
Sunday 4 June 2017

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

The theme for this weeks Challenge was to make cards without using any Dies, let's just say you all did an amazing job, so without further delay here are your cards...

Lilian has made a fantastic card using up some of her large stash of pretty decorative papers, the beautiful bird stamped centre piece works perfectly with the Bird Egg backing paper. I'm sure your Nephew will love this card Lilian, thank you for taking part.  I hope that you are a little more comfortable today XXX

Cheryl has made two fantastic cards for this Challenge, one with the ever popular Gorjuss Collection, I just love this collection.  The second card looks like it is from a Kit, perfect for the little ones, a fun card that looks like it rocks too!  Thanks so much Cheryl for taking part XXX


Tracy has gone for a 'Grunge' or distressed look for her Challenge card this week, I love that script background with the Metallic Flowers on top, it works so well, that backing paper you have used is fantastic too.  A fantastic card, it's so lovely having you take part in the challenge each week Tracy, hope your back is easier today too xxx

Pat, yes I did say 'PAT' Has made two Challenge cards this week, both with the Stampin' Up 'Floral Phrases' Stamp set, I love the 'So Saffron' (yellow) one the most I think! Two fantastic cards Pat, so lovely to have you taking part in the challenge XXX


Sue has entered the Challenge too, love this card Sue, using a cute little MDF tree decorated with buttons, I love the little polka dot ones Sue !  The printed 'Happy Birthday' ribbon is a great idea as you don't have to include a sentiment. 
Fantastic card Sue, thank you soooooo much my lovely XXX


Val, omg I love those cute little fish, Val masked off lines across her card and then sponged the blue ink inbetween, then used her 'Faux Misti' to stamp the fish and Sentiment.  An amazing card Val, I am so pleased you are finding your stamp tool useful! Thanks for taking part Val XXX


Karen has made two very different Challenge cards this week, the first is very 'Arty' by design, using both coloured and non coloured images together, here is Karen's description.....
 This card is made up of two images from an old MCS CD-ROM I cut (by trimmer!) the sentiment and part of the coloured image It is being posted to U.S.A, So is totally flat"

When I first saw this second card I thought that the crocheted image was the actual piece of Crochet!! But it is an image of a crocheted​ piece, it is beautiful though! Karen added the funny sentiment over the image, it originally came from a mug, it's very 'apt' for a needleworker.
Here is Karen's description... 

"I made this card for a crafter from my local club
She loves all crafts but because its easy to pack up and carry she often brings some crochet with her
So, I found an image on Google and printed it off twice. I cut one image in full and then I cut each floral element and decoupaged them back onto card Found some sequins that nearly matched and added some pearls
I struggled to "mat" it I didn't know what colour to go for.
I thought you might like to see the sentiment I bought a mug from Etsy because I just loved the phrase."
You put so much work into every card you make Karen and it really shows, I love how you make them so personal for the recipient​.  Thank you so much for sharing xxx

Janet has entered two cards this week, both using toppers (I think), the first is a very elegant lady, just stunning.  The second card is so different, I love the colours, I'm guessing it's a kit from HunkyDory as they always manage to come up with different card shapes, but I may well be wrong.  The images are beautiful, it actually looks like the butterflies are hovering over the blossoms on the bottom section.
I hope you are having a rest from decorating today Janet, thank you so much for finding time to share your cards XXX


Margaret sent me these two cards before I set the challenge, so she will be surprised to see them today, they are perfect for this challenge though so why not !! 
The first card has been stamped with the Brand New Stampin'Up! " Colorful Seasons" stamp set, which has stamps that cover everything from deckchairs to Snowflakes. 
The second card has been stamped using "Daisy Delight " stamp set that you have seen me use this week. 
Two fantastic cards Margaret, thank you so much XXX


Michele managed two fantastic cards too, one girly and one for the boys.  The first card looks like a topper that you just add pretty gems to, it makes a really pretty, girly card.  The second card looks like it is from a kit, Michele has turned it into a fantastic stepper card, perfect for any little boy! It just shows what a diverse range of craft stash we all have squirrelled away!   Two fantastic cards Michele, thank you so much for taking part XXX

Lynda has made 3 cards this week, the first is beautiful, I think that Lynda has inked through a mask, which has given that amazing background, upon which Lynda stamped the sentiment and a couple of pretty flourishes, I love it Lynda !
The second and third card have been stamped using Stampin'Up! Birthday Blooms stamp set, that Lynda has coloured beautifully. 
Thank you so much for taking part Lynda XXX 


Brenda's pretty thank you card was made using the Stampin'Up!  'Flower Shop' stamp set and matching Punch, I love how you have punched plain green flowers to act as the Calix or foliage beneath the flowers, it really lifts them from the card. The little green flowers are made using the smaller 'Petite Petals' set that also has a matching punch.  Brenda, I am so grateful that you made time to make a Challenge card my lovely XXX

