
Friday 21 July 2017

Definitely Dahlia

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we aren't the end of another week, they are flying by way to fast right now, the Girls school closes for Summer tomorrow, they have been home for the past week and a half though as they finished all exams and some of the Sixth Form group had Work Experience this past two weeks but the girls have decided to wait until next year to do theirs as the will turn 18 in February so they will have a lot more opportunities available to them.  

I had a visit from. Mr Brown yesterday, I swear he had a look of relief as Paul sent to the door and not me in my dressing gown!!
Anyway that meant I had some new goodies to play with.
This card is the result of that play session, I bought a pack of Stampin'up! 'Whisper White' paper in this last order because I got to use some at the weekend meet up and it is so super smooth it feels like silk and it stamps like an absolute dream, I have had quite a difficult and frustrating journey with stamping card since Ann Marie Designs stopped their amazing stamping card, they tried to replace it with something else and it was horrendous but still the same price!! 
Anyway I used a piece of the Whisper White card to stamp my new "Definitely Dahlia' background stamp onto, I used versamark and Clear Embossing Powder to create the 'resist technique' I then coloured over the top with 'Sweet Sugarplum' ink using a sponge, I love the results, I added a border of Sweet Sugarplum Striped ribbon with a lacy edge, made with the  New Decorative Ribbon Border Punch, I used the same Basic Grey card that I used in my layers. 
The sentiment came from the SU 'Beautiful Bouquet' stamp set.

I hope you like my card, it works with the Challenge too, Grey, Embossing and  die cut (label).  How are you getting on with yours.

Now I realised that you all don't have the Woodland Embossing Folder and /or a Brayer, I did mention that you could use a sponge to apply the ink or you can swipe the ink pad itself up the Embossing Folder.  I thought you might have a Embossing Folder that you could use to get the effect. It really isn't a problem if you haven't got anything it was just a bit of fun,  mostly to get you all trying the technique. 

I hope you all have a good day, the weather is forecast to be rather changeable over the next few days, so you will all have plenty of craft room time hopefully XXX

Love and hugs to all



  1. Hello All, very wet and windy here, I suppose it must be the start of the school holidays !!!!

    Sandra what a beautiful card, love the resist technique, haven't used it for ages,

    I spent on long time yesterday trying to replicate you card , I have both the folder,tree stamps and a brayer, not sure which colours you used tried several, but my trees came out a blotchy mess or didn't show at all !!! You make it look so easy on your video, will have another try today.

    Went to Asda yesterday, food prices seem to be on the rise again, usually have it from Tesco, but like to go to Asda every now and then. Prices go up in the holiday months down here, also fuel prices.

    Have a good day all , a day in my craft room as the weather is going to be horrible, finished this month work, ( R is delivering 103 hoods for me, they want me to do one more month, so will see what they send tonight.
    Will pop back later, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      As you say it's the start of the school holidays so the weather is not very nice. It's a shame that we have to go abroad to get nice weather. Our weather is so unpredictable. The people you make the hoods for do believe in keeping you busy don't they,

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is beautiful, so pretty.

    By the time I'd done the shopping, put it all away & we'd eaten is was quite late so I just watched an episode of Law & Order. Went up to bed early as I was shattered.

    Once I've finished work I'm calling at Dads to check he's ok. I then need to pack my cards etc in the car as it's the Car Boot Sale tomorrow and it's an early start. Hope the weather improves as it's wet & very windy here today.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your Dads going on ok, and that your sale tomorrow is a sellout. I hope the weather improves for you as well. We're dry at the moment but I don't know how long for.

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Love the composition of your card Sandra. I'm so impressed with the way you stamp.

    The weather looks horrendous in some parts of the UK. Keep safe everyone.

    Has Friday and Craft Club really come around again?. The weeks are flying by.
    I taking some card to cut out the pop up boxes but that won't take 3 hours so I'm just off to sort some other things to take.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs to all of you not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- A very pretty card and stamped to perfection.

    Well our very dull and rainy start yesterday turned out to be a lovely sunny afternoon. The weather really cannot make it's mind up or so it seems.

    I managed to make a start on a birthday card but then had a visit from my Daughter Nicky and my hairdresser came in the afternoon to give me a very much needed hair cut.
    Today will be a housework day and the washer is already churning away. Whether I get to hang it outside is another matter.

    Our schools here close today for the Summer so the noise levels will rise lol.

