
Tuesday 13 June 2017

Another aperture card and link to tutorial

Aperture Card Tutorial

Good Morning Ladies,

I have made another 'Aperture' Card for today's blog post, I have also included the link to the video I made explaining how make the simplest Aperture card, you can then decide how you want to embellish it. 
If you have time to go and watch the video please could you hit the 'thumbs Up' button as it helps my YouTube​ channel, also Subscribe so that you get notified when a new video gets added. 

I made today's aperture card by using a patterned paper, to insert the die you need to cut into the patterned paper enough to slip the die you are using to create the aperture, so if you look at the roses in left hand side of the card you can see where I get around then to fit the die in, this way the die cuts everything except the corner you have cut around.  I hope that helps you understand. 
This paper is in the new Stampin'Up​! catalogue, its the 'Petal Garden' Designer Series Paper, it's part of the same range as the Rose Stamp I made the Vellum Wrapped card with last week, I love the papers so much I bought another set yesterday.  I have used them on my Twist and pop card which I am featuring tomorrow along with a simple tutorial. 

Pat, I hope you are recovering nicely and your throat is feeling less sore xxx

Lilian I hope that you are enjoying every minute of your 5 days to yourself, hopefully your new goodies will help inspire you xxx

Janet, I hope you have arrived safe and well at Marigny, Dobie did you proud this morning! Time to relax and have some 'me' time, well once you have settled and found Jim a job to keep him busy xxx

I hope everyone has a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra & a great YouTube video.
    Didn't get in my craft room last night as we watts few episodes of Law & Order that we'd recorded then it was time for bed.
    Tonight I'm meeting an ex colleague for tea-she doesn't finish work until 6pm then it'll take her at least 40 minutes to get to where we're meeting (Ormskirk-a Toby Carvery ) so I've got time to come home, get changed etc but I think I'll be later Ho s than I am normally.

    Work is getting quite frenzied as we have our annual Audit tomorrow-it's a major event as our governing body have the power to shut us down if they see something they don't agree is safe. My boss expects me to sit with them (& her) over lunch so I said I wasn't doing that this year as I had things I need to do for myself-well, she's in a right strop now!! I'm not backing down however many times she mentions it. I'll be quite glad when its all over to be honest.


    1. Good for you Michele. Let your boss sit with the auditor herself. You stay firm.
      Have a good time tonight. Xx

    2. You go girl, don't let her bossy you to sit in ,she can do that herself. Have fun tonight xx

    3. Good for you Michele, I can't understand why she would think you would be willing especially as you have not that long moved back in to your new rooms and had to amalgamate with two other hospitals. Honestly some managers are not fit to be managers if they cannot shoulder the responsibility themselves. x

    4. Hi Michele
      Don't you just love a Toby Carvery. Our nearest one us in Swindon and we go over quite often.
      You go girl, don't let your manager get to you. Not to sure why she can't sit with them on her own, it is her job after all. Can't be much of a manager if she can't manage to sit with the auditors herself without someone holding her hand so to speak.

    5. Michele good for you stick to you guns. Enjoy your meal

  2. Hello Everyone, lovely blue sky this morning, looks like it's going to be a lovely day, fingers crossed.

    Sandra watched the video last night, love the card you have made. Had a quick play with my new goodies, the music stamp is a real piece of music and stamps perfectly, so many large stamps miss the middle.

    Pat I hope your throat is beginning to ease a little now, healing hugs comming your way. Karen hope the back improves soon.

    Janet hope the trip went well, and the new route proved successful. Sandra are you off to France this year.

    Not sure what I'm up to today, spent most of yesterday trying to get through to the cardiac unit at our hospital, as they need to fit me with a 5 day heart monitor, and we are away the date they sent, no answer or answer phone left message no call back. Why do they say you must use a specific no , and then not bother to answer. ( sorry for rant )

    Have a lovely day all, hugs abound for those who want and need them, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, and people wonder why the NHS is in such a bad state. Your experience proves that some parts are no longer fit for purpose. I have the same problem with our booking system too since it's turned into a central system for ALL the hospitals in our region. x

    2. Hi Lilian
      Throats going on ok thanks. I had the same thing with my MRI I should have had on my neck. Rang for 2 days and never did get a reply. We eventually called in on the way back from Petes treatment. The girl on reception said well I don't know where that number is.

