
Saturday 17 June 2017

Mixed Up Saturday

Envelope Punch Board 

Envelope Punch Board Tutorial

Good morning ladies,

It's Saturday, so you know what that means!!!!
Yes lots of lovely crafty goodness, so to start the day I have made a quick video showing the basics of the 'Envelope Punch Board', in this video I just show you how to make an Envelope, it's so easy, I show a deep envelope too for those cards with dimension.
Oh and a Bonus Now, the picture above shows a few more things I made, boxes are super easy too and that's just the tip of the iceberg !!!
Now onto some crafty shopping and Father's day cards......

Tracy's Cards

Tracy has made two fantastic Father's Day cards, one for her Stepdad and one for her Father-in-law. Tracy is like me in that she has found making Father's Day Cards difficult since losing her own. You have done an amazing job Tracy, even though your heart wasn't really in it, sending you hugs and thank you for sharing xxx

Michele has made three amazing Father's Day cards, 3 totally different styles, something for every type of Dad, I love all the detail in the Stepper Card, perfect for the 'Gardening Dad's. Thank you so much for sharing Michele xxx

 Lilian's Shopping

Lilian hasn't done much craft shopping for a while, so she decided to have a bit of a 'blow out', and why not?!, I think that we could have a lot more expensive hobbies, you imagine if we were tanning and having our hair and nails done every week, that would £50 +, so I think a few little craft things isn't too much to ask.  Lilian has bought some fantastic things ......

I love that Church scene die in the first image, with that lovely border die too, I think it might be a Crafters Companion die but I'm not too sure.  There is also some colouring tools too, I'm not sure if they are 'Watercolours', I'm sure Lilian will set me straight.                                                                                                 Some lovely stamps in the second photo, Stampers Anonymous Butterflies by Tim Holtz, with matching Sizzix Dies and 3 pretty floral stamps from Hero Arts.                                                             Some lovely Stampin'Up! goodies in the third photo,   Music Background Stamp,  High Tide Stamp and 3 of the new 'In Colours, Powder Pink and Berry Burst.

Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us Lilian, I can't wait to see the cards you make with this lot. XXX              

Another fantastic range of craft photos this week, thank you to all of those that took part.

If you have chance to watch my video and enjoy it please give it a 'thumbs Up' as it will help my channel, thank you so much xxx

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone from a gorgeous Marigny -
    The sun is shining and the birds are singing in the garden and I have every window in the house open.

    SANDRA- love that envelope board. I'll watch you video in a little while but it certainly looks a very good buy.

    LILIAN- I too love that church die. PLEASE WHERE DID YOU BUY IT?

    Lovely DAD cards too. Each so different.

    We had a lovely morning in Corbigny Marget and of course sat outside in the square people watching.
    Our Friday treats were bought and tasted last night so here goes:-

    1 - a most gorgeous looking and I'm assured it tasted just as good as it looked MIXED FRUIT TART. The usual pastry base filled with patisserie crème with green and black grapes, strawberry, apricot and kiwi fruit. Glazed with a beautiful gel.

    2. A beautiful small cake in he shape of a tower which started with marzipan crisp for the bottom layer; a second layer of APRICOT mousse topped off with vanilla mousse and then the finishing touch of a thin layer of APRICOT glaze with a slice of APRICOT on top and plain chocolate swirls.

    We now have to wait for next Friday for our next

    I'm hoping to get to my travelling craft box today and get that sorted. Well that's the

    I see the CAFE is OPEN so Dobbie must be on top of things. Enjoy your day whatever you've all got planned. HUGE HUGS to you all. Oh by the way the house next door is still not UP FOR SALE. xxxx

    1. Oh Janet, your pastries sound delicious as usual. Just love marzipan so that would be my favourite but I could definitely eat both!!!
      Hope you get your Craft box sorted. Xxx

    2. You got my mouth watering with the description of the cakes Lol. Love to sit and people watch. Hope you get the craft box sorted xx

    3. Hi Janet. It's lovely to sit here and enjoy your wonderful discription of your Friday treats. I hope you manage to get to your travelling craft box 😊 x

    4. Hi Janet
      Well, you've made my mouth water with the description of your cakes you had yesterday. I had a strawberry meringue with cream today. They haven't had any meringue cases for the last two weeks, as I was going to buy these for us on Wed. So I just bought three raspberry cream buns instead.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great video, will like it on YouTube later. Your projects are all gorgeous-such beautiful colours.

    Tracy-love both your cards.

