
Wednesday 21 June 2017

A Trio of Treasures

Janet's beautiful Silhouette Card

Maria's Pretty Embossed Card

Sue's Fab Flags Card

Good Morning Ladies,

How are you all coping in the heat?  Sue and I managed ok yesterday, you will be pleased to know that I was fully clothed, as was Sue.  We chatted for most of the time but did manage to squeeze a little bit of crafting in too.
She had a play with the Envelope Punch Board and was very impressed, which pleases me greatly as I know it's not just me being biased. 
She then very kindly helped me with the next batch of my swap cards, so I'm a few more nearer being finished.  Thanks Sue XXX

Now onto today's cards....

First up we have Janet's beautiful Silhouette CA, such a pretty image framed beautifully with delicate die cuts, trimming around the cameo style topper with gems really lifts it. Thank you so much Janet for sharing your card XXX

Maria's Pretty card was created by Maria meticulously colouring the embossed image, the image is absolutely beautiful, enhanced by Maria's brilliant colouring, the pearl embellished flowers are so pretty too. Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card Maria XXX

Last up we have Sue's card that she made for her 'Pops', I love the multicoloured flags Sue, the stars really give that extra touch of luxury, I'm sure Pop loved his card. Thanks for allowing me to share it XXX

Pat I hope you and Pete have a lovely holiday, you both deserve a lovely break XXX

Sue I hope you and Chris have a lovely Anniversary, enjoy your day xxx

Maria I hope your new drugs are helping so that you can get your pain under control for your holiday xxx

Lynda, Lynda, Lynda, I think you need to ask Terry to wrap you up in bubble wrap, 
You must be in agony my lovely, I'm sorry to hear that your gum has got infected too, hopefully they should kicking In a couple of days and you should start feeling better, please try and stay upright, it's me that kisses the carpet not you, sending you buckets of love and huge,gentle hugs xxx

Well I'm off back into my craft room to finish those cards, I hope you have a lovely day whatever you are up to xxx

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    I hope you all managed to have a reasonable sleep last night and feeling refreshed to start today.

    LYNDA- what can I say - PLEASE TRY AND STAY UPRIGHT as you know it makes sense hehe seriously though PLEASE take care of yourself and I'm sure the biotics will soon start to work. Tell Terry we have a large roll of bubble wrap if needed. lol.

    MARIA- I love Flower Meadow with the cute bird's nest. You must have taken ages colouring those beautiful flowers.

    SUE- What a beautiful array of flags and the colours are so uplifting. I just know 'Pops' loved it.

    My card was made from Crafters Companion Edgeable dies (sorry I cannot remember the name of the die and it's back in the UK) and the Lady is from a CD and again memory loss but I think it's from a CD called 'Sillaparge'(oh that spelling looks totally wrong but again the CD is in the UK).

    I managed to get to my crafting yesterday morning and actually managed to make a card before the heat got to me. Today I have to put a couple of inserts into cards which need posting this week.

    I see the CAFE doors and windows are open and can I spy a FAN in the corner for those Dear Friends who need cool air- Full marks to Marigny Dobbie for thinking of that.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Thanks for the bubble wrap 😢 Feeling very sore today. I did the ironing this morning but I do sit down. JANET I love your card it's Gorgeous.enjoy your day both of Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet -lovely card, very classy & elegant.

    Maria -great card, really pretty.

    Sue-lovely card, bright & cheerful.

    Another night of very little sleep, just too hot. I tried to make a card last night but I just couldn't settle to craft so I gave up. Will try again this evening.


  3. Hopefully it'll be a little cooler today In fact I am sitting in the cafe with a beautiful cool breeze passing through it
    Your cameo lady is lovely I love how you've framed her JANET
    MARIA - your card is beautiful I bet you found fault with it once you'd finished though lol! We're our own worst critic It's gorgeous
    And SUE your card is perfect for those pesky men and I expect Pop loved it
    LYNDA Haven't read last night's comments but it sounds like you've had a fall Take care young lady and take more water with it next time!
    Out Salsa dancing tonight with my daughter as she's teaching a Rueda class and an advanced Salsa class
    Take care all and hope the meds kick in for you x

    1. Hi Karen yes fell indoors just before going to dentist. I was cleaning the splashes off the back of my chair where Terry cleaned the carpet Day before Just felt I was falling but couldn't stop myself Have grazing on forehead nose & lip looks like it been punched in the face also pulled a muscle under left arm.
      Enjoy your dancing tonight Karen Xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all,

    Not much sleep again. I had cramp for a few hours during the night and got up today with one of those dull headaches. It's crib today and really just feel like going back to bed.

    Janet, your card is so pretty. I love the delicate die you've used and the lovely image.x

    Maria. What a lovely image and beautifully coloured. Hope you're feeling better today.

    Sue, what a great man card. So bright and cheerful. I bet pops will love it.

    Oh Lynda, you've been in the wars again. Hope you're not too badly bruised. Definitely a case for the bubble wrap. Hope the anti biotics work quickly for you.

    The kettle's on for another cup of coffee. I haven't even thought what to do for my cc this week. That was going to be this mornings job but don't really think I'm in the mood.

    Pat enjoy your well deserved holiday.