Well ladies I know every week I say how thankful that I am that you all take time to participate in these Challenges, but I just want to reiterate that point, I know that each and everyone of you has got their own personal battles going on, wether it be health or family, work or anything else, it does take a while to sit down and decided what to make before even thinking about what craft supplies to reach for, I just want you ALL to know that when I sit putting this blog post together each week I am constantly thinking about each of you and how you have made time to make your card, or if you haven't had time you have rummaged through cards or files to find cards.  I want you all to know how much I appreciate the time you take, I always try to have all of your situations and skill levels in mind when I try and decide onnthe Challenge, I spend most of Sunday thinking about what direction to go in, should I choose an actual sketch or try and decide on a different kind of Challenge, I usually message Michele asking her opinion too before the final decision is made. 
I hope that you are all enjoying taking part as much as I am experiencing that sense of excitement as I open your message with your card attached each week. 
So Ladies I will say again, thank you so very much for every minute of the time you have taken to participate each week. 

To all of you 

I hope you have a lovely Sunday, 

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a sunny but very windy Sheffield.

    Once again a BEAUTIFUL SET OF CREATIVITY for the display board this week. I love all of them and would be proud to be the owner of any one of them.

    The elegant lady of mine is from a CD called 'Art Deco Timeless Keepsakes' by Card Creations.
    The butterflies are from a kit bought from 'CraftUprint'. I love that these are done as downloads and so are always to hand when needing something different.

    The CAFE is OPEN for the day so pop in and have a look at the gorgeous array of art we have. Have a really good Sunday and HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Love your elegant lady. I have a few Die cuts similar to these.

  2. Good Morning everyone,

    What an array of lovelyness this morning ladies. Each and every one is beautiful and all so different. So many ideas for me to have go at.

    Well, we've woken up to yet another terrorist attack. My thoughts are with everyone affected.

    Having a bit of a rest today as yesterday I went mad and Spring cleaned the kitchen. Washed all the tiles, emptied and cleaned inside the cupboards, even cleaned the oven and boy are my joints suffering today. My kitchen is gleaming though. I think it could be a card making day.

    Sandra , I for one really enjoy the card challenge every week. For ladies without blogs it's the only way we can have one of our cards displayed and I very much appreciate all the work you do every week setting the challenge, showing our cards and commenting on each one. So a big THANK YOU.

    Have a good Sunday everyone whatever you're up to. Hope those not feeling too good have a better day today especially Lilian and Tracy.

    Lots of love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I just love the fish you've done your card with. If I had some time I'd take a leaf out of your book and spring clean my kitchen and cupboards.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I'd just like to say Thank You For organising the challenges and featuring something different every single day on your blog.

    My cards were made earlier in the week thank goodness as I don't think I'd have had the time yesterday. My nautical card was made from a feee kit in this months Quick Cards Made Easy magazine and it seemed perfect for this challenge.
    The second card was made using a printed image-I bought 4 different ones from a craft show a very long time ago. I chose the birthday cake, a Ladies shoe, a pram & a wreath.

    The weather was glorious all day tomorrow & the Gala Day was really busy. Stopped in the village for a coffee-was sat outside as Sue had brought Sophie(her dog).
    Hubby & I did some weeding in the afternoon then Brother in Law arrived. We had Fish & Chips then went to the wine bar in the village for a couple of drinks. We ended up phoning a taxi to take B in L back to the hotel and we finally got home about 11.30!!

    More sunshine today-I have a mountain of ironing to do then we're off out to Chorley for lunch then home.


    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like you had a lovely weekend after your stressful week.
      Great cards today from you.

  4. First of all I just want to say that my thoughts are with those affected by last nights horrific incident
    Now to be cheered up - the Challenge cards! Each and every one is gorgeous and so different I'm going to make the first one again Brenda has inspired me - punches! I will take both images into Serif and "punch" a shape e.g. a circle It would make a one layer completely flat card ideal for posting Our posties are being very strict about depth of post these days
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend We have glorious sunshine at the mo We're going dancing later this evening xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Lovely cards today. How clever to do a card that looks like its crocheted.
      Enjoy your dancing, and I hope you had a lovely babysit with Oscar.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    My thoughts & prayers are with all affected by the terrorists, is nowhere safe any more.
    Sandra lovely lot of cards, thank you for showing mine, I had forgotten I had sent them to you. Thank you for all your hard work on the blog & the challenges, you are our inspiration.xxxx
    Hope Lilian & Tracy are feeling better today, hugs on
    Quick visit today I have a friend coming for coffee & need to make a coconut lemon drizzle cake first, may even make 2 so we can have one in cafe.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Lovely stamped cards Margaret.
      Ohh yes please coconut lemon drizzle cake. Sounds divine.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Loving all the cards today as always.

