
Friday 16 June 2017

Wishing you brighter days!

Good Morning Ladies  

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to another weekend.  Have you all got plans? For once Paul isn't working and we have nothing on the Calendar.

We had a lovely family dinner out last night, I love it when I have all of my children sat down together, Josh  (Becca's partner of 5 years+) was with us but he is classed as family anyway, bless him. 
Today's card is another type of 'Aperture' card, i used the Stampin Up 'Weather Together stamp set and matching Die set to first of all die cut the cloud apertures in my card, I then added a light covering of 'Soft Sky' ink over the card and stamped some raindrops in versamark ink and added clear embossing powder and hear set to create the rain 'droplets '.  I stamped the umbrella and handle and die cut them both, then added then to the card, slightly coming the umbrella itself to give dimension. 
I covered it in versamark and clear embossing powder and heat set to make it look wet. 
I then stamped my sentiment and added it to my card.  I think that there ate many occasions that this would be a thoughtful sentiment.  It's just a quick card, I hope you like it. 

Val, so pleased to hear poor Kit is on the mend bless him XXX 

Karen how did your cake sale go? Xxx

Margaret  thinking of you today as you go to see eye surgeon i hope that they can get you sorted soon xxx

It's so sad seeing all of those poor people in London. We watched in disbelief as the whole block of flats was ablaze so quickly. Seeing those poor people waiting to waiting to hear news of their loved ones, that pain is hard to imagine, my heart goes out to them all xxx

Have a lovely day ladies


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Belated birthday greetings to Becca. I feel asleep commenting last night (I finished on yesterdays post before popping straight onto this one) so sorry my wishes are late. It's good to hear you all had a lovely family meal out last night. Was it at your usual venue? How nice to have Paul home and no plans. I hope you both have a lovely day just spending time together x
    Beccas' Twist and Pop card is gorgeous. No doubt she loved it, and the papers are so pretty.
    The Works have a really large range of really pretty different sized paper pads (they also sell metal dies now and I believe it's all under The Works brand name) all at really good prices.
    I love the "wet" look you have given the umbrella, you are so good at adding those little extra touches that finish off a card my lovely.
    A great little card that can be used for so many occasions with that sentiment 😊 x
    I'm off to see Mum and Pop today and taking Mum for her eye appointment. Fingers are crossed that you don't have to wait very long to get it done Mum. Love you xxx
    Wishing all of you that are suffering a better day today.
    I expect today will fly by as fast as yesterday did. We are meant to be in for a really hot weekend aren't we? It seems like the weather just can't make up its mind, can it!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, I bought quite a few paper pads in the Works last time I was over and excited to read they now sell dies. Hope your mum gets a date soon for her eye op.
      Take care xxx

  2. Moening Everyone from a very sunny and already very warm MARIGNY.

    At last we're all settled in and ready to relax and enjoy the sunshine even if it is through the windows!!!
    I say that because when we arrived it was in the 30s and yesterday was just the same.

    We had a good journey (both days) and arrived here earlier in the day than we normally do so everything was out of the car early evening and put away. Yesterday was doing a big shop so fridge and freezer are full.

    We had a heavy thurnderstorm on Wednesday evening and another yesterday afternoon but we're used to them these days here.

    SANDRA - a very pretty and useful card this morning. I'm not sure whether I'll get a CC done this week but I'll do my best. If I cannot make a new one I'll see what's in my card photo file.

    MARGARET- I'll be thinking of you today Dear Friend.

    We're off this morning to our usual Friday market to see what's happening and of course do our duty 'people watching' at the local café here and then collect our Friday Treat.

    The CAFE is looking lovely so I'm pleased with Marigny Dobbie. He looks as though he's done a good job this week. I'll catch up on what you've all be doing a little later. HUGS to you all from Marigny. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, glad you've now settled in and the all important fridge and freezer are full.
      Looking forward to hearing what you buy for your first treats.
      Enjoy today xxx

    2. Hi Janet.

      I had to google where marigny was I had no idea lol. Sounds amazing. Might get there someday too after I've been to see val 😂 LOL xx

    3. Hello Tracy
      Did you get the correct MARIGNY? There are one or two other villages/hamlets with Marigny in the name. We are the one in the Dept of NIEVRE BURGUNDY and our nearest town is CHATILLON en BAZOIS. You're welcome any time lol xxxx

    4. Hi Janet
      No I looked at New Orleans lol
      But I've never been to France either lol. Not been many places to be fair xx

    5. Glad you are back and settled at your little house in Marigny (France )Lol Hope the market was nice xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card, it's brilliant. Glad to fear you had a lovely evening out as a family.

