
Tuesday 18 July 2017

Another 'Tic,Tac,Toe Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,
  Today's card is another 'Tic,Tac,Toe Challenge card, this time I went for Grey, Yellow and Masculine.  In fact I sat and made another two cards but it dawned on me that I was using the Grey and Yellow every time, I just love the combination as they aren't two colours I would have put together before, I then found myself wanting to put grey with everything.

So today's card was made using ....

Smoky Slate Ink and card
So Saffron Ink and Card
Timeless Textures stamp set
Dragonfly Dreams

Sue and I decided between us that Thursday would work better this week as she has babysitting duties that would cut our afternoon short, so waiting until Thursday means we get longer to chat and play, which we always seem to run out of, last week we were crafting and chatting away and didn't realise that Chris was sat outside waiting for Sue, he didn't want to knock and cut our afternoon short bless him, I had no clue it was 5pm, I was thinking it was about 3pm !!

The girls and I had a quiet but fun day together yesterday, I made some cards while they did homework, this was after me having a very late start to the day as I had been up the whole night suffering the effects of anxiety about Paul going away, whilst trying to not let him know I was stressing as he had to leave her by 5am, I was absolutely  exhausted by then and in complete agony from being tense all night, so I dosed myself up with Painkillers and managed a couple of hours sleep.
In the afternoon, crafting and homework  done we decided to sort through our holiday cases, I have been taking about half of our holdall full of clothes that I haven't worn in years, just because they are in there from the year before, so we sorted through that and it can all fit in a smaller case! The girls couldn't find half of their stuff so that will be tomorrow's job.
We then decided to have lunch and the girls put Sherlock Holmes on  ( the TV series) with Benedict Cumberbatch, I had never fancied watching it when it was on TV, but the one we watched was brilliant, so we watched another.  It was lovely spending time together.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, I also hope that those of you suffering feel a little more comfortable today xxx

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Sandra and all,

    Very pretty card Sandra. Love your stamping. It's a definite art which you're so good at. I'll just have to keep practicing. Glad you had a lovely day with the girls. I can imagine your anxiety about Paul going on a course. Hope he's getting on ok and enjoying.

    A short one today as I'm just off to the hospital for my appointment the Lipoma on my back. It seems to be growing daily not and my bra is rubbing on it so hope they agree to remove it. There not so keen on doing what the call 'cosmetic surgery' over here and if they think it's not interfering with my life I'll have to pay to go private. Fingers crossed.
    Love to everyone. Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I hope you get the op. Just a little spot on the bra strap line is so uncomfortable so I can't imagine how uncomfortable you are. Sending good luck hugs x

    2. Hi Val
      I hope it gets treated for you. I know they don't like doing this kind of thing here either.
      Our friend had a skin tag which they no longer remove here now. He read on Google that dabbing it with Cider Vinegar would work. Well he's tried it and it's working.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Another gorgeous card Sandra-I also love yellow & grey together. Before this challenge I wouldn't have thought of using that colour combination but it works so well.

    Jobs worth strikes again in the health system -my Dad was discharged from the hospital yesterday, Social Services couldn't assess him until today sometime so he's spending one night in a respite home. The hospital rang me at work just after 5pm and the nurse asked if I was ok to collect him from the hospital & take him to the home!!! I politely but firmly explained that a) I was still at work and b) as he'd only just had major surgery I thought he should be transferred by ambulance rather than trying to fold him up to fit in my tiny car. She then asked if I would be collecting him from the home & taking him back to his house "sometime today " so I just said "Well...NO for xactly the same reasons"! The best of all this is dhe then said that my Dad would have to use taxis and pay for them himself. By which point I was absolutely fuming!
    My Dad phoned me late last night & he's fine but a bit annoyed about all the messing about. I'll call to check on him on my way home from work.
    Work-nothing has changed, no indication of a date for Mediation and my line manager didn't mention anything!


    1. I'm glad you stood your ground

    2. Good for you Michele, the NHS really do try it on sometimes. Hope Dad will be OK when he gets home today. xx

    3. Michelle. Seriously??? FFS what are they like. It's blooming ridiculous I'd have been fuming as well I'm fuming just reading it!!! I'd put in a complaint xx

    4. Hi Michele. Good for you at refusing to pick up your Dad, and for very good reasons. It's the same old story isn't it. I hope he is getting on well physically though. Sending supportive hugs for both the work and NHS stress you are under x

    5. Well done on staying firm Michele. There doesn't seem to be must companion left. Don't they have fathers of there own. How would they feel if roles were reversed. I'd be fuming as well. So hope the care package is sorted out to get home to. Glad your first day back at work wasn't too bad. Take care xxx

    6. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you stood your ground. The same happened to us with Doreen. She was supposed to got into respite care until she was fit enough to go home with care on her own. No home visit to see if she could cope. No respite care, they just chucked her out the door. We hadn't been rung she was sitting waiting to go home when we arrived. Like you I was spitting feathers. Hence she came home with us.

  3. Morning everyone
    SANDRA- Thank you for another inspirational CC this morning. I really do love your colours.

    MICHELE- Nothing seems to get better within the NHS does it. I hope that everything is sorted today and that Dad gets back home so that he can really start to recover.

    I managed to get the Beetroot pickled which we brought back with us out of the garden yesterday and put the finishing touches to a couple of cards so I had a productive day.
    I'm hoping to start on my CC today.

    The CAFE doors/windows are open letting in the sunshine so everything is set for the day.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Aren't you lucky having Crafters Companion quite near to you. Looking forward to seeing what you were tempted into buying.
      Hope your sick friend is comforted now you're back home.
      I bet the pickled beetroot is delicious. Yum. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope your friend is happy to see you both home and able to support him. Not to keen on beetroot.