  3. Hi frustrating Lilian. Hope you have better luck today. Hope also that you're enjoying you week with no work. Enjoy your day xx

    1. Hopefully you get through them today. Have some nice days off work and the sunshine xx

  4. Lovely.card. I will have to watch video later
    OH has just told me he wants to leave at 8.30 and I'm still in my pj's So I must go and get in shower etc xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and everyone,
    Will have a look at you video in a minute. The cards are Gorgeous and it was some time I made a aperture card so will try later today.
    Lynda- hope the little man had a fabulous day. Where have the years gone, 3 years already :-) He is such a cutie. Big hug Harry flying over for you x
    I hope all with bad backs soon getting better.Take care x
    Pat- sending you both hugs, hope it all goes well this week x
    Karen- where have you gone ? wherever you gone I hope your day is fine.
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday but morning was busy with seeing a foot doctor, have some problems with my toenails then back home we did cleaning (kitchen cupboards , windows and shopping) then 5pm I had a walk and my knee got so bad so I took some pills and went to bed early-ish Didn't get much sleep tho but have smeared knee and calf in Voltarol so it have eased a bit and I have promised OH to take it easy today.
    Have a good day everyone. love and many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Oh Maria, hope you ARE taking it easy today. That Voltarol is brilliant. Have is permanently rubbed into my back. Hope your enjoying your day of not doing too much. Xx

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope you are resting today. Take care and hugs coming your way.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your aperture card today, and yesterday's too. Will watch your video a little later.
    Sorry not been in again the last few days. Hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying the better weather again.
    Maria, hope you're in less pain today with your knee x
    Pat, hope you're recovering well. Sorry, not sure what you've had done, but sending get well soon wishes your way x
    Janet, enjoy your time away x
    Karen, have a nice day wherever you are x
    Thinking of you all and sending love and hugs xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      They had a look down my throat, but found nothing nasty. Had some lumpy bits took off by my Larynx and sent home.

    2. Hi Pat. Oh sorry to hear that but glad they didn't find anything too bad. Hope you're ok and not too sore. Sending hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Once again a lovely aperture card today. Got home from the hospital just after 3.00 and that's a short day. Poor Mick whose opposite Pete found out at 12.00 that he had a long day. Been in since just after eight. Sue his wife went home as she's on nights, so his daughter will fetch him. It was a shame as she could have just dropped him off at 8.00 and gone home to bed.
    Hope your trip over to France was uneventful Janet. Cafe lovely and tidy this morning.

  8. Hi Sandra & everyone beautiful card again Sandra love how the flowers ho over the aperture slightly love it.
    Yaaay I have SU stamps
    They are lovely
    Been for our walk had lunch earlier mine was a Apple & glass of water
    Just having another glass & I'm attacking my craft room trying to sort things so I don't have to get up & down all the time well that's the plan must get a wiggle on love Lynda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another beautiful card, thanks for video will have a look in a
    Maria hope you are resting today, hugs on
    Val & Tracy hope your backs are feeling
    Alot warmer today, hope it means summer is back.
    Janet hope you are safely in
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Lovely card today, it's such a lovely colour. Thank you for taking the time to make another great video. A thought occurred to me, I have lots of cards with ready cut apertures. Think I bought them about 2003 (well past there sell by date!) Can I use on of these? It's not a problem if you prefer we cut our own.

    JANET hope your journey is going well, is tonight your second stop, Or have I lost a day, and you have already arrived at your own French retreat?

    PAT hope you are recovering after your operation and not in to much discomfort. Sending gentle hugs. xx

    MARIA, Pleased do as you are told and rest. Sending you gentle hugs also. xx

    LYNDA, hope you and Terry are feeling better. Shame you didn't get your package yesterday from Sandra, Mine arrived about 9.45 yesterday morning and that was 2nd class!

    This morning spent quite a while on the phone, younger daughter was driving up to Halifax for a 12.30 meeting, well I think I was her co-pilot from just after Newark to half an hour short of her destination and I didn't leave the house!!! Earlier she had spoken to other daughter for almost an hour, she was also driving to work. But only going from Essex to Dagenham. Younger daughter is on the journey about now.

    OH not well today, think it's Ménière's disease again, But he will probably wake up in the morning and be fine. That's how it goes.

    Time to put the kettle on, anyone fancy a nice cuppa?
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  11. Hello all I was off to work - how boring!
    MICHELE I hope you're not dragged into sitting with Manager - I think a lot of NHS managers are like that I had one very similar back in the day I used to accompany her to Regional meetings
    MARIA I hope you're doing as you're told young lady
    I hope the rest of you are doing OK too xxx

  12. Evening all.
    Oh Brenda I could do with a cuppa and it would be nice to have a chat but the hour is later then when you were in so I presume you gone home to hubby. :-)
    I have taken it really easy by going to Waitrose for some drinks and afterwards I told OH to take me over to the walk in clinic. I told him to go home for it would be more then 3 hours wait to see someone. Got a numb bum now after sitting there for nearly 4 hours and then saw this very nice doctor to be told that because of the problems I now been walking funny so got an inflammation due to my torn ligament. More pills and an early night it will be for me tonight. have a good night my friends xxx

    1. Not torn ligament, sorry but a pulled one and it still blooming painful xx

  13. Just a small word here. To stop your video being so boring and amateurish so a script to follow cuz I lost the will to live so found a more interesting video to watch that didn't send me to sleep !
