
Wednesday 19 July 2017

Pretty Sequinned Dragonfly

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought I'd change things today and throw in a randomly made card, while I had the Dragonfly Dreams set out on my desk I thought I'd have a play around with it using some different colours.  This time I chose 'Pool Party' and 'Blushing Bride' as the colours and used Timeless Textures for the background as that was out in my desk too.  I die cut the Dragonfly once in Pool party card and once in vellum and brushed both with a little "Wink of Stella" to add some sparkle, I also added some of the Stampin'Up 'Iredescent Sequin Sparkle' to embellish the Dragonfly and a few bits in the background.  
I hope you like it.

Another quiet day here, I felt quite flat yesterday to be honest I think it's as a result of two nights with no sleep at all and the usual aggro that 4 children bring to the table!! I ended the day feeling quite poorly which is a shame as I was so excited for Paul coming home.  I had to manage a bit more for myself while he was away too, although the girls were here, so I felt physically drained too, my own fault as I didn't want Paul coming back to any mess anywhere, I think we'd all be the same!

I hope you all had a better day than I did and that today is even better!! 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a pretty card, its gorgeous.
    I'll bet you're glad Paul is back home especially after the drama of yesterday. Hope the two of you can have a nice, relaxing day today.

    My Dad went on a trip yesterday (he was only staying in the respite home for 1 day)- he phoned & left me a message to say he was sat having a Cream scone at the local Dobbies so not to buy too much shopping for him! I couldn't understand his message at the time & then spent over 40 minutes trying to contact him. Went to his house, sortyout his post then gave up. My brother then messaged me to say he was on his way down & was going to collect Dad so he could speak to Social Services. Not sure how long he's staying but it certainly did me a favour so I sat in my craft room & made cards (hubby is away).
    No rain or thunderstorms here despite the forecast. Think they may miss us-I guess everyone here for the Open Championship golf competition at Royal Birkdale will be pleased about that, especially the players!


    1. Hi Michele. Glad you're brother arrived to share some of the responsibility. I'm sure it was a relief for you having him speak to Social Services.Glad you were able to get into your Craft room.
      Hope the rain doesn't spoil the golf at Royal Birkdale. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele. It's good to see that your brother is helping you with your Dad giving you the chance to craft. I hope the care plan gets sorted today x

    3. Hi Michele
      I glad that your brither is coming down and will hopefully share the load. Hope they manage to sort out a care plan for him. Seems as though he's enjoying himself if they took them out for cream teas.

    4. Hi Michele, Dad sounds in good form. Glad he was invluded in the trip. Great your brother has been able to com down and help out with socks service etc. xx

  2. Hello All, thick fog this morning, after yesterday's thunder i was hoping the air would clear.

    Sandra lovely card again, sorry that you have had such a rough couple of days, I suppose I'm so used to R being away that it doesn't worry me so much, ( when he was working he commuted from London for his last five years, and many times worked away ). Hope you have a lovely day today now Paul is home, hope the course was useful.

    Michele hope your Dad is recovering well, glad your brother is taking some of the strain away from you.

    Hope all who are not well at the moment soon feel better, early this morning as hairdresser coming at 9 am, I'm glad as my hair is looking a mess, as my lovely Mum used to say "I look like an owl peering out of an ivy bush" hope you get the picture. Hugs to all you lovely people, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      have written a message on my comment re your purchases.
      Enjoy having your hair done this morning. I think we all feel better when the hairdressers tidied us up.
      Have a lovely day. Xxx

    2. Hi Lilian. We had rain over night up here but it's still humid. I hope by now you are feeling less owl like 😊 x

    3. Hi Lilian
      Hope you feel better after having your hair done
      Enjoy playing with your John Lockwood goodies when they arrive.
      Have a good day. Hug's xx

    4. Hi Lilian
      My word thick fog. Hopefully you won't have the torrential rain they had at the bottom of Cornwall yesterday. John Lockwood goodies I look forward to seeing what you bought.

    5. Hope your dat has brightened up. xx

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra , beautiful butterfly.. Sorry you've had such a bad couple of days and nights. Hope you can have a quiet relaxing day now Paul is home.

    The last of the pop up boxes in the shop was sold yesterday and Lynn's asked me if I'm making any more.I don't want to but I suppose I should as they did look pretty on the stand. More burnt Fi pinger at the weekend.

    LILLIAN lovely that you bought so many John Lockwood things from the show. Looking forward to seeing what you make with them. I have got the original Barbara Grey Gelli Plate and the paints etc but these smaller ones look much easier to use and great with our wonderful faux Misti ' s.

