
Tuesday 20 June 2017

Batch Card Making, in this heat !!!!

Good Morning Ladies,

Good Heavens somebody please turn that thermostat down a notch or two, I felt like I was actually cooking yesterday, the house from the outside looked like we were 'mourning', I kept the curtains closed to keep the Sun from baking me and the cats.
I almost had an 'Oops' moment though, I had spent most of the morning in my Bra and Knickers, after a few hours I had almost forgotten my lack of clothes, so much so that when the doorbell rang my excitement for the parcel I was expecting had me heading (in my slow and steady pace) to the front door, thank the lord that we have a porch is all I will say, as it was while opening the porch door that it dawned on me that I was just in my Knickers and Bra, I shouted 'one moment' to 'Mr Brown' (UPS Man) and went and got my dressing gown! 
He looked at me a little bewildered, probably because I was wearing a thick dressing gown at noon on the hottest day of the year, I was also melting at the effort of walking to the door twice, I just said 'Don't Ask'  as he popped the parcel in lounge for me.   So lesson learned !!
I won't be repeating the performance today though as Sue is coming over, as close as we are I think it might a little awkward, so I will look in my holiday clothes for something light and floaty!   Why is this heat more bearable when we are on holiday I wonder?  Maybe it's because it's only been a week or so since we were needing the heating on.

While sweltering in the heat I had to get started on the 44 Swaps I need to make for a Stampin Up Meeting at the weekend, the seem never ending, I thought I had chosen a simple design, but it seems to be taking forever, I'm usually a one card a day girl !!
The cards are made using the 'Delicate Daisy' stamp set and matching Punch, the background is from 'Background Bits' and the sentiment is from Teeny Tiny Sentiments' and punched out with matching Punch.
 Delicate Daisies
Background Bits

I hope that you all manage to stay comfortable in this heat.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    I hope you're all managing to cope in the hot weather you're having. SANDRA you could have told the 'UPS' man that you were in the middle of a photo shoot for a 'COTSWOLD BLOG 2018 CALENDAR' hehehe

    Anyway have a good day with SUE and I'm sure that you'll put everything to

    We are still in the 30s so it getting to the stage when we open the shutters in the morning it's 'oh no the sun is shining'. We really should be grateful shouldn't we.

    PAT - I'm with you re watering flowers as well as veggies but here everyone has a large veg patch (I have to say that we only have one small general store in the village along with a bakery) so that everyone eats throughout the year.

    I'm determined that I'm getting to my crafting things this morning. To say that I've got 'withdrawl' systems is putting it mildly and it has to be before lunch or everything will have sweaty finger marks all over.

    CHERYL- I love PETE's Lily - is it like the one that's in Kew Gardens which only flowers once every so many years. Sorry I cannot remember the number of years. He will be so proud that you've looked after it so well.

    The CAFE looks as though it's OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in. I've asked Marigny Dobbie to put some ice cream in the freezer for you all so I hope he's done that.

    I'm off for my breakfast which has just arrived - well the car has just come up the back lane and as it's only us here it has to be. HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-you did make me laugh with your Tale of the delivery man!! Your cards are beautiful-I can't believe you sat in this heat making all those cards.

    My friend arrived just after 7pm and didn't leave until 10pm so I didn't get anything done last night. Never mind-we had a nice evening. This is the friend who had a mastectomy then just as she returned to work, she was told she needed a colostomy then once again, just as she returned to work-her husband has a massive heart attack. He's fine but isn't able to return to his job and my friend has had to reduce her hours. They're such a lovely couple & she was in great form last night when we put the world to rights. The only thing she didn't tell me was where to plant my climbing rose!!!!!

    Looks like it's going to be another hot, sunny day here. Luckily we have climate control in the Unit-the drugs need to be kept in a constant temperature.


  3. A really hot day again You did make me smile SANDRA Have a great day with SUE
    I hope to craft later I've been asked to set up our Knit and Natter group again So I need to raid my room for easy patterns and old needles for them to start off with
    Btw lovely cards for batch making SANDRA

  4. Good morning Sandra and all,

    Up early today, as the car has had to go in for a service. Quite honestly it's too hot to stay in bed. Have been out into the garden sat a while at the table, it's so much cooler outside.

