
Wednesday 28 June 2017

Good Morning Ladies,

Here are all 14 of the "One Sheet Wonder" cards in one photo, I think it is a better way to demonstrate how far you can stretch that one 12 X 12 sheet, I haven't added embellishments to all of them yet, I will hopefully get chance to do that sometime today.

We went to visit Mum yesterday as it is her 70th Birthday today, (we couldn't go over today as Paul is working).
Our journey was horrendous to say the least, we set off at about 08:30 and  it took until 10.20 to get 30 miles to the other side of Oxford, Paul then tried is hardest to make up time, when we got 1\2 way along the M25 it started thundering with lightening and torrential rain which caused really poor visibility, you can guess where I'm going next can't you?!, Yes there was a terrible accident,  it was super busy too so within minutes we were gridlocked, frustratingly the M25 uses the hard shoulder as a lane causing absolute chaos there is no access for emergency vehicles, consequently the 2 1\2 to 3 hour journey took us over 5 hours.
Luckily the place that we had reservation at for lunch were ok and kept our table.
The journey home wasn't as bad but constant rain an fog made visibility really poor, you'd be surprised how many drivers had no lights on at 9:30 pm in poor conditions.
We eventually got home at about 10:45pm.  Sadly I don't think in will be venturing far from my bed today.

Pat I'm sure you struggled with traffic as well today, apparently it was because of temporary lights at Wolvercote roundabout, it was backed up to Eynsham, we  diverted over 5p bridge but everyone else had same idea!

Thank you all for welcoming Danielle yesterday, she is so lovely, she has a blog too.

Right I'm off for some antiinflammatories!!

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - what a journey you had yesterday and on top of a full on week-end it's not surprising that your body is telling you to stop for a day of REST.
    Beautiful set of cards and you've really shown us how to be careful with our 12x12 card.

    DANIELLE- Welcome to the best blog on the Internet. We are a really 'daft' bunch of crafters but I'm sure you'll find that out as you go along. Oh we do have our serious sides
    Looking forward to seeing some of your crafting soon.
    Now have a seat in our wonderful CAFE and have a look around.

    I actually managed to get into my CC yesterday!! I really thought I was stumpt but once I got started everything came together. Well I think it did. Will have to see what SANDRA says when she sees it.

    We had another thunderstorm last night so the garden really benefitted and it's still very grey and much cooler this morning. Saying that I have to go into the Annexe this morning and steam clean the floor as Jim has been doing one or two little jobs in there so perhaps my crafting table will be closed

    I'm hoping you all have a good day whatever you're up to and Dear Friends not 100% in health feel a little better today.
    HUGS should be arriving anytime now for you all.

    I see Marigny Dobbie is still doing a good job and the CAFE is looking really nice and welcoming. xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I absolutely love what you have made using just one sheet of 12 x12 paper. I'm looking forward to trying this out.
    Your journey sounds awful-I'm not surprised you nee a day in bed to rest.

    No crafting again last night-didn't feel up to it. We have rain again today, it was quite heavy yesterday so at least all the plants (& my water butts) will be ok!


    1. Our water butts are full to the brim Michele. Pete still watered our plants today, or should I say washed them down after having the work done on our drive, side path and patio.

  3. Welcome DANIELLE Hope you visit often This is a very friendly blog I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have this lot helping me through
    Great idea for a piece of 12x12 card/paper
    Hope to pop back later xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all,

    Oh Sandra, what a nightmare journey yesterday. I'm sure all that sitting wouldn't help your sciatica either. Hope you're able to have a well deserved rest

    PAT your journey yesterday also sounds so bad and then to be messed about in the hospital. Bet you're wishing you were back on holiday. Xxx

    DANIELLE lovely to see you yesterday. Welcome to the best and friendliest blog in the world. Hope you'll pop in often. You'll have to tell us the name of your blog so we can have a peek.

    Sandra, wow what a lot of cards out of one 12x12 paper. They are look gorgeous.

    Was hoping to start my cc this morning before I left for Crib but Paul brought 2 orders for box cards home from the shop last night so I'd better start on them.ive told him not to take any more orders as a. I don't like making them as they're too fiddly and b. I don't like burning myself on the glue gun.

    Hope everyone's ticking along fine.

    Hugs to all in pain or not feeling too good especially Lynda and Tracy.

    Hope those on holiday, Maria, Lilian and Sue are enjoying their time away.

