
Monday 19 June 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

This weeks Sketch

Good morning ladies,
Phew what a hot weekend!! I was literally melting yesterday, there was no air.  I guess we are never happy, either too hot or too cold.

What do you think of this weeks Sketch?  I thought it would be a good opportunity to get those nesting dies out, with some flowers and Flourishes added in.  A pretty sketch, I will get my card made today, I just couldn't do it yesterday I was too hot and my craft room was like an oven. 

I spoke to Jean Prescott yesterday, she followed the link from the blog back to the fb page that I featured cards from, it was nice to catch up, she said that her Daughter Nik had moved into her own bungalow a short distance from Jeans, she said that she pops in to see Nik quite a bit.  She said she calls in the blog often too.  So 'Hi' if you are looking in Jean xxx

Cheryl sent me a photo of the flowers she arranged for Pete to celebrate their 29th Wedding Anniversary........
They are so pretty Cheryl, are they Pete's favourite flowers??  Cheryl also sent me a photo of Pete's corner of her garden, it is so pretty, I will share it with you on Saturday, so if any of you have a garden you would like to share just send them In and I will share them with everyone alongside Cheryl's.
Thank you Cheryl, for sharing your special flowers, I hope you had a lovely family day XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day, try and stay cool .

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - love this week's Challenge. Will be donning my thinking cap and hopefully something will happen lol.

    CHERYL- a beautiful arrangement for PETE. I'm sure he loved it and will be looking everyday to make sure that you're keeping it fresh. I cannot wait to see your Corner for PETE in your garden.

    Well as they say 'all good plans etc' or something like that. We started to pot up the bedding plants yesterday morning and then ran out of compost - now you would never believe that we could do that here as we have the biggest compost bunker but of course all last year's stuff went on the Veggie Patch in the Spring and according to Daniel who looks after our patch for us 'Veggies are far more important than flowers' so we have to finish this morning when Jim has been and collected a couple of bags.

    We are still having glorious weather though as you say SANDRA we're never satisfied are we. I shall be having my afternoon rest as usual but I really must get around to crafting as I have one or two birthday cards to make.

    I see Marigny Dobbie is on the ball this morning as the CAFE looks ready for Customers. The tables look very pretty with little pots of roses on them and I can smell the delicious aroma from the Coffee Pot.

    HUGS to you all and have a good day. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I'm glad to hear you managed to get all of the plants potted up in the end. The roses in the Café smell and look wonderful. Thank you to Marigny Dobbie. Have a good day x

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm not to sure I agree with Daniel on that point Janet. It's ok if you eat vegetables all through the year. Pete's veggie mostly come in through the summer, when I prefer to eat salads. Although I cook for Pete there's only so much veg you can I'll. plus some of what he grows doesn't agree with him after his Bowel cancer.
      I loved seeing Tracy's garden and I was so envious of it. We have a long garden mostly taken up with veg.

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    Nice sketch, will do my best to make a card up.
    Beautiful flowers Cheryl !
    Not sure abut you but have not slept much at all, it has been to warm and my knee is playing up so sitting here and waiting to book on-line for the doc. can't do it before 8am tho. Not doing much else as it going to be hotter then yesterday. Was meant to gone to Stamford but OH step-mum cancelled it, she not feeling good herself. Oh dear this sound just like moan and gloom so I will leave you with the thought, at least the Sun is shining one more day. Have a nice day everyone
    Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. I hope you have managed to get an appointment to see your doctor, and hat they can give you something so that you can enjoy your time away. Sending you gentle hugs x

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope you managed to get an appointment with the Drs. Sending you gentle hugs. I assume your going to your favourite place?.

    3. Hi Maria, so sorry your knee is bad I think the heat is really bad for joints. Buy some very cheap frozen peas, and wrap in a tea towel, that's what I was told to do in hospital.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lovely sketch for us this week Sandra. If it ever cooks down then I might venture into my craft room!
    I think I overdid things yesterday -ironing, 2 hours weeding, umpteen loads of washing plus a big clean in the bathroom . In the end I went for a cool shower about 9pm then just lay on the bed.
    Cheryl-beautiful floral arrangement. Looking forward to seeing Peters corner.

    I have a list of work things to sort as soon as I get in as I didn't get chance on Friday-it was crazy busy.

    A colleague is calling tonight to offer some gardening advice-I was given a climbing rose for my birthday & I haven't got a clue where to plant it.


