
Sunday 25 June 2017

Your Challenge cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

This weeks Challenge card post will be a little less detailed as I am not at home this weekend, your Challenge cards are as important to me as ever though so I will makes sure I include them all .

Lynda has used her favourite Clarity Northern Lights pad for the background
Of this weeks Challenge card, a Sue Wilson die creates the label part of the card
With flowers made from the Chrysanthemum Die set with Heart Spray for flourishes.
Thank you so much Lynda


Margaret has used her Anne Marie Designs paper for this weeks card, 
Such a pretty colour the flowers are gorgeous too, I bet your friend 
Loved her card Margaret, thanks for sharing


 Background is a sheet from the Travel Memories pad I bought today which inspired me to use a Serif image which I just "flat" coloured with my Chameleon pens

The nesting dies are the two sets of Spellbinders deckle edge
Sue W ribbon die for the band
Resin flower and TL Pearl Flourish dies
Thanks so much Karen for a stunning card, love it !!

Janet has used Sue's Noble Rectangle dies to create
Her challenge card this week, such a lovely
colour Janet, love the flowers and Flourish too.
Thank you so much 

I love this Poppy die that you have used Val, am I right in thinking that you coloured your card with Pixie Powders first,
I absolutely love the colour you have used, that frame is so pretty
too, your Foamiran flower works perfectly I have ordered some to play with. 
Thanks for taking part Val


Maria has managed two cards this week, the first is so pretty 
That nesting die is such a pretty shape, beautiful flowers and I really love the embossing folder you have used.
Your second card is an amazing colour Maria, those nesting 
Die cuts are so lovely too, I love the flowers you have made too.
Thank you Maria for taking part.

Michele has made her challenge card with
The die and papers that were free with a magazine, Michele you absolutely amaze me, you make such amazing cards with
Magazine  freebies that I usually put to
One side and not use  I love this card.
Thank you so much my lovely 

I would like to thank you all even more this week for crafting in the extreme heat, you are all so amazingly supportive, I am so very grateful.

Just a quick was ok, very nerve racking but I did it and I'm glad I did.
I will shAre some photos when I get home.
I am so exhausted and can honestly say that there isn't a part of my body that doesn't hurt, probably because I was holding myself so tense with nerves all  day.
Thanks so much for pushing me to go XXX 

I'm having to blog on my phone so I hope j haven't missed anyone.  

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful set of ART this morning on the display board.
    Each one using totally different dies and so many beautiful colour waves.

    We had a much cooler day yesterday 28 top temp and so much better to craft in. I even managed to start a WA card which will be needed soon for my Daughter and SIL.

    The sun is shining with a few wispy white clouds so perhaps we'll have another crafting day YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Have a good day SANDRA and a safe journey home this evening.

    The CAFE sign says OPEN so pop in and have a look at this week's CCs and sit a while with a cooling drink.
    HUGS should be arriving just about now for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      As usual a lovely card. I have these dies, but as with all dies I don't use them very much any more. Could you please arrange for Marigny Debbie to vring some of your sunshine over with him.

    2. Enjoy your crafting day Janet.xx

  2. Margaret Palmer25 June 2017 at 06:58

    Hi Sandra,
    Well done to you, you should be soo proud of yourself you did it.lolxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-YOU DID IT!!!!! Well done.

    Lovely cards, mine was indeed made with magazine freebies-the papers are DoCrafts papermania -called Country something, they're a really good quality linen texture and the strawberry die is the free die I used on last weeks challenge card . For some reason I just couldn't think of anything to make for this challenge but it has been a very busy & trying sort of week.


    1. Hi Michele
      I bought a magazine with some free sea stamps on so I mystery and use those. Lovely card you made with yours.

  4. Me again- Update onthe Car Boot Sale. I took £30 in total but had to pay £10 for the table. It was reasonably busy and I thought that was ok, especially as there was another lady selling cards. I've booked to go next month.


    1. Congratulations on the money you made at the car boot sale.

    2. Well done to you Good luck with the next one

  5. Hi Sandra
    And Ladies
    Well Sandra. Well done you did it. Hopefully the pain from keeping tense doesn't last to long. I know you still get her up when you meet with us, and it's a bit of an anti climax if we don't meet up as expected. However, you did it and that's the main thing.
    Beautiful cards today ladies on display. I must say it never fails to amaze me how each and every one is different each week.
    We might feel off to Mevagissey today or Padstow all depending where the drizzly rain isn't.

    1. Have a wonderful day Pat wherever you end up. Hope you find a non drizzly place. Xx

    2. Yes, so do I Val. We came away for a rest and we're certainly having that.

  6. Hi everyone.
    I'm proud of you and a bet you're proud of yourself. Have a safe journey home.

    Another bumper week of beautiful cards. I keep using the same colour. Not only is aqua/turquoise my favourite colour but it's the only pixie powders I've got and I just love them. Really must get some other colours.