    Lilian-wow, fantastic selection of crafty goodies. I'm sure you'll have a great time & a lot of fun using all your new purchases.

    The first two of my cards were made using a craft CD-ROM by Ella's Design. The last one was made using free papers from a magazine (QCME-Quick Cards Made Easy) and was featured on their Facebook page.

    Quick visit to the shops this morning then I'm meeting my flat Dobbies for coffee & a chat.

    I hope to get started on my challenge card this afternoon -not had a chance up to now.


    1. 3 great cards Michele, especially love the one with the car. Definitely your style.
      Enjoy your coffee and chat this morning and the rest of the weekend. Xxx

    2. Enjoy your coffee and chat and I love your Fathers Day cards

    3. Ha ha you must have sneaked in VAL My reply was to MICHELE obviously See below for my comment re dancing etc

    4. I love all ur cards Michelle especially the car one it's ma favourite x

    5. Fabulous cards for Dad, especially like the one with the car. Have a nice weekend xx

    6. Hi Michele. Three great men's cards, love them all. Once again you have proved to be the Queen of making fabulous cards from magazine freebies 😊 Do you ever send photos of the makes to the relevant magazine? If not you should do. I hope you have a nice chat with your "flat" at Dobbies. I did giggle when I read it as printed 😁 x

    7. Three lovely cards Michele. Haven't needed to make any Father's Day cards for years. But there great inspiration for men's cards.

    8. My "friend " is anything but FLAT-that's funny!! We did have a nice chat though.


  3. Hello Everyone, beautiful day again

    Lovely Father's Day cards ladies.

    Sorry Sandra should have given you a description of my buys, so here goes,

    The Church die is called hallelujah ( had problem with the spelling, I'm still in bed) by crafters companion, it's in two parts that you cut together, or you can just make a frame by cutting the side without the church twice, also has a smaller separate church and a little house. Bought it to make diamond wedding card, but also useful for lots of other things.

    The stamps are Penny Black, another of my favourite brands, have wait ages for them as they come from the states.

    The pens are zig clean colour, real brush pens, a bit prices, but none of my other pens have a real brush tip, only had a quick try, but love them already. The full set is 80 colours, I bought the set of 60 , you can buy the separate colours, so when they run out can be replaced.

    Sorry to ramble on, hope this helps. Does anyone have one of the very small die cutters, as although I love my Gemini, would like a small one just for tags, flowers etc. Thought about the small spellbinders machine.

    Have a lovely day all ,hugs Lilian.

    PS. Sorry Sandra the punch board looks great will watch video after breakfast.

    1. That church die does looks gorgeous Was it on Hochanda recently The pens look interesting

    2. Hi Lilian, I have the Spellbinders Sapphire machine which I do find very handy. It sits on my disk and if I just need a small die cutting, instead of turning my Gemini on, that's the one I use. I bought mine when they first came out mainly to take to Craft Club as it's light to carry. Over the couple of years the cutting has become loose and I have to use a cardboard shim as well but that's the only fault I've found.
      Love all your purchases. I think I saw Leanness on Hochanda demoing the church die. It is really lovely.
      Also love your Penny Black and Stamping Up goodies. Xxx

    3. Great purchases Lilian. Love the church die, so pretty card made with it. Also like pens, guess they cost a bit Lol. Lovely stamps and well I love it all hihi I still got the old cuttlebug, find it fine for little bits. Have a nice day xx

    4. Hi Lilian. You have got some lovely new goodies and you didnt ramble at all, you just told us exactly what we needed to know so thank you for that 😊 I really love the butterfly stamps and dies in particular. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create. Please let us know how you get on with the new brush pens. I bought a couple of them to try last year and I really like them, I just have an ever growing wish list but not a matching bank account so haven't got more yet 😊
      I bought eldest granddaughter the Spellbinders Sapphire just under a year ago. I gave it a good trial run and found it surprisingly good, and I was very surprised at just how many dies are small enough to fit through it and how often I turned to it. You can sit in front of the TV with it clamped down on a lap tray and have an evening of cutting leaves and flowers ready to be coloured and formed when needed. It's suction is very strong, much much better than any of the larger suction based machines, and the handle is very easy to turn. I did miss it when Phoebe took it home. We haven't had any trouble with the plates needing a shim but then we haven't used it anywhere near as much as our Val who makes hundreds of cards each year so you will need to take that into account when deciding which one to get but I think you will find one of these tiny machines very handy. Let us know which one you go for and what you think of it please. Have a good weekend x

    5. Love your purchases Lilian. Might just get myself that Die plus the village one. Pity we're not coming up to Sept as Crafters Companion usually have an offer on their Dies.

