
Wednesday 14 June 2017

Twist and Pop Cards - Tutorial

YouTube Tutorial

Good Morning Ladies, 
I have at last managed to finish and upload the tutorial for making these fantastic 'Twist & Pop' cards,  they are so fun to receive and with this simple method they are really easy to make.  I tried several different methods, some were so complicated you almost needed a degree in maths.  I really enjoyed making this version, it makes it more exciting knowing how excited the recipient will feel when they pop in open!!

I will add the important measurements below, then leave you to watch the tutorial video to show putting the card together.

You will need 3 pieces of card to start this card .....

First piece measures 10 x 4 inches
Second piece.              10 x 3 1/2 inches
Third piece.                   8 x 3 1/2 inches 

Take the First piece (A4 x 4)

Score in half to create your front and back cover of the card.

Take the second piece

Score at 2 1/2 , 5 , 7 1)2 inches , then fold Valley, mountain, valley  this gives you 4 panels to decorate. (Part of card that 'pops' out. 

Take the Third piece (8 X3 1/2)

With short side at top of score board, score down the length of the card at 1 3/4 inch

Then make a small pencil mark at 2 1/4  & 5 3/4 inch, rotate card around and repeat on other side.  So you have 4 marks.

Take your piece of card and line 2 opposite marks up along one of the grooves on your score board (I always mark one with a Sharpie so I know I am in same groove)
Line up marks along groove and score the first part of the  'X' , rotate to line up the other two marks and score again, you should now have an X, burnish all score lines well.

This is how it should look after you have burnished your score lines.

Put your fingers by those pencil marks and gently push so that the long score line goes in like a valley fold, bringing those two triangles​ down to form an arrow shape.

Burnish the folds well and this is the hardest part finished.  Now you can follow video to see it happen in real time, it's easier to see the final fold that way too. 
I hope you find it easy enough to follow, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. 

I can't wait to see your Twist and Pop cards, so please email me them to share .

Have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, brilliant video and really easy to follow instructions with the pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's creations & I must try to find the time to make another one myself.

    Late night last night-didn't get home until after 11pm but I had a lovely evening which was the main thing.

    Up earlier than normal today so I can be super organised-the dreaded Audit!!! Going straight on to do my Tesco shopping after work then I can relax plus it gives me tomorrow evening to craft.


    1. Hi Michele
      Hope the audit went well, or will you nit have the results for awhile?.

    2. Hi Pat

      We got feedback as she'd finished (yes-just one auditor) at 5pm!! Main issue is lack of staff which she realises is beyond our control. Most point will be classed as "minor " but we have two potential Majors so that's a worry.
      Done the shopping & had a glass of wine !!


  2. Me again-I see Sue Wilson is starting her Christmas Dies blog launch tomorrow. No doubt there'll be a huge increase in comments until the launch is over!! Christmas -that's far too early for me to think about buying Dies!!!!!


    1. I agree MICHELE They're all gorgeous BUT you're actually collecting them for prosperity e.g. The angel they're variations on a theme e.g. Striplet I love to but I can afford to buy them all

    2. I too think buying Christmas dies in June is a no no. Although I must admit to making a Christmas card for this week's cc.
      It is amazing how many extra comments Sue gets when she offering dies. I wonder if they even look at her blog at other times.
      Have a quiet day. X

    3. I am not planning to buy any of these dies, will use what I have already, might buy some new stamps though not yet.

    4. No die shopping for any Christmas ones at all this year, winning one is different, but will use the ones I got already
      Have a good day Michele x.

    5. Quite agree ladies. I don't do Angels anyway. But much to early for Christmas Dies. Although I'm not adverse to winning one.

  3. Good luck with the auditors today MICHELE This is an interesting concept SANDRA My mad cat friend has the TL dies for this and knew that with a bit of maths it could be done So thank you for all of the details And a very pretty card too Hope to craft later afte work but need to do some baking later for a Cake Sale at work to raise money for Carer's Week I need to use some bananas up and I'll probably do Mrs Duck's "Thank Crunch it's Friday"
    Beautiful sunny day here I'm off to get ready for work now Have a great day ladies

    1. Hi Karen excuse my ignorance but what is a TL die?
      Ang's cake sounds nice and ideal for a cake sale.
      Have a good day at work. X

    2. Happy baking later Karen and hope your day at work went fine xx

    3. Thanks Sandra of course it is!!! Must have had a senior moment. X

    4. Hi Karen
      Good luck with the cake making. I'm going to mow the lawn when it's not so hot. Not quite the same though is it, as you can't eat mowed grass.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies,
    I'm a bit perplexed over the measurements for the Twist n Pop card. You mention the first piece is 10x 4ins then it turns into an A4 x 4 ins, which one is the real measurement please?

