
Saturday 24 June 2017

Mixed up Saturday, very Horticultural !!!

Good Morning My Lovelies,

What a jam packed post I have for you today we have everything from 
Embroidery to Scenery, oh and little bit of Horticulture!!
So let's get started....

Val has had a few requests for Pop Up Cards, so as we all now Val doesn't Craft
On a small scale, just look what our amazing friend has achieved !!!
What an incredible display of gorgeousness!! 
Each and every one of those boxes is totally unique and so pretty, 
If they haven't already I just know that they will fly off the shelf, 
Thank you so much for sharing them with us Val 


Our Maria has been decluttering her garage, while she was sorting 
through boxes she discovered some forgotten treasures from 
Way back before card making took over as her hobby.
A lovely Longstitch, I did a couple of these myself and liked how 
Quickly the came together, I love your Dove Maria, such an iconic 
Image of peace, something we could all do with a little bit more of these days.
Two beautiful Cross Stitched pieces too, I love the rose table cloth, the Cherries
are really pretty too, you should have them out for all to see, not hidden 
away in a box, I think we have become a little too minimalist these
days, all treasures and heirlooms seem to be hidden away.
Thank you so much for sharing them Maria 


Well here it is at last, you can now all share in the beauty of 
Pete's Dragon's Tongue Lily, it is just amazing, I have never
Seen anything like it before this week, you must have been
So excited to see it finally unfurl itself Cheryl, it is stunning,
Cheryl says it is 22 inches from base to tip, can you believe that??
I want to thank you Cheryl as if it were not for your kindness in sharing
The pic of Pete's Lily I think most of us would have never seen anything
As Magnificent, thank you so very 

What can I say but WOw Janet, such a peaceful scene, your
Garden is so lovely, I hope to join you at that table some time soon.
I can just picture you relaxing on that swing, pad in hand finding jobs for Jim!
 Janet lives on a very peaceful lane so no traffic noise to be heard, 
This view looks out towards the front gates, where we all think about Jim arriving 
Through with the fresh bread and croissant each morning,
Thank you Janet for sharing your little piece of heaven


Brenda your garden is just beautiful, so many lovely 
Well established plants and shrubs, I just love the little
area with the mirror, everything looks very well
thought out, who spends more time in the greenhouse, you or John?
Your lawn looks like a bowling green, it looks as though John has invested a lot
Of time on it, the other thing that I love is the different spaces you have created 
With your pots and planters, so much interest everywhere .
The stunning yellow rose in the last photo is a rose that Brenda and John 
received for their Golden Wedding Anniversary and it flowers every 
Year just as they celebrate their anniversary.
Thank you so much Brenda for a walk in your garden.


Just look at the breathtaking views from Pat's Balcony, absolutely
Amazing, I would be happy to be sat there all day, with a good book and
a pot of tea, there is so much to look at from watching the
different kinds of boats come in and out to people on the beach.
I do hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy it Pat.
Thank you for sharing your view

So that's it for today ladies, as I am typing this my bags are packed, my tummy is churning and Paul is getting excited for a day of luxury and leisure, he has packed his
Swim shorts as there is a pool and sauna, he has his book, I am quite pleased he is having a day with nothing to do, it never usually happens for him, at least one of us is
Excited, thank you all for your lovely messages of support, you are the best friends any girl could ask for and I love you all.

Have a lovely weekend, I will hopefully pop in and update you.

Love and hugs


  1. Good Morning my lovelies, just though I'd update you.....not 1 wink of sleep,. I just couldn't relax, so fingers crossed I can get an hour in the car!!
    Right off to get dressed and sort my hair,
    Love and hugs

    1. Hi Sandra, hope you manage some sleep in the car. Relax and have a great time. Xxx

    2. Hi Sandra
      Have a lovely time away. Hope you manage to get some sleep in the car.

    3. Hi Sandra,
      No doubt you are there now & wondering why you were so worried, just to let you know thinking of you, hugs on

    4. I hope by now you have relaxed and calmed down, you are with like minded people - I just know you will enjoy yourself.
      Sending gentle hugs xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope you manage relax & enjoy the weekend, fingers crossed.

    Lovely photos today-Val, pop up style cards are my favourite ones to make. Yours a all lovely.

    Quick visit this morning as I'm leaving early to set up at the Car Boot Sale.


    1. Have a successful car boot sale. Hope you sell out. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope you have a successful sale.

    3. Hi Michele, I hope you had a successful sale. Xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a dull start to the day here not a sign of Mr Sun anywhere and so much cooler - much better to get jobs done and things sorted so this morning will be taken up with some housework which really needs doing.