    Off to play crib this afternoon but having a couple of hours in my craft room first. Finally figured out my cc at about half 4 this morning.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Hugs for those in pain or not feeling too good.

    LYNDA hope you're ok. I missed you yesterday.

    Bye for now Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I'm not surprised that all of your pop up box cards have sold. You must get a cool melt glue gun so that you can make them safely. I bought one in Hobbycraft on Monday and a quick test proved that you can use it WITHOUT burning your fingers 😁 The Stick it cool melt glue gun is £7 and a pack of 12 own brand 7mm cool melt glue sticks is £2. After giving it a quick test yesterday I am delighted as it sticks exactly the same as the hot glue but with NO burnt fingers. You could probably get it a bit cheaper online but as usual I didnt want to wait 😙 I would happily send one to you so you don't have to wait until your next visit. Enjoyng making your CC and then playing crib later x

    2. Hi Val
      I'm ok thank you. I tried to comment yesterday but after disappearing three time in all I gave up. Although your not keen on making your pop up boxes you must be chuffed that they sell so well. Hope you get your cool heat gun soon your poor fingers.
      Enjoy your day Hug's xx

    3. Hi Val you must be chuffed that your pop up boxes sold well even though you don't like making them. I expect I'll have to ask Sandra for Michelle's instructions and photo copy them as I can't find them. I'll have to put all my temp,antes in a folder when I find them.

    4. Thank you ladies for your comment. I'm pleased and I'm not over Selling all the boxes if you know what I mean
      SUE thank you so much for your offer but when my son and I Skyped on Sunday he volunteered to buy and send a Cool gun to me. I may have to wait a couple of weeks until he visits the Range or Hobbycraft
      but I'll get it shortly. Your offer is very much appreciated. Xxx

  4. I hope now that Osul is home you begin to feel better SANDRA A very pretty card I can imagine how pretty the dragonfly looks cut in vellum with that Wink of sStella
    You are a lucky lady LILIAN It's the media plates that really caught my eye Must dash Will be back need to get ready for work

    1. Osul = Paul (predictive text and all that

    2. Hi Karen. The new media plates look really good don't they. Have a good day at work x

    3. Hi Karen
      I laughed when I saw how predictive text had written Paul's name. I haven't watched Johns shows yet.

  5. Morning Everyone
    from a rather dull and grey morning here in Sheffield.
    We haven't had any rain yet and I really do feel for those in Cornwall. I saw the news last night and saw the results of storm damage.

    I had another productive day yesterday getting my CC done and started a new home card so I want to finish that today and then see how things go.
    Jim will be on his third run today as support and driver.

    I have opened the CAFE so all is ready for you to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I've only just seen the news about the Cornish storm. I feel for all involved.
      Enjoy your crafting today x

    2. Hi Janet
      It seems to be spitting here a bit today. Also dull. I've just washes all the birds poo off our patio. We have cables running right over it and they make a right mess.
      I also saw the news regarding the floods in Cornwall. Our weather really is something else at the moment.

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Wendy. I agree with you
      Sandraslast card is gorgeous isn't it x

  7. I'm back and sneakily come on here while a report I'm doing does its "thang"
    I have cut all of the pieces I need for cc So after dancing tonight I hope to construct it Won't get home until midnight but I'm home alone and can never sleep - like you SANDRA
    Pretty card today too

    1. Hi again Karen. I'm not surprised you would rather be in the Café whilst waiting for the
      report 😊😊 Have a good time dancing then crafting x

    2. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your dancing & putting your CC together.
      Hug's xx

  8. Replies
    1. Hi Laura. It's good to see you here in the Café x

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a beautiful card. I love this dragonfly, it's a lovely die which works for so many types and styles of cards,your stamped background is gorgeous in beautiful colours. I hope your pain levels go back down very soon now that Paul is back my lovely.
    Shopping and swimming for us today as usual.
    Wishing you all a good day and hopefully it is not as humid for you as it is here at the moment. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Enjoy your swimming. Nice to cool down. Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    A beautiful card today Sandra. Love the dragonfly and how you've done the background. My random just seems to be a mess. Must be that I'm not a random stamper at all. But you've certainly got the hang of it.
    I do hope your feeling a bit better today after yesterday's shenanigans.

