
Friday 2 June 2017

Sue's Wedding Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card was made by Our Sue for the Wedding she attended in Devon last weekend, this has been one of my most favourite Stamp and die set recently, I have made so many different cards with it. Sue made this card using the Detailed Floral Thinlits and matching stamp set Floral Phrases stamp set, which are perfect for Weddings, Anniversary and just everyday Thanks.  Sue chose a really pretty purple which matched with the wedding colour theme.
A beautiful card Sue, I'm sure the Bride and Groom loved it and will treasure it forever, thank you so much for sharing XXX

Yesterday was so lovely, sadly Sue was still too poorly to come, so it was Maria, Karen, Brenda, Pat,myself and Paul (of course). We just didn't stop talking from 11am until we left at 5pm, we had a lovely lunch too. I can't wait for all of us to meet up which will now happen later in the year.

I got to order some of the new things in the new Stampin Up Catalogue as it launched yesterday, I can't wait to share those with you when they arrive next week. 

Janet, I hope that you are ok, I missed you yesterday, I hope you haven't overdone the decorating and hurt yourself. Or are you still in B&Q choosing Wallpaper ?  Sending huge hugs my lovely XXX

Tracy, I hope that your back is a little easier after your day of resting yesterday XXX

I hope that you all have a fantastic day, I think it will be a very quiet day here after yesterday's day out, Sophie and Lucy had a full on day too, it was apparently the busiest day in the Wildlife Park this year and they were really understaffed so they both to a bath to soothe their aching feet last night, so I don't think that we will be hearing much from either of them today.

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sue, really lovely.

    Wet start to the day here. I'm calling at my Dads tonight with shopping & Fush + Chips for him then we'll probably meet up with my brother in law. His flight should be landing at Manchester around 7.30am but he's heading straight to Chorley to see his Dad.


  2. Hello Everyone, it's wet here also, but for once I'm glad to see the rain, I know I'm very contrary, garden desperately needs rain.

    So glad you all had a good day yesterday, we had a good day crafting made quite a few simple cards, plus a couple of new styles for us.

    Sue lovely card, I have this set but not used to its full potential, hope you don't mind if I use yours for inspiration.

    Have a good day ladies, hugs to all Lilian.

    1. Interesting Lilian. Would be great to see your new style of card. It's just started raining here as well.

  3. Morning everyone,

    Such a beautiful card Sue and the lovely bright purple really shows off the delicate floral cut outs.
    I have some older SB dies similar to yours with detailed edges, I think might have a play today to see what appears.
    A brilliant start to the day which has slowly turned overcast. Yesterday was 75 in the shade so bring on the rain, my patio pots dry out so quick in the heat even the terracotta ones.
    Looking forward to reading all the stories from yesterday's meet-up.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I have a couple of these type of Dies as well. Might have a play tomorrow or Sunday. We're off to play cards at Craig's later tonight.

  4. Morning all
    I had such a lovely day chatting/laughing with the others It really did me good to do a fun thing and leave the stresses of "normal" life behind It was a shame SUE and MARGARET couldn't make it Hope they can next time
    A very pretty card SUE Perfect die set for Wedding cards
    Out for lunch (again! I'm like London buses!) with a Salsa friend and drinks with one of the bosses who celebrates his 60th birthday

    1. Lovely to see you yesterday and those gorgeous photos of Oscar.

      Out AGAIN you will have the neighbours talking about you!
      Enjoy your evening xx

    2. We have those kind of dinner meals as well Karen. Great to see your pictures of Oscar.

  5. Morning everyone,

    Lovely card Sue. Love the die and the pretty colour. Hope you're feeling ok now.

    Glad you all had a good meet up yesterday. Bet there was lots of chatting and laughing..

    Off to the hospital later just for a check up. I had a nasty operation on my eye about 18 months ago and they just keep an "eye" on it ha ha. They have such a stupid system over here. Everyone get the same time appointment and you can sit and wait for 2 or 3 hours for your turn.Such a waste of time. Sadly it means I miss Craft Club today.

    Sending my cc to you later Sandra. I'm early this week. I'm usually last minute Saturday.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Val, hope all goes well and you have a good book to read while you are waiting. xx

    2. Hi Val
      I hope you check up goes ok. Shame you had to miss your craft class.

    3. Thanks ladies. Everything fine. Have to see him in another year. Xxx

  6. Morning Everyone
    SUE - a beautiful wedding card and the colour really shows the die to it's full advantage. I'm sure that the Bridge and Groom were thrilled to receive it. I hope you're feeling a little better today.