  4. Morning,

    Beautiful new craft stashes and Father's day cards ladies.
    Will watch the video in a little while, I have the Crafter's Companion Enveloplus from many moons ago and find that so simple to use. I have started making most my onw envelopes now, I have so many 12x12 papers that do not see the light of the day whilst in their boxes. I must admit since I vowed to use items that I already have in stock and not get swayed by new releases and other sales gimmicks, I have saved a fortune and still my stash is not depleted, only the flowers. It would be lovely to see some of your gorgeous flowered cards creations Sandra.
    Had a lovely surprise at Specsavers with the collection of the missing pair. Apparently someone else who chose the same frames as I changed her mind about them and they fitted my lens into them. I was so chuffed, I forgot to ask if they had already been used, were these now second hand? Whatever, it has not necessitated me in yet another appointment so I suppose it is a result whichever way you look at it.
    Material to be cleared up today then my Christmas candles for the Church Fete to be started this afternoon, all whilst Kleftico is slow cooking in the oven.
    Hugs to all in need of one
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. You were lucky with Specsavers! I've been told that the pair you actually pick in the shop is the pair you buy - regardless of the number times they've been yanked off the rack and tried on

    2. Well done on eventually getting the frames you wanted. I must admit I use specs avers over here and touch wood never had a problem.
      The Kleftico sounds delicious. Please could you send over a food parcel!!!
      Good luck with the candle

    3. Glad you got your glasses sorted. Our Specsavers are very good. What time is dinner ? Love Kleftico ! xx

    4. Hi Cheryl. It's good to hear that you have finally got your new glasses, albeit in a roundabout sort of way😊 I hope you get on well crafting for the Church fete x

    5. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you managed to get your glasses sorted at Specsavers.

  5. Great stash of goodies LILIAN
    Your cards are gorgeous MICHELE and TRACY I don't sell my cards and as I don't see my dad I struggle to make a card but I never forget
    I dance Salsa πŸ’ƒVAL I'm not brilliant but I love it I was thrilled to read KIT is back to his normal self too I'm a regular visitor of Wendy's blog So I will take a look
    The cake sale made about £80
    I made £47 at the Wear Red day which I will make up to £55 I was so humbled and very lucky to receive a very very generous donation from a certain person ... who I can't thank enough She's a very special lady
    It's so hot here already which really drains me and can mess up my diabetes I'm so looking forward to the exhibition tomorrow and having a catch up with my friend who I met at Salsa many moons ago

    1. Great result Karen from the cake sale and wear red day.

    2. Great that you do salsa. You must be full of energy and very fit.
      Well done making so much on the cake stall and also wearing red day.
      Hope the diabetes evens itself out. Take it easy. Xxx

  6. PS I'm off to watch your video now SANDRA I'm always keen to see how to make envelopes especially for deep cards

    1. Please take care with the diabetes. Good money for the cake sale. Very warm day, back in the garage I go. Have a nice weekend xx

    2. Hi Karen. Well done on making that amount at the cake sale for such a good cause, and again on the Wear
      Red day 😊 Have a lovely weekend trying to keep your levels as near to normal as possible. Hopefully the exhibition tomorrow will have air con. so your diabetes doesn't go too haywire! X

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Great piece of equipment Sandra. The envelopes look so easy to make. Well done on the video. You make it all so clear.

    Tracy. Love your two cards..I'm sure your Stepdad and FIL Will love them.

    I made a pop up box for a lady recently and the recipient came into the shop to ask if we had any for sale.Of course I haven't cos to me they're too fiddly. Anyway Lynn asked me to make half a dozen or so and that's my job for today. I've already made to ladies birthday and cut out 6 more ready to decorate. I thought an anniversary, a wedding, a thank you, a boy and girl birth and another female birthday. I'll make them and see if they sell. I honestly don't like doing them as my eyesight is so bad I keep burning myself on the hot glue gun. Yes I am clumsy.ha ha.

    Well just hanging the washing out can then I'm off upstairs.

