
Tuesday 27 June 2017

1 sheet wonder part 1

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, we have another busy day today as we are going over to my mum's as it's her birthday, we can't go tomorrow as Paul starts his very last shift in his current job, I can feel the tension already bless him, not because his is leaving as such, more worried about finding a new job and somewhere to live!
I am dreading the journey today as my sciatica flared up again yesterday early hours, probably from sitting on the same chair for hours, I have struggled to move today.

Today's cards are the first batch of 5 from the "One Sheet Wonder " , which means you take 1  12 X 12 sheet at cut it up to make enough pieces for 14 different cards.
Some of the cards have only a couple of small strips of the patterned paper but it seems to work.  I am definitely going to do another and I would love to share it with all of you if you fancy having a go??  Let me know in the comments below.

Sue, have a safe journey down to see Chris's brother and enjoy your stay XXX

Pat, I hope you are home safe and sound and ready for the usual Tuesday hospital visit XXX

Lilian I hope you had a lovely weekend away together, it's nice to have a change of scenery every now and then, it's good to have you back though XXX

I'm off to prepare for the journey ahead, I will share the next batch of the 14 cards tomorrow.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Fantastic cards. Just shows what you can do with one sheet of paper. Laura O

    1. Welcome Laura,
      Lovely of you to pop in and leave such a lovely comment, hope to see you again very soon xxxx

    2. Hi Laura
      Lovely of you to drop into our little cafe and leave a comment.

    3. Hi Laura your very welcome hope you drop in again
      Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well we had some RAIN yesterday afternoon!!!!!
    We have sunshine this morning and it looks as though it rained in the night.

    SANDRA- Beautiful cards this morning. Interesting to see how many cards can be made from a 12x12 sheet. Looking forward to seeing tomorrows lot.
    Take care today and try and enjoy the day. Difficult I know when you're in pain.
    PAUL- all the best for your last shift - You have served your Country for many years and now deserve some Family time as well as time for yourself. Things will be difficult at first but everything works out.

    Hoping that everyone is where they should be today (back from holidays/trips etc) and feeling OK.

    I've already got a line of washing out again this morning and so I'm hoping that I can make a start on my CC. At the moment I haven't a clue what to

    I see the CAFE sign says OPEN so pop in for a quick chat and a cuppa. BRENDA- Your Sausage Plait was lovely yesterday.
    Hugs are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I bet the rain was very welcome. I wouldn't mind half an hour of it just to stand out and cool me down.
      Good luck with the cc. I haven't thought of anything either

    2. Hi Janet glad you enjoyed it. Haven't made it in years, I'm trying out recipes that I can share with Ciara during the summer holidays as she loves cooking.
      Looking at the weather forecast we are due some rain later. Well the garden needs it. xx

    3. I bet the rain was welcome Janet. Petes decided he needs to buy more runner bean seeds. Not to sure why as we did have a bucket full in his shed. I see I missed Brenda's sausage plait.

    4. Hi Janet
      Hope your CC went better than mine it's in bin 13 HaHa
      Have a good day tomorrow
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I LOVE what you have done with your cards. Can't wait to see some more. I hope you enjoy today, I'll bet you will be struggling by tonight. Hope you're not into much pain.
    I can't imagine how Paul is feeling about completing his last shift. I will keep my fingers crossed that everything works out ok.

    Busy day today plus I'm participating in an interview this afternoon. We're interviewing 7 candidates next week (for 2 jobs) but one candidate couldn't make that date as she'd already booked a holiday so we're interviewing her early. I have the rest of the afternoon to do paperwork which is great as there's a bit of tension between the staff right now, they didn't like a decision I made on Friday so they're sulking!! Heh Ho-not much I can do about that.


    1. Hi Michele, don't envy you interviewing today. Sadly when you're in charge you have to make unpopular decisions sometimes. I'm sure they'll come round. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Don't envy you interviewing. I hated that part of my job. Oh well if some people don't like a decision, not much you can do about that really is there. I expect they'll come round after they've had a sulk.