    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Sure do wish we could have had longer away. We face the gauntlet of roadworks again tomorrow as Pete has scans booked. Apparently there was an accident by Barnard Gate which is on the major road into Oxford just before Eynsham. So a double whammy today.

  5. Morning everyone,

    Couldn't comment yesterday, we had 2 mini power cuts yesterday morning, then Windows 10 decided to do updates which lasted nearly all day! I left home 6.55pm for our 7.00pm Panto Committee meeting... arrived home 8.45pm only to find they were still updating!!!
    Honestly, in this day and age of everything being superfast broadband, I can't understand why it took so long. They only said a couple of hours so they must have updated nearly everything I have on my PC. I'll find out the changes in due course I expect.

    Welcome to Danielle and Laura to our most wonderful calorie free Cotswold Café. You are free to come and go or perhaps while away some time with the friendliest bunch of girls you have ever met. We are all slightly dotty at times (old age not being an excuse), and have the most comfortable & strongest of shoulders for you to lean on in dark times.

    Rain has arrived at last in my little corner of Somerset.... hooray!.... now my plants can have their pick-me-up tonic of fresh water. It has been threatening all week with only a few scarce drops last night.
    I'm a bit peckish this morning so off for my bowl of Weeties, which are Aldi's version of Shreddies. I have a sneaky feeling that they are made by the same company as there is no difference in taste or texture whatsoever.

    Crafting has taken a bit of a back seat these last couple of weeks with all the sewing etc. for panto and getting items ready for the Church I am almost finished with them to be able to get back to the Challenge cards. I will have to go back and copy out the samples to my little black book of the missed weeks. When I am stuck for a card quickie, I just look in my book and choose a layout. Voila, card done.

    Squashy hugs to Sandra, Lynda, Tracy and anyone else in pain or discomfort. Love you all.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Great that you've been able to finish the sewing Cheryl. Perhaps next years production won't be so rushed for you.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a nightmare journey you had yesterday, I hope you manage some rest today, happy birthday to Mum. Sorry I did not get in yesterday we had no internet until late last night. Your cards from a sheet of 12 X 12 look lovely & how clever, thank you for showing
    Danielle a big welcome to the best load of friends you could ever wish to meet. We are here for you whenever & cakes etc are all calorie
    Pat if you are at hospital today hope you have a smoother
    Sue & Lilian hope you are not having the rain we have here in
    Maria hope you are having a relaxing
    Lynda hope scan is coming off your lip take care xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hospital tomorrow Margaret. At least it's just scans and not blood tests.

  7. Hiya everyone and thank you for the lovely welcome. My blig is I dont blog every day but once a week at least. I have four daughters that keep me very busy lol. Sandra what a nightmare you must have had. Glad your home safe. Hopefully i will get some crafting done today but with the hubby off work im not so sure. Ive started a project 10 cards and a box from one sheet of dsp. Hoping to finish it off today then write my blog and video. Ive cut all the bits just got to put it all together, ring any bells Sandra lol.. Its lovely to be part of your cafe/ group/blog lol have a great day ladies.... Its raining here in yorkshire zx

    1. Thanks for the info Danielle. Just nipped over and left a comment. Xxx

    2. Welcome Danielle :-) Will pop over and take a look at your blog, thanks for the details. Everyone here is used to me coming and going as I don't always get chance to comment and my crafting mojo has been AWOL for a little while now! Although I will say you won't find a more lovely group of wonderful, friendly ladies :-) Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Danielle
      Lovely to see you in the cafe again today. I'll look at your blog later if I have time.

    4. Thank you Val not had chance to look yet, sorting the girls out. Thanks Sonia its not great, still new with blogging but getting there.
      Pat, I think I could get used to popping in lol x

  8. Hello Sandra, and everyone,

    What a nightmare yesterday must have been for you and Paul, I sincerely hope you are taking things easy today. Love the brilliant selection of cards you have made out of one sheet of design paper. What an inspiring challenge, in my case it would have certainly roused the tired brain cells.

    We had a love day down in Billlingshurst. And the journey wasn't to bad.
    Today I'm out for lunch with ex work friends. Poor John will be feeling seriously neglected at this rate.

    Welcome Danielle, thank you for sharing your background with us - four daughters they must keep you busy. What ages are they?
    Welcome also to Laura, this is a great Café with lots of calorie free goodies.

    Must push on, I've got three ladies waiting to be picked up.

