
Friday 23 June 2017

Petal Garden Prettiness

Good Morning Ladies,

I finally finished all my swaps and got them all bagged up last night, added a couple of spares just in case! I finished about 10.30 last night, I then thought 'Oh no I need a card for the blog', so I made one of the cards in the Stampin' Up! Catalogue, it uses the Graceful Garden 6 x 6 paper pad and the 'petal Garden' Memories and more card pack. The Petal Garden pack has lovely die cut good foil die cuts that work so well with the colours in the collection, I think I love it as it has a lot of green in ! 

I have some lovely photos to share with you tomorrow, Pete's amazing Liky, some craft shopping, the beautiful views from Pat's balcony and Val's amazing pop up boxes!! I'm excited to share them with you.  
It was such a coincidence that Cheryl sent me the photo of Pete's Dragons Tongue Lily, as on the same day a chap from my Mum's village posted on Facebook a photo of what looks like a Lily in his garden,
If you read the comment he is asking if anyone knows what the plant is as he says it smells like a "Dead Rat" and he flies around it, to me it looks like some of the 'Carniverous' plants we used to have years ago, Pitcher plants I think they were called the rotten smell is to lure the flies in.  I think the replies to his message suggest that it is a 'Voodoo Lily', he ended up chopping it down as the smell was so strong, which is a shame as I don't think that flower very often. It looks similar to Pete's Lily though, although not as impressive ! 

Lynda the Bubble wrap will be good for your diet!! Lol, you'll be sweating those pounds off, although it will go back on when you have a drink, I'm sure wrapping yourself in cling film was a 'thing' years ago for quick loss of inches!! 
I hope you are starting to feel better my lovely XXX

Pat I am so pleased you arrived safely, your landlady sounds lovely, is it St Austell that you are staying at? Have a lovely time XXX

Lilian, I hope you had a lovely day at your friends and that you got some crafting done. XXX

I am hoping to check this hotel out as a possible venue for our meet up, it's near to the NEC so great for trains etc for those travelling by rail, it's just off the motorway for those coming by car too. It has a pool etc too, I will ask Paul to get the prices etc while I'm busy crafting. 

Well I'm going to try and get a couple of hours sleep now, it's 02:31, slightly cooler tonight so no fan rattling away thank goodness, Paul is home too and is sound asleep beside me.

Have a lovely day my very dear friends,

Love and huge hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, can't believe you were making it so late last night. It's really lovely.

    I'm interested to hear if you think the Hotel will be suitable for a meet up as Birmingham is reasonably central except for maybe Lilian & Val!
    Today is looking like it's going to vrna busy one-two prem babies needing us to make I V feeds for all weekend, two adults plus a chemotherapy clinic this morning.
    Tomorrow I've got a table booked (indoors ) at a Car Boot Sale-I'm going to try to sell some cards. I also have a lot of craft books and a huge pile of older magazines so I'll be taking them too. I'll have to pack the car tonight as I'll be setting off quite early tomorrow.

    Sandra-I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend, make lots of new crafty friends & I hope you can relax and enjoy yourself.


    1. Good luck at the car boot sale. I'm sure you'll sell loads.
      Hope today isn't too busy. X

    2. Hope your day is not too bad, you do have a very important job. Good luck with the car boot sale. I have loads together but it all goes to the heart foundation later this morning xx

    3. I have just taken 5 huge bags to our local Animal rescue centre. All proceeds from my card sales are given to charity-split equally between the local hospice & research into Motor Neurone disease. I donate monthly to the two charities mentioned plus two others which is why I try to sell my cards so I can purchase new stuff to keep my cards up to date.


  2. Morning Everyone

    SANDRA- A beautiful card you have given us this morning and making it at that very late hour I'm surprised you managed to keep your eyes open. lol.

    Have a really lovely week-end and I'm looking forward to hearing about everything you do.

    We are still roasting in the high 30s and hoping that the week-end temps drop a little so that we may be able to get to a village Brocante on Sunday. They are always held outside whatever the weather and take over the whole of the village.

    We're off this morning to our usual Friday Market so it will be a little walking in the market, coffee and people watching and finishing off with collecting our Friday Treats.

    It looks at though Marigny Dobbie is on top of things so pop in and have a chat. HUGE HUGS to you all.

    1. I hope you not melting away too much in the heat, have a nice day at the market. Have you got anywhere nearby so you can have a dopp to cool down a bit ? xx

    2. Hello Maria
      We don't have anything like a pool to cool down in. We are really very rural and as we're not anywhere near t he touristy areas pools are not seen in gardens. The best place is the bedroom as it faces north or the bathroom as it's completely tiled lol. xxxx

  3. A beautiful card SANDRA and enjoy your weekend
    Who on earth would want to grow such an ugly looking plant that attracts of all things Bluebottles I wonder what it's called too I hope I'm not offending Pete's lily
    Take care all Hope the bruises and grazes are disappearing LYNDA
    Off to work soon Will be back later

    1. Have a good day at work, not so hot today so hope it will help. I'm booked for the 12th, hope you get the message :-) xx

  4. Looking forward to hearing about your pastries this week Janet. Hope the market is in the shade.x

  5. Hi Sandra and all.

    Can't believe you could make such a lovely card in the middle of the night. It's really pretty.

