
Monday 12 June 2017

Monday Challenge and a special birthday wish....

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

This weeks Challenge is to make an 'Aperture' card, it can be any size, any style, even a 'faux aperture' if you like (see below)....

Which is easily achieved by inking through a die cut circle or template in coloured ink and then stamping over the circle (or any shape you choose).

Today's sample cards: First one made using Powder Pink card and ink and Rose Garden Thinlits.  I used the smaller Rose die to cut the aperture through my card, then placed it on the inside with an extra layer of Powder Pink card for colour. 
I matched this with the matting and layering and the ribbon. I used the frame stamp and matching die to add my sentiment to the card.

The second card today and total showstopper has been made by Michele, the Strawberry Corner die was free on a magazine along with the stamp.  Michele this is one of your nicest cards.  I absolutely love it, it's so pretty, you have coloured the stamp beautifully.  Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card as a inspiration for this weeks Challenge.

I did do a quick tutorial about aperture cards just incase anyone new looking in wasn't sure how you made one, I can add it if anyone is interested.
I can't wait to see what you come up with, as always there is plenty of inspiration in Pinterest if you need it. 

Now, I have a very special birthday to share with all of you.......

Harry is 3 Today
xx Happy Birthday Harry xx

Can you believe that Lynda's Grandson Harry is 3 already?! Where have those 3 years gone?  Lynda he looks so grown up in that photo, oh my goodness I love his hair, where does he get his curls from? 
Your card that you made for Harry is so cute, it looks like a Woodware stamp, but I maybe wrong.  Beautifully coloured and personalised. 
Thank you so much for allowing us to share his special day xxx

Janet, I hope the winds didn't hamper your journey yesterday, I hope that you are well on the way by now and enjoying your new route! Take care xxx

I hope that anyone feeling under the weather a speedy recovery too XXX

Have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra & a great challenge for this week. So many options with this one

    Lynda-your grandson looks lovely, hope he has a wonderful 3rd birthday.

    My card was one I started to make using one of my (many) magazines freebies. I started to copy a card out of the magazine but I've put my own twist on it. I actually stamped the image in the centre and coloured it which is amazing fir me as I really don't do any Stamping!

    Another full day here with gusting winds not that I'll get chance to see anything once I get into work.


    1. Thanks Michele they are taking him to a farm today &a next weekend its Pepper pig world he loves them.
      I love your card gorgeous xx

  2. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely challenge and lovely flower aperture Sandra. Love the pink.
    Michele, very pretty card, so we'll coloured. A lovely reminder of summer.

    Happy Birthday Harry. Ah Lynda, he's so cute and wow his hair is gorgeous. What I wouldn't give for some of his curls. I'm sure he'll love your very cute card.

    Off out to lunch today to one of my favourite restaurants. Only drawback is they have the most delicious array (about 20) of deserts all richer and creamier than the next and as I'm not eating anything dairy it's going to be a challenge watching everyone else drooling. I could always ask for a piece of fruit but how boring.

    Well I've finished m coffee so must go and have a shower.

    Have a good day everyone.

    1. Hi Val thanks for your kind words for Harry's picture it will be very hard getting some of his curls he won't even let me have one. I say Harry can Nannie have one of your curls he said NO they are mine.
      Enjoy your lunch love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Va
      Hope you have a lovely lunch. But fancy having to miss out on dessert.

  3. My oh my Happy Birthday HARRY 🎉
    Great challenge SANDRA Head is buzzing with ideas
    Had a lovely day with Oscar We had a beautiful pub lunch too
    I meant to say over the weekend that I loved your painting TRACY Whst an amazing tribute
    Enjoy your five days of retirement LILIAN!
    Take care all Xxx