    1. My random always ends up in a mess as well Pat. Xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Another warm & sunny day but very humid making me feel so tired
    Not upto much today so hoping to have a go at the challenge card.OH is doing some gardening.
    Sandra your card is gorgeous love the dragon fly so pretty. Your background is stunning. Hope you can get your pain levels down now Paul is home how did his course go hopefully it was helpful for him.
    Better get ready for our walk as OH has said he's having a break from gardening
    See you later Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, glad yesterday was just a technical hitch.
      Hope you enjoyed your walk. Xxx

    2. Hi Val
      I'm just one technical hitch lately what wit internet & cyber space I would love to know what these little aliens 👽 do with all our comments HAHA have a Good evening sending Hug's xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a beautiful card today, sorry you felt unwell yesterday you should've have told me when I rang you I could have rung again, thank you for all your help, hope you feel better now Paul is home, hugs on
    Michele pleased your brother is coming to help, sounds as if Dad recovering
    Val hope you do not have to wait long for
    Good to see Wendy & Laura in cafe, hope you call in again
    It was very muggy earlier but seems to have cooled down a little now, looks like more rain, feel soo sorry for people in S. Cornwall.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret.
      i too feel so sorry for those people in Cornwall. Everyone's weather is so weird. Hope you're finding it a bit cooler where you are.
      I think I'll have to wait a while for the op. as the hospitals close over here in August except for emergencies but as it isn't urgent I don't mind waiting
      See you

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies,

    Oh Sandra sorry you have had two bad nights while Paul was away, I hope you managed to get some sleep last night and are taking things easy today. xx

    Love today's card, the dragonfly is gorgeous and the background is perfect, those colours just work so well together, and as you know -,I love using Vellum. Yes this one is right up my street. xx

    Hi Laura and Wendy. Lovely to see you both. xx

    I was going to write some messages, but my mind has gone blank. I will have to go back and read your messages again. Senior moment I suppose!

    Take care everyone, sending love and hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

  14. Evening Sandra and ladies.
    Beautiful card with the Dragonfly Sandra, the background is something only you can do and you doing it very well too :-)
    Hope you had a better day now when Paul is back but it have been another very humid day so not so nice.
    A lady who live near me in MK has a SU/ card making get together next Wednesday so might go and see what that's about.
    Michele- hope you ok ? sound like your dad is alright but must be nice your brother is around too to help. take care.
    Karen- have a good and fun night dancing away, have you got aircon in the hall you are in ?
    Lilian- hope you are away from the floods down in Cornwall ? the poor people with all the water and mud coming in to their house. Have fun crafting when you get the new craft items by John. Watched him on youtube doing the plate etc. looked very nice and quiet easy to do.
    Val- hope you had a good time at Crib, did you win ?
    Margaret- hope you are ok and Pop is feeling better, big hugs to you both.
    Sue- hope you can go over to Sandra's tomorrow and have some fun together. take care
    Lynda- to call yourself a technical glitz is a bit much tihi hope you are alright and had a nice walk. I miss my walks so much but have been told to take it easy so no exercise walking for me for a while buhu
    Janet- hope you had another productive day.
    Brenda- hope you are ok and your mind is back by now Lol annoying when it goes blank at times.
    Pat- sending you hugs and hope you are both alright.
    Have some idea for the cc but not sure how to get it together yet, hope to make something tomorrow. Had a nice time with my friend and we had a few laugh's so hopefully it helped her just to talk. The school the daughter is going to ,know about the bullying and did suspend one of the girls for a few day's. Not much use that did.....
    Nice to see Laura and Wendy in the cafe', hope you come back soon again.
    Sonia - hope you are ok and Tracy, have Graham looked you away so you can't spend any more on dies. Loved to seen his face when he saw what you bought Lol
    Sending hugs to you all and hope you can have a better night and not too humid. Love ,Maria Xxox

  15. Hi Maria
    Your very cheeky didn't you know I have a diploma in "Technical glitch" 🤓 HAHAHA.
    Sorry you can't go for your walks for a few weeks but do as DR tells you.
    How is your shoulder have you had treatment yet.
    Glad you cheered your friend up.( think you could cheer anyone up ) Not a good out come with the school just expelling the bully for a couple of days & hasn't help the situation.your friend has a lot on her plate at the moment. It's good she has you to offload her worries.
    Loads of Hug's my friend xxx

    1. Sorry, hope you won't disappear like so many of your posts over the years tihi
      Having shoulder done Tuesday pm, SU party Wednesday and meeting Sharon Casey hopefully Friday and oh yes, also doing a class with Julia this Saturday so I just hope now that nothing will jinx it all. Have a good night, hugs and an extra for your Pet tihi xx

  16. Hi Pat
    Hope your day at hospital wasn't to long waiting around did you take your packed lunch with you & everything went ok.❤️Xx
    My friend Margaret has appointment in September for the hospital she has cancer on her nose & in the letter said she has to take a packed lunch &drinks as they don't supply any food or drinks Then the same in a different hospital to do the reconstruction No food or drink supplied only water.what a joke.
    Love Lynda xx
