
Saturday 3 June 2017

Mixed up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

I have lots of lovely crafts to share with you today, so without further delay I will get straight down to business.........

Val's lovely daughter Lynn made her this amazing Framed Wall Art to hang in her Craft room, I cannot think of a truer statement for you Val, I see that you have passed those creative genes on too! 
Thank you so much Val for sharing your lovely gift with us and Lynn for being so creative XXX 


Brenda's beautiful Granddaughter Ciara takes after Grandma when it comes to making cards, always amazing works of art, this card that Ciara made for her friend Iona uses letters from The Works, that Ciara coloured beautifully with Alcohol Markers to match the rest of the embellishments, those lovely roses look like 'Brenda's Special' handmade roses.  This card is very 'classy' and grown up Ciara, your friend Iona will love it, I hope you have an amazing time at the 'Spa Party', we would love to hear all about it later on (if you have time).  Thank you so much Sweetheart for sharing another of your Amazing cards to inspire us all XXX


Cheryl recently became the very proud owner of her Paternal​ Grandfather's​ Medals, Cheryl you must be over the moon and incredibly honoured to have such a treasure.

We can also see the next couple of pages of Milly-May's Memory Album, so beautifully decorated, featuring the Christening and the fun memories
too, being caught in the act of something mischievous, such an amazing gift to treasure.

Lastly from Cheryl, a surprise gift from her Mum for the Panto Costume Team, a very useful Overlocker, what a thoughtful and hugely beneficial gift, you must be over the moon Cheryl. 
Thank you so very much for sharing all of your Amazing news and Milly-May's album with all of us Cheryl XXX


Lynda has kindly shared photos of her beloved pets...

First is the adorable Bambie, she is smiling in the first photo, making her even more adorable. 
Next up is Freddie, Lynda often adds to his name but we'll use the short version today! He is a stunning looking bird Lynda, how old is he? His colours are just incredible especially that bright flash of orange, I can tell you are very proud of him.

The last pet is Lynda's favourite, she's had him for years, he's perfectly house trained, a very loyal pet too, Lynda takes him out most days and he has regular trips to the groomers to get those Grey Whiskers clipped, you can tell that Terry is Lynda's favourite pet because she lets him sleep on her bed, although he does snore a little, but that is quite typical for this breed.  Give Terry a stroke for us Lynda !! 
Thank you so much for sharing your much loved pets with us Lynda, they are all adorable XXX

I hope you have enjoyed browsing through the lovely photos today ladies, thank you so much to those of you that took part too. 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Val-love your sign, it's funny but probably true!

    Brenda/Ciara-brilliant card, its lovely.

    Cheryl -your memory book is looking brilliant.

    Lynda -nice to see your pets. I own one similar to the third photo, only mine has less hair!

    Busy day yesterday with a few surprise new patients needing treatment so I was glad when it was 5pm. Called at my Dads with his shopping and Fish & Chips for him then finally got home. Quick change then off into Southport to meet Brother in Law for dinner -we went to a Chinese restaurant . Nice meal and we were able to chat for a while then we left him to go to his hotel (his choice to book into a Hotel) so as soon as we were home I quickly loaded up the washing machine so I was late up to bed then typically I haven't slept!!

    It's the village Gala Day today & we have glorious sunshine for once. I'm meeting a friend (with her dog) and we're going to stroll around the village then grab a coffee so we can chat.

    We really need to do some weeding as the borders look a mess and the forecast is for rain tomorrow.


    1. Bet you're glad it's the weekend Michele after such a busy week.
      Enjoy the Gala Day. Hope the weather stays fine for

    2. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the Gala day. Let the sun shine for you xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Enjoy your day at the Gala and meeting your friend for coffee. Supposed to be not so nice next week, so I hope Pete gets his carrots in soon. Not supposed to do gardening without wearing gloves, but he informs me you can't plant seeds with thick gloves on. My idea being he didn't plant any at all. How wrong can you be.

    4. Hi Michele
      Glad you liked all my. Pets HaHa. Hope you enjoyed the Gala. Enjoy your weekend xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all,

    Lovely day of goodies today Sandra. Lynn did make the picture a while ago and it has pride of place in my craft room.

    Ciara, you have must such a lovely card. Very sophisticated. I bet Iona loves it.

    Cheryl, what a thrill to have your grandfather's medal. I bet they will be treasured.
    Love the next instalment of your Memory Book. A lot of work I'm sure but oh so worth it.
    What a lovely mum to buy you such a useful machine and one that's much needed. I can imagine all the wonderful costumes you and it will

    Oh Lynda, what adorable photos. Bambi looks just as I'd imagined her. Oh so cute. She's definitely smiling in the first photo.

    Freddie is such a beautiful boy. Love his colouring. How old is he and have you had him from a baby?

    Last but not least Terry. Very useful pet but sorry about the snoring. Glad to read he's house trained though!!!

    Pat bet your glad it's the weekend and no hospital visits for at least a couple of days. Hugs to you and Pete.x

    Tracy. Hope your feeling a lot better today but don't rush back to work.x

    Janet. Enjoy your decorating free weekend with a bit of R+R. X

    Enjoy your Saturday everyone whatever you're up to.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Love the sign made by Lynn, so true Lol Have a wonderful Saturday too Val. Are you over to the UK anything this summer ?

