
Thursday 22 June 2017

My challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,
I hope you are all well and those of you that aren't feeling 100% are feeling a little brighter today.

Today's card is my version of this weeks Sketch, hopefully it will give you a little bit of inspiration, that's if you haven't started yours already.  I imagine most of you like me went into the craft room in the evening as it was a little cooler and easier to concentrate, having said that as I am writing this it is 1 am, I think I lost track of time! 
I made this card using the Stampin'Up 'Beautiful Bouquet' stamp set and matching Thinlits, it is such a bonus having the matching die to all of the flowers and it gives you so many more options than just having them as stamps.  I stamped the flowers in the following colours, 'So Saffron', 'Sweet Sugarplum' , 'Calypso Coral's and Rich Razzleberry', I used Fresh Fig card with a piece of the Graceful Garden 6x6 pad for my background paper, the ribbon is Sweet Sugarplum Striped Grosgrain. The sentiment came from the same stamp set too. 
Beautiful Bouquet

It will be a quiet day here as Paul will be trying to sleep of nights, I am hoping it will be a little cooler for him today, I will be finishing off my swaps and packing my craft bag ready for the weekend, The nerves have kicked in already ladies, with the "is it worth it, shall I go" statement's whizzing round my brain, anxiety is something that I wouldn't wish on anyone, you end up feeling so helpless even though you know that in reality things will be fine, I am so lucky that I have a husband that is willing to give up his time to support me through these things . 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, whether it's rain or shine!

Love and huge hugs



  1. Morning Everyone

    SANDRA- A very pretty card and so Summer like.
    You will be fine at the Week-end - go and 'knock em dead' you know you can do it. Looking forward to your report back.

    We had the hottest day yet yesterday with high humidity and it just sapt all energy. The sun is shining, the birds are singing their hearts out so I really shouldn't grumble.

    The hope for today is that I get to do my CC lol.
    I did manage to get the inserts into two cards yesterday before the heat got to me so it just might happen today with my CC.

    I hope that all Dear Friends not feeling too good at the moment feel a little better today.
    I'm sending extra HUGS to you ALL.

    Marigny Dobbie has opened the CAFE and put the sun shades out so pop in for a cool drink and ice cream.

    1. Hi Janet
      Gorgeous card yesterday. After driving to Cornwall I was a bit pooped. I'm hoping I'll be a bit cooler down on the coast today. This heat certainly is energy sapping.

  2. Hello All, much cooler here today, no sun at the moment, but no rain either.

    Sandra lovely card, might have to get that set, I had the jar of love with the dies and it works so well (friend has borrowed it ).

    I am with you on the anxiety thing, I am going to my friends today, all day yesterday I was thinking "it's not worth it, wish I wasn't going, this morning stomach is in knots, but have to do it, find it has been much worse since my accident. You will be great , you are such a talented crafter.

    Hope you all have a good day, Lynda healing hugs on the way to you.hugs to all stay cool if it's still hot where you are. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope you gave a lovely day with your friend. Are they going to let you drive again if they don't find the cause of your accident?. Or wouldn't you want to.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is stunning, really beautiful. Wow-you have been busy.
    I couldn't settle to make anything last night again-went into my craft room but I just faffed about , shuffling things so I gave up.
    No time tonight either as I'm going straight to Tesco then I'll be phoning my Dad.


  4. Morning everyone,

    After a very fractured sleep last night in the muggy weather, I was awoken by Jamie who needed to borrow my car (his exhaust has gone and needs to go to the garage) to a dull grey rain as yet but certainly cooler though the temp in my bedroom was a tad too high for comfort. This last week I have taken a leaf out of the Mediterranean's book and had a siesta every lunchtime. Certainly gave me the impetus to do house work later in the day that normal. Not much craft done as the work I am doing at the moment involves my hot glue gun which makes my temperature rise considerably. Today is the day to finish all items off. answer to your question.. No.....Pete's lily is not like the one at Kew although the flower does seem to have a short life but... that could be because it is in a pot. The flower spike has now collapsed and shrunk so much it is hard to believe to believe it was so striking only a few days ago.

