Janet. I hope you have a good "what turns up" day. Sometimes they can be really productive a sort of days can't they. Let's hope that we all get the sun and slightly warmer days back with rain during the night. That should suit midst people won't it 😊 x

    3. Hi Janet
      Enjoy your what turns up Day. Hopefully the sun will show it's face today. Take care love Lynda xx

  2. Morning Sandra and all,

    What a cute piggy card Sandra it would brighten up anyone's day. What a horrible, horrible experience for Matt. These councillors are so clever at what they do I'm sure Matt will feel the benefit.
    On envy your girls with those exams. Good luck to them both. Bet they can't wait until they're over.
    Hope you managed to get some rest yesterday and have a quiet day today. Hugs xxx

    Having lunch with a friend later but have to get on with these pop up boxes. I've got everything ready and cut out on my desk just got to stick them all together this morning. Please close your ears at all the bad language coming from my craft room when I inevitably burn myself!!!

    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs for all not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Go careful with that glue gun. Hope you manage to get your pop up boxes finished. Still trying to find what I did with Michele's instructions. Probably with the templates that I used to make the handbags with. Do you remember those ladies.

    2. Hi Val. Pin sorry to hear that you have more pop up box cards to do which means more burnt fingers. When I was at Sandraslast week I finally looked up cool melt hot glue guns. I've never understood how they work but after some investigations we found that they use different glue sticks and although the glue does get hit it's not hot enough to damage the skin, and a lot of reviews mentioned that it is safe for primary school age children to use! How good is that. The cool melt glue guns start at about £7 for a mini one and the glue sticks are about £2 so they same as the horrid hot melt ones. Guess what I am going to be getting very soon 😊 I will let you know how I get on with it. I know that doesn't help you for the order you have now though. Have you thought of using silicone gel glue? At least you have lunch with your friend to look forward to, enjoy yourselvesx

    3. Thanks ladies. Didn't know there was such a thing as a cool melt glue gun. Will definitely look that up. Just finished the boxes with only a few expletives. Just starting on my cc as don't think I'll have any more time this

    4. Hi Val
      Please be careful with the hot glue gun. I'm the same had so many fingers burnt using mine. Enjoy your lunch with your friend
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Great card The piggies are very cute
    What a dreadful experience for Matt I do hope the counselling helps It may not seem like it now but in a few months he'll come across a situation and because of the counselling he'll be able to better/differently (hope that makes sense)
    Wish the girls luck for me in their exams No wonder it's a bit fraught-with two of them
    I must get cracking Taxi booked for 9am

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love your little piggies card today. It's great that you've mastered watercolouring. Wish I knew where my watercolour card was. Must do better at putting things away so that I actually know where they are.
    I do hope your feeling much better today after the horrific journey down to your mums.
    We have that journey to do again up to the hospital for Petes scans. Probably won't be home much before 5.00.
    It's great that Matt will at long last get some councilling after seeing that horrific accident.
    I know the police took forever before they contacted him for a statement, that's if they ever did.
    Wish the girls all the best for their exams. It's a fraught time I know, but as usual fingers crossed they'll do very well as they usually do.

    1. Hi Pat
      HaHa I'm the same put things in a safe place but never remember the where the safe place is. Hope hospital goes smoothly today without long waiting. Safe journey Big Hug's xxx

    2. Hi Lynda
      I'm afraid it's going to be another long day today. Pete has to wait for three hrs after he's had the isotope injected into him before he can have the scan, which takes about an hour.

    3. Oh my word Pat Pete must feel like a Pin cushion how often dose he have these injections & bloods done. Sending some Hug's for you both. Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. As I couldn't get my comment to publish yesterday I must mention how much I love all of your pretty cards made from a sheet of 12 x 12 paper, that green is gorgeous isn't it 😊 What a great idea. It's on my "must try" list. Todays piggy card is great, so sweet and ideal for just about anyone. I love the gorgeous Berry burst colour against the green. A card guaranteed to make the recipient smile 😊 I'm sure both Sophie and Lucy will do very well with their exams. Give them a hug from me and wish them all the best. Roll on Monday evening for all of you when they have finished this lot of exams. Sending you big hugs my lovely xx
    I hope you are able to rest in a little less pain today my lovely. Thank goodness Matt is finally able to start getting some counselling after witnessing that horrific accident, bless him. Anyone witnessing what he did on the that day would need help!

    Lynda, how are you feeling today? I hope the pulled muscle starts to improve soon and the scab on your lip comes off. You will have to ask Terry to unwrap the bubble wrap from your head on Sunday so that you can look at your birthday cards 😁😁😁 Thank you for your kind words. We are happy to see that BIL is starting to get some colour back in his cheeks and is not quite so breathless now. It's a slow but steady recovery but he is improving each day so all is looking good at the moment
    Maria, I hope the rest and occasional dips into the pool are helping your knee x
    The weather is rather different to this time last week isn't it! Lots of rain overnight but it's clear at the moment. We are seeing another if Chris's brothers and his wife for lunch then off to get my "fix" up on Dartmoor 😁😁
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Pleased your BIL is doing well.Enjoy your lunch with Chris's other brother & wife. Is there any craft shops where your staying.
      Sending Hug's your way my friend. Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card today. Those little piggies are so cute, and your water colouring is fab :-)
    Oh my, what an awful thing for Matt to witness :-( So sorry to hear how it's effected him, and I hope that from today he can now start to put it behind him xx
    Good luck to Sophie and Lucy in their exams xx
    Hope everyone having a good day. Love and hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      Hope your having a good day. It's come over very dark think it's going to rain very soon. Take care Hug's xx

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sandra your card is so sweet love your colouring & the stamp set.
    How awful for Mat witnessing such a horrific accident.Hope the counselling session helps Mat Hug's for him xx
    Wishing Sophie & Lucy the best in their exams today Big Hug's for them xxx
    Well must get on with the ironing. Will pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Ironing I have a mountain of it, but don't have the energy or inclination for it at the moment.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Ooooh cute cute pigggies!!!!these are adorable. Love the card.

    I hope Matt gets the help he needs from the counselling. To live with seeing something as traumatic as that must be horrific. I get a lot out of my counselling although for different issues it does help I hope he gets the same out of his.

    Love to all xx
