
Tuesday 30 May 2017

A little bit arty !

Good Morning Ladies,

Have you all developed webbed feet ?? Goodness me did we get some rain, the roads looked like rivers around here yesterday afternoon and I believe we are due more today.  There never seems to be a 'Happy Medium' is other floods or drought,  -15 or 90+ ° !!  Hopefully it has helped our farmers to get their crops growing, which if they are anything like our back lawn are making up for lost time.  I could hardly see the lamb out there today, we can't really mow the lawn as it will frighten her, she needs to start eating a bit faster, or maybe stick to eating grass instead of Paul's Blueberry plants! 

I thought I would try something different for today's card, so I stamped one of the ladies from the Beautiful You stamp set, masked her off and coloured the background with Soft Sky, with a hint of Island Indigo, Sahara Sand and Crumb Cake ink pads, I blended them with my Inkyliscious Brushes, I then unmasked the lady and coloured her with Sweet Sugarplum ink, I used Powder Pink for her arms and legs. 
I was hoping to create a beach look, with her trying the water, hahaha! 
What do you think??  

A quiet day her, Paul is sleeping off a very long night shift, the girls are revising for A levels and I will probably be in my craft room!  No craft friends today as they are both coming tomorrow, be so lovely crafting together again.

Hope you have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all,

    Amazing card Sandra. Just love the background, definitely 'dancing on the beack' Love how you've coloured in the lady. I'm looking forward to my set arriving.

    A quick visit today and an early one as off the hairdresser for hair and nails. Just had a shower and about to take Gracie for a walk.

    Will call in later.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I bet you feel like going out and showing off your hair and nails tonight😊 30° would be too hot for me in the UK, but the heat does feel different and more bearable abroad so I completely understand why you moved. If I could pick up and take with me all of my family and friends I would move to a year round warmer climate as I really hate the cold grey days we have here. Chris wouldn't be too happy though as he prefers cooler weather! X

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, you've perfected the stamping & colouring .

    Update on my Dad-he's doing really well. He can walk (using his crutches) as far as the local shops & has been taking a rucksack to use for his purchases. He goes back to see the specialist on the 8th & he's hoping to get a date for the other hip replacement.

    Quick visit as today is going to be extremely busy so I want to get in early .


    1. Hi Michele. I hope today went as well as it could for you. I bet you are looking forward to getting home and puttingbut g your feet up. It's good to hear that your Dad is coping well with his crutches. Fingers crossed he gets his other hip done very soon x

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a better start to the day than yesterday but it's still very grey, windy and wet!!

    A very pretty card SANDRA. I love the energy the girl is giving as she dances along the beach.

    Why oh Why did I decide to decorate the living room!! We managed to get the paper off the walls yesterday and so it's very bare and empty. I really do love decorating NOT as every room in the house seems to be upside down. I suppose it will be worth it when finished.

    The CAFE is now OPEN and all it needs is you to pop in for a look and a chat. The coffe/tea pots are full and I've put a few little pots of roses on the tables.

    I hope that all appointments go well today. HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. What colours are you going for in your lounge Janet? You should have done a 'before' and 'after' photo !
      Don't go overdoing it my lovely xxx

    2. I second Sandra's plea of making sure you don't go doing too much, please. Decorating one room always affect the whole house no matter what you do doesn't it! Take care x

  4. Very pretty SANDRA It reminds me of Jack Vettriano (apologies for spelling) I adored yesterday's too You really are getting this stamping lark I really really struggle even with faux misti
    Back to work today after a very lazy weekend I did try and clean bathroom tiles of mould BUT the product I used didn't do as it says on the tin So I gave up!
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen, I haven't tried it yet but a suggestion To clean grout, I was given is to spray the grout with a solution of vinegar and water. Let it soak in for about five minutes, then with a grout brush (or a tooth brush) then rinse with warm water.
      If you have mold or mildew grout, hydrogen peroxide is the one to use. Sprayed on the stain and let it sit for a few minutes then go to work on it with your grout brush/toothbrush. You might have to repeat this step a few times. If the repeated efforts still arnt making the stain disappear, try making a baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste. Apply the paste of the grout lines, let it sit, scrub and rinse with warm water.
      I am told this really works. But have yet to try! xx

    2. Hi Karen. Sorry to hear you're grout cleaning didn't go well. I have used Dettol Mould and mildew cleaner which works really well on paintwork and lifts some of the mould from.tiles but I will have to try Brenda's suggestions. I do wonder why we all still have this battle with grout in this high tech day and age? We stayed in a holiday cottage that had floor to ceiling large sheets of some type of plastic fitted in the shower room instead of tiles, it was so easy to keep clean. I have told Chris that we are having that when we next I do the bathroom! Looking forward to seeing g you on Thursday 😊 x

