
Monday 26 June 2017

Your Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Ooh I was so glad to be home last night, I was completely and utterly exhausted, I don't think I've ever felt that exhausted in a very long time.  The weekend was a huge challenge, very enlightening, some good ideas jotted down and some absolutely amazing swaps that I received in exchange for mine.
I have some fun new ideas to share with you too, one of the projects that we did was to make 14 cards from 1 sheet of 12x12 paper. I will be honest and say that we didn't get to finish the project as the cutting out took up almost all of the allotted time.
I met a lovely lady called Danielle, we hit it off straight away and we teamed up to complete the projects, which made it a lot more fun.

Now onto this weeks Challenge, now you can see there are two parts to the challenge above, you can either choose the Sketch or the Colour challenge, or if you are feeling up for a real challenge combine the two. I searched out and found some cards from the website, if you want some more inspiration I will leave a link below ....

Remember the star doesn't have to be a star, its just a shape and can be anything you fancy, flowers, hearts a flourish, balloon, anything, if you choose just to use the colours you can do whatever layout you like.  I think I will attempt a combination of the two.
I hope you like the new type of challenge, I'm always striving to keep things fresh so that you don't get bored.  I welcome your feedback though.

Maria I hope that you have recovered from your journey and can start to enjoy your holiday XXX

Pat did you get to Mevagissey? I hope you are feeling on top form now XXX

Sending love and hugs to all of you



  1. Hi Sandra and all,

    So glad the weekend went well for you Sandra and lovely that you met a lady and clicked right away. Great when that happens. Looking forward to hearing more about what you did. So hope you can have a good rest today, I bet you really need it. Xxx

    Great cc this week. Looking forward to trying to use both colours and design. My brains ticking already.

    Up and around early today as a busy day ahead. Will try and call in later.

    Love to all. Valxxx

    1. Good morning VAL
      Enjoy your day although it's a busy one
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val hope you enjoyed your roast yesterday. Have a good day xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a Sunny Marigny.
    I already have a line of washing out and another lot ready in the machine to go at 12.00 when we get our electricity cheaper for 3hours.

    So pleased you had a good week-end and looking forward to further ideas you have gleaned.

    I will have to look closer at this week's Challenge but I must say it looks very interesting.

    We have a little shopping to do this morning so whether I get to my crafting table later is doubtful.

    I have sent a further supply of goodies (croissants/pain au chocolate/pain au raisin to go with your morning coffee/tea and I see that Marigny Dobbie has all the windows and doors open inviting you all in. Have a good day everyone. HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hello JANET
      Thank you for all the goodies I will have a croissant with butter & jam & of course a cup of builders Tea.
      Both you & Jim have a lovely day. JANET Hope you get some crafting in Love Lynda xx

      Both you & Jim Enjoy your day

    2. Hi Janet, The croissants were delicious. I have just put out on the counter a Sausage Plait, potato salad and coleslaw all homemade and extra salad items out for lunch. Any chance you could pop over with a lovely French stick? xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Great sketch & I love the colour choice.!
    Looking forward to hearing more about your weekend & new ideas.

    I got done crafting done yesterday after I'd done all the homework, it was nice just to sit & play . I'd.been asked on Friday to make a Thank You card with cats on it, could my colleague have it early this week?! Made a very simple cards and a birthday card for my Brother in Law-kept that one fairly flat as it's getting posted to the USA.

    Best get ready for another fun filled day at work.


    1. Ooh I just been asked to make a card fora friend to post to Spain I'm struggling a bit It's for a man and needs to be flat for posting

    2. Hi Michele
      Good job at the boot sale Saturday selling your cards. Hope today isn't to busy for you at work. Hope your dad's ok now & back driving any news on having his other hip done.
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Michele, hope your week goes well. xx

  4. I am so glad your weekend went well SANDRA
    I meant to say thank you for your tips on pop up cards ladies I've made a couple using all card Next time I'll try with a bit of acetate
    I hope PAT and MARIA are relaxing
    How are the bruises LYNDA?
    At look on internet at w/end about the Devils Tongue lily and I can appreciate it's beauty CHERYL It must make you feel very proud that you have it in your beautiful garden (I hope I didn't offend you with my comment last week on that photo that guy posted about the one in his village)
    BBQ went well and the weather held out Oscar was the star of the show! Words fail me on how much this little bundle of joy means to me
    Thinking cap on Do I go for colours, sketch or both....

    1. Hi Karen
      My face isn't to bad now thank you just waiting for the scabs to fall off the one on my lip is quite big.
      Glad you had good day at BBQ & spending time with Oscar. I know what you mean I feel the same with Harry he is so funny he makes me laugh.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Karen, I'm sure having seen pictures of your little man he was THE STAR he is gorgeous xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Glad u had a nice time and u met someone u got on with. I must admit that must've been a hell of s. Halle he to make 14 cards outa 1 12x12 lol that I'd like to have seen!!