    Don't like the plant at all. Definitely not one to buy.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend Sandra meeting all your crafty friends. I betyou have a great time.

    Don't the weeks go by quickly? I can't believe it's Friday again and it's Craft Club.
    We're all colouring this week. Taking our pens or pencils and some stamped images. I'm definitely not a colourists so I need the practice and some tips.

    Love to all not feeling too good especially Lynda and Maria and Tracy.

    Pat hope your getting lots of R+R.

    Lots of love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, have a fun day colouring. Like to go for a class myself to learn about shadings etc and what colours that work together. Some of you ladies are very good at that, you, Sonia and Sandra for example xx

  6. Morning all,
    lovely card you managed to put together late last night Sandra. Some yummy strawberries from the allotment, well done Paul :-) Have a good weekend with the other ladies, we are with you in spirit.
    Thanks for showing us the plant,it looks quite nice but glad tho we can't smell it Lol
    Nearly finished CC so will send them off later. Have to stay in this morning for having someone from the Heart Foundation to come and pick up stuff for their store. Good to clear out the house and garage sometimes, at least we can now walk in without getting bruises.
    How is Mrs Sumo doing this morning ? saw you crusting over a bit, just hope it is where you hurt yourself Lol No serious ,I wish you better and sending you some hugs. Also extra hugs to anyone else who need one today.
    Sue- hope you alright and Sonia too, missing you.
    Have a good day all whatever you are up too,
    Love Maria Xxx

    1. Hi Maria. I'm still here 😊 Just busy as usual and haven't had chance to comment. Hope you're keeping well and having a good day. Hugs xxx

  7. Hello All, hoping this post works, iPad feeling a bit tired I think.

    Much cooler here today, yesterday down to 16.5c from almost 30c the day before, poor plants don't know what's happening.

    Sandra love your card, not sure what your up to this weekend, seems to have missed something, but I'm sure you will have a wonderful time, "knock em dead girl", interesting about the hotel.

    Have a lovely day, I'm going to try and make a banana cake!!! Can't remember the last time I made a cake, probably when Jason was at university, he's 45 now. This practicing for retirement!!! Hugs Lilian.

    1. Lillian, Like you I don't bake as often as when the family were at home. When I bake now OH asks who's coming? xx

  8. Morning everyone.
    Sandra what s fab card I do like that shade of green I wouldn't mind a t shirt in that colour lol.

    A very rainy day here in east Ayrshire. Guess that's our summer been an gone. Need to tidy my craft pit again. Graeme was complaining I was taking over the kitchen and sunroom. Anywhere there is s flat surface he says lol.
    So I'm going back into my pit so I'd better tidy it before he sees that's s mess too lol xx

    Love to all.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a trooper you are Sandra, working until all hours to make this lovely card and prepare your blog to go out on time. That is called dedication. LOL

    The plant in the picture of is called Dracunculus Vulgeris (RHS website) also known as - Dragon Arun. Brook Leek. Indian Yurnip and Snake Plants, to name but a few. RHS also give names of places where you can buy this species, don't think I'll be following that one through.!!!

    Hope you are organised and ready for your StampinUp up retreat. I know once you get there you will really have a great time, make lots of new friends. Shea hints and tips with like-minded people in. The time is just going to fly. Love and hugs have a safe journey xxx

    PAT, hope you and Pete are enjoying your time in Cornwall. xx

    JANET, I could really fancy one of your lovely pastries just now, I wonder which you both choose today. xx

    LYNDA, I hope you're feeling a little more comfortable and Terry is looking after you with his usual caring ways. xx

    To any of our other friends who are feeling under the weather or just in need of a little TLC I'm sending you special hugs, love and prayers.
    Whatever you are doing today hope you're going to enjoy it, love Brenda XXX

    1. That should read Indian TURNIP - fat fingers got the wrong key

  10. Morning ladies,

    What a coincidence you saw the other Dragon Tongue Lily Sandra. Though I do not know what he meant about the smell. Pete's doesn't smell of anything (and was 3/4 times the size of his). I'm sure he must have had a cat deposit a parcel in his garden.
    The Latin name is Dracunculus vulgaris...the first name meaning small dragon. The garden centre label called it Dragon Tongue so I suppose the name may have updated by the RHS.

    Bit disappointed we didn't get the promised rain yesterday, went to bed hoping it would appear during the night but no, so I am off now to water all plants in pots.

