
Monday 17 July 2017

Monday Challenge

My challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

This weeks Challenge is a little bit different, Its called the Tic Tac Toe Challenge. I thought that this idea was fantastic, I sent it to Michele to make a card with to check how easy it was to follow, she chose Grey, Yellow, Happy Birthday and Hexagon.  I chose Grey, Yellow and Happy Birthday.

To join in simply......

Choose your categories, minimum of three but you can choose more if you wish, I followed a line like you would in a normal Tic Tac Toe, but I decided not to restrict you this first time.

Make your cards with your chosen categories, for example my choice was Straight across the middle, Birthday, Grey and Yellow.

I look forward to seeing what you choose for your challenge cards.

Let me know what you think about this challenge, I like to change things up to keep you on your toes, I don't want any of you getting bored just following sketches all the time.

I'm glad that the girls are home today as Paul has gone away on a course for a couple of days,  all these courses are to prepare you for employment outside of the services, it's quite daunting writing your CV etc for the first time in 33 years.  I believe this course is for Self Employment Awareness.
So I am hoping that Sue is coming over to tomorrow to keep me company!!

I was so happy to read that some of you had a lovely relaxing day yesterday, we did too, we had our first roast dinner in what seems like forever, I never fancy a roast when it's hot but it was so lovely to have lots of lovely vegetables (my favourite is dark spring cabbage with plenty of butter)! The girls were excited to have a roast too. I think they are sick of salad.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning everyone,

    Love the concept of choices on the TicTacToe board, it will be amazing if any on us choose exactly the same layout, colours and dies to create our CC this week.

    Bit disappointed with the tennis finals, yet again the Wheelchair Finals were held on a lesser court. What an insult to the hype or Royals to cheer them on...everything was about Federer....I do believe the BBC has shown a marked bias against anyone the commentators were not supporting, so much was said about Venus being 37 yet Navratty was 200 days older than her when she won the Women's Final. But nothing was said about Federer being almost 37! So that's my holiday for this year, back to boring housework and more yummy crafting.
    No panto costumes to be the moment we have no Director, she and her daughter have walked out on us because of not so nice words said by her to the choreographer. She forgot every decision has to okayed by the Committee being action is taken. An important Committee meeting on Wednesday will hopefully salve the situation for this year's panto being produced but we will not be doing the Snow Queen as we have not filled all the roles and no-one else has been forthcoming to play them.
    Squashy hugs to all in need of one today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      What a shame. I do hope everything manages to get sorted out at the next committee meeting. Squashy hugs back.

    2. Fully agree with about the tennis. Very disappointing.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card & I really like this challenge idea. There are so many options to choose from, looking forward to seeing what everyone makes this week.

    Visited my Dad last night, he was quite bright & had been "walking " about 4 times using his frame. He still hasn't tried the stair yet so hopefully that will happen to. I spoke to the nurse looking after him (I think he's the only patient left-he's in a private hospital as an NHS patient) and I've to phone them this morning to see what the plan is.

    Really not looking forward to going into work this morning-it's been so lovely being off especially as hubby was off work this week with me. Ah well-onwards & upwards as they say!!


    1. Hi Michele
      Hope work is going ok today & not a bad atmosphere for you. Hope it's not much longer before the union get it sorted out.
      Glad your dad is ok after his operations.hope they get a care plan sorted for him before they discharge him.
      Take care Hug's xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I do hope that there isn't an atmosphere at work today for you. And like Lynda I hope their not to long sorting it all out.
      It's great that your Dad is up and about after his second op. Hope they manage to get a care plan in place for him before he goes home.

  3. Brilliant idea for a challenge and I'm itching to get back into my craft room
    I forgot to say yesterday that I was sorry to see that BECCA and JOSH lost out on the house I'm a great believer - "what's to be Will be"
    Good to see DARREN's party went well and how naughty was HARRY!
    Oh PAT I hope the mess sort you out
    We stayed at home in the end OH decided to help relieve the bannister of some more paint that was peeling off! It needed to be done So do we paint or varnish...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Karen
      I'd go for varnish myself.

  4. Morning everyone
    Looking forward to trying this week's challenge.

    Having to comment on my tablet as my keyboard is refusing to type certain letters.

    I had a lovely day yesterday as I visited the Crafter's Companion shop at Chesterfield. I hadn't realized just how close it is to us via the motorway. A true Aladdin's cave. Very difficult not to go overboard buying hehehe.