    Back at work. So far so good. Have been warned not to lift or do anything that might make things worse.
    I'll just keep popping the pills lol x

    1. Lovely card Tracey. Make sure you don't do any heavy lifting to aggreviate your bank.

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Another WOW Sunday, I just love to see everybody's interpretation of the challenge each week, the results ladies are truly amazing and wealth of inspiration. On my card the little green flowers were cut from white card then I just sat them on my Pear Pizzazz ink pad, the centre is just a drop of Cosmic Shimmer glue sprinkled with Flower Soft (Watford ladies that was the product I was trying to think of on Thursday) which I had coloured yonks ago with a few drops of Adirondack Alcohol Ink.

    Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Lovely flowery cards Brenda. Love that Pear Green colour. Great that you remembered the flower soft. Funny how our minds go blank when we're trying to remember something.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, a fantastic selection of cards again today. All so wonderful and not a single die used. Well done :-) Sorry I'm still not back to taking part :-( But, I love seeing the new challenges and all of your creations.
    Thoughts and prayers to all involved in last nights attack. Heartbreaking and words fail me.....
    Mark and James are going to London in 2 weeks to see Guns 'n Roses and to say I'm worried is an understatement, but we can't let them win and stop us living and enjoying ourselves!
    I hope you're all well and having a good day. Love and hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I hope Mark and James enjoy Guns n Roses. Two ladies who I used to work with are going as well. As you say we can't let these people win.

  9. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Wow gorgeous challenge cards today they are all beautiful. Thank you Sandra for all your hard work doing the challenges each week I love a challenge.
    Sandra your were right I just coloured through the mask on my first card with colour cloud & stamped the flourishes in black ink but I wasn't very pleased as I think the flourishes would have looked better in a lighter ink.but thank you Sandra for your positive comments.
    I am also sadden by the events of last night's attack my niece messaged this morning on Facebook that she was safe thank goodness. She said it was mayhem people just running in different directions.
    Just going for a quick walk it looks like it may rain so better get shoes on.
    I hope Lillian & Tracy are feeling better take care love to everyone Lynda xx

    1. Gorgeous cards Lynda. Love how you've inked through a mask on the first one. I might have this mask or something similar, but I've never used it.
      Love the flower stamp on the second two.
      I hope you and your Pet are over your run of bad luck.

  10. Hi Sandra
    Wow ladies what beautiful cards you've all made today. So sad to hear this morning about the mayhem caused on London Bridge yesterday. As I've heard before babies aren't born hating. I wonder if this atrocity was copied from the Westminster Bridge Massacre. Our thoughts are with the families who've lost loved ones. Not to sure our police can act against guns, with truncheons.

  11. Hello All, firstly have to say how terrible these attacks are, thoughts are with those affected by last night. My son used to live very near there, so glad he's now living in Surbiton now, daughter lives in Barnes, and quite often go up to town on Sat, luckily not last night.

    The cards are all beautiful, luckily I had done mine earlier in the week.

    Back is much better now, thanks for all the hugs. Been in the garden in the sunshine just pottering, as its forecast heavy rain tomorrow.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Please don't use my blog to advertise your own, it doesn't really apply to any of us anyway. We aren't interested.

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    I LOVE SUNDAYS. It's always so much fun seeing what each one of you created for the weekly challenge, thank you all for sharing. And of course the challenge wouldn't happen without you Sandra. I know you put so much thought and time into it each week, and thanks to Michele for your help too.
    I believe this blog is the only one where the owner, our lovely Sandra, is so kind, caring and thoughtful and actively encourages us followers to share our cards and other creations and is so supportive both in good times and bad times. THANK YOU MY WONDERFUL FRIEND SANDRA 😊😊😊x

    Ladies you have all done yourselves proud, and both Pat and myself managed to join in this week. It is the usual collection of wonderful cards full of inspiration, thank you all for sharing x
    I am still battling with sorting my craft stuff, didn't I get to it until this evening but i can sort of see the end at last 😊 I hope you have all had a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Try and all in need. Take care xx

  14. My thoughts are with all connected with the awful event yesterday. It is so sad, words fail me x

  15. Hi Ladies, apologies for not posting for a while. I had a few days away with a crafting friend down on Exmoor and I have been playing 'catch up' since returning home.
    Such a gorgeous selection of cards, you have all don't fabulous cards. I did think I would manage to join in but time ran away.
    Since being back home I have been busy trying to decide if I want to sell some of my Stamp Sets in order to purchase new ones from the latest SU Catalogue. It isn't as easy as you may think, I put a selection on my desk that I think I won't want to use again, leave them for a day, then change my mind.
    I guess we are all the same.
    Still trying to get my rheumatoid arthritis under control as I don't see the specialist under the end of July.

    All this work above wouldn't happen without Sandra and I really appreciate the hard work you put into making this a great, friendly group.

    Hugs to you all.
    Christine xx