    Hugs to all. Valxxx

    1. Hope you do well with the card making today, sound a bit fiddly and do take care with the glue gun. Just bought a little one from Hobbycraft but have not used it yet. Have a good crafting day xx

    2. Hi Val. I hope you don't burn yourself at all on the hot glue. I have only ever made 2 pop up boxes and both times only used cosmic shimmer glue because I try not to use the hot glue gun as I always burn my self no matter how careful I try to be!it's so good to hear Kit is back to his normal self. Have a good weekend x

  8. Hi Sandra
    Will watch the video later, but I did see you use this on Wed. Easy peasy or what. Even I could have done it, and that's saying something.
    Love all of today's card. Love the easel card for gardeners that you made Michele. Still need to send yours and Maria's caravans. Went to get the stamps and realised I didn't have any, so hopefully I can get some today and pop them in the post.
    Love your goodies Lilian, especially the church Die from Crafters Companion. Might just invest in that one. Might get the village at the same as well.
    Crikey I think Pete might nearly be ready to go shopping. Wonders will never cease if he is.

    1. Have a nice Saturday Pat. No rush with the caravans do it when you got some time if you ever get any Me time at all with the doctors and hospitals. Hope you got the card ? It nearly went to Sweden because OH told them so at the post office so he paid for it alright Hihi Take care xx

    2. Hi Pat. I hope you managed to get all of the shopping done before it got too hot. How much longer will it be before your drive etc. are finished? Please take care getting in and out of the house. We don't want you having to make any more visits to the doctors/hospital now do we x

    3. Hi Maria
      Yes, I got your card thank you very much. Must see where my email thanking you went to. Probably list in cyberspace.

    4. Hope the shopping all done and put away and you're having a well deserved rest this afternoon. Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Thank u for the comments on my cards my heart just wasn't in it this year. I'm glad I'm still off with my back as idve been working on fathersday. Going to the grave on sun with my sister it's hard as it's our first without him and his first anniversary is on the 7th July.
    Kerry is doing well but I still struggle some days.

    Had a bug yesterday so spent most of day either in bed or in loo being sick etc. Back is getting better so that's a bonus at least now I can walk around even if in pain it's better than not walking.

    Still in bed will get up shortly and see how I feel.

    Love to all xx

    1. Tracy, I'll be holding you hand tomorrow. It will be sad but try to remember the happy times you had. Hugs for you and Kerry.
      Love the cards you made xx

    2. Take care Tracy Your cards are lovely and I'm sure they'll be appreciated, especially this year
      All anniversaries will be painful And especially first ones but you'll get through them Shed the tears - you're allowed and perhaps have a smile about a memory too
      Glad to hear the back is improving and hope you feel better soon x

    3. Hi Tracy. You will be in my thoughts tomorrow. Your cards are lovely even though making them this year must have been so very hard. I hope the bug has gone now and that the back improves each day x

    4. My thoughts will be with you tomorrow. I'm glad your back is improving, just a shame you've picked up a bug.

    5. Will be thinking of you tomorrow Tracy.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Hope you have a nice weekend with Paul being off. Enjoy the sunshine all and remember the sun lotion. memo to myself, for even going back and forth into the garage yesterday ,I burned my neck a bit and now I have done the other side since 7am so now after the floor have dried up after mopping we are going to start putting it back. Must look in some of the boxes tho because I'm sure some can go to charity or to the skip. Love all the cards ,shopping and will look at the video later. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. Goodness me, you are very busy at the moment. Please don't go doing too much. I hope you have remembered to put some sun lotion on! You will have to sit back and relax once you have put all of the boxes back into the clean and tidy garage. Once you've had a rest please will you come.e and help me do our loft? Take care x

    2. Hi Maria
      My word you have been busy. Hope your knee is holding up. I'm busy ironing but I'm doing it in stages as it's to hot to do ironing.

    3. Hi Maria, you sound lie a busy bee today. Hope everything's back in the shed all nice and tidy. Once you've helped Sue out could you nip over and tidy our shed. We're frightened to open the doors cos everything falls out!!!
      Enjoy h rest of your day. Xxx

    4. Everything back around 4.30pm Have left the items on the rafters to another day. Never been so glad to jump in the shower Lol Did call some of the charities that also take Brick-a-Brack, I just can't throw it all on the Skip, much prefer if they coming to use for someone else. Knee painful but it goes ok but no exercise walking, buhu xx

  11. Just got round to watching the video.
    Omg I need to get myself one of these!!! U made it look super simple too. I can hear u saying " well that's cause it is!! Lol " xx

  12. Hello Sandra and all,
    Thank you Sandra for the envelope video. We do appreciate the time you put into your blog. xx
    Lovely selection of fathers day cards. Thank you ladies for sharing.
    Sandra sorry I have not made a CC card this week. Yesterday I had lots of bits laid out ready to start. Then our friends from Crete arrived, we knew they were in the area about an hour before they arrived. But it was really lovely to see them. Today is our Wedding anniversary don't think John would like it if I want into the craft room today!

