
Wednesday 10 May 2017

Sophie's 2nd Piece of art, another Challenge card & Happy Birthday Michele !!!

Xxx Happy Birthday Michele xxX

Another of Sophie's Portraits, this time she used
Derwent Coloursoft Pencils

This was the photo that Sophie worked from

Good Morning Ladies,

I would like to wish a Very Special Lady a Very Happy 50th Birthday !!!! Michele you're now 50 and I'm still 49😉!! 
I hope you have a wonderful trip down to London with Phil, enjoy being pampered and spoilt, I'm sure your Afternoon Tea at Claridges will be the highlight of your day,
I can't wait to hear all about it my lovely xxxxx

Another piece of Sophie's artwork to share with you today, this time she used (MY) Derwent Coloursoft Pencils to draw and colour the portrait, it's so hard to show the piece so that you can see all of the detail, the eyes, mouth, lips and hair all have the tiniest detail, We are both so very proud of her, although neither of us can draw at all so not sure where she gets it from.  She is predicted A's across the board in Art and I think she'll get them no problem. 

Michele's card (I knew she had seen it so I was safe to share it) was made using Stampin'Up! Large Numbers stamps and matching Thinlits', I created the background using the floral stamp from the set and Mint Macaron and Sweet Sugarplum ink, the numbers were cut from Sweet Sugarplum glitter card. 
I absolutely love the little banner that comes in this set, it makes the sentiment really stand out. I can see that I will be using this set quite a lot.

Large Number Stamps

Matching Thinlits' 

If you are interested in buying the above just let me know, you can buy them as a 'bundle' until the 31st May, then they can only be bought​ separately.

I had a lovely day with Sue yesterday and get today I get to see Pat, hopefully we can resolve our Calendar clashes sometime soon. 

Karen has mentioned organising a Meet up in Watford sometime soon, can you let me know what dates work for those that can make it.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you although my birthday is tomorrow.

    Just leaving to catch the train to Liverpool then we're off to Londonfor 3 days, my birthday treat from Phil.


    1. Have a wonderful 3 days in London Michel and Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele. Have a safe and trouble free journey to London and a very enjoyable stay there. I hope you both have comfy footwear as I expect you will be doing lots of walking if the weather stays as nice as it is at the moment. Take care x

    3. Have a lovely trip to London safe journey
      HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow 🎂🍷🎉🎈

    4. Have a good in London, Claridges is a wonderful place, we were treated to dinner there for our Aniversery many moons ago.

  2. Hi Everyone.
    Another beautiful drawing Sandra. What can I say about Sophies talent. She's amazing.

    Leaving shortly for Javea.
    Pat hope everything goes ok with you and Pete. Enjoy your time with Sandra today.
    Hugs to everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Enjoy your trip to Javea today x

    2. Hi Val
      Enjoy your visit to Javea have a great time.
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Morning Everyone

    We have a glorious morning here the sun is shining and a warm start to the day.

    SANDRA- another STUNNING work of art from Sophie. It will be a shame if she doesn't carry her talent through to a career.

    I had a good afternoon at K&N yesterday and for the first time for a while we had a full house. It was lovely to see everyone and catch up on all the gossip

    Off this morning to try and find some paint etc as it's time for the kitchen to be decorated. Fingers/toes and everything else crossed that it doesn't turn into a Marathon.

    MICHELE- have a good time in London.

    The CAFE door is open and the sun is streaming in. Coffee/Tea pots are full so come on in and sit a while.
    Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I'm glad you have the same beautiful weather as we do here in Oxfordshire. Hearing the birds singing and seeing the sun shining in a lovely blue sky is the best way to wake up to isn't it 😊 It's good to hear that you enjoyed a good catch up at K & N yesterday. Good luck on your hunt for some paint 😊 x

    2. Hi Janet glad you had a good day & enjoyed a good catch up
      at K & N yesterday. We have sunshine as well today. Hope you get the paint you both like 🤔 Good luck. Xx🤗

  4. Phew! I had a. It of a shock I thought I'd got MICHELE's birthday wrong
    SOPHIE's work is exceptional I know she had to try mediums of various artists but what's her favourite
    Enjoy London MICHELE - we could have met for coffee....

    1. Hi Karen. I must admit I checked the date too 😊 It would be lovely if you and Michele manage to meet up wouldn't it. Have a good day x

    2. Have a good day Karen what ever your up to xx

  5. Hello Sandra and all,

    Michele I also have your birthday down as today, I realised yesterday evening I hadn't posted your card and quietly panicked...... Phew saved by a day !!!!
    Have a great time in London, your birthday tea party sounds lovely. I'm sure you will be pampered - Enjoy xx

    WOW Sophie your drawing is beautiful, you certainly have an amazing gift. THANK YOU for sharing your art work with us.xx

    Will pop back later, just stopped by early to wish Michele a happy birthday...... for tomorrow!!!!!!!! Ha Ha xx

    Washing machine needs emptying. OH poised ready to peg it out.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. It's always a pleasure to see more of Sophie's fantastic art work. If she doesn't get A's in her art exam then there is something seriously wrong with the examiners!
    Michele's card is beautiful, the stamps and dies are so handy, a real "go to" set.
    It was so good to have a catch up with you Sandra, it was a shame that Pat wasn't with us but hopefully we will find a way to be able to all meet up together.
    Pat, I hope you and Pete got on ok yesterday. Sending hugs for you x
    I need to go back and see what everyone got up to yesterday but I hope you all have a good day and enjoy the lovely sunshine we have. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE? I hope you have a lovely birthday trip in London. We go on Monday after Petes had his treatment. They bought it forward a day as we'd already booked. Pete felt a bit funny after his infusion yesterday, hence why I have to go with him. Seems ok today though and he's gone for a breakfast with his friend Pat. Always go when it's buy one get one free at Hilltop Garden Centre.
    Love the card you've made Sandra. I think I must get this set, Then need to buy some different coloured glitter card.
    Wow Sophie I'm just blown away by your artwork it's amazing. I know it's from a picture but yours looks so life like. Congratulations on such stunning work no wonder your predicted A's.

