
Thursday 11 May 2017

Queen Michele's Actual Birthday and another Challenge Card

Happy Birthday Michele

Good Morning Ladies,

Now today is Michele's actual birthday, yesterday was her 'official' birthday or just a warm up for this big day, Well turning 50 is a huge thing you know!!!  You take it easy doing all that walking Michele, remember there are 'Special Seats' on buses etc for the Elderly!!  
Seriously though I wish you a wonderful day and a year filled with good health and lots of love and happiness XX

My card was made using the Eastern Beauty Stamp set, by Stampin'Up!, It has lots of small elements that allow you to build pretty patterns like I did on the card above, now bearing in mind I was not a stamper 8 months ago, this card makes me feel quite proud, I loved sitting and playing with all the little stamps, it was as therapeutic as colouring in. I totally recommend it. 

We had parents evening bag school last night, well what can I say, we were expecting mixed reviews based on Sophie and Lucy's comments about each subject, we saw two of the teachers altogether as they are in the same groups for Geography and Spanish, the teachers summed the girls up pretty well, they are both perfectionists and as a result won't answer a group question if they aren't 100% sure they are correct, but I think that most self conscious teenager would be like that!  Lucy's Biology teacher loves her, says she has a fantastic attitude to work, she said that she uses Lucy's work books to show the year 10's what they should aim for, as she said they were perfect! 
You can imagine what the Art department had to say about Sophie, there were 4 teachers sat around a huge work area with all of Sophie's work spread out before them, how that girl fit her head back through that door is a mystery, she is definitely their star pupil!! Her work is being featured in a Royal Academy of Art magazine !!! 
They want her to experiment with Oil paints next, she is a little reluctant but they were very encouraging, explaining that she can start with almost a 'wash' of oil paint, thinned out with either Linseed Oil or turps, she could then draw over it with pencil and building up.  It was so lovely to see all the teachers bouncing ideas off each other to encourage Sophie. We came out with big smiles and had big hugs xxx

Pat and I had a lovely day today too, talked more than crafting but that's nothing new, I have to say that sharing craft goodies is so much more fun than playing with it on your own! XXX

Watford meet up for Thursday 1st June does that work for you ladies that can make it ???  We can move it if it doesn't​ work out xx

Well I'm off to spend the day with my husband today, Yay!!! 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Thank you for your birthday wishes. We had a brilliant day yesterday, walked 22,600 steps! We went to see 42nd Street last night -fantastic.

    Today we're going to the Science Muythen into Claridges for Afternoon Tea at 3.30pm. Phil wants to watch a new film- Guardians of the Galaxy which is on in Leicester Square . Let's hope it stays fine.


    1. Happy Birthday ๐ŸŽ‰Enjoy your day Sounds perfect to me I love the Science museum but my fav is across the road - the V&A
      Weather seems to be behaving itself at mo xx

    2. Happy Birthday Michele have a lovely day, enjoy tea at Clarifies & being

    3. Happy Birthday Michele. Enjoy your tea at Clarity's and hope your not to bored watching a sci film. That is unless you like them to.

    4. Happy Birthday Michele. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time ๐Ÿ™‚ xxx

    5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE !! Hope you have a fabulous day and enjoy being ?0 Lol xxx

    6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michele, I hope you. are enjoying your birthday treat, the weather seems to have been kind today, hope it's the same in inner London. xx

      Glad you had a good day yesterday enjoy the rest of your birthday treat Xx
      Good evening Sandra & everyone we had a lovely Sunny day. I had a blood ๐Ÿ’‰Test this morning another bruise ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.
      Terry made a appointment for the doctors today as his leg was very red again so I made him go before it took hold like last time.
      She has changed his blood pressure tablets & on antibiotics again.
      I have spent most of the day in craft room made two CC & something for mixed craft Saturday sent them all to Sandra.
      Just going to watch supervet pop back later
      Love Lynda xx

  2. Hello All, looks like rain !!!

    MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY MICHELE, hoping you are having a lovely time in London, and that your year ahead is all you wish for.

    Can't remember much about being 50 so much has gone on since.