    I'm calling at my Dads tonight with his Fathers Day card & present as I'm not sure what our plans are for Sunday-gardening probably!


    1. I think you're in for a lovely weekend, weatherwise. Definitely time to get out in the garden.
      Hope today's not too hectic in work. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope you have a lovely weekend. Our weather is going to be fine here apparently.

  4. Morning A very pretty card It would make a lovey Sorry to hear you're under the weather card too
    It is so nice to have meals out with the family I think that's why I enjoyed last Sunday so much Just a shame our Gary can't join in at times
    I hope your appt goes well today MARGARET
    I think the cake sale went well I'm in a different block of the building now and won't know until later how it went
    Out sweating (I mean dancing) tonight On Sunday I'm going to an exhibition of Princess Diana's clothes Can't say I was a huge fan of Di but I love clothes and their history/construction/fabric etc
    Glad Kit is on the mend Must go work is calling

    1. Hope you made lots of money at the cake sale.
      What sort of dancing do you do?
      I wasn't a fan of Diana either but I'd love to see her clothes. What a great exhibition. Take

    2. Enjoy your dancing Karen. Hope the exhibition lives up to expectations. Enjoy.

  5. Hi Sandra and all.
    What a pretty card. Love the way you have inset the clouds. Great for so many occasions but get well soon comes to mind.
    Glad you had a lovely family meal last night. Nothing like all the family being together. Have a lovely weekend with Paul xxx

    Thank you Sandra and ladies for your comments about Kit. He's now
    back to his laid back, out and about old self. You wouldn't think anything had happened to him, it always amazes me how animals bounce back after an op or an illness which would lay me low for a while.

    Off to craft Club today. Wendy has very kindly bought all of us so new foam stuff, sorry can't remember the name of it but it moulds into flowers easily without the use of an iron. I'll pop back later and let you know how we got on.

    Margaret hope you get a date ASAP for your eye

    Hugs to Pat and Maria and anyone else not feeling too good today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Foamiran Val, I am thinking of ordering some for myself, I shall await your verdict on its versatility and ease of use. x

    2. Enjoy your craft club. Look forward to seeing how your flowers turn out.

  6. Morning everyone,

    Lovely dance class yesterday but unfortunately it now has to close for a while as no new members have come along.
    At least we got to the end of the routine so I can practice on my own.
    Off to Specsavers yet again, my 5th appointment, the original frames I chose were delivered but NOBODY in the Lab picked up on me waiting for the lenses to be fitted into one of the pairs, which are now out of stock again and they do not know when they will getting more! It seems like that fact was forgotten in the store too. Honestly, such pathetic service means I will not be giving them my custom again and I am definitely going to ask for a discount on what I have already paid.

    Sun is shining brightly with a few wispy clouds gently floating by. It seems we will be having a humdinger of a weekend forecasted with no rain and hot days.
    Hugs for all under the weather, may your day become kinder to you.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh dear Cheryl sounds like your Specsavers are giving you the run around. Ours though are very good thank goodness.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card today. I'm glad I stamped and cut a few of these out now on Wed. Just need a few clouds. Although I do have a sky stamp that I bought at Ally Pally the first year we went.
    Margaret hope your eye appointment goes well.
    Great Val that Kit has bounced back after his operation.
    Off to visit a friend in Oxford today. She was coming to us, but seeing as it's like climbing a mountain to get in at the moment we're going to hers.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you had a lovely family meal, I think all us Mum's enjoy having all family together. Your card today is
    Thank you all for best wishes for my appointment this afternoon, I am lucky that I am going to the Private Hospital but as a NHS patient so hopefully will been seen quicker.
    Janet good to see you settled in, gosh that is far too hot for me, look forward to hearing about your
    Must get on & prepare lunch for when Sue gets here so will send hugs to all who are suffering love

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    What a smashing wee card!! I was laughing when I seen it I'm like yep perfect card for a wet day here lol will def need my Brolly if I go out. Can't see it tho lol

    Graeme on a full month of nightshift just now but even tho I know he's a deep sleeper I feel as tho I can't do anything and creep around in case I wake him lol.
    Just had the engineer out to fix the house alarm not sure if that woke him or not lol I'll ask him later when he gets up.