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    I love your card today - the simplicity of it with your stamping and colouring is stunning. Would look lovely as a framed picture :-)
    Have been debating whether to add this stamp set to my wish list, but as ever am still so undecided! Still not fully back into my crafting but spend hours looking for inspiration. I see something I like and think about having a go, but there's so much else to do at the moment that I really just can't find the time :-(
    Janet, good luck with the decorating. I know how you feel. If like me it's one of those things you wonder why you ever started in the first place! Hence to say, our lounge we started back in March still isn't finished. We have been trying to source a border and have had no luck at all. Have to admit I spent the best part of a month waiting for an online shop to send me samples after promising me they'd find some - well of course I've never heard from them again. Anyway we finally decided to go down the 'buy a roll of wallpaper and cut it to size' route. We found some paper at the weekend, so now just need to find the time to do it, and hope that either one of us can cut in a straight line, lol :-) Along with that, we still have the bathroom that's still not finished after 7 years (but I'm not allowed to mention that and have really just given up hope of it ever being finished!)
    Anyway, enough about me rambling on - there's a lot worse going on in the world.
    Sorry I've not caught up with everyone's news, I hope you're all keeping well and enjoyed the weekend. Am thinking of you all, and sending love and hugs xxx

    1. We have rooms like yours Sonia,you just get used to it. Good luck with Stampin Up list, if you are like me you want to them all!xxx

    2. Hi Sonia. You know the saying goes that a daughter marries someone like her Dad....yes we have rooms that are the same as your bathroom too 😊.
      Good luck cutting the wallpaper, it would end up being about 1cm wide if I tried to cut it straight 😊 x

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I have not tried using a mask but seeing your beautiful card today I just have a go. Sorry I cannot join you at Watford on Thursday but I seem to have appointments every day this week, will be wishing I was with
    Janet good luck with decorating, not my favourite
    Pat hope hospital visit goes well
    Lynda hope all well with
    Maria hope you have had good few days in Colchester & not in too much
    Must get on got chiropractor visit this afternoon. Sending hugs to all in need love Margaret?xxd

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Had a busy day, this morning went for an INR check and a visit to the hospital. I won't bore you with the details.!! Came home had lunch and we've been in the garden so no I popped in to make a cup of tea and while the pots brewing I leave a quick post.

    Love today's card, it's beautiful, really inspiring. I keep looking at the stamps, I love them and then something inside says will you use them. I can feel I might end up getting them, especially when you show this beautiful designs as you have done today.
    Well I think the tea is ready, So will take it out into the garden.
    Hope everyone is having a good day, big hugs for everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. I hope your hospital visit went well this morning and your time in the garden this afternoon was much nicer. Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday x

  8. Hello and good afternoon Sandra and everyone.
    We are back home after some lovely days in Colchester, meeting the parents of step-son partner for the very first time and eating out and in and having cake every day Lol This is not going to be easy to get back and being good again as I'm out Thursday and Saturday too.
    The weather was warm and nice but found it a bit hard walking around yesterday but the pain is slightly better when the sun is shining. I also feel happy after seeing all the cards on Sundays blog, they are all wonderful ! The CC for this week is nice, lovely card Sandra and today's card is a beauty seeing her dancing on the beach on the seashore, love the colours.
    Pat- take care and hope the appointments this week will go off without any problems and too many delay's.
    Lynda- You are like a cat with nine life's ,thank goodness. Hope you either can fix the lawn mover or get a new one cheep somewhere.
    Janet- sound like you are very busy decorating, hope you be pleased with it when it's all done.
    Sue- glad you had a fab wedding down in Devon and Chris's brother could be with you all on the day :-)
    I hope you who are working are having a good day and can keep cool. I pop in later to see what you all been up too until then have a nice day everyone. Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. It's good to hear you have had a good time away, but sorry to hear the pain is still bad. You will have to start "being good" with food again on Monday when you start a new week. It is hard to stick to sensible food when you go out enjoying yourself, isn't it? Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday x

  9. Hello All, thought I'd written this ,this morning !!!!

    Sandra love your card, think she must have been abroad, as the sea down here is very chilly, don't think she'd be so happy in the sea here.

    Busy week ahead, work and Thursday going to see my friends.

    Well I'd better go and get some dinner, chicken and salad tonight, have a good evening all , hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. The sea is always cold down by isn't it, but you have some of the most beautiful beaches so maybe our dancing lady is not getting g her feet wet 😊 Enjoy your dinner, we are just about to have ours. I hope your busy week goes well x

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© tonight.
    Wow, your dancing lady is gorgeous, I am picturing her dancing on the sand. You have mastered blending and masking, this card is simply wonderful. I will have to practise some more tomorrow as I am usually too heavy handed aren't I!
    I hope you have had a good day crafting and it will be so good to get the three graces craftingas g together again after far too long x
    Pat, I hope Pete's treatment went as well as possible today. See you tomorrow x
    Lynda, I hope you have had an easy accident and breakage free day. Glad to hear you have found a new lawnmower belt x
    I've been doing lots of nothing today. You know is the sort of day where you are on the go all day but can't really see what you have achieved! Not a day that I like. Now if I had been crafting I would have a card to show for it wouldn't ​I! Never mind, the next two days are my favourite sort, spending them with my crafty friends 😁😁😁
    I hope you have all had a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