    3. Hi Michele
      Hope the interviews went ok this afternoon. Sorry the staff are sulking you can't please everyone. Hope tomorrow is a better day
      Hug's xx

  4. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    I love these cards Sandra, as you know I love this colour, can't wait for mine to arrive. Looking forward to your next batch.

    I hope today's journey isn't too painful for you, thinking of you LOL. Wishing mum a happy birthday.

    I know you are all very apprehensive about the next chapter in Paul's life, I promise you it will all pull together, just be strong and there for each other. xx As you know we were in similar position many many moons ago, although we didn't have to move house - fortunately. The only thing John missed after leaving the services was the comradeship of all the men he worked with. That just wasn't there in civilian in life. But if you are on a ship with hundreds of men (no females in those days) you have to get on.

    Well I'm up early (for me anyway) and organising myself ready to go and meet my friend, then we are driving get down to Billingshurst for a day out. Lots of chat and lovely company.

    Will have to catch up with what everybody's been up to later, take care, love and hugs to all , Brenda xxx

    1. Have a lovely day out Brenda. Drive carefully. Xxx

    2. Have a lovely day out Brenda with your friend.

  5. Hello All, getting in early while I still have Internet, much slower here than at home.

    Very dull here today, but at least it's not raining yet.

    On the blurb that came with the holiday details, they said there was a pup that did meals .4 miles from where we are staying, so we thought we would walk to see what it was like, turned out to 3.5 miles, and was shut !!! , so we are going to Barnstaple this morning and then to Crafty Devils craft shop this morning, they have online store as well, but as we are near by, thought it would be rude not to visit, will TRY and not spend much.

    Sandra hope you manage your journey without too many holdups, and that you feel better soon.

    Love all the cards from one sheet, have seen these on Pinterest, but never done any would love to have a go.

    Lynda do hope you start mending soon, soft gentle hugs on the way.

    Hope everyone else's day goes well, hugs Lilian.

    Welcome to the new Ladies, the cake here is scrumptious and calorie free !!!

    1. Hi Lilian. Hope you're having a good time and great that you have a craftshop to visit.
      Your did give me a laugh. I have a vision of a dog on his hind legs complete with apron and chefs hat, cooking lunch.
      Enjoy your day xxx

    2. Hi Lilian.
      I wonder if that's the craft shop in Totnes. We were there yesterday but I didn't call in. Enjoy your break. I certainly enjoyed mine.

    3. Sorry about typo, might as well have been a dog, came back and cooked own lunch.
      Pat the craft shop is in Barnstaple, it's in a factory unit, treated my self to the Groovi starter set.

    4. Hi Lilian
      Hope your enjoying yourself all though the pub wasn't very good. But very unique with a dog doing the cooking 😂😂😂
      I bought the groovy starter kit at the first open day at Clarity stamp. But not used it much. Hug's xx

  6. Morning Sandra and all,

    Very clever to make such beautiful cards with one sheet of paper and more to come. Looking forward to seeing them.

    So sorry Sandra that your sciatica has flared up again. Such a painful thing and I'm sure the journey won't help. Hope you have as good a day as you can.
    Hope Pauls shift goes well. As I've said, Allan was in a similar position and although he missed the work he missed his comrades and their banter more. I'm sure though Sandra that something new and exciting is waiting just around the corner.

    Sue have a safe journey and enjoy your

    Pat hope you've arrived home safe and sound and you feel like tackling another round of hospital visits

    Lynda, hope the pain and the bruises are better. We don't want you to look too battered and bruised on those birthday photo's. Xxx

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val yes back to the hospital today. However, they updated the roundabouts going into Oxford and I think it's round about a year ago they finished. It improved the journey into Oxford from Witney. However, they now have road works on the Wolvercote roundabout. So it took us over 2hrs to travel 10 miles.the last 3 were fine.