    Hope everyone has a lovely day x

    1. Hi Tracey Are you still on the sick? Take thinks easy. xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a great double challenge you have set this week. Some of the sample cards are so pretty, thank you for finding them for us, especially after your busy weekend. I'm really looking forward to seeing the Cafe display boards on Sunday 😊
    I am so glad that you enjoyed the weekend, found a new friend and have lots of ideas to share with us. No doubt you will be having to have a day in bed my lovely, but I hope you aren't in too much extra pain. Sending you big gentle hugs xx
    Maria, I hope you are settled by the pool now ready to get lots of rest for the rest of your holiday x
    I had another lazy day yesterday, spent most of it watching our lovely little time waster playing or reading his favourite book with him 😊 KAREN, it sounds like you had a similar day with your gorgeous little Oscar. They bring so much pleasure don't they. Sorry if you have already told us but is he up and walking yet, and therefore getting into even more mischief? 😊X
    We are off to spend a few days with BIL who is recovery from the heart attack so I need to get sorted. Have a good day whatever you are doing. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, Hope BIL is improving. Isn't it lovely to watch our grandchildren playing in the garden. Although ours are big now they are still amusing to watch. last weekend when all the family were here, the boys went into grandpa's shed, when they came out they had a set of snooker balls and broom handles, the lawn was used as a snooker table and ice cream tubs were used as targets, you had to lay on the lawn to shoot!!! In the past same balls were used in a marble run, created out of guttering and down pipe and anything they could find to elevate the different runs. This game gave them all so much fun and was a different layout every time it was built.
      Who needs expensive toys!!!!!

    2. Hi Brenda.
      Yes I'm still off work. Probably till after my dads anniversary has been on the 7th. I'm really struggling with my emotions and depression at the moment as well as my back pain it's not helping. Keeping busy tho x

    3. Hi Tracy sorry your feeling so down & depressed at the moment & it doesn't help with your back being so painful too. Take care my friend. Sending Gentle HUG's 🤗🤗xxx

    4. Hi Sue hope you find you BIL feeling a lot better when you see him.
      Glad you had a lovely weekend with your grandchildren ( how many have you got ) they do bring so much pleasure in your life don't they.
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sandra glad you had a good time & you have some good ideas to share. Hope your having a relaxing day & your not aching so much.Hug's
    Not sure what's on the cards today hopefully I can get in craft room. I have to finish off my sons 40th birthday card quite pleased with how it's turned out.I will send picture to Sandra. I really want to try the twist & pop card. Then get my head round this weeks CHallenge card.
    Can you believe OH has just got up so he will be wanting his breakfast.will pop in later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Hope you're poorly face is healing nicely LOL xx

    2. Thanks Brenda,I still have scabs just wish they would fall off the worst one is on my lip. My left under arm is still painful I must have pulled my muscle again like when I fell in the pub. Poor old woman my son said he's getting me a zimma frame 😂😂😂😂
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I'm glad you enjoyed meeting up with the SU team. I hope Paul enjoyed himself to.
    Never got to Mevagissey but visited a tiny village called Veryan, plus Padstow.
    Will look in later. I'm busy packing at the moment.

    1. Hi Pat, are you packing because you're on your way home, or moving to another destination? xx

    2. Hi Pat your packing already are you on your way home or off to other horizon.? Safe journey wherever your going. Hope your feeling better my friend love Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Such a wide scope for this weeks challenge, I am thinking 💭 but not making any promises, have a busy week, out all day tomorrow visiting the two Brenda's.
    Wednesday and Thursday are also fully booked. Some weeks you have nothing on and another it's full on. I'm pleased to say this week mine are all social.

    Sandra, I was so pleased you found a new friend at SU retreat, although I'm sure everyone was friendly and welcoming. Your head must be busting with all the ideas and inspiration, can't wait to hear more about it. xx

    Take care everyone , love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hello Brenda - That Sausage Plait looked lovely I hope you found the French Stick I sent and of course enjoyed eating some of it. Hugs xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Great sketch and colour combo for this weeks challenge. Will look forward to seeing what you all create.
    Fabulous selection of cards yesterday :-)
    So glad you enjoyed the weekend Sandra xx
    Maria, hope you're having a lovely time xx
    Hope everyone is well. Sending love and hugs xx

  11. Hello All, sorry not been in for a couple of days, we are away in Devon, out in the country, Internet, a bit iffy so hoping this works. No power at all this morning!!!
    Loved all of the things you have posted over the last few days, sorry didn't manage to get a card done before going away.

    Sandra glad you had a great time at the stamping up meet.

    Lovely sketch, we are away until the weekend so not sure I'll manage one this week either.
    Signing off while it's still working, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian hope your enjoying your holiday in Devon & the weather is kind to you. Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hello Sandra hope you have taken it easy today & your not as sore as last night.
    Love the challenge I think 😊. I did finish my sons birthday card &I had a go at the twist & pop I did manage it but think I will have another go with patterned card or double sided card will have another go tomorrow.
    & try the challenge card as well.
    I think I might have to go back to the dentist as my mouth is still sore just to make sure all infection has gone. When I fell ove I scraped my big toe Terry just said it looks infected. I have to make a diabetic blood test appointment so will check with the nurse. I really think I need putting down 😂😂
    My Pet has just made me a cupper so will bid you all good night
    Love Lynda xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have had a restful day & managed to catch up on your sleep, pleased you found a friend straightaway & you worked well together. I cannot image making 14 cards out of 12 X 12 paper, look forward to you telling us. Cc looks good have some ideas. Hugs on way xxx
    Maria hope you are enjoying sitting round the pool & making the most of having everything done for
    Lynda glad you are healing but please take
    Tracy sorry you feel depressed & your back still painful, remember we are all here for you,hugs on
    Pat hope you are safely home & things go well at hospital this
    Late today been busy, went food shopping & fetching bits for Pop, then this afternoon took Pam for Ecg now got son from Yorkshire here for a couple of nights, he's in Bristol tomorrow so we are handy for B & B I don't mind good to see him.
    Sue hope you find big improvement bin Charlie & enjoy your time in Devon, hugs on way to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  14. Hi everyone and of course Sandra my new bff lol.. Had a ball at the team retreat, Loved our 14 card make and take all tho like you said a shame we didnt finish them.. Hope to see you in november hunni... So a massive hello to all.. Danielle x

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