    Good luck with whatever it is you are doing Sandra (must catch up with posts).... if I can get to Brian's on my own I am sure you can get there.

    Gurt big (((((hugs))))) to all especially for our dear heart Lynda...I hope you are recovering from your face massage courtesy of the floor.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      What a shame your dragons tongue lily doesn't last very long as it was a gorgeous specimen.
      Hope Jamie manages to get his exhaust fixed.

  5. Morning everyone,

    Beautiful card Sandra and a lovely stamp and die set.
    I know you'll be fine this weekend. I always think the thought of something is always worse than the actual thing. I always had a lot of confidence until Allan died when it just disappeared. Doing things on my own like flying or going for a meal was a nightmare and at times I was physically sick at the thought of it. A few years on I've got more used to it. I'm sureSandra there will be some ladies there feeling exactly the same as you and I'm sure once youre there being your usual happy friendly self you'llknock eme dead.

  6. Oops, dropped my tablet on the floor.
    Off out for lunch with a friend today. Hope fully the restaurant has air con.

    Lynda so hope your not feeling too sore today and you're keeping that bubble wrap on.x
    Pat hope your having a good holiday.

    Hugs to all poorly friends.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Had a relaxing evening after driving down to Looe.
      Enjoy your lunch.

    2. Hi Val I hope you enjoy your lunch and the restaurant has air con. xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well I'm writing this while I'm waiting for Pete to finish his shower. I'm sat on our balcony watching some of the fishing boats going out. One yacht has just gone by, but my word I'm no authority on engines but that one does sound rough. Had a great journey down. I'll take a photo of the view later on today and send it off to Sandra
    Had a wonderful greeting from the lady owner and we all had two cups of tea each before she showed us to our rooms. I can smell breakfast cooking.
    Lynda Terry must wrap you up in bubble wrap as was said previously. Hope your face isn't to bad after being attacked by the floor.
    Sandra you'll have a great time once you get to wherever your going. I know your having a meet up but can't remember where if you told me which you probably did. As Val says I expect everyone else feels exactly the same.

    1. Hi Pat, pleased you arrived safely, enjoy your holiday in Cornwall it's such a lovely county to visit. xx

    2. Hi Pat, where are you staying in our wonderful county? Sorry the weather has changed for you. Hope you have a lovely time.

  8. Love your card SANDRA I know how you feel I'm exactly the same before our Watford meet ups I so want to go and get really excited Then the nerves kick in
    I hope you're feeling tons better LYNDA
    I must go and get ready for work I haven't done much crafting this week either I feel like I'm moving through treacle I feel that lethargic
    Dancing was very hot and sticky Take care all

    1. I must say it's been to hot for crafting Karen.
      It's not so warm as yesterday today down in Cornwall.

    2. Hi Karen, I think we are all feeling lethargic in this heat. We have spent most of the last two days sitting in the garden (out of the sun) reading it's just been to hot to move. I can't imagine how you felt dancing in the heat........ Phew! xx

  9. Good morning Sandra & lovely ladies
    Thank you all for your kind wishes My Pet went to B&Q yesterday came home with a big roll of bubble wrap 😂😂😂😂
    SANDRA WOW WOW your card is really stunning. The stamp & Die set is Gorgeous. Sandra you will be fine I'm the same when meeting new people my stomach churns feel sick. I have always been the same. You will be fine just enjoy yourself & say Hi to Amanda.
    PAT glad you arrived safely in Cornwall hope you & Pete have a lovely relaxing holiday you deserve it. Xx
    VAL enjoy your lunch with your friend xx
    CHERYL such a shame Pete's Dragon Lilly has died off so quickly it was so beautiful I've never seen one before so thank you for sharing. Hope Jamie's car gets better soon 😂Xx
    JANET enjoy your day be careful in the sun if your sitting out in it.Hug's for you & Jim 🤗🤗xx
    KAREN yes feeling slightly better but still sore thank you.xx Have a good day.xx
    LILLIAN have a lovely day with your friend. Are you driving again take care Sending 🤗🤗xx
    MICHELE have a good day at work hope it's not too hot & busy. Xx
    Well I'm not upto much My pet has Dentist this afternoon & got Tesco at some point. Try & do CC as well.
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad your feeling better today. Don't let your pet cover you fully in bubble wrap will you or we might think he's trying to finish you off. Only joking Terry. Sponge might be a better bet as you'll have a soft landing.