    Gurt big (((((HUGS))))) for all in need of one.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. You would never guess that todays card was made at "silly o clock" this morning, it is really pretty, I love the peach and green together. I'm glad you have finished your SU cards ready for the weekend. I'm sure you are getting more and more nervous about tomorrow but I do hope that once you have got there and met everyone you can start to relax and enjoy yourself my lovely. I will be holding your hand as you walk in that door xx
    Thank you for all of the kind comments about my card that I made for Pop. I will be honest and say that I have made this one before (I copied it from Pinterest) but without the stars. Yes, you've guessed why I had to add the stars on this one! The dark blue ink mark I managed to get on one of the yellow flags had to be covered with something!!!!! 😬😬😬
    Also want to say thank you for the anniversary wishes We had little Chris with us at home and did the usual Wed swim lessons etc. with the girls so a lovely day for us.
    Lynda, I couldn't believe it when I saw that you are in the wars against friend. I'm not surprised Terry got some bubble wrap. I hope he loosened it off your face though 😁😁😁 Seriously, I'm so sorry that you are suffering with your gum infection along with the cut and bruises. I'm sending you big very gentle hugs x
    Maria, I hope the doctor has given you some stronger pain killers, if only enough to allow you to get away on your holiday. Sitting by the pool and the occasional dip to cool off sounds like it would do your knee a power of good, compared to being at home where you will be up and down doing those everyday jobs that need to be done. I'm sending you some big gentle hugs too. Your embossed card that you coloured beautifully is gorgeous, I love it. Thank you for sharing it 😊 x
    Janet, your card is another beauty. I love it. I hope it is a little cooler for you today as you go and choose your Friday treat 😊x
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, yes you're right I am a bit of a mess today,it was different at the retreat because then I had you constantly beside me, supporting me both mentally and physically, Paul is taking me and staying with me but during the day I will be in my own in a place where I know nobody (other than Amanda )who I am friends with on line, I have never met her and bless her she will be busy running a project male and take.
      One of you lovely friends will just have to join up so that you can be my travel/event companion !!!!
      Glad you and Chris had a nice day xxxx

    2. Hi Sue. Belated Happy Anniversary wishes, sorry I missed it! Hugs xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. I think I like most of the Stampin Up stamps and dies. Not to sure I can afford all of them though. Have a great meet up and knock them dead.
    We're staying in Looe Sandra on the West side overlooking the river. Opposite the pier.
    I was really ill last night and felt like death warmer up. Then I was violently sick this morning. I didn't have any breakfast but Karen our landlady sent he up some dried toast to settle my stomach. I've now had a shower and sat on the balcony. The others have gone for a little walk and will be back to see how I am. Just feel a bit light headed. But hopefully we'll walk down the road to the park.
    Lynda hope your feeling better after face planting the floor.

    1. Oh Pat, I hope you're feeling better soon and able to enjoy your time away. Hugs xxx

    2. Pat I'm so sorry you're not feeling good. Hope after resting up today you'll be fine tomorrow. Hugsx

  13. Hi Pat so sorry that you are poorly, was it something you are? I hope you are feeling better today my lovely.
    Love you lots

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, Sandra you've been busy. Lovely card today and glad you finished your swaps. Hope you have a lovely time meeting up with everyone 🙂 xx
    Oh Lynda, sounds like you've been in the wars. Hope you're ok and feeling better soon 🙂 xx
    Busy times at the moment with work and home. We have a CQC inspection at work next week, so been frantically supporting our manager prepare for that. It will be the first one we have had since opening.
    Got James' prom and Luke's 18th Birthday coming up, so been arranging all of that too.
    Unfortunately no time for crafting, and I have to admit that Luke will most probably receive a shop bought card 😁
    I hope everyone is keeping well, and having a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all xxx

  15. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Well I did comment earlier I'm sure I did but it seems to have disappeare
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous loving the colour's used how can you make such a lovely card at silly o'clock. I hope your all packed up for your SU retreat tomorrow what time are you all meeting up? & are you crafting Saturday & Sunday. Your going to be fine my lovely 😊 hope you can get some sleep 😴 tonight DEEP BREATH we will all be with you holding your hand. I might stand behind a wall as don't want to frighten anyone with bubble wrap & scabby scare face 😂😂😂😂
    PAT so sorry your not feeling well hope you feel better soon my friend sending healing 🤗🤗's enjoy the rest of your holiday xx
    MARIA hope you got some stronger pain killers for your knee & Your able to go on holiday. It would be better sitting & resting your knee round the pool in the sun.Rather than staying home as you won't Mrs Sumo😂😂xx
    Thank you all very much for your Hug's & well wishes they mean a lot 😊Xx
    Haven't done much this morning. I did go in craft room &I finished my CC so will send it soon Sandra.hope you have all had a good day
    Love Lynda xx

  16. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra how on earth can you make such a lovely card so late at night or should say early morning, it is lovely. I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight, just remember we are all holding your hand, will be thinking of you, hugs on
    I do not think I would like the "Dragon Lily" in my garden.
    Pat sorry you have felt poorly hope all well now & Pete doesn't go down without, hugs on
    Lynda hope you feel easier
    Maria did you get extra meds, hope you get away safely, hugs on
    I don't know where today has gone, nothing much to show for it really.
    Sending hugs to all who needs them love
