
Sunday 16 July 2017

Your Front Fold Challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies,

It's my favourite day of the week once again, WOW, you all did me proud this week, as you can see above I loved this Challenge and really enjoyed making the cards above, hoping to inspire you all a little.  As it turned out you didn't need any inspiration!!  Some truly amazing cards this week ladies thank you so very much, I always panic when it gets to about Thursday, I start wondering if I asked too much of you, then I think about your individual circumstances, a lot of you have got so much going on in your lives that I am always amazed on a Saturday when I see my inbox filling with emails from all of you, always brings a smile to my face XXX

Not that I would mind if you didn't manage a card, I know first hand what it is like to live with chronic pain 24/7, it really wears you down, I have to physically force myself to sit and make cards some days, which is why I am so grateful for my blog and all of you amazing, supportive, very dear friends, if it weren't for you I would still be laying in bed feeling sorry for myself, although there are days when that is all I can do, for the most part you are my inspiration to craft, which is hugely therapeutic, to hold something in your hand that you have made at the end of a day makes you feel like you acheived something, kicked your dark thoughts to the side and overcome your pain for that short period of time and actually acheived something, so once again thank you all XXX

Now on to the best part......your cards......


Brenda such pretty, summery colours you have chosen for your Challenge cards this week, your papers are from the Stampin' Up Colour Theory designer papers, the die you have used is the Happy Birthday Tag' from Poppy stamps, the Balloons were cut using your Stampin'Up Balloon punch, the wooden embellishments are Stampin'Up too, two absolutely stunning cards Brenda, I love them both !! thank you for taking part . 


Janet it's so lovely to see some of Sue's original dies in use again, the New York Collection for the main part of your card and the pretty striplet for the folded panel, absolutely love the colours too.  I hope that both you and Jim have recovered from your journey home, we had the same luck, two years ago it was the farmers in Paris causing us to miss our ferry and have to wait 5 hours, last year they had closed the road into to Ferry terminal in Calais while the Police hunted down some immigrants, meaning we once again missed our ferry, the M20  home was closed while they repaired a bridge that had been destroyed by lorry carrying a dumper truck, it took us a good few hours more than usual to get home too.  
Thank you for entering a card this week, you are amazing !!


Lilian, I absolutely love your Nautical themed cards, the just make me think of Summer by the sea, your embellishments work so perfectly with you Lighthouse image. Thank you so much for taking part Lilian.


Lynda, it looks like you've been using your Northern Lights pad again, Sue's beautiful Butterflies work so well with your design, every part of your card ties together perfectly, thank you so much for taking part.


Margaret, you are amazing, you have never made this style card before, the first card was your first attempt, it is a perfect Front Fold card, the second card is  amazing,
You have used the 'Stylised  Happy Birthday' stamp for your greeting,  the Daisy Punch for your embellishment, you have teamed the designer papers perfectly with the Mint Macaron and Tranquil Tide card, may I have your permission to share your card on the Stampin'Up Facebook group to inspire everyone? I couldn't have made the card better myself and I have been making cards for more years than I care to admit, lol , thank you so much !!


Maria your beautiful Flower Fairy topper works beautifully with the pretty yellow papers you have used, the peel off corners are a genius addition as the draw your eye in to the pretty Fairy, absolutely gorgeous card Maria, thank you so much.


Michele, these images look like you have actually watercoloured them, they are so pretty, as always with your cards the background works perfectly with your main image.  Two amazing cards, thank you so much, given your circumstances I didn't expect a card but I'm thrilled to get two!! 


Val, if I'm not mistaken this looks like perfect 'Lily of the Valley ' card ?! Such a pretty die cut frame too, another amazing 'Val' card, it's no surprise that your cards fly off the shelves! Have you started your Christmas stock for the shop yet?? 
Thank you so much for taking part, you must have been exhausted after your trip to the UK, I hope you are keeping cool in the soaring temperatures out there, I trust you are wearing the "usual" craft room uniform?? ;) 😉

Thanks again ladies, your cards are simply fantastic !!!

I am disappointed to report that Josh & Becca didn't win the sealed bid for the house they wanted, their top amount was around £260,000 and it was valued at £238,000, it ended up going just over £300,000 which is just ridiculous, I guess the owners were happy as they got £62,000 more than the house was worth, there was easily £100,000 of renovations to be done including re-wiring, new windows, doors, heating etc.  They aren't too disheartened thankfully, they weren't surprised that they didn't get it, there was a lot of interest on the day.  I will keep you posted, Becca and Josh asked me to thank you for your kind good luck wishes XXX

Enjoy your Sunday ladies,

Love and hugs 



  1. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,

    I love Sundays as well Sandra looking at a everyone's lovely creations. Today is no exception. Love each and every one. Lovely different fold backs as well that I never thought of. Thank you ladies for your good ideas.