    The Cafe is Open waiting for you all. Hugs for all with extra for dear friends in need.

    1. Hi Janet
      How lucky are you ( maybe Jim doesn't think so ) having Crafters companion so close.Hope you have had a good day.
      Hug's for both of you.xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Lucky you living so close to a Crafters Companion shop. We don't have anything like that down south I'm afraid.

  5. Hi Sandra and all.

    OO ooh interesting cc this week. Love your and Michele cards. So we have to use yellow and grey and one other square? My mind is doing overtime.

    Glad a few of you could have a lazy day yesterday. I didn't do much myself. Watched tennis all afternoon and early evening. Thoroughly enjoyed it. So pleased a Spanish girl won the singles on Saturday.

    Maria, I must admit I love Avonlea when I manage to catch it. I think it's loosely based on Anne of Green Gables which was my favourite book as a child. As you say very much like Little House On The Prairie. I usually end up with tears in my eyes somewhere in the

    Lynda, what a naughty little boy Harry is but I bet you can't stay mad at him for long. Glad you enjoyed the surprise

    Pat and Brenda, thanks for your input on the embossing folders. If you've both bought them that's good enough for me and I'm off to route out my credit

    Pat let's hope this new prescription will sort out you persistent cough. It's been gong on for far too

    Well I've brushed and mopped all of downstairs already this morning before it gets too hot. Just a bit of ironing to do and the day is my own. Craft room here I come.

    Michele, hope today goes well. Thinking of

    Have a good day ladies.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Val you don't have to choose grey and yellow, you can choose any 3 different ones, so you could have 'Male Hexagon, birthday' or "Hexagon, Diecut, Embellishment"
      Totally your choice!
      Have fun with it xxxx

    2. Me being stupid. I thought that as they were the only colours mentioned you had to use them. Ta for clearing it up. Xxxx

    3. Hi Val
      Found out it was a accident Harry didn't just punch the TV his big Sister was in the font room he was just playing with his balloon Janie though it to him went to catch it & his hand just hit the TV so think everyone has forgiven him. Hug's xx

    4. Hi Val
      Well I'm still coughing but not so much. But I still feel like I'm choking first thing in the morning. The other cream she gave me for my psoriasis isn't doing much either. However, I can only use it for 2 weeks. I have rather a large crusty lump in the middle of it. But it's probably stress related but as I told her, I can't do much about that at the moment.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Another challenge to help keep my gray matter alive, it's nice to have choices so Thinking cap on!!! Love your card also Michele's, thank you both for the inspiration. xx. Hope Paul enjoys his course.

    Out for lunch today with mt teacher friends, we don't usually meet up on Mondays, but two of our group are away for most of August. It's a case of fitting everything in when you can at this time of year, also our schools break up this coming Friday, some of us look after grandchildren during the school holidays.

    LYNDA Poor Harry must have had the fright of his life, when the TV smashed, hope it is covered by the house insurance. Also hope he didn't get into to much trouble, accidents happen to us all. LOL

    PAT, Thinking of you. Hope all gets sorted out for tomorrow. xx

    MARIA, Hope you don't have to wait to long for your knee operation. xx

    Catch up with you all later, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Hope you enjoyed you lunch with your friends.
      Yes it was a accident regarding Harry & TV his big sister was playing catch with his balloon he threw it back & was to near the telly his hand bashed it Janie said he started really crying my daddy will be cross with me & tell me off..
      Hug's xxx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I hope you had a lovely lunch with your friends.
      Like you, we that don't work have to fit in with friends that do. Apart from Marion, Cathy and myself and husbands, we fit in with Cathy who works. About 14 of us meet up who work, and worked at Oxford University Press so we always all can't meet up at any given time.

  7. Afternoon Sandra and all visiting this cafe' today.
    A glorious day at last so have been out and about this morning and now sitting on the patio with a coffee and to see what we are having for challenge this week and I love it :-) Not sure what will be but by Wednesday we will have more rain so I have a few day's to think about it. Lovely cards from you Sandra and Michele to give us some inspiration. Hope the course goes well for Paul and he soon find something to do near where you live now.
    Michele- hope your day is okay. Were thinking of you this morning. Wishing your dad better for every day that goes.
    Pat- take care and hope you be okay tomorrow.
    Janet- how great to have Crafter's Companion near you so you can get some more "stuff" in hihi Say Hi to Jim.
    Cheryl- have a nice day and hopefully the meeting on Wednesday will be alright. What Panto are they putting together for this year ?
    Brenda- have a nice luncheon and meeting your friends today. Not sure when the knee op will be but they are usually very good from this clinic to give you a date but of course it could still be months before anything be done. Having my shoulder done on the 25th.
    To my friends here on the blog and to anyone looking in ,I hope you all have a nice day and can enjoy the sunshine at some point. Sending you all hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Michele, congrats you have won the card from Julia from Friday post ! xx

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope they don't keep you waiting to long for your knee op. Hope the shoulder op goes well.

