
Tuesday 9 May 2017

My Challenge card & 1 of Sophie's A level pieces

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope today finds you all well and that the weather is being kind to you, although I do feel that we could all do with a few drops of rain.  The poor farmers are really struggling and we can see the difference just with our allotment, usually in July our plot develops huge cracks, mainly because the soil is mostly heavy clay, that really holds the water, as it dries out we start to see big cracks around the plot, not usually until end of June//July time, the cracks were so big last year we had a wasps best in one of them!

Onto today's card now, it is a 'DL' card as per the challenge, I did some 'Random' stamping using all of the Stampin Up! new Colours, Tranquil Tide, Fresh Fig, Berry Burst, Powder Pink and Lemon Lime Twist, they all work beautifully together, I actually really enjoy making my own backing papers, like this one that started out as a piece of plain A4 card.  The Stamp Set I used is called Blooms & Wishes, such a fun easy set to work with. I finished it with a die cut 'Thank You' also from Stampin Up.

The Second piece of work today us a Portrait if a Girl Called 'Holly', Sophie drew this whole portrait signs Black Biro, just look at the tiny detail she has included.  We are very proud parents, I have two more Cards to share later in the week.

Have a lovely day ladies
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning ladies

    Sandra-I love your card, the flowers are gorgeous-so pretty.

    Sophie's drawing is amazing-fantastic to have done that using a biro.

    My friend dropped off the bags of craft stuff-there wasn't anything in there that I'd use so it will go to various people, probably work and my M in L who can use it with the grandchildren.

    I had a mad half hour weeding in the afternoon then sat outside with a cold drink. I managed to finish a card I'd started in the morning, just another 6 to go!!


    1. Hi Michele. I hope the weather stays good for you. What a shame that you won't use any a of the crafty goodies from your friend but it sounds like MIL will put it to good use. Enjoyng making the rest of your cards though x

  2. Hi Sandra and all,

    WOW Sandra, what an amazing drawing and what an wonderful talent Sophie has. No wonder you're so proud. The detail is fantastic.
    Your card is very pretty. Sorry but I won't have time to make a cc this week as I'm gong away from a week in the morning up to my friends in a place called Javea. Joan is my oldest and best friend. We met on the first day in our new school 58 years ago and have been friends ever since. We try and have a week together every year and you can imagine the chatting and laughing we do.

    Pat hope everything goes well today.

    My comment yesterday seems to have disappeared or maybe I didn't press publish!!!

    Just off to get my hair and nails done. Will call in later.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Thank you for the gorgeous card, it was very kind of you. Have a lovely time with your friend, I hope the weather is good for you. Have you been to Javea before? 😊 x

    2. Hi Sue.
      Hope you're feeling ok now.
      Glad the card arrived.
      Allan and lived in Javea for 5 years when we first came to Spain so it's lovely to go back and see the old haunts.
      Enjoy your day with Sandra today. Xxx

    3. Hi Val, That's amazing yo have been friends since your first day at school, have a lovely time with Joan. I'm sure you will both have a great week. xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    Sorry I haven't been in but it's good to catch up with the blog, so many beautiful cards, each and every one is an inspiration and also your cushions Lilian. I wouldn't know they are your first attempt at patchwork, that's another craft that both Sandra and I would love to have a go at. Each year we say we must have a go,.......maybe 2017 will be that year!😊
    Pat, I'm sorry we won't see you today. I do hope that both you and Pete get on as well as you can. I will be thinking of you and I'm sending you big gentle hugs x
    Janet, it's good to hear that you have some new shiny red wheels. Anything that helps you to get around with less pain is a great idea x I will have to tell Phoebe about your red wheels as she keeps threatening to paint and decorate my crutch so that "it looks nicer than boring grey". Maybe I should give her and Paige free reign, as long as it's not pink 😊
    Michele, I'm glad your Dad is improving. Have a good day, whatever you do x
    Lynda, thank you for my hugs. They mean a lot to me 😊 I'm​ glad that you have a Gemini, it really does easily cut even the most detailed dies doesn't it. Enjoy it. Hugs to both you and Terry x
    Brenda, have you recovered from your very late night yet? X
    Sonya, I'm so sorry to hear that your son is feeling so pressured about his exams. As Pat said even the brightest pupils can suffer, it's so sad. Sending you some supportive hugs x
    My mind's gone blank now but I hope everyone else is keeping well. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Oops, sorry that I forgot to say that I love your sketch card Sandra, the backing paper is so pretty 😊
      What a fantastic portrait Sophie has done. I am always stunned by her skill with a simple black Biro. I am so lucky to get to see Sophie's work "in the flesh", she really has the most amazing talent x

    2. Hello Sue, I have quite recovered, spent Sunday chilling out as they say. But couldn't do that to often these days. It was a FAB party.
      Take care xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty DL card this morning SANDRA. So simple but so effective.

    SOPHIE- STUNNING! I really don't know how you get such detail, light and shade with just a black biro. I could sit and look at your art work 24hrs a day. You are one exceptionally talented Artist. I really hope that you're going to use your talent in your career.

    I'm off to K&N this afternoon. It seems an age since I was last here for a session so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up.

    I had a busy day yesterday CRAFTING YEH. For the first time in ages I actually did some PAPER/CARD CRAFTING instead of making cards. I bought a couple of kits from a company 'Dolly Dimples'. The subject is Alice in Wonderland and one kit makes a Cup and Saucer and the other a 3D Clock Box. The company has a slot on Hochanda today. I have to say it really made a change.

    The CAFE is now open for the day so pop in for a chat and a cuppa. Hugs to everyone with a few extra for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope you had a lovely K & N this afternoon.

  5. Lovely card SANDRA but SOPHIE is definitely centre stage today Her portrait is amazing I try and do a little bit of calligraphy (very very basic) and always end up with at least one black smudge on the piece of work
    PAT thinking of you today and hope yesterday went OK too
    Off to get ready for work - still in pj's I'm not late for work as we have fairly flexible work hours but this is really late for me!
    See you later

    1. Hi Karen
      Yesterday went well. We're up at the hospital at the moment.
      Thanks for the info re my cancelled appointment. I rang them yesterday and they hadn't realised as you said that my appointment was urgent. The hospital rang me before we left this morning and I have an appointment for Friday.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I love your card, like you I love this stamp. Well what can I say about Sophie's card it is sensational, soo much detail there, well done. Enjoy your visit from Sue today I am not sure how much crafting you will
    Quick visit today Petanque this morning, not very warm again. Val hope you have a lovely week & Pat thinking of you both. Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Sonia, love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Love ur card today. Plain n simple like myself lol.

    Wow Sophie I'm totally blown away by the fact it done with just a pen!!! The attention to detail in the hair especially is amazing. U can see the fly away bits of hair and the movement in the hair is immaculate.
    Absolutely stunning. What a talented artist u are x

  8. Sandra and everyone,
    I love Sophie's drawings of Holly, what a talented young lady she is you must both be very proud of her. To do something assistant it in Biro is just brilliant. Thank her for letting you share this piece of art with us. XX
    Love you card Sandra, I really must have a go at making my own background. Yours is so inspiring.
    Can't stop long as I'm off out to lunch, picking someone up in 20 minutes so really must get a wriggle on.
    Hope everyone has a good day, i will try and catch up later.
    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. OOPS SORRY that should read - to do something as beautiful as this in Biro is just brilliant. xxx
      Now I must dash πŸƒ‍♀️ πŸš™ x

    2. I hope you had a lovely lunch Brenda.

  9. Hi Sandra
    Sat up the hospital with Pete at the moment. The hospital rang to give me another appointment on Friday.
    Love your challenge card Sandra especially love the colours you've used.
    Sophie I'm in awe of your sketch. All done with a black biro as well. It's amazing how you've got so much depth and shading into the sketch. I hope you can go further with your talent.

    1. Just in case you come back and see this - I am so pleased you got an appt for Friday

  10. Hello All , dull here today.

    WOW WOW WOW, Sandra what a very talented daughter you have , no wonder you are so proud and rightly so.
    Sandra your card is great, love the colours.
    Pat and Pete hope all going well.
    Must go work to do, needs to be delivered on Thursday.
    Have a great day, hugs to all Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your card Sandra with the pretty stamped background :-)
    Sophie's drawing is fantastic. So very clever :-)
    Thank you all for your kind words with regards to James. His head of house never did phone me back yesterday! (even after I phoned again and left a message) Although I'm happy to say that hubby text me at work this morning to tell me that James has gone in today :-)) He has opted to go into the student learning centre and the school are arranging for him to see the school counsellor asap. I really thought yesterday that there was no way he would be going back, so it was a huge relief to know he's made that first step of going back today.
    I hope you're all having a good day and keeping well. Thinking of Pat and Pete and sending love and hugs to all xxxx

    1. I'm Sonia
      I'm so glad that James managed to get back into school today. I do hope he gets to see the school councillor ASAP. Hopefully they'll be able to help him. The pressure starts as soon as they start school. My 4 year old are even under pressure to conform. Not to sure at that age what they're confirming to though. Gently hugs coming your way.

    2. Thank you Pat. Yes, there's so much pressure on them, it's frightening. The schools too are under so much pressure to perform well and get their targets! All we can hope is that our children will do their best and what will be will be.
      Hope your day has been ok. Sending hugs back to you xxxx

    3. Hi Sonia, So pleased James managed to go into school. The pressure as you said students are under these days is frightening . Schools and teachers are pressured to meet targets also.
      Wishing James well, he is lucky to have caring and supportive parents. xx

    4. I am glad James went into school

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Wow Sophie, you are amazing to make this portrait in just biro of your friend Holly. It's fantastic and I love
    it ! I hope you can use some of your talent as your work one day.
    Sandra, I also love your DL card, beautiful stamped background !
    Val- have a lovely week away spending some quality time with your friend. Nice sometimes to go back to your old
    " watering holes" so to say :) We are going back to ours in June for a week, always a little funny feeling when you go as it were where OH and I met many moons ago :)
    Sue- hope you are okay and have a nice time over at Sandra's . Sound a good idea to jazz up your stick a bit, maybe a Challenge for you one week Lol See if you ladies can find a date for a meet up, I'm in real need for something to look forward too !!
    Pat- thinking of you both, so hope this will work for Pete. You take care and many hugs to you both.
    Christine- how are you doing ? hope the meds will help you some so you not in so much pain, gentle hugs.
    Tracy- hope your week is not too busy. I just wondered if you are in a flower shop or a store type flower place like the one in Marks & Spencer ? you might have told us before but with my lack of memory I will probably ask again, sorry :)
    Sonia- thinking of you all and so hope it will be alright. I hated school from day one and all because of bullies so I never got any grades myself so were so glad when my son got a scholar ship to Uni. He did ok but has to date not got a job for what he studied in. Everything crossed for your son, hugs
    I hope you all have a good Tuesday as possible.
    Had a really bad night so were thinking of going for a nap but then I probably wont sleep again at normal time so I will instead have a coffee and watch something on planner and then start on the DL ,I'd like to try to follow the sketch so we will see what I can come up with.
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xoxx

  13. Hi ladies
    Petes treatment seems to have gone well. He's sleeping in the chair at the moment. I have to drive him home in case anything untoward happens. Seems like they work in 3 month cycles, as we've been given information on what happens and when for the next 3 months. So no school for me on Tuesdays. They've asked if I can do Mon afternoons instead. I must say I'll be glad to get back to meeting up on a Wednesday.

  14. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    WOW WOW Sophie your drawing of Holly is stunning & you have an Amazing
    Talent with just a ball point pen I love how you have captured the shading in her hair brilliant. SANDRA you must be so proud of Sophie xx
    Your CC is lovely the background stamp set is very pretty.
    Today has just flown by I have made my challenge card & put some more things on eBay. Now Terry's trying to get my Email back. Windows 10 did some updating & after that finished my Email went AWOL I'm just assuming it was windows 10. Good job my IPad is still working ok.
    It's been a lovely sunny day ☀️but boy oh boy it's so cold indoors the heating is on.
    Went for a walk this morning & iit was actually warmer out than in.
    SUE hope you had a good day with Sandra. Pleased your feeling better πŸ€—πŸ€—.xx
    PAT pleased Pete's treatment went well for him today. Sending πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— xx
    BRENDA glad you enjoyed the party hope you wasn't grounded for getting home so late πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚glad you had a chill out yesterday. Hope you had a good lunch 🍽 with your friend.
    VAL have a lovely holiday with your friend xxπŸ€—
    Sonia so pleased James went into school today & he gets some help. Hope your cold is better today.πŸ€— Xx
    MARIA hope you have some sleep tonight did you start your challenge card.πŸ€—
    JANET Hope K&N went well & you enjoyed it. Your Alice in wonderland kit sounds good l didn't see Hochanda today but sounds good.take care πŸ€—Xx
    Hope everyone has had a good day & good evening
    Love Lynda xx