    SORRY Sandra that Josh and Becca house fell through. That's a heck of a price difference. I'm sure there's a house somewhere just waiting for them.

    My photo today looks really fuzzy. I have the blinds down and the light on so it's not taken in actual sunlight. I'll have to think of another way to do it.

    KAREN thanks for the info re Debbie Shore. I didn't realise she worked for Butterick. Glad your dance afternoon went well.

    I should be going to the Sunday Market shortly but at the moment I can't be bothered moving. I'll see how I feel later.

    SANDRA I've made a few cards for the shop and yes, it's the usual dress code in my craft room ha ha.

    Has anyone bought the new embossing folders from Crafters Companion. They look really good and I'm very tempted.

    Hugs to those not feeling so good especially Pat Maria and Lilian.
    Have a good

    1. Not sure if these are the ones you are referring to Val, I recently bought two Embossing folders from Crafters Companion they are the 3D ones.
      I have Ornate Lace and Regecy Swirls. They are lovely, but even better if you lightly spritz the card first. If there are the ones and would like to see before you buy I'm happy to send you samples. xx

    2. Hi Val
      I bought the first four which included the two which Brenda bought. I haven't used them yet but will try to this week if I can. However, we've been asked to go and see Petes brother down in Bournemouth. I was hoping to avoid this. I came with her, or at least she came with me down to Farnborough when my hips were bad. She couldnt possibly drive apparently because as when her daughter was a baby 35 yrs ago she broke down and she didn't know what to do. Plus she's very loud and a non stop chatterbox. I could go on and on but I won't.

    3. Sorry Val meant to say I love your Lil of the Valley card. That's a different type of fold isn't it Val.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Love everyone's cards today, all so very different.
    My cards were made using free papers from an old issue if Making Cards magazine. I'm trying to use up the freebies from the many magazines that I buy.

    The BBQ last night was brilliant-good good, music all evening & really good company. We finally got into bed at 1.30 this morning! Think I'll be having a lazy day, doing the minimum amount of housework before settling in my craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you had a lovely time at the BBQ. You needed something nice to happen. Enjoy your lazy day today.
      Love the cards and as Sandra says your backgrounds look like they've been water coloured. Must see if I can find my water colour card. It's somewhere in the mess called a craft room.

  3. Lovely array of cards Sorry I didn't get around to making one - the week ended up being very busy!
    I love all of the different fold back ideas and you've given me quite a bit of inspiration
    Not sure what the plans are for today - OH is so good at deciding things st the last minute! Which can be a little frustrating at times because I sit here and think "are we going out, shall I start..."
    Anyway Have a good day whatever you're up to and those that are in pain etc I'm thinking of you and hope today is better than yesterday xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope OH decides what he's going to do today.

  4. Morning Everyone
    I love Sunday mornings. All the CCs really start my day with a smile. Again not one looking evenly remotely alike. I love them all.

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but I think things really caught up with me. I needed to go and do some shopping (normal Saturday routine) but after that I just wasn't fit for anything. Anyway MICHELE you inspired me to go and have a look at some crafting mags and YES I bought one! (cannot remember the last time I did). I bought 'Bringing Inspiration to You' which is a Debbi Moore Papercrafting Mag. It has lots of craft papers inside (40) and Free Craft Downloads inside plus some decoupage pages and the Free Gift is a Monochrome Crafting CD. It also has loads of projects too. It should be interesting to see How I get on with it.

    Marigny Dobbie has just finished his last shift for a while so he'll be back in Marigny by now.
    The CAFE is looking very Summery with it's little pots of wild flowers on the tables. There are Cream Scone with homemade Strawberry Jam for this afternoon.

    Have a good day everyone. HUGE HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Love your fold back card. Lots of different ones on show. Must get some Dies out and start making cards again. I need 8 for Sept. mind you I made two at Sandra's on Wed, so at least I've made a start. No scones left I'm afraid when I popped in. I should have asked Sandra to hide one away for me.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you again for inspiring me to have a go at something new, I am glad you approve & of course you can show it on Facebook. Sorry to hear about the house, but I am sure they will find one
    Sorry didn't call in yesterday, the day just over took me. Loved all the goodies,
    Karen & Maria's makes & Michele's review, thank you for
    Maria pleased to hear they are having a look at your
    Pat hope you got some answers at the Dr'

    I am hoping for a relaxing day today last week was a busy one again.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Lovely cards this week. No I didn't really get any answers. Just more medication and she'll ring me in three weeks.