    1. Thanks Karen glad you had a good day with Oscar. Hug's xx

    2. Hi Karen
      Glad you had a great day with Oscar.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely challenge this week, new design for me so will be a challenge!! That rose stamp has definitely gone on my
    Michele what a very pretty card from you I love it,xxx
    Lynda what a charmer Harry is hope he has a lovely birthday & I know he will love your
    Janet hope your journey is going smoothly, cafe is open Marigny Dobie has done a good job even put roses on the
    Lilian enjoy your week it will give your hands a
    Pat hope throat is easier today, hugs on
    Maria well done on your weight loss this week, hug from
    Karen pleased you had lovely time with Oscar, enjoy it while you
    Val enjoy your lunch but just think the sweet puddings are full of calories & feel smug eating your fruit,xxx
    Must go & put washing out sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thanks Margaret he looks like butter wouldn't melt but he is a boy HAHA . Xx

    2. Throat a bit easier today thanks Margaret.

  5. Hi Sandra. And ladies.

    Lovely cards this morning. Thank u for all the lovely comments on my painting of cass it means a lot.
    Did I see a while ago someone got a mcoo painting for their birthday?? The artist who does them Steven brown is also one of our local artists lol forgot to mention it at the time xx

    Lynda my how Harry has grown since I last saw a pic from last year he looks as tho he has plenty of mischief I. Him lol. Love his curls too x

    1. Hi Tracy

      It was me that got a McCoo picture-Heather, from my brother & sister in law.


    2. Hi Tracy yes he full of mischief but looks like butter wouldn't melt
      Hope your back is better Hug's xx

  6. Hello Everyone, wet again here.

    Sandra love your and the challenge card.

    Michele love your card also, bought that magazine had forgotten all about them.

    Sandra thanks for my lovely goodies, will enjoy trying them out.

    Lynda, little Harry looks a great little fellow, hope he has a lovely birthday, love your card for him.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely cards today showing off an aperture.
    Wow Lynda wishing Happy a very Happy Birthday. Love his curls, and I love the card you made for him.
    Science week at school so we had a company called The Explorer Done. Well they might not be called that but that's what they brought in. We had to crawl in and it was all about space, the stars and planets. How interesting was that. The children loved it. So did I come to that. Great storytellers though. It was just like being in the sky with all the stars and planets around you.

    1. Thank you Pat yes everyone loves his curls they are so heavy at the bottom if you pull one out they are so long they reach his bottom. He love's them. Glad you had a good time at school a fun day for the childre. Hope your feeling better Hug's xx

    2. Thanks Lynda. Yes we did have fun today. Three or four of the children helped me up when we got out of the Dome. I think I could have managed it myself if they hadn't.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Like this challenge, haven't made an aperture cards for a long time so yes I'm thinking about it. Love the card you have made with that beautiful rose, it really is gorgeous. Michele you have also given us a beautiful card, so really none of us can say we didn't have any inspiration. I have to admit you're a great one using the freebies from your magazines, you really are an inspiration. XX

    Happy birthday to Harry, what a big boy you are now are 3 years old. Lynda he really looks a little charmer, full of fun and mischief. I know you enjoy every moment spent with him. But that's one of the lovely things about being a grandparent. We love spending time with the grandchildren all six of them, very different and individual characters love them all equally.

    Well that's my lunch break over, have to get back to the computer, and if I complete the task in hand I might even get to go into my craft room, so really I'm going to get a wriggle on.

    Love and Hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda thank you yes he gets upto mischief but looks so sweet love him to bits & my others too. Hope you get all your computer thing finished & get in your craft room.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Meant to say earlier that all three samples are beautiful Hopefully I'll have a play later on today or tomorrow

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra thank you for showing Harry & his card on his birthday. you was right a woodware stamp. I got it at AP.
    So annoying the postman didn't ring the bell with my SU parcel from you Sandra I have to go & collect it tomorrow. I was ironing in front room so I would have here'd him or why didn't ha leave it next door they were home stupid man. We never seem to get a regular postman.
    We had a lovely day yesterday over Darren's they had a barbecue & picky bits salad & pasta salad. I have some pictures from Darren they went to a farm he did some painting & fed the animals he's enjoying himself.
    This weekend they are taking him to Pepper pig world he loves Pepper he is a happy little boy also taking him to a toy shop we gave him some money so he wants to spend it.
    Sandra your card is beautiful love it & Michael you freebie is very pretty thanks for sharing. Got to pop out now so pop in later
    Love & hug's Lynda xxty

  11. Hi Sandra, just a quick comment to say , great video