    2. Hi Lynda, Hope you're feeling better today and your wounds are beginning to heal, how is your mouth? Have the antibiotics started to work? Hope so.
      Sorry you did make me laugh - I can just see Terry going to B&Q for bubble wrap, and telling the staff why he needed a roll !!
      Thank care xx

    3. Hi Brenda slowly healing scabed over now. I'm pleased I gave you a laugh it's a bit hot in this bubble wrap though.
      Sending you some Hug's xx

    4. Thanks Pat I think my Pet could be thinking that as he has wrapped it round my head a bit tight can't breath 😂😂😂😂
      Enjoy your holiday I Love Cornwall & cream Tea's mmmm!!!
      🤗🤗 for you both xx

  10. Hello Sandra and all,

    Beautiful card Sandra, thank you for your great inspiration. Hope you have packed your bags ready for the weekend, just go and be yourself, I'm sure a lot of the other people going to be feeling the same - Just be YOU! XX 😘

    Hope Paul manages to sleep in this heat.

    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda XXX

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Gorgeous card and I do love the colours you have used.
    Nice dies and stamps.
    You will be fine over the weekend, you know I am the same if meeting new people I lose my confident and get tongue tied Lol Have a great time my friend.
    have tried to comment under each of you today but the lappi wont let me so i just saying that I hope you all have a better, little bit cooler day and are enjoying whatever you are planning to do today.
    Pat- have a lovely time in Looe.
    Lynda- you wrapped in Bubble wrap, sorry but I see Mrs Michelin hihi oh bless you , so hope you get better soon and the meds working for the infection on your gums.
    I'm back with the doc. 3.50pm today because my knee is not getting better but worse. OH is even talking about cancelling the holiday so feeling pretty bad, I so want to go just sitting around the pool and when the dial show + 35c and it doesn't matter because you can pop into the pool to cool down ,not having to cook for a week or running the hoover around and hopefully OH can relax more then he does at home.
    Have a good day everyone, Maria xxx

    1. Hello Maria, I hope the doctor is able to offer a magic potion to give you some pain relief, and you are able to go on your holiday LOL xx

    2. Hi Maria
      Hopefully the dr is able to give you something for you knee. It will probably do you good to have it rested.

    3. Hi Maria thank you I was Mrs Michelin before the bubble wrap hehe
      Now Mrs Sumo reseller 😂😂 trouble is I can't see as Pet has wrapped it all round my face good for loosing weight but can't breath HELP HAHA XX

  12. Margaret Palmer22 June 2017 at 14:12

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card, love the colours you have used. Please try not to worry about the weekend, I know that is easier said than done, you know them all from FB. Just think how much you enjoyed the Retreat & you did not have Paul with you then, just enjoy it.xxxx
    Much better temperature today thank goodness.
    Lilian hope you have a good day with your
    Lynda hope you are slowly recovering, sending
    Pat hope you & Pete have a lovely
    Maria I am sorry your knee is soo painful hope Dr. can
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you so much Margaret. The cuts on my face have scabs on now so hopefully clear up soon. 🤗🤗xx

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    I've not done much crafting whilst I've been off however my sisters pal asked me to make 2 a4 cards for her 40th but from her gran and auntie. Her gran is 95 bless her although looking at her I'd have thought late 70,s lol.
    The biggest I normally do is 8x8!! So yeah this was a challenge for me. I'll send to Sandra to share once completed. It's well outa my comfort zone lol.

    Back is getting better although struggling a little in the morning no more diazepam left dr won't give me anymore which is fair enough as they are addictive. But the painkillers are just taking the edge off but it's better than nothing. I want off them asap xx
    Love to all xx
