
Thursday 20 July 2017

Challenge card and a Tutorial

Tutorial for Technique

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is another Challenge card, (Wood, Embossing, Masculine) and it comes with a Tutorial too.  
When I first saw this stamped effect I thought it was a really complicated stamping technique, therefore it would be way above my stamping ability, how wrong I was, it actually couldn't be simpler, my first attempt was a success, I even did my own version of a happy dance (well more of a happy chair wiggle) 😉 teehee!!
I did several more times to make sure it wasn't a 'fluke' but it worked perfectly each time.
You simply ink up the side of the Embossing Folder that has 'sizzix' on (the trees are recessed) using either your Brayer, come on I bet you have one somewhere that you bought while watching Barb Gray on Create and Craft, I blew the dust off of mine that had sat, untouched since the day I bought it!! 
You can also use a sponge to ink it up just make sure you cover only the surface of the folder.  Once you have your background colour down you can stamp whatever you like onto the surface of the folder and it will appear behind the trees.  I saw a lovely card that had a vintage car in the background, another had the Beautiful You Stamp set lady, off for a walk in the forest, I am going to use a Deer Stamp, I think it would make a nice Christmas card, you could add some sparkle too for a Wintery scene.
Have fun with it, get messy and play, I just wiped my folder clean with a baby wood or run it under the tap, obviously I wouldn't recommend using a permanent ink.  I used Stampin'Up inks, but Tim Holtz inks etc would work fine too.

I am going to send out a little gift to the first, second and third person  that sends me a finished card using this technique, I can't wait to see them!!

Please watch the video if you have time, it's really short, if you like it please click the 'like' (thumbs up) button, oh and subscribe if you haven't already.  You can also leave a comment, I think you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page, it's so lovely reading your feedback.  
Could I ask one of you a huge favour too, would you click on the link to my Stampin'Up page in the description box under the tutorial (on YouTube) to see if it works please, my tablet connects automatically so I can't tell if it works from outside our internet, thank you XXX

Janet, thanks for opening up, I hope it's not too much of an early start for you now that you've sent Dobby back to Marketing, imagine the fun he's having in the house all alone!!  Sending huge thankful hugs xxx

Margaret, it was an absolute pleasure chatting to you, it was the highlight of my day, believe me sitting chatting craft to a lovely friend whilst flicking through the Stampin' up catalogue is not chore, when you love a product so much it's a pleasure sharing it with people that you know will live it as much as you do, thank you for the chat my lovely XXX

Lilian I hope your day brightened up, I was chuckling to myself at your Mum's description of a bad hair day,  I certainly have days that my hair looks like I'm an 'Owl Peeking out of any Ivy bush' . I look forward to seeing your new stamps from John Lockwood, hope today is brighter XXX

Maria, you will enjoy the Stampin'Up Demo, they are fun and usually have a 'Make and take' for you to have a go at, but just remember who YOUR demonstrator is! hahahah, only kidding it will be good for you to see it's not just me that's mad about everything too! Sending hugs, hope you aren't suffering too much my lovely XXX

Val I am not surprised those 'Pop Up Boxes' sold out so fast, they were stunning, something different too, they make a lovely display as well, I think a Christmas display would look amazing, don't worry I won't tell Lynn !!! Hahaha 

Have a lovely day ladies, 

Love and hugs


Ps thank you all for your kind words yesterday, I really was struggling, but knowing that you ladies are there really does lift my spirits xxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Stunning card Sandra, after watching the video I think I might manage this technique-no promises though!

    My brother is going back up to Scotland this afternoon so it was only a short stay but it's been a huge help to me. I've got a GP appointment at 5.30 for a few tests then I need to go to Tesco to do the shopping so no time to call at my Dads. The carers have been set up for twice daily visits so he should be fine. I'll call in tomorrow on my way home from work, maybe take him some Fish & Chips.
    We finally got the thunder & lightning yesterday around 6pm then torrential rain. It's rained a lot overnight & it's quite breezy now-that'll be a challenge for some of the golfers!!


    1. Hi Michele,
      so glad your brother came to help and that your dad has now got carers to visit.
      Hope you're own tests go well.
      Saw all the rain on the tele. Hope those golfers have got umbrellas with them.
      Enjoy your day in work as best as you can xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- what a beautiful piece of art work. I will be watching the video this afternoon when I'm on my own and there won't be any interruptions.

    We managed to stay dry and warm yesterday but today has started very wet and it's pouring down as I'm typing.

    I had another good day crafting yesterday finishing off the New Home card and even managed to get a box done with a lid that fits!!!!!lol. I also sent off my CC so I'm doing quite well this week in keeping up (something has to give/it can't go on all week lol).

    The CAFE is OPEN though all the doors and windows are firmly closed to keep out the rain. Please remember to pick up your brollies before leaving or Herman will have a birthday playing with them.