    Oh Sandra what are you like? Going to the door to meet Mr Brown (aka The UPS man) dressed - well not dressed! ........ Sorry I can't help but laugh. XX

    I do not know how you managed to make so many card on such a hot day, you must have thought you were on a production line. They really are lovely and illustrate how useful these stamps would be. Love Colours you have chosen.

    Have a lovely day with Sue, I'm sure you will both have a lot to catch up on,.
    Remember to get dressed before Sue arrives ha ha.

    Any one feeling under the weather send special hugs.

    Have a good day and try and keep cool, love Brenda XXX

  5. Morning everyone to another sunny day.
    So many cards, yikes ! No fat finger marks on any of them, you have to tell Sue the secret because we wondered about this yesterday. Have a nice day together but yes, a little vest and shorts will probably look better then just bra and knickers. You do make me smile Lol
    Janet- hope you find your crafting things so your withdraws wont effect you to much. Marigny Dobbie is doing a great job and the ice cream is in the freezer in many wonderful flavours, take care
    Michele- your friend is amazing, after all her problems she seem like a good sport. Glad you had a nice evening together.
    Karen- hope your day is ok, take care. See you on the 12th hint,hint :-D
    Brenda- good luck with the service. hope you have some cooler place in the house so you can sit and take it easy, our garden is South facing ,so hot but the kitchen is North , it was 24c 2am this morning
    Lynda- hope the dentist goes alright.
    Pat- hope you and Pete taking it easy.
    Didn't get much sleep,it was so hot and sticky all night. We might get thunder today so that could help a bit. Determined tho to do any work early so can sit this afternoon reading or something. OH has gone into town but I stayed here so not having to put too much clothes on and knee not playing nicely this morning. So frustrating as we going away for a week in the sunshine hihi but you right Sandra, you coping better when there is a pool or beach near. Have a nice day everyone, many hugs Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Wow, you did a great job on these cards. They are so pretty. I wonder how many more you will have to do today. I will find out how you don't get finger marks over them.
    I did have a good giggle about your "near miss" with Mr Brown, it is so easy to forget what you are or rather aren't wearing when it's so hot isn't it 😊 See you about 11.30am x
    Lynda, I do hope you get to see the dentist today and he is able to help get your face/mouth sorted very quickly. You really don't deserve more problems do you. Sending you the biggest healing hugs dear friend xx
    Maria, I hope that the new meds give you some good pain relief, they usually male you feel a bit dopey and sleepy for the first few days but you should be feeling the benefit​ by next week. Take it easy in this heat, it can make joints swell and hurt. We are never really happy with the weather are we! I will let you know Sandra's secret re the hot weather crafting 😊x
    Brenda, it sounds like you had a wonderful day on Sunday. I hope you can stay at the cooler north side of your house x
    Apparently it is meant to be going back down to 18drgrees on Saturday!!!
    Karen, good luck with finding the patterns and needles. Is it a weekly knit and natter meeting that you will be at again. How many people will you be expecting? X
    Michele. It's good to hear you had a lovely time last night with your friend. She has certainly had more than her fair share of ill healthier one way and another hasn't she. I'm sure her positive outlook has helped her a great deal. It's good to hear you stay cool at work so have a good day x
    I must get on so I am ready to leave to go to Sandra's at 11am. Stay as cool as you can ladies. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Was up early this morning as graeme always fafs around before going places so needs help to get him on his way lol. Anyways called drs to get another line to be told my dr is sick lol. Hopefully someone else will pick it up.

    Decided as it was nice I'd get the trim to Glasgow and go get my shampoo that I buy from lush I just love the smell and it lasts for ages. Great for blondes grey and brunettes. Called daddy o believe it or not. Great on my hair since growing it back.
    Might pop into the we craft shop but they usually never have anything I want and I've to goto primark for my sis to get another pair of sandals as they are so comfy. The pair she had were too tight but fitted me. I must say for cheap shoes they are great. Might pick up another pair for myself if I can get my size.
    It's roasting outside so I'll sit in garden rest of day when I get back via a trip to see manager in store to sort out my stuff for going back boo hoo x

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    WOW SANDRA haven't you been a buy bee. Loads of lovely pretty card. I bet your group will love them
    You did make me laugh greeting the delivery man almost in your undies. I bet the man could write a book on the unusual sights he sees. Hope you and Sue are having a great time and managing to stay dressed ha ha.