    2. Yes Val I'm so pleased to have a few days off. Two days for Pete next week plus Drs. If I get another appointment for an MRI scan that'll be two days for me as well, as my op is on Friday.

    3. Hi Val for your kind comments on my pets especially the third one lol
      Your wall hanging Lynn made it very true. Dose she craft too.
      Enjoy your weekend.
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I had a shock when I came in to the Café just now and realised I hadn't been in yesterday, especially when I saw my card! Thank you for all of your very kind comments about it. I must give our wonderful Sandra full credit though as she talked me through making it, thank you my lovely 😊 I know you will be counting down the days until your new Stampin' Up goodies arrive, can't wait to see what you create x

    Val, I love your sign, your daughter clearly knows you well 😊 x

    Ciara, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful card. I'm sure Iona will be thrilled to receive her lovely personalised card 😊 x
    Brenda, thank you for sharing Ciara's card. I know you are so proud of her. BIL is doing as he is told, relaxing and enjoying being back at home with his lovely wife and dog after such an emotional day last Saturday! X

    Cheryl, how wonderful that have your Grandfather's medals to treasure. I love these pages, so delicate and pretty but leaving the photos to take centre stage. What a great gift from your Mum. I'm sure you will be putting it through its paces with the panto costumes 😊 x

    Lynda, thank you for sharing the pictures of your lovely pets. What a great smile from Bambi and its clear to see how well cared for Freddy is, his colours are stunning. Having met your third pet several times I can vouch just how well trained and friendly he is 😊😊😊 x

    I must send you a pic of our Beardy Sandra. I have written a note to remind myself to do it today!
    I hope you are all having some sun today, it is lovely here, at the moment anyway. I'm feeling much better today which is a good thing as I was trying to find a new roll of red liner tape last night without any luck so you know what I will be doing before anything else today don't you!!!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Glad to see you feeling better, hope you can enjoy some of the sunshine we have as it will be bad next week apparently. Hugs xx

    2. Hi Sue thank you for your lovely comments on my pets & yes you have met my third pet bless him. He rolled up when I showed him Sandra's blog this morning. Glad your feeling better now
      Many Hug's xxx

  4. Fabulous goodies today I love your sign VAL and so very apt
    I love your card CIARA It's definitely my style (not that I'm very good at it) elegant CAS cards
    What a lovely surprise CHERYL It'll be a great help for Panto I love your memory album making me feel a little guilty that I haven't started one for Oscar
    Finally your pets, LYNDA I loved how SANDRA described your third pet Mine is all of the above including being faithful and generous He doesn't eat much but likes to have a drink when we go out
    Babysitting tonight WooWoo!

    1. Have a fabulous time tonight and have many cuddles with the young ,handsome man :) xx

    2. Have a great time with Oscar Karen. Give him a cuddle from me.

    3. Hi Karen have lovely cuddles with Oscar make them last as they grow so fast. My little man Harry will be 3 on the 12th can't beleave how quickly the time has gone.
      Thanks for your comments on my gorgeous pets
      Hug's xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    As usual I love all the things I see on here on a sat/sun especially.
    Going back to work tomorrow. Backs still uncomfy but no where as bad as it's been the past few days. I've warned them I'll need to take it easy as I don't wanna make it worse. Booked emergency massage for tues my day off to try sort it more.
    Don't like taking time off as I hate having those stupid meetings if ur off too long! They're quite stressful x

    Cheryl. How proud must u be owning those medals of ur grandfathers. I'd be getting those framed and hung up with pride if they were mine x

    Lynda u had me in stitches when I seen a pic of terry as ur beloved pet. But yes the snoring is a common symptom of this breed 🤣 LOL.
    Graeme too is snoring away as I type this msg!!

    Love to all xx

    1. Take care Tracy going back to work tomorrow. To have a massage sound nice although maybe not so nice when having pain, gentle hugs xx

    2. Gentle hugs Tracey and I hope your back improves more so after you've had a back massage.

    3. Hi Tracy sorry your back is still sore hopefully your massage will help. You should have sued them if you fell at work.
      Take care. Glad you had a good laugh at seeing my third pet I couldn't resist it. HaHa xx

  6. Hello All, it's chucking it down with rain here, hoping it will just be a shower.
    Great photos from all today.
    Not doing much, as woke with really bad back ache, don't know why, but my TYLEX is having no effect at all.
    Hope all have a lovely Saturday, hugs Lilian

    1. Oh Lilian, sorry to hear your back is bad. Take it easy and if it gets worse do see the doc. gentle hugs and wish you better. Hope the rain goes as well and you get some sunnier days soon xx

    2. Hi Lillian.
      It's no much fun when ur suffering. I had to google tylex but I see it's another name for co codamol which I'm using. I've taken them for so long on the highest dose that yes I agree they don't do as much as they used too. Hope u get better soon x

