
Thursday 15 June 2017

Another Twist &Pop Card, Happy Birthday Becca

Happy Birthday Becca 

Good Morning Ladies,

I would like to start today by wishing Our Beautiful  daughter Becca a very Happy 23td Birthday, We are so very proud of the amazing young lady you have become, you'll always be my big baby though x xxx

Today's card is another 'Twist & Pop card, I used some pretty papers from a pad from the Works called 'Sweet Garden Rose, they matched beautifully with Rose Red and Sweet Sugarplum  Card from Stampin'Up!
The front of the card used stamps and dies from the Number Of years Stamp set and matching Dies, the inside of the card has the Stampin'Up! 'Happy Birthday ' Die, letters cut out using my Scan &Cut, the flowers are various SU dies, the label is from the 'Lots of Labels' Framelits set from SU.
I made the deep envelope to match the card using my NEW Envelope Punch Board , oh my goodness ladies, I am in love with this new tool it is so easy to use to make envelopes of any size, plus boxes and so much more, I can't wait to share it's many uses with you.

Pat and I had a lovely crafty day yesterday, Pat made a Twist and Pop card and started a Challenge card too. I was busy making Becca' s Birthday Card.

I hope you all have a lovely day however you are spending.

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous card & a lovely photo of your daughter, I hope she has a wonderful birthday today.

    The Audit wasn't too bad-only one Auditor but that meant she only left just before 5pm!! I'm sure when her report arrives it will have a long list of changes required on it.
    By the time I'd done the shopping & put it all away I was too tired to even think of crafting so I just sat & finished my book.
    Might try & start a card this evening.


    1. Hi Michele
      I'm glad the audit wasn't to traumatic. As you say the report will have lots of recommendations. I must say it amazes me that people come from all over the county for Cancer treatment at the Churchill.

    2. Hi Michele. I hope you can relax a little at work now that the audit is over and thathe report isn't too bad x

  2. Hello Everyone, wet today, at least it saves watering.

    MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY BECCA, hope it's a memorable one.

    Sandra love your card, hoping to have a go at one of these today.

    Karen hope the back ache soon improves.
    Maria sorry to hear your knee is so bad hope it improves soon.
    Pat hope you are on the mend.
    To everyone else who are not feeling up to par, hugs to everyone.

    Haircut today , then I colour my hair which is in desperate need of treatment.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I bet you are glad to get your hair cut and coloured. I hope you get some sunshine later on today x

  3. Morning ladies.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA hope you have a wonderful day. Beautiful photo Sandra.

    Becca card is so pretty Sandra. Really must have a go at one.

    Pat hope your feeling a lot better today.

    Marie hope you managed to get to Tescos and had a pain free night.

    The vet took 3 of Kits loose teeth out yesterday but as he was cleaning them twomore fell out. It ddidn't stop him eating 3 tins of cat food last night. He must have been ravenous as he hasn't been able to eat properly for a week.

    WOW it's hot here.. It reached 39 degrees whist we were playing crib yesterday, which I won easily by the way. Spain has warned of a hotter than normal summer so goodness knows what August will bring. It's good that I like heat but also good we've got air con.

    Off out with a friend for lunch today. Nothing else on so I might have a go at a twist and pop card.

    Have a good day everyone.

    1. Hi Val
      My throats feeling much better although very dry. My mouth is sore still though.
      My word that is hot in Spain. We had a lovely day yesterday but it's not so warm today. I think Englands forgot its summer here.

    2. Hi Val. Goodness me, I'm not surprised that you are glad you have air con. What sort of temperature can you usually expect during the hottest part of the year? It's so good to hear that Kit is already feeling much happier better after losing so many teeth. It's amazing how quickly our animals recover isn't it. Give him a hug from me x

  4. Happy Birthday BECCA What a stunning looking lady you are
    Great card you made SANDRA
    I had a quick play and did the mechanics but I think I stuck it a little too low down on the base card - will try again later Plus I think I need to use a better scoring tool to get a crisper edge
    We're having a cake sale at work today, raising money and awareness for Carer's Week I was going to bake bake but. I went to two supermarkets and neither had Baking Powder (I don't bake often and only have plain for Yorkshire puds pancakes and sauces) So I made Mrs Duck's (John Lockwood's friend) Thank Crunch it's Friday
    Sorry if I've misled you but it's not me with the back problem.... (at the mo)
    Seeing MIL later to hopefully start her kit I bought
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you all raise lots of money. The thank crunch it's Friday sounds intriguing.

    2. Hi Karen.I hadn't realised that there was a Carers week, well done for helping to raise funds for them. If its ok with Sandra please will you share Mrs Ducks recipe? I have heard of it from John Lockwood before but don't know exactly what it is, it seems to be a very popular treat though. Good luck x

  5. Happy Birthday Becca, I wish for you to have a wonderful day filled with love, laughter and plenty of pressies.

    Dark clouds on the horizon at the back of my house and brilliant sunshine the other! Perhaps the back garden will get watered hahaha
    Off to dance classes this morning then the afternoon making candle arrangements for the Church Fete. Must get a move on with them, it is on the 9th July.
    Hugs for all our creaky, achey friends, I hope your day improves for you.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Enjoy your dance class. What kind of dancing are you doing?. I hope you'll make lots of money with your candles for your charity like you usually do. Your candles are fantastic.

    2. Hi Cheryl. We had similar weather a few weeks ago. My "pet" was confused when I appeared moaning about having to bring the washing in when all he could see was blue sky 😊 Don't forget to share a pic of your candles arrangements please x

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Happy Birthday BECCA. I hope you have a great day.
    Sandra, a stunning card you've made for Becca. It was so quick to make as well. Using coloured card means you don't have to make mats. As you know I loved this paper pad. Sandra tried to get me one from the works and they didn't have it in ours either. As Sandra said I started a challenge card. However, realised if I was going to put a paper on top I should have done that first before making the aperture. We have the workmen here today digging up around our house ready for our new drive, pathway and patio to be laid. So it's rather noisy.