    Just got back from having my hair and nails done. Chosen turquoise today, very summery and my favourite colour.

    Had a quick lunch and out again now with Gracie to have her much needed clip. Going up to Iceland during the two hours she's in the vets.

    Really tired today as Gracie kept me awake a lot during the night with her panting. Hope after her haircut she'll be ok tonight.

    Hugs to all friends not feeling to good. Pat hope the hospital visit goes well
    Lynda, good luck at the dentist.
    Maria, hope you're taking it easy.

    Have to dash. Valxxx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Well done Sandra, making all of those cards in this heat. I'm sure they'll be greatly received :-)
    Glad you realised your lack of clothing before opening the door ;-) You would've probably made the delivery drivers day if you hadn't, lol ;-)
    Hope you and Sue are having a lovely day, and everyone else is having a good day too.
    Sending love and hugs xxx

  10. Ps forgot to say. Sandra woweeeee u have been busy lol cards so cute. The bra n knocker story was hilarious. I won't tell u where my mind was going �� Xx LOL x

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I can just picture your face as you got to the door! Mind you he has probably seen far worse, it could have made his day!! You did do well with all your cards, well
    Lynda hope you have seen dentist by now & been treated, sending healing hugs to
    Maria hope you are taking it easy hugs on way to
    It is as hot as ever here, I decided not to play Petanque this morning, there is no shelter from sun at all, will wait until it cools down.
    Hope you are all coping with the heat sending hugs to all who need them love

  12. Hello again
    SANDRA - I'm so so sorry I didn't comment on your beautiful cards this morning. Please don't give me a RED CARD (sending off) as I'm blaming the weather hehehe.
    Your really must have worked non stop yesterday. I love the colours you have chosen. Hope you've enjoyed your day. xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Well done Sandra on all those lovely cards you made yesterday sooo many.
    I had a good chuckle about you nearly opening the door to Mr Brown in your bra & knickers that was a UPS moment HaHa
    Well just waiting for Terry to take me to the dentist this morning. I noticed some splashes up the back of my chair from when he shampooed the carpet yesterday Well I was bending down cleaning it when felt myself falling forward but couldn't stop so crashed my head on the floor now I have a graze on my forehead & nose & made the blotch on my mouth bleed also pulled a muscle under my left arm which is painful. I sat in the park whilst Terry took Bambie for a walk. He didn't get very far when Bambie run back to me
    ( she loves her mum )So we sat by the café & have a coffee I had a cold drink as mouth is so sore for tea Bambie was playing with all the dog's Looks like I'm a battered wife HaHa 😂😂
    Got home at lunchtime my pet made me a nice roll took antibiotics & fell asleep.
    I really think I need putting down or put in a care home 😂😂😂😂
    SUE hope you had a lovely day with Sandra & thank you for you kind wishes.
    SANDRA also I hope you enjoyed your time with Sue
    VAL hope Gracie is cooler after her trim I bet she looks lovely.🐶Hope Kit is ok too. I'm feeling very sore & aches & pains. MARIA hope your medication has kicked in now wish you better gentle Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry I ment ta say dentist gave me x Ray & gave me prescription for some antibiotics as infection in my gum. Hug's xx

    2. Margaret Palmer20 June 2017 at 18:49

      Oh Lynda what we going to do with you! Please take care, hope the antibiotics kick in soon love & hugs on their

    3. Sorry you are having such a rough time, hope you will be on the mend soon, sending big healing hugs, take it easy.

    4. Hi Lynda, pleased your dentist gave you some antibiotics, just hope they kick in quickly and you get relief soon . Take care xx

    5. Oh ouch Lynda, you not having a very good time of late do you. Please take care, sending you many gentle hugs xx

    6. Oh my Lynda ur really having a time of it. U should be carrying a hazard sign around with u lol

  14. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wow you have been busy. I love the cards you've made.
    Had a long day at the hospital today. Then Pete bled after his last lot of bloods were taken. So one of his best shirts was covered in blood. I'm soaking it in white vinegar so I hope it comes out.

  15. Hello All, sorry to be late, I've tried several times already, but kept being interrupted. Very hot again, but this evening is a little cooler.

    Sandra love your cards, don't know how you can do so many the same and keep them perfect, well done.

    Will go back now and read the rest of your news, hope to get some sleep tonight, good night all, hugs Lilian