    love you hugs to everyone,take care, Brenda xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and all,
    Thank you Sandra for the envelope video. We do appreciate the time you put into your blog. xx
    Lovely selection of fathers day cards. Thank you ladies for sharing.
    Sandra sorry I have not made a CC card this week. Yesterday I had lots of bits laid out ready to start. Then our friends from Crete arrived, we knew they were in the area about an hour before they arrived. But it was really lovely to see them. Today is our Wedding anniversary don't think John would like it if I want into the craft room today!

    love you hugs to everyone,take care, Brenda xxx

    1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Brenda and John. I hope you have a lovely day together. Do you have anything special arranged? Sending you big hugs x

    2. Happy anniversary to u both xx

    3. Happy Anniversary to you and John. Hope you're having a lovely day. Xxx

    4. Sorry so late wishing you and John a Happy Anniversary, hope you had a wonderful day together
      hugs to you both xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and all,
    Thank you Sandra for the envelope video. We do appreciate the time you put into your blog. xx
    Lovely selection of fathers day cards. Thank you ladies for sharing.
    Sandra sorry I have not made a CC card this week. Yesterday I had lots of bits laid out ready to start. Then our friends from Crete arrived, we knew they were in the area about an hour before they arrived. But it was really lovely to see them. Today is our Wedding anniversary don't think John would like it if I want into the craft room today!

    love you hugs to everyone,take care, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      How lovely to see your friends. I hope you have a lovely Anniversary. Congratulations to you both,

  15. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a lovely selection of things to a look at today 😊
    I'm looking forward to watching your video without any interruptions (my pet has gone out so should be able to now) I still sometimes have issues with making envelopes so will be very interested to see how this board works.
    I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely weather and has a good weekend. I'm off to sit in the garden and watch your videos my lovely. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  16. Just a tip for those of you that have stamping tools such as the Misti etc. The Tim Holtz one was demoed on TV and I notice that the demonstrator had sandwiched each magnet in between 2 squares of some sort of sticky tape. By leaving about a centimeter of the tape spare around the magnet you have something that is easy to pick up. What a great idea, and it also makes the magnet easier to see if you drop it on the floor, or as is much more likely if you're like me, if you loose it on your craft table 😊 x

    1. Oh what a great tip Sue. I have false nails and the magnets are a devil to pick up. Thanks for that.
      Hope you're having a good day and enjoying the garden. Xxx

    2. I wrapped mine with maskin tape, as with my arthritic digits, I just couldn't pick them up

  17. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Just got home from the seaside ( Broadstairs πŸ˜‚ ) had nice day sat in deckchairs with packed salad lunch. But it was so hot I had a umbrella sunshade.
    Sandra love what you have made with the punch board what size boxes dose it make? I will look at video later & will give you the πŸ‘Up.xx
    TRACY love your Father's Day cards must have been hard for you πŸ€—'S
    MICHELE love all your Father's Day cards too. & make the most of your magazine freebies.
    HAPPY ANIVERSARY BRENDA & JOHN Hope you've had a lovely day some πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— for you both xx
    Will have to check all the other comments later as PET wants feeding he said he is starving HaHa. Sandra hope you enjoy I your day with Paul xx
    Love Lynda xx

  18. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I am late again, your video is brilliant, you make it look soo easy. Thank you for showing
    Tracy & Michele your cards are lovely, Tracy will send hugs for
    Lilian what a lovely lot of goodies, cannot wait to see what you produce, love the church
    Well I am pleased to report that my appointment with Consultant was good, he had Sue & I in stitches at one point & I could have had it done 16th Aug. but this is 2 days before Tim & Roz's wedding so I have it done on 25th Aug. Frightening really when you realise only 11 weeks till Sept. time is going soo fast. Thank you all for your best
    Maria hope you have not overdone it today, hope WW goes well
    Karen well done on your cake & wear red totals. Enjoy the exhibition tomorrow hope there is air
    Lynda lucky you to live close to the sea, seems ages since I have seen
    I hope you have all survived the hot weather today, I must admit I was glad there was abit of breeze, it's going to be hotter tomorrow so take care.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Good you got an appointment, yes the weeks goes scary quick. I even moved down the Christmas boxes so they are easy reach for when the time comes. Absolutely knackered but happy it is done, for this year anyway so if someone would like my help with their shed, loft or garage, i'm saying Noooooo Lol sorry ladies no can do. Falling asleep here so best go to bed, I wish you all a Good night ! xxx