    CHERYL- I saw your or should I sAY Pete's Dragon Lily on fb but it looks so much better here in the CAFE. Such a shame that the flower doesn't last very long

    VAL- I can see why your cards don't spend a lot of time in the shop as they are so beautiful and so professional. All these Pop Ups are wonderful.

    MARIA - what Treasure you found in your Garage. They shouldn't be packed away in any box but out and being used. I particularly love the DOVE of PEACE.

    BRENDA - JOHN must spend all his free time tending you BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. I can just see you sitting in those beautifully created spaces planning all your crafting or just sat enjoying that beautiful scenery.

    PAT- It is years and years since we visited Cornwall and so lovely to see one or two pics of that beautiful scenery. I hope you are managing to enjoy it.

    As Sandra says the pic of part of our garden is from just outside the veranda door looking towards the front gates. We often sit on the swing having our mid morning coffee looking over the road watching the Water Meadow and the Morvan Hills beyong.

    SANDRA- Have a wonderful week-end - I just know you will be fine and enjoy everything once you're there. Looking forward to your report.

    Well it looks as though Marigny Dobbie has everything in hand and the CAFE is open for business so come on in and sit a while and have a chat.

    HUGE HUGS on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      What a stunning garden you have. Mine needs help as Pete spends most of his time tending his veggies. At least we have got rid of the mess that was in our front garden. What was supposingly called soil was very very stony as it is at the back. Perhaps we need to did the lawn and surrounding beds and start again. In fact I don't think it was ever started. We have some once a day lilies which Pete divides every so often. Then it's mostly what I call weedy flowers.

    2. Hi Janet.

      That looks a perfect wee spot to chill out for me especially with all that gorgeous lavender. I can't seem to keep lavender oh well

    3. Hello Janet, Thank you for your lovely comments. Yes John does spend a lot of time in the garden. He always says he is the labourer as he doesn't know anything about gardening!!! He does cut the grass and uses the edging spade to keep the grass from growing over the pathway. It always looks so neat when he cuts the grass. What you can't see in the picture is the 'lawn' is full of clover. We can't put weed killler down because Tortoise has a free run of the garden. I have even got a wire grill to stop him going into the greenhouse. xx

  4. Thank you for your comment Janet. Your Garden is beautiful and so peaceful.
    Is this your place in UK or France? Just love the swing. Enjoy your day. Xxx

    1. Hi Val
      Love your pop up boxes they will sell like hot cakes. A bit dull again here in Looe.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I hope you enjoy your get together today Sandra. You'll have a whale of a time once you get there. At least your going. I know how stressful it would have been for you. As it always is, even when you were just coming to my house it was a big event for you.
    Maria love you cross stitch that was languishing in your garage.
    Val as usual your pop up boxes are gorgeous. I bet you'll have more orders for these.
    Janet your garden in France looks so tranquil.
    Brenda love all the flowers in your garden. How wellyour lawn looks as well. I must say it looks a treat. Wish our looks like yours. Ours seems to be mainly moss at the moment. Somewhere in the mess called the inside of Petes shed is a scarifier which it could do with being done. Or digging up and starting again.
    Cheryl Pete's Dragon tongue lily looks gorgeous. I've never seen anything like it before.
    Take care everyone especially Lynda and Maria. Let's hope you can keep upright today Lynda. Or are you still wrapped up in bubble wrap.

    1. Hi Pat, so hope after a good night's sleep you're feeling ok today and can enjoy the rest of your holiday.
      The views from your balcony look beautiful. I've never been to that part of England, South Wales was the furthest south we ever got to.
      Enjoy your

    2. Hi pat.

      Wow what a smashing view from ur balcony. I could sit and people watch from there all day x

    3. Thank you Pat. John looks after the lawn and will always do any heavy lifting or moving around I want, the flower beds and pots are my job. Plenty there to keep me (us) busy. xx

    4. Hi Ladies
      Yes, we sit and people watch from the balcony. Well Heather and I do anyway. We watch the red sails racing yachts from the balcony. They raced today and Thursday.

  6. What beautiful gardens and scenery and that lily looks amazing
    I love your pop up cards VAL I have made a couple and enjoyed making them using MICHELE's template
    Tell me ladies - do you use card or acetate for the "props"
    Enjoy yourself SANDRA You'll be fine
    I'm so glad it's cooled down I need to do some housework and ironing

    1. Hi Karen. I personally use card for the side to side bits and acetate for the props.
      Good luck with the housework and ironing!!!