    3. You've rain Lilian and we have glirious sunshine at the moment. Hope your back improves as well.

  7. Hello ladies,
    Great sign on your wall Val.
    Ciara- lovely CAS card. Your friend will love it.
    Cheryl- lovely photos of Milly-May in the book. Nice medals after your granddad to treasure and what a brill present from your mum. Great help for making all the costumes.
    Lynda- you did make me smile. Bambi looks a bit like the dog from Mask tihi and alright, I have to say that S---leg do look handsome . Your third pet is one I like the most tho even if he snoring. Have one myself as you know. Glad yours is house trained, mine is dropping/spilling stuff lately some terrible. Might move him outdoors if it gets any worse.
    Sunny so I will go with a coffee out on the patio for a little while. Need to think of a CC but so far nothing....:( Been out in the shops this morning after our walk so the morning gone very quickly. Have a lovely day everyone. Love and hugs ,Maria xxx

    1. Enjoy your sit on the patio Maria. Ours is full of weeds at the moment. No point in weeding as we have a firm coming to lay some imprinted concrete. The front drive is being done. The path down the side of the house, plus we're our patio is at the moment. Craig is in the process of taking some up out the front as he's going to use some to build a wall.

    2. Hi Maria you also made me laugh about you putting Rick out the backTerry spills dinner down him self too so perhaps we should put them both out in the garden 😂😂😂 big Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Pat my daughter has just had that imprinted concrete looks lovely.they are coming Back in 10week to paint & seal it but it really looks good

  8. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for sharing everyone's pets, and the picture Lynne made for her Mum.
    Clara love you card as I'm sure your friend will.
    Cheryl I bet your over the moon to be the proud owner of your Granddads medals. Lovely to see how your Album is coming along for Millie-May. Lovely gift from your mum as well. It'll be so handy for you.
    Lovely picture of Bambi and Freddie Lynda. I'm glad your third pet is well house trained. Great that he can made us laugh as well isn't it.

    1. Hi Pat hope your both enjoying a couple of hospital free days.
      Thank for your comments as you know you have met my third pet & I think he could make anyone laugh.
      Hug's for you & Pete take care. Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Thanks for the hugs. I'm at school all day tomorrow. Then it's back to the hospital grindstone. It's great meeting your third Pete and he certainly does make us laugh.

  9. Hello Sandra and all.

    Saturday treats again - we are truly blessed.

    VAL Your Wall Art really made me smile, so apt for most of us. Lynn is obviously taking after mum. Thank you for sharing.xx

    CHERYL Love the new pages that you have added to Milly-May's memory album. WOW the overlocking machine is going to be a brilliant addition when it comes to making all of the costumes. What a thoughtful Mum you have.xx

    LYNDA What can I say about your pets, Bambi look adorable (is he smiling because Terry is telling on of his jokes?) Freddie .... legs is beautiful, does he talk? Now your third pet 'Terry' I know you have worked hard training him, but he does have a mischievous side, one time at AP he went around to everyone checking what they had in their packed lunch, knowing full well you had his lunch in your bag, and his jokes !!!!! Oh yes ..... he is very entertaining. AND a good sport, for letting you share his photo with us. xx

    I have to say Ciara's card for Iona actually looks better in the 'flesh' I was really impressed, it's lovely. Monday she is off to Normandy on a school trip, returning Friday. By coincidence her Daddy is also going, but he goes tomorrow, they are even staying in the same town! Can't remembering how many Black Taxis are taking part (it an annual charity event) they are taking Veterans, visiting war graves etc. The Black Cab drivers do lots of charity work. He seems personally to get a lot out of these events.

    Must get back to my CC if Sandra is ever to receive it !!!!!

    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope Cairo has a lovely time away. I've heard of the black cabs taking veterans back to Normandy.

  10. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    We ha been to my Daughters today so didn't get home till 7pm then had to feed pet one & three as you know he wanted feeding because he missed his lunch Lisa cooked lasagna:& chips I said you had double helpings but he said I still missed lunch HaHa. Cirara's card is really wonderful I bet your proud of her Brenda. Cheryl how lovely having your grandfathers medals they would be great in a frame. & wow your mum getting you the overlocking machine for the pantomime costumes a great help. Loving Milly May memory book so far it's gorgeous.
    Have a good weekend everyone Many Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Hi Lynda
    Terry sounds more like Pete by the minute. He also can eat for England.

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for interesting assortment
    Val very true sign Lynn made for you thank you for
    Ciara lovely card I am sure Iona will love it, thank you for
    Cheryl how lovely to have your Grandfather's medals. Your memory book is beautiful & your gift from your Mum you will find it soo useful, thank you for
    Lynda Bambi looks so mischievous, she looks as she is saying " what can I do next", do you let Freddie fly around indoors? & what can I say about your favourite pet he is
    I have had a good day, went to Marlborough with a friend to listen to an author talking about his book, he is John Lewis- Stempel the book The Running Hare. For a lover of the countryside this is a must read very well written & almost poetic, didn't feel like cooking so had a takeaway. Sorry no CC from me this week just have not had time.
    Tracy & Lilian hope your backs feel better soon, take
    Sue pleased you feel better love
    Sending hugs to all who need them live