    1. Hi Michele. You must have been melting yesterday doing all of your jobs. I bet you didn't want to come out of the shower, did you? I hope today is not as busy as it was on Friday x

    2. Crikey Michele
      You must have worked yourself into a frazzle yesterday. Hope you both manage to sort out where your Rose is to ve planted.

  4. Good Morning everyone

    I like this week's sketch Sandra. Will have to get my thinking cap on.
    Beautiful flowers Cheryl. It will be nice to see Pete's corner of the garden.

    I had a really lazy day yesterday so really got to get moving today.

    Maria, hope you got an early appointment. Take it easy today.

    Enjoy you day.Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I'd forgotten you had already made a Christmas card!😊 I'm sure you needed the rest yesterday and I hope you feel better for it. Have a good day today x

  5. Hi again, Wendy (spanishcrafter) and our craft group leader, has the Foamiran flowers that we made last Friday, on her blog today. Xxx

    1. Thank you Val for letting us know. I will have a look. I saw some really gorgeous flowers made with this foam at Ally Pally and I bought a sheet of it so will take it to Sandra's so we can have a go x

  6. Great sketch idea SANDRA The flowers you havee made are stunning CHERYL
    The exhibition was beautiful yesterday Ti see the clothes close up was amazing The detailing incredible The stories behind them were interesting E.g. She was the first royal to not wear gloves so she could shake people's hands properly AND she wore accessories that children could play with when she cuddled them We had a little chuckle wondering how she managed to sit on all of the pearls that adorned some dresses I was never a huge fan of her but I gained a lot more respect for her yesterday
    Off to work now - to an office with no air/con It's going to be a hot one

    1. Hi Karen. The exhibition sounds well worth a visit. How interesting to learn lots about them too. I hope you manage to get through work without melting x

  7. Hi Sandra
    Great sketch today for the challenge. Might be able to sort a card out to use as I. Won't be able to make one this week. School all day today. Hospital all day Tuesday.
    Great to hear Niki now has her own bungalow. You must be very proud of your gorgeous daughter. Hugs are on the way.
    Great flowers Cheryl and look forward to seeing Pete's garden again.

  8. Morning ladies,

    Thank you for sharing Pete's flowers Sandra, I hope you received the Dragon Tongue Lily on Messenger?
    His arrangement included pale cream roses, purple irises, cream Alstromeria (Peruvian Lily, orangey/yellow Day Lilies and the flowers and leaves from Philictrum.

    Yesterday was spent quietly at home remembering all the Anniversary BBQ's we used to have on the Saturday nearest to the 18th. It was far too hot yesterday, 85F in the shade! All plants need a good drink this morning.

    Hugs to all who need one.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Beautiful flowers for Pete. What a gorgeous flower the dragon lily is. I've never heard of it before.

    2. Hi Cheryl, lovely flower arrangement, such a lovely thing to do, looking forward to seeing Pete's garden

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I'm looking forward to seeing so many different styles of flowers on this weeks pretty challenge. How nice to catch up with Jean and how Nike is getting on.
    Cheryl, your flower arrangement you have made to celebrate you and Petes wedding anniversary are beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos of Petes corner in your garden. Have a good day. Are you walking with your friend today? X

    1. I've published before saying that I'm struggling with crafting as I'm leaving finger prints on all that I touch because of the heat. Does anyone have any helpful hints? Sending love nd hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra the CC this week looks good I think I will have a go today, we are lucky the people who had the house before us put air conditioning in conservatory, so I think it will be on all day, so can do crafting. Thanks for update on Jean & her daughter good to hear she has her own bungalow. Keep cool if you
    Cheryl the arrangement you made for Pete is beautiful, look forward to seeing his
    Maria hope you managed to get an appointment, hugs on
    Did not sleep much it was soo hot so other than do necessary jobs taking it easy today.
    Hope everyone is coping ok, Karen I really feel for you in an office with no air con, pleased you enjoyed the
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Do you have air con anywhere else in the house or is it just in the conservatory?. Lovely being able to keep cool.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I hope you had a lovely weekend, and a bonus to have Paul around, even if you didn't do anything it's always lovely just knowing he's there.

    What a good idea to use some of our old nesting dies, when you think of what we paid for them we really should put them to more use, can't wait to see what everyone manages to achieve, you really are such a talented group of ladies. XX
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, we had all the family here and my sister, it was lovely. John had to put that gazebo up in the garden so we were able to sit outside and relax and it wasn't too uncomfortably hot. On hot days I do appreciate that our back garden is north facing, so the rooms at the back of the house stay cool as does the patio.