    Busy today with applying the decking protector. I had ordered more cleaner from my local Wollens store just up the road as they are the only stockists of Cuprinol Decking cleaner in my area and finally finished cleaning it last night after it had got cool enough for the sun not to dry it out before the scrub.

    Panto costumes (apart from the petticoats and pantaloons) have come to a halt, the gentleman who the director wanted to cast as Dame is taking some time out this year so flyers are being designed to post through doors asking for more people to come forward.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. I bet the decking is going to look lovely when it's completed. Worth all the hard work.
      Hope you have some luck finding someone to play the Dame.x

    2. First piece is A4 x 4inch
      Second 10 x 3 1/2
      Third 8 x 3 1/2

    3. Hard work Cheryl but so worth it because it look so nice afterwards. Do you have to do it every year ?
      Take care xx

    4. I think the first measurement is A4 in length and 4 inches wide-am I correct Sandra????

    5. You decking is going to look lovely Cheryl when it's finished. But it must be hard work.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Definitely one to have a go at Sandra. Thanks for the instructions and the video.
    Love the card you've made and what a lovely surprise for the person that receives it.

    OMG what an horrendous fire in London this morning. Those poor people caught up in it. My heart goes out to them all.

    My comment yesterday seemed to have disappeared. Is it in cyber space or did I forget to press publish?

    Off to play crib later Yeh.

    Kit has gone off to the vets this morning for his op. Trying to get him in the cat basket is a nightmare. He's a big cat, he weighs 10 kilos and seems to be twice that when he puts the brakes on outside the basket.
    Poor hot Gracie didn't get clipped yesterday. The "clipper" went home as she wasn't well and we have to wait until next Tuesday now. I did ring round a couple of others but can't get in anywhere before that.

    Pat hope the pain has gradually disappeared and you're feeling ok now. Hope this week's appointments are going well.

    Maria Sorry you're not feeling too good. Hope you managed to get some sleep last night.

    Tracy. So hope you're feeling better today.

    Hugs to everyone especially those not feeling too good.

    Janet. Hope you had a good journey and your getting settled in.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Good luck for "big" Kit with the op this morning.
      Hope you have a nice day.
      I'm sorry I wrote the wrong word yesterday reg my knee ,it is not fully torn but pulled so that something but the pain, oh the pain Lol I manage 5 hours last night so happy to wake up to a glorious day xx

    2. Hi Val
      Hope Kits operation went ok, but what a palava to put her in a basket. Gracie will be hot won't she until she has her coat cut. The pain is subsiding Val but my mouth is also sore so they must have caught something in there.

  6. Hello All, lovely day again.

    Firstly How horrendous the fire in the tower block this morning, praying for the people who are trapped inside, a terrible nightmare, thoughts for all affected.

    Sandra your card is beautiful, not watched the video yet but written instructions seem fine, might have a go later.

    Going out to plant a load of snapdragons and tobacco plants that my "pet" has grown for me, want to do it before it gets too warm.

    The house martins have all got babies, 3 nests in total, they are wonderful at nest building, just little bits of mud at a time, they always come back to the same place, usually refurbish old nests, after a few years we take them down as they start to fall to bits.

    Have a lovely day all, hugs Lilian

    1. How lovely to see the House martins back and so many little ones. Have a nice day Lilian xx

    2. Hi Lilian, when we lived in the UK we had house martins that came back every year. I loved it. Clever little things finding their way all the way from Africa to the same place.
      Hope all you planting was done.xx

    3. How lovely Lilian to have house Martins nesting. Must be lovely to sit and watch them.

  7. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Great tutorial Sandra and so easy to follow, it will keep me out of mischief making all these cards up Lol
    Sitting here with ice block on knee and pills taken this morning so now ready to visit Tesco and then sit in the garden for some sunshine. It is a Beautiful day as is your card Sandra.
    Love to all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria hope the ice block and pills worked and your pain free enough to walk around Tescos..sitting in the sunshine sounds lovely.Xx

    2. Hi Maria
      Thanks for the card and how painful your knee must be to have to put ice blocks on it. Take care my friend.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Thank you for this brilliant tutorial - and I've only looked at the written instructions!!! I'm sure the Video will be equally brilliant. You are so generous with your time Sandra, testing all the different sites and finding one with the most clear instructions for you to pass on to us. THANK YOU.XX

    OH still not well, today he has stayed in bed. As he feels wobbly when he stands, thank goodness the sickness has gone away. Yesterday he spent most of the day on the hall floor,(I did cover him over and gave him a pillow) he just couldn't move. Eventually around 9pm he went up to bed, he really did look like my 'Pet' The only way he could move was on all fours. I think the worst is over, he even managed toast earlier. That's a good sign.

    Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      My word what a horrible thing to happen to John. I hope he'll be feeling better soon. Gentle hugs coming his way.

    2. Hi Brenda,
      Sorry John is suffering at the moment, I can remember Alan getting to bathroom on his hands & knees the first time he had it, hugs on the way & to his

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Will catch the tutorial shortly looks fun to do too.

    Maria took ur advice and used the kitchen worktop to do my fathersday cards. What a difference guess I need a talker desk so I can stand at it.

    Got another line for a week and another few days worth of diazepam that's the only thing that seems to take the pain away.

    New fence going in today. Waiting on the guy to get back and finish it. Weather is smashing today so sitting relaxing on my swing seat I just love it so much. I wish I could have some of u over for a cuppa an blether lol 😊

    Thanks for the well wishes too 💋💋

    1. Hi Tracey
      Seeing your garden made me so envious. Mine is mostly vegetables that Pete grows. Grows loads of onions, tomatoes, cabbages, runner beans, potatoes etc. Mind you, some of it makes him ill, so I really don't know what he bothers.

  10. Oh Brenda your poor 'pet' I feel so sorry for him. So hope a couple of days in bed does the trick.
    Sending hugs to you both. Xx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I love the cards you have shared, both yours and the pretty strawberry one of Michele's. I'm looking forward to watching the tutorials, you really are brilliant at finding the best ones to share with us, thank you and sending you big hugs my lovely x
    Pat,no hope your throat is easier each day, sorry I didn't get to see you again this week but sending you big hugs x
    Maria, I'm sorry to hear your knee ligaments are pulled and that you are in extra pain. It's good to see you are resting up and taking the pain meds. Sending you big hugs x
    Lynda, what a little cracker your Harry is. Such a cheeky smile that melts everyone's heart 😁 sending hugs to you and your third pet 😁 x
    Brenda, I hope John is continuing to improve, bless him. Sending you both big hugs x
    Tracy, I hope your back is improving each day. Big hugs are on their way to you x
    Michele, I hope the audit is going as well as possible and that your manager is doing just that.....Managing that is, as that is her job and i bet she enjoys the extra pay she gets for holding that title. Good for you for not sitting in at yesterday's lunch, I hope you get the shopping done quickly and get to relax this evening. Sending you big hugs x
    Val, I hope Kit has had his op and will be able to enjoy his food again very soon. Big hugs on their way x
    Sorry if I've missed anyone who is not feeling so good at the moment.
    I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Great tutorial today. Thanks for sharing. Sue was unwell again yesterday and didn't meet up with Sandra
    So I thought she might pop over to see us both. I assume she still picks up the children from school and takes them swimming, as that's why she can't meet up with us on a Wednesday. I wonder if your migraines are flaring up again Sue, as they were quite frequent the last few times you were unable to meet on a Tues with Sandra. I know you also have quite a few problems as well with your arthritis. Mentioning it at the hospital when you go for checkups might be an option as there might be something new on the market.
    Had a very productive time at Sandra's. Sandra cut me a couple of twist and pop bits out. So I'm going to look through my papers to decorate them with.
    Hugs to all those that are feeling poorly still. Maria I hope your taking it easy.

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra beautiful card today, thanks for measurements & video which will look at later. Hope you got to enjoy the lovely
    Maria hope your knee is easier, hugs on
    Irwin good luck with your cake
    Michele hope tomorrow is easier for
    Pat hope your mouth improves soon, hugs on
    Sue sorry you were not able to get to Sandra's, hope you feel better now, love & hugs on
    Tracy your swing seat is certainly getting some use, good job you got it, hope you back improving, hugs on
    Lilian how lucky to see the young house Martin's, hardly ever see them around
    Cheryl hope your flyers do the trick, it is not a part that anybody can do. Hope you have finished your decking, take
    Val hope Kit is recovering well, hugs on
    Lynda hope you are both
    Janet hope you are safely at Marigny & getting
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret

  14. Hi Sandra & everyone
    My comment this morning has disappeared in cyber space & just typed one just now & went to publish that froze up so lost that too.
    So just say Sandra your card is Gorgeous & the video tutorial brilliant as is your written one looks so easy to follow will try tomorrow. I have made my challenge card today not sure it's any good might try another tomorrow. I've had a bad tummy ��pains all today slightly better now been drinking loads of water.
    MARIA sorry your knee is still so painful gentle Hug's on there way xx
    TRACY hope your back is better. Enjoy sitting on your swing in the sunshine gentle Hug's xx
    SUE Sorry you've been unwell hope you feel better soon big Hug's xx
    VAL I hope Kit got on ok at today at the vet cuddles on there way. Xx
    Hope everyone had a good day. I keep nodding off so better say good night
    Love Lynda xx
