
Thursday 1 June 2017

Bright Summer Colour to Welcome June in !!!

New Catalogue 
Launches Today!!!

Good Morning Ladies, 

Today is such an exciting day for many reasons, I get to meet some of my lovely craft family, it's June, which to me is the start of summer and The New Stampin'Up! Catalogue launches today, so we can order all of the lovely new goodies, ooh my fingers are itching !!!! 

Today's card was made using the 'Detail Floral Thinlits', which I used to cut the Lemon Lime Twist card, the pretty paper is 'Fresh Florals Designer Series Paper'.
The label in the centre is the 'Label Me Pretty' stamp set, which I cut with the 'Pretty Label Lunch'.
I used the 'Delicate Daisies' stamp set and matching Punch to create the flower in the case too.

Pat and I had a lovely day yesterday, sadly Sue was too poorly to join us, we didn't get any crafting done though, Pat treated me to lunch out at a local Pottery, which was delicious, we had a look around the lovely shop too, by the time we got back and had a cup of tea it was time for us to take Lucy to the Orthodontist.  The good thing is we get to do it all again today! 

I hope you have a lovely day ladies, I wish I was meeting up with all of you today xxx

Love and hugs



  1. Hi All, quick post today, as have to get the train at 9am, to go crafting.

    Just wanted to wish all who are meeting today a lovely time, so wish I could be there with you. Maybe one day.

    Sandra love todays card, as you will see I've ordered that ink pad, would love the papers as well, but am making my self use what I have first.

    Have a lovely day, hugs Lilian.

    PS Sandra have sent you the money for my order.

    1. Have a great day crafting Lilian.Where do you go crafting if you have to catch a train?.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, love all the detail on it.

    I hope everyone that is meeting up today has a great time, as Lilian has said-one day maybe we'll all meet up.


    1. Hi Michele , I hope we'll meet up one day as well.

  3. Hi everyone,

    Love your card today Sandra. Beautiful die and colour.

    Just want to reiterate what Lilian and Michele have said. Have a lovely time all those meeting up today and who knows I may turn up of these days.

    Bye for now
    Love Valxxx

  4. Morning. Lovely card SANDRA I really like that colour
    So excited I am just finishing breakfast Then a shower and off I go to Watford I just hope the buses behave themselves! See you all later xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Lovely lovely card today. Wouldn't guess that you like green as you were ooing and aahing all he green jewellery and pottery at Aston Potteries. As it was a lovely day yesterday I thought we'd go out for lunch. Lovely lovely things at Aston Pottery. We could have bought up nearly the whole shop. Only kidding Paul. Wouldn't all have fitted into my boot. We'd have had to go back another day wouldn't we. The tops ( didn't realise they sold a few tops as well). We're gorgeous. I saw a lovely one but it would have been a dress on me feign so short.
    Look forward to meeting the ladies today.
    Margaret will miss you, and I hope Sue and Chris didn't pass on the sickness bug they both had yesterday when they came over to see you.

  6. Predictive text again. Should have read being so short.

  7. Morning all.
    Car ready to go without me if I'm not hurry up Lol. Just wanted to wish you all a lovely day whatever you are doing and I'll pop in later to see what you have done.
    Gorgeous card and colour is lush, perfect for the start of Summer !
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  8. Margaret Palmer1 June 2017 at 09:11

    Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra safe journey to Watford, wish I was with you, hope Sue is well enough to join you. Love your card today will try & put my order in later, taking catalogue to Embroidery hope to get a few
    Lovely sunny day unfortunately will be spending most of it indoors.
    Brenda hope you have no after effects from your treatment yesterday & you can join the others in Watford, sending
    Sending hugs to all feeling under the weather love

    1. thank you Margaret I'm fine and on my way. Hello you have a good day. Will miss YOU xx

    2. Sorry Margaret - oops hello!!! HOPE you have a good day xx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Lovely bright card so pretty too. Wish I could meet up with u all too but I'm too far away. ☹️ X

    Had to call in sick today as my back is in agony.
    Fell in work on sat over a set of wheels that someone left lying and I was carrying a tray of stock so never saw the damn things! Mom an tues I struggled yesterday I was day off so rested but as today was a full shift I'm like nope I'm not suffering all day I'm saying home to rest it. Been a while since it's been this bad I hate being in pain. Don't want to keep taking pills either so just taking them when I absolutely have to xx
    Anyways I hope u all have a fab day xx

    1. Tracy hope you are resting your back. Take care xx

    2. Hi Tracey
      I do hope that your back is feeling a bit better after your rest.

  10. Hi Sandra,
    What a gorgeous Card. I love this yummy colour. another item on the wish list!

    Well I made it!!! I'm on the train heading for Watford Junction should be there about 11:20 ish.

    Wishing you all a good day, will be thinking of you all.
    Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Stunning card today. Love the colours :-)
    Well, I guess you'll have all met up by now and be chatting away. I'm sure you're all having a wonderful time together :-)
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending love and hugs to all xxx

  12. Afternoon everyone,

    Love the bright, zingy green of your card.

    Anybody else having problems getting Facebook to load? It's been two days now with no connection. Yet when I am asked to login to conversations with FB and then change screens it disappears. I only had time to try to see a post my BIL had sent before the screen went back to a blank page again. Aaaargh.

    Ladies I hope your meet-up was full of laughter. I'm afraid Watford is far too far for me just to pop over to.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Would have loved to have seen you today. I do hope we can meet up again sometime in the future. Don't do Facebook really just share any funnies I'm sent.

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Love your card today, lovely and bright for the start of June, where did the first 5 months of this year go????

    I know of you will have had a love time at Watford. I'm so sad that I couldn't make it. Blooming bug couldn't have timed it worse this week could it?
    Feeling a bit better now, and very sorry for myself at missing yesterday with Sandra and Pat and todays meet up.
    I hope everyone is ok. Tracy, rest up and I hope your back improves very soon .
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  14. Hello ladies.
    Back home tired but happy after meeting friends today, the time goes just way to fast when we sees so hope we can do it soon again. We went weekly shopping after OH picked me up at the station so now glad sitting here with a tea and watch some Tv before bed.
    Tracy, do take care with your back. Luckily you didn't break anything. Gentle hugs.
    Sue, glad you feeling better. Hugs to you.
    Hugs to you all and have a good night xxx

  15. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Another lovely day of sunshine Terry's been busy cutting grass in the back & front garden so looking much better he still got a bit of weeding.Tomorrow.
    I did some ironing & housework .this morning Then Tomorrow i must go to Tesco for a shop. I've Spent most of the afternoon putting Margaret's scan n cut mc many extras on ehbayI had to list with 8 pictures.
    I frustrate everyone that went to Watford had a good time chatting & plenty of laughing. Maria I hope you didn't squash me.HaHa.
    Sandra your card today is gorgeous & lovely green your like the green godest.😂😂 feeling tired so will finish now.
    Love Lynda xx