    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Your last few days sound like some of the days I had. Lovely though aren't they.

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fantastic to see all of your cards Sandra. Wonderful what you can do with one sheet of 12x12.
    Sorry to hear you had such an horrendous journey yesterday! Hope you're taking it easy today x
    Hope everyone is well and having a good day. Sending love and hugs xxx

  10. Brenda My girls are 16, 12, 8 and 5. Thanks for the welcome.

  11. Hi Sandra
    I know the nightmare you had yesterday as we were in your nightmare as well. However you had the dreaded nightmare of an accident on the M25. You could have borrowed my Tomtom as it diverts you off. Which it did when we were coming back on Monday. We did the M5, M49 at the Wales turn off. Then onto the M4 then back onto the M5.
    Loving all the cards you made from 1 sheet of 12x12 paper. The mind boggles how this was done.
    Sandra hope your feeling a bit better this afternoon.
    Maria I hope your getting some rest with your knee.
    Lynda I hope your face is healing, and have you lost weight after being wrapped in bubble wrap.
    Don't faint with shock but I think it's stopped raining. Yippee.

  12. It's just about stopped here as well Danielle.
    I said nice to see you back, and I'll pop over to your blog later if I had time. I think I put it under a comment from Sonia though.

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    I still can't imagine makin 14 cards outa 1 bit of 12x12. My hat goes of to u my luvvie they look smashing.

    Welcome to Danielle nice to meet u xx
    Think I'm the baby of the blog but always willing to learn new hints and tips.

    Well ladies another line for a week so that takes me past my dads anniversary. I'm quite glad of that my emotions are running riot between that and the back pain ah well I'm sure I'll be back to my normal soon.

    Then it'll be my mammogram in sept to worry about. It's always in the back of my mind but I try not to think too much or my brain goes do lally lol.
    Hopefully tho it'll be 2nd year clear. I'll keep u posted.

    1. Hi Tracey
      My brain goes do lally as well Tracey.

  14. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Blooming internet went off again today just came on but not sure how long before it goes again so will be quick
    WOW Sandra I love all your gorgeous cards it's amazing how you made all of then from one sheet of 12 x 12 sheet card. Well done.
    After your horrendous journey to see your mum I hope she enjoyed her birthday. Gosh Sandra I'm actually old enough to be your mum 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Bet your glad I'm not HaHa Any way my lovely hope your feeling better & rested up today.
    PAT your journey was also a nightmare all them Motorways made me dizzy reading it good job I had my bubble wrap on 😂. How was Pete's appointment hope it wasn't a long wait for you. When's the next one. Hug's xx
    SUE hope your enjoying your stay in Devon how's the weather been raining a lot here Thunder storm on the way.
    LILLIAN hope your enjoying your holiday & you have better weather than us Hug's xx
    MARIA hope your enjoying your holiday & resting your knee as much as possible hope your weather is better than ours. Hug's for you both xx
    BRENDA hope you enjoyed your lunch with your friend Hug's xx
    CHERYL your so busy again with pantomime & church fate. Thank you for the squishy Hug's . Take care my friend your always so busy sending you some Hug's xx
    DANIELLE nice to see you in again I popped over to your blog. You have some lovely projects. Will look at your you tube videos tomorrow. Hug's xx
    VAL Thanks for your Hug's. Did you get Lyn's box cards done I've never tried that before please send picture to Sandra thanks. Hug's for you xx
    JANET Have a lovely day tomorrow sit in your lovely garden Hug's xx
    MICHELE have a good day Tomorrow hope it's not to busy for you Hug's xx
    TRACY my friend pleased you have another week off work. I sympathise with your back ache as mine is getting worse since I fell over last week think I must have pulled the same muscle as before. Hope your dad's anniversary isn't to hard for you I will be holding your hand sweet heart.
    Love & Hug's on there way.Xxx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Petes next appointment is tomorrow for a bone and ct scan so another long day.
      Pete has to go every Tuesday and there mostly long days. Yesterday the machine that analysis the bloods broke down. So all the bloods had to go to the JR about two miles away to be done.

  15. Hope you feeling better Lynda I meant to say. Hope the bubble wrap is doing its job.

    1. Hi Pat bubble wrap is fine only Terry wraped me from head to toe so bit difficult when I need the loo 😂😂😂😂😂😂 sadly I'm not loosing any weight Good luck tomorrow for hospital Hug's for you both xx

  16. Wow great job they all look great