    My boss has decided to come to collect my work this morning, did explain that I had appointment at 10-10 ,hope she comes early.

    Must go , hugs to all Lilian.

    Sandra your girls are a real credit,so lovely to hear about their well deserved praise, have a lovely day with Paul.

    1. Hi Lilian I also don't remember much about 50. Hope your boss comes as you say early to pick your work up.
      Yes, the weather man said down your end was having rain today.

  3. Morning everyone.
    A very pretty card this morning.

    Happy Birthday Michele. Have a lovely day.

    We managed to find paint etc yesterday so now just need to find the energy and inspiration to

    Have to finish my cc card today and get it off.

    Have a good day everyone. The cafe door is open. Hugs to all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope you find the inspiration to start painting.

  4. I'm not surprised you're fit to bursting SANDRA What wonderful accolades for your girls Will we (Joe Public) be able to see Sophie's work?
    Hope it goes well tomorrow PAT
    1st June sounds perfect for me Let me know that's a definite and I'll book the time off work

    1. Thanks Karen. They probably wouldn't have rung me quite so quickly if I hadn't taken your advice.

  5. Morning everyone.
    A quick visit and shortly off out for breakfast.
    Michele, happy birthday. Have a wonderful day.
    Sandra. What wonderful school comments. No wonder you're both proud. My children's were never so good. Glad you had a good day with Pat yesterday.
    PAT hope all goes well today.
    Love to everybody.

    1. Thanks Val. I hope you enjoy your breakfast.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra no wonder you & Paul feel proud you have two very talented daughters, & it is all down to how you have encouraged & helped them congratulations to you all.
    Your card today is so simple but lovely, like you I love random stamping with the small stamps, but your card today has given me another idea, thank
    Val have a lovely week with your
    Lilian hope all goes well
    Food shopping & haircut this morning so will send hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra
    HAPPY OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY MICHELE. How lucky you were to have two.
    Wow, it's great that Sophie's work is being shown in an art magazine. It's such an honour. How proud you both must be of them both. Amy had some of her art work shown at an exhibition at the O2 in Oxford.
    Well I have the 1st of June on my calendar, and thanks for not making it a Tuesday when I had no chance of attending.
    Well Sandra what can I say about your card. As you know I sat drooling over it yesterday. I must say ladies it was great just having a normal day after all the hospital visits. I'm off to read all comments now so I'll see you ladies later.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card today - love the colours you have used.
    Wonderful news about Sophie and Lucy's parents evening. Well done to them both :-)
    Glad you had a lovely day with Pat yesterday, and enjoy your day with Paul today :-)
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Love and hugs to all xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer11 May 2017 at 12:37

      Hope things are sorting themselves out, thinking of

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wonderful report about your gorgeous girls, you rightly be very proud of them both.
    Love the card you made up for us to see today. Really nice set.
    Hope you all have had a nice day. Take care
    Love and hugs, Maria xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,,

    Love your card today Sandra you certainly are a great ambassador for StampinUp. I have never built up with a design - well you introduced me to StampinUp. I'm getting there.... slowly !

    I was so pleased reading how you got on with Sophie and Lucy's teachers. You must have left the school floating on air. They are both a credit to you and Paul..

    Think I should be okay for June 1st. I have an endoscope booked for the day before. If the date is good for everyone thats great.

    Must move myself, the young people have finished there meal. I just need to tidy up before daughter gets home. Then we can go home and have our meal.

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  11. Forgot to say that I love your card too SANDRA I am running out of time to join in this week although I've been thinking about ideas all week! A great distraction from the politics of work etc About to do a Good Luck in your New Job card for OH tomorrow Blow! Why am I not doing a DL card Doh! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

  12. Hi Sandra ment to say earlier well done to your very clever girls what a glowing report from All their teachers wel done Sophie & Lucy.
    Also Sandra your card is gorgeous very pretty.
    I'm not sure why my comment earlier ended up this morning only didn't do it untill this evening oh well at leased it published
    Take care everyone PAT good luck at hospital tomorrow hope you don't have a long wait Hug's for you both xx
    Love Lynda xx