    The CAFE is ready and waiting for you all to pop in for a chat and a cup of something. Maria Herman is doing a grand job keeping the grass down at the

    Hugs on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm not sure you can tell it's summer as it's not as warm as it should be. I hope Marigny Dobbie isn't wreaking havoc now he's been despatched back to France,

  5. Beautiful card and I loved the technique you have done
    Having my gels soaked off later and not having any more put on because I am having an op in two weeks time So of course - no nail varnish etc I wish I could say I was having my boobs done or a new nose but I can't I've been referred for an urgent colonoscopy I just hope they don't find anything too dodgy
    In the meantime there's lots of other things (pleasant things - like Oscar) to think about and people to see
    Will pop in later xxx

    1. Hi Karen sorry to read you have to have a colonoscopy. Not pleasant. Fingers and toes crossed for you.
      Do you have to have the whole nail taken off? Can't you just remove the polish? Thinking about when my own procedure is done.
      Enjoy your day. Xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      I hope your colonoscory shows nothing untoward. Petes had many of these since he had Bowel Cancer in 2002. In those days you weren't allowed to eat anything for 48hrs. At least now you can have something to eat so many hrs before hand. Keep thinking lovely thoughts of Oscar.

    3. Predictive text strikes again. Should be colonoscopy Karen.

  6. Margaret Palmer21 July 2017 at 08:41

    Karen will be thinking of you & hope results are good. Hugs on

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Missed yesterday's card. Well I did see it but didn't get around to commenting.
    Sandra today's card is stunning. However, I did think you'd used white embossing powder and not clear. I suppose if Mr Brown bought some goodies I'm hoping mine were among it.

    1. Hi Pat
      I also thought you used white embossing powder & not clear for resist technique.
      Hope Mr Brown did bring your new goodies enjoy playing with them.
      Big Hug's xx

    2. Pat, yes your goodies are here!!
      You can and I mostly do use White Embossing Powder for the resist technique, however my card was white and I'm not keen on the colour of the cosmic shimmer true white E Powder that I have as it had a yellowy tinge to it. Obviously if I had used pink card I would have used white Powder but I think the clear has worked, don't you ??

    3. Yes I do Sandra. It looks great.

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    We have quite a nice day the sun is shining but very windy but can't complain
    Second wash on hopefully the fist line full will be dry by time it's finished
    SANDRA your card is stunning I love the stamp & your perfect Stamping very pretty colour.
    Going Tesco when Captain underpants gets ready 😂😂 god knows when that will be he is 😴💤 on the settee 😤 Sleep Apnea soon as he sits down he's gone.💤💤. I want to finish my stamp sorting when we get back & if time start to sort out the draws.only about 15 of them. Think I might have to do them over a week or two.
    Well my Pet has gone to get ready at last thank goodness just poked him with my stick 😂😂 pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      My ou have got a sleepy Capt Underpants. Good luck with sorting your draws out. I assume you mean your crafting draws and not ladies Ines. Perhaps you can be Wonder Woman Lynda.

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 yes my craft draws Pat 😂😂😂😂😂 xx

  9. Margaret Palmer21 July 2017 at 12:34

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another stunning card from you today, I love
    Just a quick visit got to take my friend to see Nurse at 2pm.
    Sue on her way hope to have a look at cc not had a chance so far.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  10. Hello all,
    such a lovely card Sandra, must do this technique again as it look so nice. Love the flowers and the colour you have used here. I hope you and everyone will have a nice weekend.
    Only been for the food shopping today and yes, Lilian, the prices are steadily going up like they think we not noticing it.
    So sorry Karen you will have to have an Colon. but so important to have it checked and you know we are all with you on the day.
    A storm is brewing outside so we are just going to snuggle up and have a coffee' and watch a film together. Son is on his silly shift 5pm to 6am so we wont see him until about 1pm usually tomorrow afternoon. I'm with Julia tho so I see him even later.
    Have a nice evening everyone and I sending many hugs to you all. Maria xxxx

    1. MARIA Enjoy your workshop with Julia tomorrow.Hope the film was good & you had a nice snuggle up together ahhhh!!!
      Love Lynda xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Yet more inspiration, Thank you. I Love today's card, it's really beautiful. I have been struggling (to put it mildly) with my CC. Using the trees EF. My first attempt I put the trees in the sky! Second time got it all the correct way round, but as in the first the tree impression was a smug! Let's try a different card I thought, so tried pearlised card - the result was even worse, tried smooth card and changed the trees for a different stamp - another no no. Then had a lightbulb moment, why not try watercolour card, I gave it a light spritz - well I did get my colours on the card, even though I dabbed the card with kitchen roll, it bleed a little. At this point it was time to put the dinner on - plus I was loosing the will to live. But tomorrow is another day, I might have to plan a different CC. I will sleep on it!
    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Sleep well, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I didn't have the embossing folder but had a mask so tried it did it three times the third one wasn't too bad sent it to Sandra said don't show as bit rubbish didn't make it into a card but she was kind &I said it was good. Did you do the Tic Tac Toe CC.
      Hug's Lynda xx