    2. Hi Val
      it's just under my arm that is giving me some pain think I have pulled the muscle the same one last time I kissed the floor. Just hope the scab on my lip would fall off looks horrible.
      Many Hug's love Lynda xx

  7. I hope you can enjoy the visit to your mum SANDRA I can't imagine how PAUL Is feeling but it'll all work out OK
    Great idea for using 12x12 card/paper I have two lots of 12x12 - mirri which I hardly touch except at Christmas and an ancient pad of Core'dinations that's very dog eared!
    Take care everyone

  8. I would just like to leave a comment for Danielle who popped in last night to leave a comment, so sweet of you to pop in, my lovely friends will make you very Welcome, feel free to comment about anything you like, we even have a soap box for you to use to have a rant!! I can say with my hand on my heart that you won't find a friendlier, more supportive group of ladies anywhere. XXX

    1. Thanks for the welcome hunni, Hello again to everyone in the group, lovely to be here.. I finished putting all 14 of my cards together from the one sheet wonder. Now to add a few extra's as I feel they are a little plain for me. Love how many cards you can get from one sheet of dsp..I've just not long got home from taking my girls to school so a coffee and a chat with the hubby it is while he's off work. Then off for a little crafting. Sandra have a lovely day today. Speak later hugs Danielle xx

    2. Hi Danielle
      It's lovely to see a new face in the cafe. I hop you crafting goes well. Enjoy your day.

    3. Thanks Pat, I've not got round to it yet lol, been blogging and cleaning the house. The hubby is off work so he's in my way lol

    4. Hi Danielle
      I'm trying to tidy up now after tea. However, I've my granddaughters 21st card to finish. If I ever get round to it. Will have to try tonight.

    5. Hi Danielle, welcome, drop in any time.

    6. Hi Danielle welcome to the café lovely seeing a new face &I hope to see you again Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Great that ur sharing ur 14 cards Sandra I couldn't for the life of me figure out how ud do that from 1 sheet lol looking forward to seeing the rest.

    Hopefully urback will settle as quick as it's flared up. Mine is settling nicely no pain in leg anymore just across my butt now lol.

    Welcome Danielle to the cafe. The girls have all lots to offer.

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      I'm glad your feeling a bit better today.

    2. Hi Tracy pleased your feeling a bit better today.
      Take care love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Didn't have the energy to look in later ladies sorry, after driving home from Looe.
    A lorry shed its load on the M5, so TomTom diverted us off down the M49. They were stuck for hours apparently. We stopped at Totnes for a few hours.
    Love the cards Sandra. Made from 1 sheet of card. How clever is that.
    I hope your journey isn't to stressful today Sandra. But with sciatica it won't be much fun will it.
    Fancy it being Paul's last shift before he retires. It doesn't seem that long ago you were talking about it.
    Hopefully I'll be able to come in later if I'm not to stressed out driving home after road works on the A40 at Wolvercote roundabout. It took us just over 2hrs to get to the Churchill and we left at 8.00 as usual.

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely cards made from the one sheet, looking forward to seeing the next batch :-)
    Hope you're having a lovely day at your mums, and hope your sciatica is easing x
    I'm sure everything will work out with Pauls work and hope his last shift goes well x
    Hoping everyone is having a good day. Sending love and hugs xxxx

  12. Arrived home at about 4.00 today as the machine that does the bloods had broken down. That meant that all blood samples had to go to the John Radcliffe to be analysed.

    1. Hi Pat you don't seem to have much luck with hospital do you 🤗
      Hope you enjoyed your stay in Cornwall although you was the beginning. Sending you &Pete many Hug's love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Our internet has been off all day. I have commented on way down
    SUE hope your journey was ok down to Devon hope your not too sore x
    Also hope your BIL is doing ok Hug's
    MARIA hope your enjoying your holiday & your knee isn't to painful.
    Many Hug's xx
    Take care lovely ladies love Lynda xxx