  7. Hi Sandra and all,

    Are you on your way yet Sandra. Bet your tummy is churning but I'm sure you'll be fine once you get there. Bet they'll all love your beautiful

    Oh Maria, what a wonderful hidden treasure and all three, works of art. I hope they're going to adorn some tables in your house. So hope you're feeling a lot better today xxx

    Cheryl, I've never seen anything like Pete's lily. What a shame it doesn't last so long. Thank you for showing us such a unique flower. Xxx

    Brenda your garden is perfect. What a treat to sit in the sun amongst so many pretty flowers on what looks like an immaculate lawn. So much work but wow so worth

    I got my exciting Stamping Up parcel from Sandra late yesterday so I'll have to squeeze some time time in over the weekend to have a play.

    Off out shopping then lunch out later. Think we're eating Chinese today. We would really like to go to our favourite Indian rrestaurant but the have no air con and as it's supposed to be hitting 40 degrees today I think we'droast.

    Lynda, try and keep out of trouble today. Hope you're feeling tons better.

    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Val your boxes are beautiful they will be very popular. Enjoy your

    2. Hi val
      Stunning boxes. I noticed on Hochanda or create n craft can't remember which it was late the other night they were selling the pre scored cards for these. They do look so much fun to do and bonus that they fold flat!! X

    3. Thank you Val, we both enjoy spending time in the garden, at this time of year it's our extra living space, enjoying our meals outside. xx

    4. Hi Val
      Beautiful pop up boxes. I keep threatening to have a go, but haven't got around to it yet. Must look and see here I put Michele's instructions.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Maria your dove is beautiful, never done long stitch, must try it sometime, the roses & cherries are equally lovely, hope you are feeling better
    Cheryl thank you for showing us Pete's lily, you obviously treasure
    Brenda what can I say about your garden, it shows the love & care you both give
    Val what a paradise your French house sits in thank you for
    Pat I would love to be sat on your balcony it looks so restful just watching the world go by. Hope you have recovered now, hugs on
    Cooler here this morning, must get on sending hugs to all who need them particularly Lynda love

  9. Morning everyone,

    I do so love mixed up Saturdays, they are the highlight of every week. Like a box of chocolates with no labels you are never sure what you will get but will be thrilled with all that you see.
    Val.....your pop up boxes are out of this world, so bright and cheerful, they should be flying off the shelves.
    Maria... Oh my, what treasures to find in your garage! Keep them on display they are so beautiful.
    Brenda's patio planters are stunning, so packed with colour. Do you choose them for the colour or perfume?
    Janet... when can I come and visit your garden and have you opened it up for the National Garden Scheme?
    Pat.... I hope you are enjoying your time out with that fantastic view from your balcony. Wish I was there to share.
    Pete's Dragon Tongue Lily has now finished flowering. The spear has shrunk to almost nothing now but what a display this year for our 29th Wedding Anniversary, I do so wish he could have seen it. All of his Lilies, Canna and Callas have grown and are coming into their own with stunning displays this year as have his roses.
    Healing prayers and gentle hugs to Lynda, I hope you are improving each day.
    Enjoy your weekend Sandra, I shall expect to see glowing reports on your cards.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl.
      My oh my what a stunning flower it is. I've never seen one of those types before it sure is a beauty. I like my asiastic ones. I'm sure Pete is keeping his eye on it from above xx

    2. Thank you Cheryl, this year I have mostly chosen pink, other years I have placed different colours in different areas. It often a case of what catches and pleases my eye. xx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      Petes lily was amazing and I also saw it last week on Facebook. As Tracy says I expect is looking down and was chuffed to bitts with it. I've never seen anything like it.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Sandra I'm sure once u get there u will chill and enjoy urself.

    Brenda. Wow what a garden u have. I'm well jealous. Uve loadsa smashing plants. And I wish my grass looked that good!! What's the secret?? Xx

    Lynda ma wee pal I hope uve not had any other calamities in the past few days? And that u heal fast. Xx
    Have commented on the way down to everyone as I usually forget by the time I get to type msg lol x

    1. Hi Tracey, in our garden the colour is mostly in Tubs and Pots, we have this very old Tortoise who thinks I plant things for him to eat. One year I had Sweet Peas growing near the fence, well he discovered them and ate the lot!!!! xx

    2. Brenda such a gorgeous garden even if they are mostly in pots. Better to keep them looking nice in pots. Might dig up all round our lawn and plant something nicer than what we have. I've begonias in pots ready to go back on our little wall now all the patio etc has been finished.

