
Wednesday 31 May 2017

A Treat from Pat and Janet

A Funny from Pat

Pretty card from Janet 

Good Morning Ladies,

I have two amazing cards to share with you today, the first card is Pat's, a funny card, it could be from A 'Just Inklined' CDrom as I know Pat has one.  The image is very accurate as well as funny, the little nets at the windows for instance, another thing you often see is a pot plant in the window! I will add that we had didn't have either, I'm too nosey for nets! 
 A really fun card Pat, thank you for sharing XXX
Janet's Trifold card is really pretty, I love the pretty white die cuts against the blue background, it works perfectly. The front has really pretty, Lacey die cut edge too.
A gorgeous card Janet thank you so much for sharing XXX

Looking forward to today as I get to craft with Pat and Sue together, it seems like months since we were altogether! 

I hope that you all have a lovely day whatever you are up to. XXX

Janet, how did the decorating go? I hope you aren't too exhausted today xxx

Brenda I hope you hospital appointment goes well xxx

Sending love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    Beautiful cards on display today Pat & Janet.
    I love the upmarket caravan with it's satellite dish, could this be classed as Glamping?

    After last week and the weekends busy times, today I am making time to go and visit Mum & Dad in Bristol or South Gloucester now the boundaries have changed. Bristol has always been Somerset's capital and to lose it just because of voting regions doesn't seem fair. London has never been annexed to create a fairer voting region. Why us? first we had the made up County of Avon now it's North Somerset or South Gloucester. Politicians always tinker without addressing problems.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Talk about confusing I love Bristol I was lucky enough Togo to the Sally Lunn Tea Room

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Yes, you could call this Glamoing. The picture reminded me so much of Danny and Joan when they were younger. Although I'm not to sure if the shorts and they had a cat not a dog. Danny still changes his caravan quite frequently although they don't go so much now. Nor do they go abroad with it like they used to do. Top of the range always I might add.
      Hope you have a good trip to visit your Mum and Dad.

    3. Have a lovely day Cheryl xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-I love your card, it's such fun. It would suit my brother & sister in law!

    Janet-beautiful card, I love the 3D flowers you have added.

    Yesterday was as busy as I'd feared, some patients have been transferred to today! Last night was quite chaotic as my brother in law told us he'd booked flights-arriving Friday morning & leaving next Tuesday. My Father in Law isn't too well & I think he's panicking about seeing his Dad. I didn't sleep well last night as my boss & I were told we're to attend a meeting next Monday about the planning of our service (with 2 other hospitals).


    1. Hi Michele
      Meeting does sound a bit omninus to me. Yesterday was super busy on the Oncology wards as well. All Mondays patients had to be fitted in to Tuesday. Hope today is better for you.

    2. Hope your day is better. Good to hear your dad doing alright xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    PAT- I love your beautiful card today. Every time I look I see something different.

    We (the royal WE) got the ceiling painted yesterday and as it's a large area to do that was enough. Today it's a day out finding wallpaper. It's a visit to B&Q DIY store as we pensioners get 10% off purchases on Wednesday's and dropping curtains off at the dry cleaners. I would really like to buy new ones but I have to wait and see how these look after cleaning.

    Have a really good day SANDRA/PAT/SUE and I'm sure that in between crafting you will put the world to rights lol.

    The CAFE doors are open this morning as the sun is shining and lighting up the display board. Have a good day everyone. Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. It's handy that 10% isn't it Hope you're successful

    2. Hi Janet
      Love the dies you've used on your tri fold card.
      We always shop on Wed as well for the 10%. Pete bought Craig's ballast for his fence posts last week. Happy wallpaper hunting.

    3. Gorgeous card Janet. Happy wallpaper hunting, it's hard enough to chose the colour paint for the walls sometimes. take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Love the card Pat. Just love a card that makes me smile.

    Janet. Very pretty tri fold card. The flower picture is beautiful.

    Sandra, hope you, Pat and Sue have a lovely meet up today.

    Get that new soap box out Sandra. I went to my bank in the village yesterday and found it had closed down. No warning, it just didn't open on Monday. I called into the Town Hall and joined a long line of people complaining but the clerk just shrugged his shoulders and said we have to go to the nest village from now on. Grrr.

    Off to play crib later. These weeks go by so quickly. Can you believe it's 1st June tomorrow?

    Have a good day everyone.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      That sounds about right Val.
      A restaurant close to us closed down suddenly. It's been going for years. A friend went up on the Wed to order wine for their Anniversary party on the Sunday. Found out on Fri through Facebook that they'd closed down. How weird was that.