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but it was a full on day here. We started to put the paper on early doors and continued until we had to break off for me to attend a Dr's appointment I had and then continued until 17.00hrs when we called it a day. We still have nearly half the room to paper but that will wait until Monday as both of us need a R&R day today and I will not decorate at the week-end.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you all. Have a good day everyone. Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Janet, pleased you are taking the weekend off. Take it easy for the next few days xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Sounds like you had a full on day yesterday. Great to have a rest over the weekend.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Sue, what a stunning card! Love the colour but what a georgeous die to use love it!

    Still in bed this morning just getting up shortly. Still in pain but a little less than yesterday. Called work yesterday afternoon to tell them I wouldn't be in today either. Think it'll be the same for tomorrow. I'll make effort to go in on Sunday and just do what I can.
    Thank u for the well wishes xx

    1. Oh Tracey I feel for you, don't rush into going back to work to soon. xx

    2. Don't rush back to work Tracey. Your back needs to rest so it gets better quicker.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    SUE love your wedding card. This Die/ Stamp set are perfect for a special card. Lovely you chose the wedding colours. I'm sure the newlyweds will appreciate the thought you put into making this. I have to confess when you told us about your BIL entering the venue, I also felt choked up, what a special moment to have shared by all there. xx

    Yesterday was a brilliant day spent with lovely friends, it's amazing how the conversation just flowed nonstop, yes we did talk about crafting, but we also covered ever subject possible.
    VAL you will be able to confirm this - KAREN was telling us how she had enjoyed a visit to Liverpool but couldn't think of the name of the hotel she stayed in, I said was it the Adelphi? It was. I then asked did she see the statue over the door of John Lewis's ? OH corrected me it was Lewis's department store.
    I explained what happened when it rained!!! (Ladies it was a naked man - I leave the rest to your imagination) OH confirms the statue was removed some years ago. BUT I did see him I was a very young newlywed and it was raining. Believe me I was to embarrassed to look.......Well maybe out of the corner of my eye!!!!

    SUE and MARGARET we did miss you. Hope you are feeling better Sue. xx

    Sandra, We're the girls waiting to be fed when you got home? Did you or Paul have to make dinner? John took the easy way out ,we had Chinese.
    My journey was brilliant. There is one train an hour. It starts at Milton Keynes and ends at East Croydon. OK it stops at lots of places (my local station being one of them) the journey takes about an hour - brilliant, because if I went by road it would be more than double that. Plus I haven't got the stress of driving.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Yes-you're correct. The local phrase was "standing there like one of Lewis's"!! That store shut down a while ago, shame as it had the most amazing basement to it.


    2. Hi Brenda
      Great that you had a good journey home. Great meeting up yesterday.

    3. Hi Brenda. Oh you have brought back memories. He was always a source of amusment and embarrassment to us Liverpudlians. Lewis' s was a great store and as Michele said, such a shame it closed Dow. I wonder what they did with the man?
      Glad you enjoyed your day out yesterday and got home quickly and

    4. Michele, Val you have made John's day, he was s thrilled to have a Liverpool reaction to his Liverpudlian memories. thank you. xx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful wedding card Sue, love the dies :-) Hope you're feeling much better today x
    Sounds like you all had a lovely day yesterday, glad you all enjoyed yourselves :-)
    Hope you're all having a good day and keeping well. Love and hugs to all xxx

  10. Lovely wedding card Sue. Great day was had by one and all yesterday, lovely just to sit and chat. Raining now, just because Craig was coming over to see if he could prize up some of our block paving to use in his garden.

  11. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    Sounds like you all managed to have a good day meeting up yesterday.
    Terry has almost finished the front garden we didn't get to Tesco as he didn't stop untill 5 still got some weeding to do tomorrow he is now 😴💤💤. He has worked hard I'm afraid I can't help him with my back well all my body really 😫
    Sue your card is Gorgeous love that Die & the beautiful colour card you've used
    I expect the happy couple loved it & will treasure it. Hope your feeling better today. PAT how are all your hospital appointments going all good I hope 🤗🤗
    Just going to finish mt CC.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Hi Sandra & all,
    Late again, today has been another busy day, washing, cleaning then getting car MOT then some shopping by the time I had cooked tea I felt shattered.
    Sandra sounds as if you had a lovely day yesterday, I hope you have rested
    Sue your card is lovely, I am sure Nick & bride loved it. Hope you are feeling better now, love
    Hope you are all well sending hugs to all who need them live Margaret xxx

  14. Evening Sandra and all.
    Sue- a lovely card and so pretty in all different colours, nice flower die. Hope you have had a better day.
    Tracy- take care. Hope you taking it easy and not go back to work too soon.
    Brenda- glad you had a good journey back home last night.It was nice to see you and the others yesterday. Hopefully Lilian, Michele, Janet and others will be able to join us somewhere in the near future.
    Karen- hope your bus came as it should and you got home alright. Loved your skirt by the way :-)
    Val- glad you are ok and don't need to go back for a year. Sending many hugs to you all and hope you all have a nice evening. Maria xxxx