    Love to all xx

    1. Hope the engineer made a good job of fixing the house alarm. Shame about the rain.

  10. Hi Sandra and all ladies.
    Nice card Sandra and a very different way for a aperture card.
    Margaret- good luck with your appointment.
    Tracy- hope your back is better
    Pat- have a nice day out
    Lynda- hope you are alright and Terry too
    I hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing.
    I only needed to walk a little bit yesterday but that was enough. Otherwise sat in their garden listening to a tree surgeon doing his best next door . Had a lovely meal at a Italien so not much today :-) Clear out of the garage today so spent most of the morning empty out one side before doing the rest tomorrow. Pop back later . Take care everyone. Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Perhaps you can come down and clear Petes she'd for him. He vows to clear it out but keeps putting everything back just in case. I used to at least clear a pathway through. However, next time I open the door it's back to the same.

    2. Should have been shed Maria. Predictive text did it again. Good job I checked it this time.

    3. Two loads to the skip today and hope to do the other side tomorrow. oh why do we keep so much ?
      Feel like my arms are falling off Lol but still managed to cook the dinner. Sorry but think Pete have to do his own shed, never know what I would find Lol

  11. Hi everyone again.
    Just calling in to tell you I had a great time at craft Club playing with the Foamiran, thanks Cheryl.

    It's very thin fan which we die cut into flower shapes. We used 4 shapes for each flower but the die cuts four thicknesses as a time. Then inked the edges, scrunched up the petals and even stretched them a bit. Stuck the 4 together, popped some stamens through and he presto a very cute flower. Wendy has taken photos of them which will be on her blog. Spanish crafter.
    There were only 5 of us today instead of the usual 8 or 9. A couple are away and couple have visitors. We all agreed though we've never known such a quiet class, everyone was concentrating so hard. Ha ha.
    See you tomorrow. Have a good evening all. Xxx

    1. Hi Val, love to see the flowers so will pop over to Wendy's later, glad you had a nice time xx

  12. Hi Val
    Sounds like you had a lot of fun even if it was very quiet as everyone was concentrating.

  13. Hello All, well summer is well and truly here, this morning we had a lovely breeze, but this afternoon it's very hot!!!!!

    Sandra love the card, as the others have shown it would make a super pick me up card.

    Sorry Tracey to muddle you up with Karen, hope the back is feeling better.

    Traffic here at the moment is horrendous, dread to think what it will be like in the school holidays, as it seems Cornwall is the top destination for stay cations this year. Lovely on the beach for the children.

    Have work again now but they have sent 70 hoods but only 20 zips, very unorganised, luckily have a secret stash. One of the new ladies that I trained has given up after only about 12 months, so don't know what to do about finishing my self, although I am thinking to stick to my retirement date.

    Am sitting watching tennis as I am tired out after going into town this morning, not sure what to have for dinner, o/h is out, so as it's just me might just have a jacket sweet potato with cottage cheese.

    Hope you all have a lovely evening hugs to all Lilian

    1. How did they think you should be putting the hoods together with only 20 zips ! know you are an expert but anyway. Hope you have a nice evening xx

  14. Good evening Sandra & Everyone
    Love your card Sandra. Lovely having a family meal with Paul & your lovely children hope Becca enjoyed her birthday.
    Sorry for late comment I've been out with Margaret we went to Barbara Grey's Clarity open day at Crowbrar ( not sure of spelling) it was interesting watching the demonstrations lots to buy but not many pennies to spend. Margaret spent quite a lot as per usual.
    MARGARET hope your eye appointment comes soon should be seen super quick if a private hospital. What have you got to have done.many Hug's xxx
    VAL WOW far too hot for me. Glad you enjoyed craft club & pleased Kit is back to his old self. Have a good evening love Lynda xx
    MARIA we are ok thank you glad your enjoyed your meal last night. Hope you are resting your knee take care many Hug's xx
    JANET glad your all settled in hope you enjoyed the market & good fridge freezer filled up.enjoy my friend.Many Hug's xx
    PAT hope your throat is better now. Big Hug's xx
    Well better get some dinner although big Pet is asleep 💤💤
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Forgot to say we met Alex from Hochanda she's lovely had long chat with her.xx

  15. Hello Sandra and all.
    I did start to comment under Tracey's comment this morning saying Sandra I love your card and that Die and Stamp are on my wish list. Then had a phone call from someone who I used to work with (a very special friend) who now lives in Crete I knew she was in the UK visiting sons and her mother,who was widowed just a few months ago. She was in our area and could she and her husband drop in . We have had a lovely day, she is like another daughter. Oh boy am I tired now. Don't think iwill need the sleep fairy tonight.
    Hope I can catch up with everyone tomorrow.
    Sleep well my lovely friends. Brenda. xxx

    SANDRA enjoy your weekend having Paul at home. I know how much this means to you. xxx