    2. How annoying is that, hope it's not too far to the other village. Fingers crossed you win today xx

  5. Morning Two very beautiful cards and so so different from each other
    Thank you for the tips on cleaning bathroom tiles BRENDA I'll let you know how I get on
    I think I beat you SONIA on the lack of decorating OH decided at Easter to decorate our bedroom after being used to bare walls for 20 odd years All painted and have just bought some wallpaper- which is languishing on the bedroom floor! My kitchen is still unfinished after being installed 10+ years
    I am so looking forward to seeing all of you that can meet in Watford tomorrow All are welcome xx

    1. Oh Karen, I feel your pain..... 20 years!! I thought my 7 years was bad, lol ;-) Hugs xx

    2. Crikey Karen that's a long time to wait. Mind you Karen my stepdaughter can probably beat that. Keith's idea of decorating was to cover the kitchen/dining room wall with Christmas paper. The older Grandchildren had no curtains up for just over two years. Their bedroom has never been decorated and the oldest will be 21 at the end of June. They've been in the house 25 years and the kitchen diner has only been decorated once. I could go on and on.

    3. Blimey Karen ,that's a long time to wait. We have the bedroom and OH office that never been decorated again since we moved in 24 years ago. All the floor boards are creaking like something awful upstairs so loved to have them done one day. See you tomorrow xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous cards today from Pat and Janet :-) Love Pat's caravan image and Janet's beautiful flowers.
    Enjoy your day with Sue and Pat :-)
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing. Sending love and hugs to all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Loved yesterday's card Sandra. Got home between 7.00-7.30 yesterday from the hospital. So missed commenting on yesterday's card as I just flaked out.
    My card is indeed from the ink lined CD rom. I made one for my SIL who was over from Australia for friends who do caravanning in the Australian winter. They go up Northwards.
    This one is for friends of ours who also like caravanning.
    Janet I love your Tri fold card. Haven't made one of those at yonks.
    Looking forward to seeing you ladies who can make Watford tomorrow. I'm awaiting a phone call for an MRI scan before I have my op on my throat. Pete reckons it's going to be very quite for a few days.

    1. Great ,fun card Pat. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the MRI scan. Hugs to you and Pete. Have fun at Sandra's today xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Warmish day with some overcast but the washing is on the line, flowers have been planted in the wall border and the hoover had a run around earlier so now having a little break before going to be tiding up in the kitchen after last weeks mess, don't understand where it all coming from Lol.
    I hope you all have a nice day, some happy crafting and meeting up with friends.
    Anyone looking in is very welcome to join us who are meeting up in Watford tomorrow.
    love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Thanks Maria I hope I don't wait to long either.
      Only Sandra and I again today so we went out for lunch.

    2. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

  9. Hi All, hope you have had a lovely day, very warm here.
    Pat love your card , my sister used to go caravaning lot, in there younger days.
    Janet love your card ,so very feminine looking, love the flowers.
    Trying to put together some ideas for cards to take to my friends tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a lovely meet up, would love to be there but a bit too far to travel.

    Still finding it a bind having to use the train instead of the car, still needs must.
    Have a good evening, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Will you be able to drive again in the bear future. It's a bind isn't it when you don't have one.

  10. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    Lovely day sun is still shining with a warm breeze. I went to see Margaret Terry took me over this morning before we left he had Email to say the lawnmower belt would arrive at 1.32 today but it came at 1.42 haha.the belt was £10 P & P £11 rip off. Anyway he has fitted it he said it took him over two hours.
    Margaret wants me to put her scan & cut CM 600 on EBay for her as she's only tried it once with loads of extras so hopefully she will get the £200 she wants.
    Sandra & Pat hope you both had a nice lunch sham Sue couldn't make it..
    I wish all you ladies going to Watford Tomorrow have a fantastic time.xx
    PAT your card is brilliant we had a caravan & Lisa sent us a similar card like yours years ago. JANET I love your try fold card it's so pretty. Hope decorating is going well. Sandra your card yesterday was gorgeous I did do a post but on looking just seems to have gone cyber space again. Why I don't know some little Alain must think it's funny.😂😂 Hope everybody has had a good day with some nice weather.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      The new caravans really are super now. You should see our friends Danny's one, all mod cons.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow, wish I was joining you but unfortunately not possible. Today has been another busy day, Petanque this morning, took my 91year ok friend to hospital to see Consultant about her hip, as it doesn't affect her too much she has decided to leave it for now, then another neighbour called in as I was getting tea, now just relaxing for a while. Tomorrow is going to bed just as bad, at least I don't get bored!!xxx
    Pat & Janet love your cards so different but each lovely in there on way, thank you for
    I am falling asleep as I write so will send hugs to all who need them love

  12. Hi Margaret
    I hope that Sue and Chris didn't pass on there throwing up bug to you when they visited you today. Hopefully they didn't have little Chris with them and passed it on to him.

  13. Hello Sandra and all,

    PAT your card is brilliant, so much detail in it and great for caravan fans.
    I love it. xx

    JANET, Love your tri fold card, it's so pretty. Thank you so much for sharing. Hope you managed to choose your wallpaper. It is difficult and there are so many choices. Just think you are one step closer to having order restored to your home. xx

    Sandra, I think I should be fine for tomorrow. Got home mid afternoon, Had a snack and drink then a long sleep. Now I'm feel ready for my bed. So hopefully a good nights rest will sort me out.

    Sleep well everyone. Love Brenda xxx