  4. How lovely to spend time with your girls I hope you can relax today and not be in so much pain
    I'm now a bit confused about the Tic Tac Toe challenge I thought the idea was to choose a straight line as in the puzzle... I might have a rethink Your card is lovely SANDRA
    Although I've had to record the shows I am looking forward to seeing John L back on the tele
    Have a great day ladies

    1. Hi Karen. I managed to see a few mins of John's first show. His media plates look great and his new stamps are lovely. Take care x

    2. Hi Karen, I was a bit confused myself about the cc until Sandra put me right yesterday. Still don't know what 3 I'm choosing.
      Really enjoyed John's show this afternoon and his morning show on catch up. I actually want everything on it.
      Enjoy the shows later. Xxx

    3. Hi Karen
      Like you I've recorded all the shows as we were at the hospital all day. Not to sure though when I'll get to see them.

  5. Morning Sandra and all,
    Yes I'm up early and organised ( what ever that is!) it is the INR check today, hopefully I've been good and can have another long break between appointments. The awful thing is I love my green vegetables, but have to keep them to the minimum because of the vitamin K. Boo Hoo.

    Sandra LOVE your card, I agree the yellow and gray look lovely together. Not a combination I have used, but they work so well.

    Pleased the girls kept you busy and occupied yesterday, hope today's activity is equally time consuming and before you know it Paul will be back home. xx

    Time to get a wiggle on. Will look in later.
    Enjoy your day, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. I hope your INR check shows good results for you. It is sad when you can't eat such lovely vegetables or many fresh fruits in my case so I can sympathise with you x

    2. Hope your results are good Brenda but how awful that you are restricted with the veg. I prefer fruit and veg to meat but if the diet your put on suits you're body that's great. Hope you're having a good day. Xxx

    3. Hi Brenda
      I hope your INR checks are ok today.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Oh I love ur card it's so pretty. Ur so good at stamping. I'm still trying to get the hang of it!! Lol. Colours are a nice mix too x.

    Got my dies yesterday. Ooooh so pretty. Graeme just shook his head at me lol as he was home heh heh.

    Today is so warm here after my hairs done I'm off home to sit outside and have a wee drinkie and chill with ma book. That is if it's not too warm I might end up in an out like a yo yo xx

    1. Hi Tracy. Enjoy relaxing after having your hair done. I'm like you as these days having to pop back indoors to cool down every now and then 😊 x

    2. Hope to see a photo of your new dies Tracy. Enjoy having your hair done. Xxx

    3. Hi Tracey
      Look forward to seeing which dies you've bought. Enjoy your drink and your book.

  7. Morning everyone,
    Love the card Sandra, yellow and grey are nice colours together.
    Hope you all having a good day.
    Waiting for my friend so we can have a natter and I hope to just being here listening to her will help some, she is going through some horrid time with family, OH might lose his job and daughter is bullied in school.
    Hope to see you later, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. What a sad time your friend is having but I'm sure you being there for her will be a comfort to her. Hugs on their way x

    2. Hi Maria, hope your having a good pain free Day. How sad for your friend. It's good she has you to talk to. Take care. Xxx

    3. Hi Maria
      It's great that your friend has someone she can offload on to. Hope you manage to put her world to rights. I hope she's spoken to the school with regards to the bullying.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card again, I might get a chance to have a go this afternoon, should do some jobs in garden but too warm. Good that you had quality time with the girls
    Michele sorry to hear you still have problems at work & phone calls about Dad as well, you wonder if they ever listen, hugs on way,xxx
    Maria hope talking to you helps your friend, that's what friend are for, hugs on way for
    Pat hope you manage to change Pete's day so he can have his op. Hope your cough is
    Brenda hope your INR test went well, it seems strange you have to watch how many greens you eat, they usually say you cannot have too many. Hugs on
    Sending hugs to all feeling poorly love Margaret.

    1. Hi Mum. Enjoy an afternoon crafting please. The gardening can wait, you deserve to relax. I hope Pops feeling a bit better today. Love and hugs to you both xxxx

    2. Hi Margaret. Do as your daughter says and have a crafting afternoon.ha ha. Sorry Pops hasn't been feeling so good. Hope he's a lot better

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Wow, look at your stamping. It's still hard to believe that this time last year you were not a happy stamper, you have completely mastered it. I love the whole card and will be using yellow and grey together now I've seen how well get work together. Thank you for all of the inspiration my lovely. I'm glad you had a lovely day with the girls yesterday. We love all of that Sherlock Holmes series too. Before I have to babysit Penny I'm going to start a card needed for a sister in law, it will be the first time I have crafted at home for over a month and I'm looking forward to it. See you on Thursday x
    I hope everyone has a good day, it is so hot again isn't it. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue hope you manage to get your card made for your SIL.
      The dermatologist I saw this morning said the lump is too large for him to deal with and has referred me to the surgeon for removal so good result.
      Hope you're staying cool. Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Another lovely card Sandra. Love these colours together. Long day today. Someone's alarm went off so it was all hands to the pump. Not to sure what happened but everyone came back to finish everyone else who were in mid treatment.

  11. Hello All, very hot with lots of thunder this afternoon, I know it's silly but I hate thunder.

    Sandra love your card, I like Karen thought you had to choose 3 in a row.

    Watched the John Lockwood shows this morning, afraid I succumbed and bought the media plates, stamps and stencils. Would have liked the embossing folders as well but managed to resist.

    Hope you all have a pleasant evening, sorry it's short, Internet is a bit hit and miss, so I hope this posts. Hugs to all.