    I have to do a bit of tidying up, some ironing and then finish the batch of cards I started yesterday. Lynn and Paul are off work today and we were going to go out for lunch but Lynn's been persuaded to cook a roast pork Sunday lunch even though it's a silly temperature here today. She makes wonderful roast potatoes and gravy. My mouth is watering already.

    Maria hope your flight was good and you've arrived in Major ca safely. Enjoy your holiday.x

    Lynda. Are you managing to stay upright over the weekend? X

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. I love Aqua and White as well Val. We need a bit of your sunshine in the UK please. It's quite dull here in Cornwall.

  7. My oh my My favourite day and you never disappoint The cards today are wonderful You ALL inspire me all of the time Eg VAL - I must try some die cutting with some of my PP stuff and MARIA - be bolder with colours You inspire me to try different things like colouring and stamping Will be bolder and try a bit of shading next!
    We're off to a BBQ later which is a nice surprise Must tackle the ironing now before it gets too hot
    I and thrilled that you're enjoying yourself SANDRA I can't wait to read all about it xx

  8. Hi Karen
    Enjoy your BBQ later on today. It's still dull here, wish we had a bit off sun here today. Love the lady and papers you've used on your card.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for taking the time to put all Cc's on blog, when I am sure all you wanted to do was fall into bed & sleep, your have really are special. Hope you enjoy rest of today & safe journey home, hugs xxx
    All the cards are lovely & all different.
    Maria hope you have arrived safely & will soon be relaxing by the pool,
    Pat hope you find a dry spot to have a look
    Lynda hope you are
    Michele well done to yesterday.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I knew you could do it. Just remember when those pesky butterflies churn up your tummy............. just take DEEP SLOW BREATHS. Next time it's going to be so much easer. xxx

    Wow Ladies you have certainly done Sandra proud. Love all of your cards, so much inspiration on the weekly challenge - you are all very gifted. xx

    Maria, hope you managed to get away and are now relaxing by the pool. xx

    Hope everyone is having a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I am so glad that you managed to walk in that door yesterday my lovely. I know just how hard it is so I hope those two little voices that sit each shoulder are both telling you how proud you should feel if yourself. I know I am. I hope you have another good day and feel able to relax a little. I hope Paul has enjoyed his relaxing weekend too. Sending you the biggest hugs Xxxx
    Yesterday's garden pictures are all so pretty. Cheryl, Pete's Dragon Tongue Orchid is gorgeous, shame it doesn't flower for longer though x
    Brenda, such a pretty garden. How lovely that you give your tortoise free run , except for in the green house. Please could we see another picture of him too x
    Janet,bits lovely to be able to see just where you and Jim sit in the mornings when you are in Marginy. It looks so calm and relaxing x
    Val, I bet you will soon be having to make more of your beautiful pop up box cards for the shop 😊 I use acetate for the pop up bits and card for the side to side supports x
    Maria, wow, you are so clever. What a shame you can't have these beautiful stitched pieces on show. I hope that you are nearly ready to go and sit by the pool and relax now after a troubled journey. Sending hugs x
    A wonderful display if CC's to greet us all today. Each one is beautiful, thank you for sharing.
    I've been having a having a lazy day but must get on now. Sending love and hugs to you all with special proud supportive ones for Sandra and extras for Lynda, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    I do love Sundays here with all the lovely delights on offer. I'll try join in the challenges when I can. I don't craft everyday just when the notion takes me or someone asks for a card needing done.
    Everyone's cards are fab.
    It's a bit cloudy today sun is peeking out. But I'm a little rough as my pal Janice and my sister Kerry was round for drinkies last night oh my what a night it was so funny. Anyways. Have a nice day all of u xx

  13. Hello Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA well I hope you had a lovely time yesterday &all your anxieties disappeared. Enjoy today my lovely. & hope Paul enjoyed relaxing in the pool & reading his book. Safe journey home. Look forward to hearing all about your SU experience Big Hug's xx
    Gorgeous cards on display today I love Sundays seeing all your CC every one so different. Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's sketch challenge.
    Not upto much today so far just been chilling out. Very warm but a lovely breeze not sunny though. Might go for a walk after lunch
    MARIA hope by now your resting & relaxing 😎 round the pool hope you & Ric enjoy your holiday & hope your knee isn't very painful after your journey.Big 🤗Hug's xx
    My Pet said he is starving so better go & feed him 🍽🍞🍳☕️😂😂
    Love Lynda xx

  14. Hello Sandra and all the ladies. I am sorry I haven't been around much, too much on the go and my arthritis has been playing up. However I am back and will look forward to tomorrows challenge and hope I can join in. Love to you all.
    Christine xxx