    Have a good day everyone. Extra hugs for all Dear Friends not 100% please take things easy. xxxx

  3. This is a great technique I have a brayer It was a Christmas present 2-3 years ago and have never used it!
    So pleased your brother was a help even though he couldn't stay long MICHELE
    Very pleased indeed that your pop up boxes were a success VAL I'm intrigued about these cool melt glue guns I have only ever made two and used good old CS glue to stick mine
    Dancing was great fun last night

  4. Morning everyone,

    Sorry Sandra, I cannot do this challenge, I have neither the folder nor a brayer. Will be interesting to see others.

    A lovely sunny day yesterday then the clouds started to appear. A lot of rain, a few grumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning which carried on for a couple hours which has now passed us by and a very weak sum is trying to dry everything up. Plenty of blue with large white fluffy clouds ambling across the sky.

    Must catch up on comments not read from yesterday's busy busy day.
    See you later
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Great card Sandra, A bigTHANK YOU for this video, it's just what I needed!!!!!!!!! I have this EF sitting on my work area, with the intention of using it for my CC. I ordered this EF after we met up at Watford, you were showing us a card you had made using this folder. (Ladies it was stunning) I just had to order it. Now I have a Master class video to guide me through... Thank you xx

    Must get on, will play catchup later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a great video & card, I love the Lovely As A Tree stamp, do not use it enough, must get the embossing folder. I put my order in last night so it will have to wait until August & use my vouchers. Thank you for the time you put into making videos & the
    Michele pleased brother helped if only for short time, hope Dr's goes well for
    Maria you will love the Stampin Up demo. I will say no more!!! Hope knee feels better for resting. Thank you for best wishes for Pop he is feeling better than he was
    I commented earlier but it disappeared, must get on food shopping this morning then who knows!!
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and all.

    Have already commented early on but seems to have vanished.
    LOVE today's card Sandra and the great video. Sadly, like Cheryl I don't have this type of EF so sadly can't take part. I do have a braver that I bought a few years ago to use with Gelli Plates but it's languishing in a drawer somewhere.

    I can't remember what I wrote in the missing comment. Off out to have coffee with my friend who's having husband problems. I'm taking the leaflets for a local coach trip firm as we thought a day out somewhere would cheer her up and make me happy as well. We'd like to go down to Granada for a few days but her husband said no so a day out is better than nothing.

    1. Thought I'd lost another comment there but it reappeared.

      Have a good day everyone.
      Special hugs to all not having such a good time at the moment.
      Love Valxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    wow, you have done it again and thank you for the video. It look so easy when you making your cards but I probably would make a complete blunder with it all and I haven't got any brayer hihi thought about getting one for years after seeing B Grey, will have to get myself one now.
    I am only going to have a look on Wednesday, promise hihi
    It was another very muggy and rainy night so didn't get much sleep so in the zombie zone at the moment but going to the kitchen to see if anything will come to me to make a card or so
    Michele- glad it feel a bit easier since your brother been down even just for a short visit. Enjoy the fish and chips when you see your dad tomorrow.
    Cheryl- love to see new photo of Milly-May, can't believe she already 2 but saying that my SIL little Louis is 2 today.
    Val- have a nice day being with your friend and maybe you can go on a day trip nearby somewhere. Just getting out from home is nice sometimes. Is she from the UK too ?
    Hope you get the appointment soon, hugs
    My daily hugs to you all and some extra for you who need some. Have a good day whatever you are up too today, take care xxxx

  9. Hello All, sunny here, but quite windy.

    Sandra great video, have tried this many times using the ink pad to colour folder, which never worked, great idea to use a brayed, going to have a go this afternoon.
    Posted this morning buts seems to have gone awol, so will keep this short and hope for the best. Have a good day, hugs Lilian

  10. Hello everyone, Gosh it's quiet in here today. I wonder where you have all gone, hope you are all ok.
    Recently I ordered the StampinUp Daisy Punch, It arrived earlier. So took it with me to show Ciara, she used it to make a thank you card for her teacher, even when the card was finished she asked could she stamp and cut more - she really was on a roll!
    Hope you are all well, Hugs Brenda xxx

  11. Good evening Sandra & Ladies
    Sandra your card is gorgeous your video is so easy to follow I have a brayer but not sure if I have the folder will have a look through my folders.
    Like Val & Lillian & Val my comment went cyber space again like yesterday this afternoon as I said last night I wish the aliens 👽 would leave Them alone it's getting beyond a joke now what do they do with them!!!!
    I have been quit productive in my craft room first I made the CC then I have sorted out all my stamps &I put them all in folders so now I know where to look for a stamp. All my Stamping Up Stanps I have put them all in a box in there own box so I can find them at A glance.I was quit pleased with myself a job well done. I did the same with all my A4 embossing folders a few months back.The next job is to sort out My draw's they keep getting in a mess so that's tomorrow's job the second of many I must be ruthless & bin what I don't use or want.
    Anyway enough of that. Hope you have all had a good day.
    MICHELE I'm glad your brother was able to help with your dad enjoy your fish & chips tomorrow. Hope your test were ok.
    MARGARET glad Pop feels better sending you both Hug's xx
    Well I better go & see if this comment stays put.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Beautiful card my lovely , I love how you have done the other trees in the background. Really gorgeous xx