    Ladies I loved looking at all the aperture card you made, such a great selection, also lovely to see some of Sandra's Facebook friends. XX

    No great plans for today, think it's a chillout day for me !

    Take care everyone, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  12. Hi Brenda
    It's great you had a lovely day with family yesterday. I bet it was lovely sitting under the gazebo. I'm chilling out now after being sat in a classroom all day.

  13. Hello All, a real scorcher again today, supposed to be working, but the machine gives out quite a lot of heat so I'm watching the tennis from Queens.

    Sandra love the sketch this have loads of these nesting dies that hardly see the light of day, so be good to dig them out again.

    Margaret can I ask is the aircon expensive to run, would love some as our lounge and every day sitting room faces south and gets very hot.

    Stay cool everyone, Lilian

    1. Margaret Palmer19 June 2017 at 17:06

      Hi Lilian,
      No it does not seem to be too expensive, it keeps conservatory & lounge cool, you do have to remember to close all doors & windows though. Take care xxc

  14. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    Went to doctors this morning as my mouth has been so sore over the weekend & when I woke up yesterday there was a red blotchy sore mark on my lip & on my face was very tender & swollen on the left side of jaw. The Doctor said you should go to the dentist I said can't give you just give me antibiotics No you need to go to the Dentist. So got appointment tomorrow morning. After lunch I fell asleep 😴 .
    Good Challenge for this week Sandra might go & try it soon.
    CHERYL gorgeous flower arrangement for you & Pete's Anniversary,Pete's corner of your garden & the Dragon Lily are Amazing I was lucky as you sent me pictures on messenger. You won't be disappointed when you all see them on here. Thank you Cheryl Big Hug's xx
    MARIA I hope you managed to get a doctors appointment & they Have helped you with your pain. Gentle Hug's coming your way.xx
    Hope everyone one has had a good day in this heat take care xx
    PAT hope hospital goes well tomorrow for Pete & not a lot of waiting around for you both. Big Hug xx MICHELE hope your ok after all the work you did yesterday. Your like super woman HaHa especially in this heat Hug's xx
    Sandra nice for you to catch up with Jean & pleased Nik has her own place now.xx
    Love Blotchy swollen face Lynda 😔Xx😂😂😂

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope the dentist manages to sort you out. As you said Cheryl's Pete's garden is gorgeous as I've also seen it before.
      Yes Lynda lots of waiting around for the results of blood tests first. Trouble is it takes so long to get any blood out of him. They have to use both hands/arms. He seems to be bloodless. So his wrists etc are black and blue where there trying to take it from.
      Gentle hugs on the way to you both.
      Next week we're up there 3 times.

    2. Lynda so sorry to hear you are suffering, hope dentist can help in morning, hugs on the

    3. Hi Pat Ouch poor Pete having so much trouble with blood tests he must feel like a pin cushion sending you both some Hug's xx

    4. Hi Margaret thank you the worst thing is I can't drink a cup of tea 😩
      Hope you &Pop are ok in this heat take care 🤗🤗xx

    5. Hope all goes well tomorrow at the dentist Lynda.
      Saw the doctor 8.40 this morning. I had to stop my Tramadol's to take Co-Codomol instead and some Declofenac so will se if that helps. I feel our holiday is a bit spoiled as I can't walk properly and I will take the walking stick with just in case. No dancing on the tables for me this time.
      Can't sleep, nothing new there but isn't hot ? we had +30 this afternoon so didn't do much. No crafting as you Sue I finger printed anything I touched so defiantly not touching card of any sort. Wonder if baby powder would help, at least it would smell quite nice Lol. Going to sit outside for a bit so I wish you have a good

  15. Hi everyone.
    Another fab day. I've just walked around all day.
    Work line up tomorrow. Will call and see if I can get another week off then go back.
    Going out a walk tonight with ma pal Janice. It's still lovely here in Ayrshire. Hopefully the same tomorrow.

    Graeme heading off to Birmingham tomorrow for a few days on a course. It's as if I don't see him much lol between his nightshift and now this. Mind u it makes the heart grow fonder lol xx

    1. I hope you enjoyed your walk Tracy. Hopefully you'll get another week off so that your back is fully mended.

    2. Hi Tracy hope you manage to get another week off, hope you enjoyed your walk with Janice. It's still quite hot even now.💥
      Don't miss Graeme too much at least you will get some me time.
      Big Hug's my friend.xx