    1. Hi Pat glad Pete feels ok today after his treatment yesterday.
      Have a good day today what your doing hope the sun is shinning for you too.
      Love Lynda xx🤗🤗

  8. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    WOW SOPHIE ANOTHER FANTASTIC DRAWING you are so talente.x Thank you for sharing your artwork with us. Xx
    SANDRA glad you had a nice day with Sue yesterday. I love your card you have made for Michele it's gorgeous. I must get that numbers set before the end of May xx I love them. Not upto much today Terry has gone to do some painting for his mate so hopefully crafting day for me after houseworks finished.
    So better get a wiggle on
    See you later Love Lynda xx

  9. Awesome card Sandra and Sophie really is very talented , have a fab day honey hugs x Amanda

    When checking what day somebody's birthday is Check a 2017 Calender and not the 2016 one that you keep addresses in !!!!!
    Sorry Michele, good thing is you will become the queen and have to birthdays !!!!
    Hope your journey to London is going smoothly XXX

    1. Sandra, I can't even, take a leaf out of your book. It wasn't until I went over to SW's blog I realised today is the 10th - not the 11th. But hay ho Michele, it's a good way to stretch out your birthday - after all it is a special one! I remember being told by a lady who was celebrating her 90th birthday, that she was going to have as many parties as possible, because she would be 90 for a whole year. AND boy did she have parties, she knew how to celebrate - she was at religious Sister, (a Nun) one of my teachers and friend of the family. What a character.!!! xx

  11. Hello All, lovely day here, washing blowing on the line, love it to go outside.

    Really thought my mind was going when I opened this morning, am really cross with my self, entered a blog for a prize , and when the winning no was drawn thought I'd missed it by one no, only to find the redraw was done and the first one was mine, really must be getting old.

    Sandra beautiful card did not realise it was Michele's big birthday, bit late posting but in the post today.

    Just finished 111 hoods, and now they tell me they are desperate for another colour, I only do what they send, not very organised down there.

    Going out in the garden this afternoon, to work off my bad mood, have the day to myself, as o/his going to Malmsbury, ( not sure it's spelt that way ) it's in Wiltshire, so will not be home until late.

    Have to go for another ECG tomorrow morning so will be late in.

    Have a good day all going to find something really unhealthy for lunch, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      My word they are keeping you on your toes aren't they. They're certainly not organised as you say. I hope your ECG is ok. Pete had two yesterday.

  12. So sorry forgot to love Sophie's portrait, she has a rare talent, hope everything goes well for her in her exams.

    Also for anyone who loves birds forgot to tell you the house martins are back, so summer must be here, we have three nests under our roof which is a delight, they come back to the same nests each year.

    1. Hi Lilian,
      Yes you slept Malmesbury right, it is only about 15 miles from Swindon, if OH has to go there again try & work it so you come with him as we could meet up, I went to school there as well. Lucky you having house Martin's have not seen any for some years. We have sun as well today. Good luck with EACH tomorrow, take

    2. Margaret Palmer10 May 2017 at 19:40

      That should read spelt, but reading it again you did miss an e out. Also it should have said ECG not each sorry, must read it through before

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely card for Michele, this is one of stamps I have on my list.
    Another stunning portrait from Sophie, Mum does come in handy at times, she certainly deserves A's her talent is endless. Thank her for allowing us to see some of it. Pleased you & Sue met up yesterday, hope you get to see Pat
    Michele enjoy your trip to London & your birthday
    Lovely sunny day so think I will make most of it & sit out for a while, didn't sleep that well last night, jobs that need doing can wait.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  14. Completely forgot that it was Michele's birthday tomorrow. I'm not to sure if I'm on foot on horseback at the moment. Found Craig here when I got home who'd given Pete a good telling off for doing a mega stint of digging in the garden. Craig's now digging the garden. Was coming yesterday but we were at the hospital. Was coming Friday but once again we're at the hospital. I went down the bottom of our garden to cut down next doors rubbish that's growing through our fence only to get bitten. So I now have one fat and red left leg.

  15. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Lovely card. Happy birthday Michele for tomorrow in case I forget to pop in hope u have a fab day and get loads a crafty gifts xx

  16. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Beautiful card Sandra for Michele tomorrow. Love everything about it.
    Liked to have the set too but after a spending spree at a certain company it's unfortunately not an option right now :) Sophies art work is amazing once again. She has a wonderful talent. I can't even draw a straight stickman :)
    Meet Up 1 st of June at the usual place, anyone ?

    Michele- have a great time in London, what a nice treat.
    Pat- my daily hugs for you and Pete. Let a doctor to have a look at that bite as it not sound very nice ,take care.
    Lilian- breath, bless you. ow lovely to have the house martins back, hope they have many little ones. Good luck with the ECG.
    I hope you all had a nice day whatever you were doing and enjoyed some of the sunshine we had today.
    OH saw the doctor this morning, hasn't felt so good the last few days so I told him last night to get himself over for a check up. They are sending him for some test at the hospital but when that will be ,who knows. Got a appointment letter for the 25 of July to have my shoulder
    done so one fixed one to go. I got the pressure washer up and running and spent some 2 hours trying to make it look nice for this summer. My hands still shaking hihi
    Having acupuncture in the morning but so far nothing have changed, will talk to him what next can be done aaargh so fed up sometimes, sure you all know the feeling.
    Hope you all have a good night. Love and hugs , Maria xxx