    3. Hi Maria
      Good luck with your shoulder what are you having done?
      Hope you haven't got long to wait for your knee opp.& you will still be able to go AP in September.
      Hug's xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I hope Paul gets on ok with his course Sandra.
    Well that's a very different challenge card this week Sandra. I hope the girls are still cleaning up behind themselves.
    Pete keeps on at me to go canoeing with him at Thrupp. Anyhow you wouldn't get me in a small boat, so Sophie is coming with us on Sunday weather permitting to go with him.

    1. Hi Pat
      You wouldn't get me in a small boat either for love nor money 🚣🏾.HAHA
      Has your new medication helping your cough.Hope all goes well tomorrow 🤗🤗
      Yes they have got insurance thank goodness.😇 Harry think his halo slipped a little HaHa.
      Take care my friend xxx

  9. It was great to hear that Harry breaking the tv was an accident. Hopefully it'll be covered by insurance.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great challenge this week, have not had time to do anything about it today I was busy with washing & housework then got lunch ready for Sue, Chris & little Chris then we took little Chris home & he had to show me his Thomas bed & did not want me to leave, the energy they have I could do with a little of it, I feel ready for bed now. Hope Paul enjoys his
    Love both cards, Michele hope work was not too bad thinking of you, hope Dad has care package in
    Will close now mind has gone blank sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hello All, lovely day again.working this morning and in the garden this afternoon.

    Sorry my comment from yesterday seems to have vanished, may be its my iPad, it's five years old, so not quite so reliable.

    Loved all the cards yesterday.

    Sandra the challenge this week looks interesting, hope to make a better effort this week.

    Hope you all had a good day, hugs Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I just you all had good day. Mine was quite unienventfull just went for our walk down to Broadstairs sat on a bench & had our packed lunch & did some People watching. Lot's of French ,Spanish & German students around. There are a few schools of English around Broadstairs.So always lots of students about.
    I have commented on way down Sandra your card is lovely thank you for this challenge & Michele your CC is also lovely x Ment to say sorry Becca & Josh's offer for the house wasn't excepted I'm sure there will be a better one for them.
    See you tomorrow Love Lynda xx

    1. Sandra sorry
      I hope Paul gets on ok with his course & you get to see Sue.
      Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. I've finally got to read all of your comments. I have completly lost track of which day is which and where I have commented, sorry.
    I love this weeks Tic Tac Toe challenge. I think I might be tempted to write each word on bits of paper, put them into a hat and use the first three I draw out 😉
    I'm sorry to hear that Becca and Josh didn't get the house. no doubt developers bought it and will put it back on the market in under a year for an even more ridiculous price! Better luck for Becca and Josh with the next place they try for.
    Lynda, I'm glad that you had a lovely time at the weekend, poor Harry bless him, at least his sister explained that it was an accident. Hugs to you and Captain Underpants. Why do I get a feeling that Terry may be dressed in a slightly different way when we see him at Ally Pally 😂😂😂 X
    Maria, fingers crossed you get your knee op very soon and that your shoulder op on the 25th is a successful one and that you make a quick recovery. Michele, I hope work wasn't too bad today. I'm glad to hear your Dad is doing well but doesn't get sent home before a suitable care plan in place x
    Janet, I hope you are a feeling better now you have a had a chance to settle back at home and relax a a little x
    Mum,vI hope you have a quieter day tomorrow. Love to you and Pop. Little Chris really didn't want his "GG" (Margaret-Great Granny)to leave him today. They were having a lovely time chatting and playing in his bedroom when we took him home after lunch at GG's and Grah Grah's (Pop -Great Grandad) We had him for the weekend as both Mum and Dad were working at the same time. It's lovely having him around, he is so bright and doesn't stop chatting away, bless him 😊
    Pat, fingers crossed that you manage to get some help getting rid of your cough. Sending you hugs x
    Sorry if I have missed anyone under the weather.
    I'm off to bed as I'm falling asleep. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