  6. Hi everyone.

    Lots of lovely cards this morning. My favourite this week is Brenda's. Although Michele's is a close second lol.

    I'm patiently waiting for my sue Wilson bundle coming from Hochanda so much for not buying any this year!!! Note to self none for sure next year or graeme will go mental lol.

    Sandra. That's a shame they didn't get the house but everything happens for s reason. £260 g is a lotta money to play with. I could have 3 houses for that lol 😁 Heh heh xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      You'll have to sit on your hands Tracey, so as not to buy any more dies.

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a lot of inspiring cards this week, all very different and equally beautiful. Sandra I enjoyed this weeks challenge, my inspiration came from those beautiful Stampinup papers. They really are lovely to work with.
    I wonder what you have in store for us tomorrow.

    Sorry to hear Becca and Josh didn't win with the bits for the house, but I'm sure there is a property just waiting to welcome them. property prices are very different across the country, I know when our eldest and SIL were buying their first home, they told mortgage broker their salaries and said where could they buy a house not a flat and still work in London? That's the reason they moved to Essex. Although now the prices are very similar to here.

    Having a lazy day today, think I must need my battery's recharging! (If only)

    Take care everyone.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda

    1. Hi Brenda
      Love both of your cards especially the tag design. I'm assuming it's a Stampin Up Die. Yes, house prices do vary around the country. Mind you it's especially expensive here I expect because of the colleges. Mind you I think Londons houses are even higher than ours.

  8. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    I love Sunday's lovely Challenge Card again this week all of them are gorgeous
    And so different.
    We had a lovely day yesterday at Darren's surprise party. He looked shocked when everyone jumped out singing happy birthday.Sam did very well with doing all the food.& organising it.
    Was nice for us having both our son & daughter together Captain Underpants took photos of them, then had ours done with them both.
    My gorgeous Harry was VERY VERY NAUGHTY on Friday Sam was in the kitchen getting his lunch & he was playing in the front room with one of his balloons from his birthday he got annoyed with because it wouldn't fly upto the ceiling any more it fell down by the TV so he punched the TV screen so now they haven't got a TV Sam phoned me to tell me what he did she put him on the naughty chair. She said OMG what's Darren going to say. I said to him yesterday who did that to the TV he said I did & Daddy told me off he was very angry too say The leased.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh jeez lynda Harry was a naughty boy. Lol x

    2. Hi Lynda
      Love both your cards with the butterflies. I do like the Northern Lights background papers.
      My word no wonder Sam put Harry on the naughty chair. No wonder Darren was cross as he'll now have to fork out for a new TV. I'm glad you and Captain Underpants had a lovely time.

    3. Thank you Pat
      I just love that Northern lights paper pad can't stop using it.
      Barbara Gray said they are doing one in velum so that will be lovely.
      Well I would have put Harry on the naughty step for the rest of the day. But when he said yesterday I love You Nannie he still melts my heart. 😊Xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love selection of cards for the challenge last week. As always not one was the same.
    I'm sorry to hear that Becca and Josh didn't get the house they were after. My word what a rediculius price it went for. Mind you I'd never heard of where it was. Pete had, and said my word it's only got about three houses in it, but perhaps that was the attraction.

    1. Hi Pat
      Have you seen the doctor any news regarding your cough.
      Sending you & Pete some Big Hug's Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely, lovely cards today for this weeks cc. Mine was made very quickly with the papers and flower fairies that came with this months Cardmaking & papercraft magazine, not my favourite gift either but will try to use it up. Like Michele I have quite a few mags. but never used the gifts or the papers to it's potentials so that's going to be a challenge for myself. Looking to see what you make us do tomorrow Sandra. Sorry the kids didn't get the house, crazy prices around. Good luck for something else.
    Lynda- oh dear ,little Harry was naughty. Hope he don't do that again. Glad you and Captain underpants had a nice day :-)
    Like some of you today I have had a really lazy day. Got home first after 1am this morning from SIL's but couldn't stay in bed, it was way too warm (isn't menopause a wonderful thing, not tihi) so made a start on a card I could see in my mind but in the end couldn't get it together which is very annoying. Thought about going for a walk when the sky opened up and it just rained for about an hour so cancelled the thought and watched some recorded programmes instead. Have you ever heard about 'Avonlea' ? a little bit like the 'House on the prairie' easy watching on a Sunday afternoon.
    Sending love and many hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx
