
Monday 8 May 2017

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

For this weeks Challenge I would like you to make a 'DL' card.
As you can see from the sample sketch above it is a tall, skinny card (some of you may not have heard if DL size).
You DON'T have to follow the sketch above, I just wanted to give you an idea of the shape.
You can choose to decorate and embellish however you wish.
Have fun XXX

A very slow day for me yesterday physically​. Less slow in the 'family drama' department however, it doesn't matter what age your children are it seems, they still cause you stress and despair!

Let's hope for a quieter, calmer week ahead!

Pat, you will be in my thoughts today, hope your day isn't too long and stressful XXX

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Great sketch Sandra ...I would say I will do it but you know me... not enough hours in my week ...another five days and reckon I would be fine ..I honestly will try though.. have a fab day hugs x Amanda

  2. Morning Ladies

    Interesting sketch & a great idea to use a different card shape. I have a LOT of DL cards in my stash so now I just need some inspiration.

    Busy day yesterday-mountain of ironing, decided it was time to put the summer weight duvet on the bed(much to hubby's dismay), planted some geraniums in the huge tub by the front door and did a small amount of weeding then actually sat outside making the most of the peace & quiet.

    Friend calling round this morning with 2 bags of "stuff " she's cleared out of her craft room then I plan to get started on some card making.


    1. Hi Michele
      Enjoy your nice quiet afternoon.

    2. Hope you're enjoying your week off work. Hope you get some nice stuff. Xxx

  3. Good luck today PAT
    Interesting sketch today SANDRA One of my cards last week was a DL card andI really enjoyed making it I'm a 6x6 or 5x7 girl usually
    I will try my best to take part this week but I have tons of stuff to do in readiness for our holiday
    MIL came to lunch yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed herself ((long story!) and kept thanking me for a lovely day I even managed to sort out her hearing aids and we had a surprise visit from Oscar
    Off to work now See you later xxxx

    1. Hi Karen glad you had a lovely lunch yesterday and a lovely surprise visitor.
      Have a wonderful time in Cyprus, somewhere I've yet to

  4. Morning Everyone
    Love the shape of this week's CC. So thinking cap on.

    PAT- I'll be with both of you this week. Take care.

    We had a glorious day yesterday. Leaving Sheffield under very grey skies and quite cold it was wonderful sunshine and very warm in Bakewell and still the same in Hognaston so the afternoon was spent sat outside for afternoonn tea along with dogs and cats and the new addition to the family. He is called 'Twinkle' because he is a 'star' and is now one month old. Can you guess? yes he is one of this year's lambs. He is one of triplets and is disabled. Apparently the other two lambs were so large that there wasn't much room for them all and he must have been squashed in the womb and not able to grow straight. He has a crooked rear end and one of his back legs is crooked too but Christina said that when he was born he tried so hard to stand up and get to Mum but of course because he couldn't follow her as quickly as the other two he wasn't getting any milk and so wouldn't have survived if he had been put out into the field. So he is now resident at Christina's and is being very slowly introduced to his big brother Scamp who doesn't seem to be very impressed lol. I had a lovely time feeding him and then a few cuddles before he went back to his stable.

    My new set of 'hot wheels' is absolutely wonderful. I am finding that I walk more evenly and it really does take pressure off my spine.

    The CAFE is open and ready for business so come on in and have a chat and a cuppa. Hugs on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. I am so pleased your new wheels are helping

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm glad your new wheels are doing a great job for you. Great that Christine is looking after twinkle.

    3. Hi Janet. Yesterday sounds a lovely day out and what a cute story about Twinkle.
      Glad the new wheels are a success.

  5. Morning Sandra, friends and to anyone visiting this lovely blog today, hope to see you again.
    As Michele I have quiet a few DL cards but rarely use them because they are cream coloured but will have a go as the sketch look good.
    Hope your week goes without any problems Sandra, perhaps we need a date for a Watford meet up ?? something to look forward too.
    Pat- will be thinking of you both, many hugs to you both.
    Brenda- you are naughty being out to 2am , hope you had a good time. :)
    I wish you all a good day as possible and happy crafting when you get a moment.
    I'm out for a walk now and then seeing a friend for coffee this morning but hope to make a card finish this afternoon. Need to call my mum too, we doing it by the laptop these days so no getting away from facetime unless I turn off the button hihi
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Yes, I'm looking forward to a meet up in Watford as well. A long boring day today so I hope it's not so long tomorrow.

  6. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    A good sketch this week Sandra funny enough I found a pack of DL cards while I was tidying craft room so that was a bonus. Not much on today ironing in a moment. Hopefully get out for a walk. Craft room later.
    We had a lovely day at Lisa's yesterday & nice surprise she invited Darren Sam & Harry the girls didn't come they were doing their own thing.
    JANET pleased your hot wheels made a big difference for you. Glad your enjoyed your day yesterday.
    KAREN glad your MIL enjoyed her day with you & lovely
    MARIA enjoy your walk & your coffee with your friend have a good day.
    PAT thinking of you &Pete today hope all goes well for you both. Hope the 8hrs goes quickly some BIG HUG'S for you both xx
    Well I'm going to do my ironing pop back later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Woo hoo! I love surprises like that

    2. Hi Lynda
      What a lovely surprise for you. The 8 hrs are going very slowly and we're all coffee'd out.

    3. Hi Lynda sounds like a lovely day yesterday with a nice surprise.
      Hope the ironing all got doe. Xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Gosh Sandra is ages since I made a DL card. In fact DL cards were my favourite when I first started making cards. I know I have some in one of my boxes, not sure what colours though. This could be a discovery week!! It's a good job you have your crafting space, sounds like you are having family dramas. Sending you very gentle caring (((((hugs))))). Stay strong xxx

    Janet, it sounds as though you had a lovely day yesterday, so please your go faster wheels are working for you. xx

    Karen, really please M I L enjoyed her Sunday, what a treat Oscar making an appearance must have been for everyone. xx

    Pat, thinking of you and Pete. xx

    Lynda, what a lovely family day you had yesterday. xx

    Maria, enjoy meeting up with your friend. Hope Mum is ok when you talk to her.xx

    Michele, Is this your messy friend? If it is she must have nearly emptied her house by now. xx

    Christine, hope you are alright, and getting your arthritis under control. I know it can flare up at any time, just wanted you to know we are here for you. xx

    Everyone else, Hope you are having a good day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. It was lovely to see him I can't get enough of the little man

    2. Karen, I know exactly what you mean. xx

  8. Good afternoon to you all. I had a fantastic day yesterday as we were out with our friends of the MX5 Car Club we belong to. We arrange a drive for the first Sunday of each month and it's hosted by different members of the group.
    Yesterday was a trip out to Castleton on what is called the 'Fish & Chip' Drive. It was a glorious day with plenty of sunshine and a fantastic drive through Derbyshire.

    I have had a letter from the surgery advising they have referred me to Burton Hospital for more tests and hopefully some treatment. So waiting to hear when that will be.

    I am expecting a couple of parcels from Stampin' Up! today, so a little excited.

    Thank you all for your comments on my design team card.

    I have ironing to do as well today Lynda.

    Hoping to take part in Sandra's challenge, be good to use a DL card for a change.

    Off to sort us some lunch. Have a good day everyone.

    Love and hugs, Christine xxx

    1. You shook in while I was commenting on to see

    2. Hi Christine
      Enjoy your parcel from Stampin up. Look forward to seeing what's in the new catalogue.

    3. Hi Christine. Hope your parcelsvarrived. X

    4. Hi Christine
      Yes ironing all done but if I'd known you were doing yours I would have sent mine to you 😂😂😂😂😂
      Glad you had a good day yesterday. Hope your SU parcel came today. Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra like the challenge this week hope to have a go later. Sounds as if you need to shut yourself in your craft room & recover from your day yesterday, sending hugs &
    Janet your day yesterday sounded perfect & glad you are pleased with your
    Michele hope you get some rest this
    Lynda sounds as if you had a lovely family day
    Maria enjoy meeting with
    Karen where are you going on holiday? I am being
    Brenda hope you have recovered from your late night or perhaps should say early
    I am not sure how Sue is, she will be in when she can. I do not ring when she is poorly as like her Pop she sleeps when not well.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, Christine how are meds going hope they are beginning to help, love to all

    1. Enjoy your holiday Karen. Cyprus is lovely.

    2. Hope Sue is feeling better. Hugs xxx

    3. KAREN enjoy your holiday. We went to Cyprus meny year's ago. I expect it's changed but it was lovely. Xx

    4. Hi Margaret we had a lovely day nice seeing both grandsons Harry kept saying Joseph was his best friend bless him.
      Give Sue my love &I hope she's better very soon.
      Hug's for you all xx
      Still loving my GEMINI xxx

  10. Margaret, I haven't noticed a lot of difference yet but maybe it is early days.
    Hugs, Christine xx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    I'm so sorry I've not been in again. Looks like I've missed a lot and all the news. I really do hope everyone is ok, and although I don't know the circumstances I hope Pat and Pete are well. Thinking of you (all) xx
    I don't want to ramble on too much and bore you with all the details, but I do owe all of you lovely, caring ladies an explanation for my absence last week after returning previously.
    We have been having concerns with James about going to school for a while - frequently pulling a sickie - then last Tuesday he cried his heart out and opened up to me about how stressed and pressurised he feels about his GCSE exams. It was my day off so fortunately I was able to speak to the school about it and we arranged to go in the following morning. We had the meeting with his head of house who was very understanding and explained the importance of him going in and his exams etc, etc. James seemed happier and we thought it was all ok. Alas, it was not to be - he hasn't been back into school since. My husband drove him to school Thurs, fri and today but James just panics and won't get out of the car :-( At this moment I am awaiting a call back from his head of house. His exams start next week, and although he has said he will go in for them it is a worry that he wont! We've tried encouraging him and helping him with his revision without being too pushy, but it's so difficult. To top it all I've had a stinking cold and spent most of last week feeling lousy.
    Anyway, so I never got back to my crafting hence not taking part in last weeks challenge. Fabulous selection of cards by the way :-)
    Hopefully I will be popping in and start regular commenting again soon, but I just wanted to let you know, and that I am thinking of you all.
    Sending love and hugs xxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer8 May 2017 at 15:38

      Hi Sonia,
      I really feel for you there is nothing worse than seeing your child stressed plus you feeling poorly as well. Isn't it great we can tell us all on the blog, I am sure just telling us will help you. I hope he does manage to at least do his exams, we are all here for you, hugs on

    2. Hi Sonia
      What a worry for you. However, I do think the schools put to much pressure on our children. MY Granddaughters had the same problem. Sophie although was bright got so stressed she got bad results in her exams. I do hope your feeling better soon Sonia and James manages to sit his exams. Gentle hugs on the way.

    3. Hi Sonia, so sad to read that James is having a stressful time at school.Society puts so must stress on youngsters these days. You must be so worried about him. So hope that everything turns out well and he feels able to take his exams next week. Thinking of you all and hope your nasty cold has disappeared. Xxx

    4. Hi Sonia, sad to see your boy is worried with the up coming exams. Hope the school can help him somehow, it's upsetting tho to see your own son being so upset and struggling. I have been there myself and now two of my neighbours have kids doing their GCSE soon. I hope James will be okay ans he will be able to take his exams next week. We are if you need to talk. Wish you better,hugs xx

  12. Oh Sonia, I really do feel for you. I hope James manages to take his GCSE's.
    Granddaughter is having similar problems, she is doing A levels. Her GP has prescribed antidepressants and therapy.
    I know seeing your child so worked up is heartbreaking, you can only keep reassuring and stay strong for him. xx

    1. Hi Sonia such a worry for you I hope James manages to take his GCSE's so much pressure is put on them. I hope your feeling better
      Hug's xx

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well it's a long stint at the hospital today before tomorrow starts in earnest. Petes last bloods to be taken is at 5.20pm. The ones before that was at 2.20. So a long day sat about.
    Love the DL card shape Sandra and I hope your day gets better. Look forward to speaking to you later.

    1. What a long day Pat. Thoughts are with both you and Pete for tomorrow. Xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer8 May 2017 at 16:49

      Thinking of you

    3. Hi Pat you must both be shattered it's so tiering just sitting about all day in a hospital. Will be thinking of you tomorrow sending you both some 🤗🤗🤗🤗 Xx

  14. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    What a lovely array of cards this week forgot to comment again yesterday. Fabulous talent ladies I'm always impressed at the variety on offer. Stunning.
    One of these days I will partake in the weekly challenge if I can squeeze it into my busy schedule lol x

  15. Hello All, sorry didn't make it in yesterday, spent most of the day gardening, really paying for it today.

    Yesterdays cards were all beautiful, loved them all.

    Pat and Pete, hope all goes well, thinking of you.

    Sonia so sorry to hear about your poor son, there is too much pressure these days with young ones, hope he can get some help.

    Well going to get something to eat and then a mountain of ironing to do. Hugs.

    1. Thanks ladies for your good wishes. We're at the hospital for 8.5 hrs. Hopefully tomorrow won't be so long.