    1. Hi Pat. I'm glad you and Sandra had a productive day on Wednesday. Yes you're right, I'm having fun with my joints the moment. I'm so pleased to hear that your throat isn't quite as sore now. I'm looking forward to seeing your new path and drive when it's all finished 😊 x

  7. Hi Sandra. It's just occurred to me that I've never become a follower on your blog. Why I don't know. Anyhow I've just pressed follow and I'm number 67. Sorry.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Not to sure if I have either Val. It's turning quite windy here now.

  8. Morning everyone.
    Happy Birthday Rebecca ! hope she have a lovely day.
    Love the card and the envelope for it.
    Karen- hope you collect lots of money, have a good day.
    Val- like warmer weather but the temp you got already sound a bit too warm. I'll be glad for the pool at the hotel in a couple of weeks me think. Glad Kit was eating again last night, he was a hungry cat.
    Lilian- enjoy your hair cut, always nice to be pampered.
    Pat- you are on a roll card making I hear. Sending you hugs.
    I hope you all have a nice day whatever you are doing.
    Have not got time today at all for any crafting as we going to London to see SIL. I best get a move on or OH will shout soon Lol. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Enjoy your day in London Maria. I hope your knee stands up to it if your doing some walking. I've done the basics Maria, just need to do the outsides now. Don't know whether to do a twist and pop for my granddaughters 21st. Decisions decisions.

    2. Hi Maria. I hope you enjoyed your trip to London, but I hope you didn't have to walk too much. We don't want you suffering with your bad knee. Sending hugs x

  9. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    Happy Birthday Rebecca, I hope you have a lovely birthday and get spoiled by one and all. Gorgeous photo!
    Sandra the card you made is lovely, I know your beautiful daughter is going to really enjoy this special gift, made by you and filled with love from all the family XX

    VAL , pleased Kit is back home again, and is able to eat and enjoy, xx

    MARIA, go easy, hopefully not too much walking around in London today. xx

    PAT, sounds like you need earplugs. Just think how lovely it's all going to look when they have finished. xx

    CHERYL enjoy your dance class. Hope the dark clouds have disappeared by now. xx

    LILLIAN It sounds like Cheryl has got some of your dark clouds. Hope your plants enjoyed some rain and Now can bask in the sunshine. xx

    KAREN hope the cake sale goes well and raises lots of cash. xx

    MICHELE,pleased you got through the audit, hopefully she didn't find too much to criticise. xx

    Time to get on I think, will pop back in later in the day, because I'm nosy I'm just like to know what everybody is up to.

    Love and hugs to everyone . Brenda xxx

    1. Me to Brenda, I'm nosy as well. When we went abroad people would say hullo to me. Pete and Craig would say who are they do you know them. I'd say no but they're staying at our hotel. They were sitting at so and so table last night, or I'd say she was wearing a such and such colour dress 3 tables down from us. Crikey your nosy they'd say. No I just like people watching.

    2. Hi Pat ..... People watching it's my favourite pass time when I'm out and about, xxx

    3. Hi Brenda. I think most of us are nosy. It's interesting knowing what everyone is up to. I hope John is feeling much better by now. People watching is great fun, such a good way to pass the time 😊 x

  10. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA have a wonderful day. Beautiful photo.
    Wow your card & envelope is Gorgeous Sandra I bet Becca loved it.Must have a go at making one.
    VAL pleased Kit is over her vet visit & is ok. Gosh how hot is your wether I wouldn't be able to go out in that heat. Enjoy your day Hug's.
    MARIA take care with your knee hope you haven't got to much walking today enjoy your day Hug's xx
    KAREN hope you do well at the cake show & raise lot's of Money xx
    MICHELE have a good day at work today & hope the audit went well & she didn't find much too criticise xx
    CHERYL enjoy your dancing hope the sun comes out for you Hug's xx
    PAT hope your feeling better now & The workmen don't make too much noise xx
    My Pet is calling to go Tesco so better go pop back later Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      How is your pets leg now. Is it any better. Hugs to you both.

    2. Hi Lynda. Did you manage to find any bargains at Tesco? Not my favourite pastime I must admit 😑How are you both? Hugs x

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Happy Birthday Becca :-) Hope you're having a lovely day xx
    Gorgeous card Sandra. Loving the look of these twist and pop cards :-)
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Love and hugs xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. It's good to see you. I hope you are keeping well x

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Happy birthday to becca love the card too.

    Val I'm jealous u have that warm lovely weather all the time. I've never been to Spain. U fancy two well trained house guests??? Lol
    Glad kit is over his op and is eating again x

    It was lovely here this morning and warm ish. Fence now finished thank goodness but now the rains started lol blooming typical that is!!
    Mind u in Scotland we don't really get a summer as such lol x

    1. Any time Tracy.
      Hope your back is feeling easier. X

    2. Hi Tracy. How is your back now. I hope it is feeling much better now. I love the summer so wouldn't want to miss the little we have down south 😊 x

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry it's late but please wish Becca a Happy Birthday from me, what a lovely looking girl, mind with parents like you two no wonder your girls are lovely, not sure about Mat never met him!!! What a lovely card you made for her as well, I still have had time to watch video, today has been busy. I did manage to do cc yesterday + one other, will send it
    Val pleased Kit enjoyed her food last night, gosh it is far too hot for me with you, 20c is comfortable to me, I suppose you get used to
    I have appointment with eye surgeon tomorrow about my cataract, so hope he can give me a date soon it is bothering me quite alot now.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