  11. Hi Sandra and all ladies in the cafe' today.
    It's a Saturday mix, how wonderful.
    Love your pop up boxes Val, they are great. You do have it hot, hope you and little Gracie are coping and the other pets too. Enjoy your meal tonight.
    Brenda- lovely garden and such a nice lawn. I can see you spending a lot of time out there.
    Cheryl- I too saw Pete's Dragon on FB but it look even better here in the cafe'. Such a unusual plant. Glad the others are flowering so nice too this year.
    Pat- so sorry your holiday started off a bit rocky but hope you feeling better so you can enjoy this gorgeous view and can have a walk around. Take care
    Janet- love your little heaven. Can imagen you sitting out there with a coffee together with John and planing your day in Marigny.
    Michele- hope the car boot goes well.
    Lynda- so hope you feeling better as the day goes. take care. Sending extra hugs to anyone who need one.
    Sandra- hope you have a great day , we like a whole report about everything and hopefully Paul is enjoying himself with pool and book.
    Thank you all for liking my hidden treasures :-) there is nowhere to have them out in the house so for now they are back in the box with things I can't give away yet.
    Done the washing, cleaned the house and we are packed and ready to go to Majorca. Leaving 3am in the morning so might as well stay up. Knee is killing me but taking walking stick with so it should be ok for some small walks. Think of me being in the pool tomorrow around
    lunchtime,:-) only teasing a little. Will try to pop in some days to see what you are up too. be good. many hugs ,Maria xxx

    1. Yes Maria, at this time of year we do spend a lot of time sitting in the garden, enjoying meals and just relaxing. You wouldn't know when sitting out there that we are so close to a main road. xx

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope your not going to do to much walking while your away. Enjoy Majorca.

    3. Hope you get to see this before you go away Your stitchery is gorgeous I hope you now display it Enjoy your holiday and see you when you get back x

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    VAL, your pop-up cards brilliant, I'm sure if they going to the shop I will be not be sitting around for long, and Lynn will be asking you to make more. xx

    MARIA, your sewing is brilliant I especially love the Dove. I have never tried long stitch, it looks to me as if a lot of hours have gone into making this piece xx

    1. Oh Woops, I just pressed publish when I wanted to press the return key...... Senior moment me thinks.

      CHERYL, WOW Pete's Dragon's tongue Lily is amazing, do you feed it or has it managed to get this size all by itself. xx

      JANET, Love your patio seating area. I can visualise you and Jim relaxing out there with your coffee. We might all join you tomorrow at coffee time. (Wouldn't that be lovely) xx

      PAY, Hope you are feeling better today. The view from your balcony is beautiful, it looks so relaxing. xx

      I came upstairs to make a quick card, realised I had posted a comment today. The time has flown by. Sandra it will be a miracle if I get to make one at this late stage ..... Sorry xx

      Sending caring hugs to everyone, can't wait to hear how the retreat is going and hope Paul is enjoying his time relaxing.
      Love Brenda XXX

    2. Hi Brenda
      Yes I'm much better today thank you. We went to Liskeard on the train today. But not doing to much gadding about, as we have a busy week with hospitals.

    3. Hi Brenda,
      No feed just a good drenching with water every couple of days x

  13. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra I really hope you enjoyed your SU day & I expect all your tummy churning & the stress went out the window once you arrived & met Amanda & everyone. Hope Paul enjoyed swimming & relaxing with his book. Enjoy the rest of your evening my lovely Big Hug's xxx
    Well once again my comment this morning went floating off in space.
    VAL I love all your cards in a box WOW.xx
    MARIA I love all your treasure you found in your garage sort out it's a shame you can't find a use for them indoors. MARIA Wishing you & Ric a brilliant holiday but don't over do your knee I'm glad you have joined the stick people tehe Thank you so much for my card it came today but haven't opened it. Xx
    PAT lovely pictures from your balcony the view is gorgeous. I hope you are feeling better now & you can enjoy the rest of your holiday Big Hug's xx
    BRENDA I love your garden it's gorgeous love your ANNIVERSARY roses they smell lovely. Hope you enjoy every moment sitting out there.Hug'sxx
    CHERYL love Pete's Dragon Lilly it's Amazing. Hug's xx
    JANET your garden is beautiful it's a lot bigger than I imagined looks vey inviting Both enjoy sitting outside with your delicious pastries Hug's xx
    I didn't do a lot today I've had a bad headache since the floor jump up & hit me 🙃. Taken my last antibiotic this afternoon but the roof of my mouth is still very sore. So i will see what it's like on Monday if still sore I will go back to dentist.
    Well I'm off to my bed now so good night God bless everyone
    Love Lynda xxMany Hug's xx