    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Thanks VAL the more bubble wrap the merrier
      Not doing much for the rest of the day. Did my ironing this morning
      ( sitting down HaHa ) Just finished then door bell went Terry was upstairs with his music load,so I answered it postman but still had my PJs on HaHa. Enjoy your day Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Morning all.
    Janet- such a pretty card, so delicate and love the cameo lady.
    Sue- I bet Pop loved his card. Fantastic colours.
    You right Karen, hihi I can see many things wrong and not sure if I like working with water colour pencils.
    Hope you got the "Hint" Lol
    Very sticky day again, will be the hottest and it is the longest one so will do some work this morning before too hot.
    Lynda- take it easy today and everyday ! What shall we do with you young lady ?
    Pat and Pete- have a nice break away.
    Sending many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Thanks Maria hope my face ( which looks like I've been punched in the face) hoping it's better by my birthday as spending it with my family.
      Hope your feeling better too my friend.
      MARIA your card is Gorgeous don't be so critical of yourself look at it again &say YES it's beautifully coloured.i know we all do it I know I do.
      Take care Hug's xx

    2. Hi Maria.

      I see on sues blog uve changed from tramadol to co codamol. I can honestly say from experience that they're is no difference between the two apart from they work in different ways. I was on cc for years changed to tram but then I started losing weight that was what I thought was the pills but no it was cancer. I'm now back on co codamol after 7 months of being off them. I'm raging I'm back to square one again. Best used with diazepam that takes the pain away for me lol x

    3. Hi Tracy, I have been on both pills for years but nothing really helps and I have never lost any weight by taking the Tramadols, that would have been bliss Lol Only one thing I wish they would legalise here so you could get it through the doctors. Hope your back is getting better xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear you & Sue had a catch, hope you get your cards finished
    Janet what a lovely delicate card, love the image. Hope you manage some crafting
    Maria just remember that the camera never lies & this is a beautiful card, lovely shading & colours. Hope meds are working
    Sue as you can imagine Pop loved his card. Hope you & Chris have a lovely 31st Anniversary, where has the time gone!!!love
    Lynda I have a feeling you will be feeling very sore this morning, please take it easy & hope antibiotics are kicking in, healing hugs on
    Another very warm day although there does seem to be a little breeze at least more than yesterday.
    Pat & Pete enjoy your few days
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you Margaret yes feel battered & bruised today the roof of my mouth is very sore. Hope your having a good day
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra.

    Three lovely delights to look at this morning. I love sues the best it literally just pops! With the colours he's sure to love it.

    Lynda honestly u sound like my mother u both need to come with a hazard warning sign!!! Lol hope ur doing ok tho.

    Well Sandra after watching ur tutorial on the punch board I ordered it and it arrived yesterday. I had a crafyersco
    Crafters companion enveloper board but couldn't grasp it at all this looks way easier. I'll let u know how I get on xx

    1. Thanks Tracy I forgot I could be your mum 😂😂😂😂
      OOO is while the cats away you can buy crafty goodies do you hide them from Graeme HaHa. Did you Have to go back to work
      Hug's Xx

  8. Hello Sandra and all,

    Three equally beautiful cards today.
    JANET Your Cameo card is a really classy. Yes I agree the image is from that CD. I'm not sure of the spelling either, I gave mine away to a dear friend a few years ago. (I'm useless with CD's) xx
    MARIA, What a brilliant idea to colour an embossed image, you have certainly made a beautiful card. You really should be proud of your efforts,. I know we are our own worst enemy when judging our own work, but credit where credit is due - you have made a beautiful card. xx
    SUE Your card for POP is fantastic, you would never be able to purchase a card like this. Unless you commissioned one, but that takes away the personal pleasure. I'm sure he was thrilled to bits. xx

    Sandra great you and Sue got together yesterday and she was able to lend a hand. I'm still trying to get my head around you making so many cards for your StampinUp group. I'm also in awe of VAL and MICHELE both seem to be able to start their own production line - I struggle to complete one a day AND that's on a good day!!!!

    LYNDA, hope you are feeling more comfortable today - keep taking the tablets!!
    Seriously I hope you start to feel better soon LOL xx

    Love to everyone, especially those feeling under the weather or just in need of that extra little bit of TLC. Hugs Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All, very warm again, but we are forecast torrential rain later tonight, so hopefully will clear the air.

    Having a lazy day today after not much sleep, although we had the fan on all night.

    Lovely cards ladies, they are great.

    Watching the tennis at the moment, shame about Andy, seems to be very hot at Queens, don't know how they do it.

    Lynda do hope you are not feeling too bad this morning, and that tha antibiotics are beginning to have an effect.

    Have a great day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Thanks Lillian yes feeling battered & bruised I'm also having a lazy day
      Enjoy the Tennis Hug's xx

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    hope you have finished all your cards now for SU meeting your super woman doing so many. Glad you had a good day with Sue yesterday & was able to help you. SUE your card for Pop's was lovely &I bet he loved it.
    Well I have commented on way down. Going to take another antibiotics face & gums very sore & take a pain killer as well had headache since hitting the floor it was very hard.Gave the postman a fright opening the door in PJs & looking at this face HaHa
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Sorry PAT enjoy your holiday hope the journey wasn't too bad
      Take it easy my friend love Lynda xx

    2. Hey lynda.

      lol yes I did buy cause he's no in to see what I'm getting lol!!
      And yeah got another line for a week. I'm still using the kitchen worktop as recommended by Maria. Top tip that lol
