
Friday 12 May 2017

Hand stamped background card

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

The end of another week, the girls said last night at dinner that it was the Year 11's last day of school today, it doesn't seem a month ago that is as them finishing for study leave!
They are struggling at the moment as they have to choose a placement for Work Experience, the only problem is that neither of them knows what they want to do after their A levels so choosing a placement for experience is almost impossible. Sophie thought that she could have her work experience with the Cotswold Crafter!!
I told her that I didn't think it worked like that but I gave her 10/10 for trying!  She was very convincing, saying that she could learn about blogging etc until I pointed out that she could probably teach me more than I could teach her, I already rely on her to sort out my YouTube videos etc.
Lucy is kind of leaning towards Forensic science type work, but she isn't 100% sure and I am pretty sure she wouldn't get any work experience in that field anyway.  The school insist that they have to organise this work experience themselves, I have told her to go to the Careers Advisor for some advice.
There is never a dull evening around the Dinner Table in our house!

Now onto today's card, I took a sheet of A4 white card and just randomly stamped around the card with the Blooms & Wishes Stamp set, using the New In-Colours :
Tranquil Tide, Berry Burst, Powder Pink, Lemon Lime Twist & Fresh Fig.
I then stamped the Sentiment into the centre, mounted this piece onto a piece of Tranquil Tide card and then onto card base. I really enjoy making my own Decorative Papers, its quite therapeutic and the time just flies by!
I hope you like the card xx

Can I ask if any of you that went to Ally Pally bought packs of card from Anna Marie stand, I bought about 7 packs in all, I am so disappointed though as when you crease them to create the card they are so 'off' that I have had to cut a good centimetre off both ends and the side, which is really frustrating as they are then no longer 5x7 inch
and don't fit neatly into the matching envelopes.  I have tried so many different ways to fold them but with little success.  Margaret I know you bought some, are yours ok??
If any of you have any Craft queries etc, feel free to bring them up.

Now I want to run a Challenge idea by you all, I was thinking about either the suggesting that you could Use a 'Christmas Die/Stamp' to make a NON Christmas card OR making a Christmas card WITHOUT using a 'Christmas Die/Stamp' .  Which would you prefer???

I was hoping that we were going to have heavy rain storm yesterday, the sky went so dark, but a few spots and it was over, Indo feel sorry for all of the Farmers, you can see that the Crops are way behind in development, I can feel a price hike coming on!
It's probably saving the rain for the school holidays!

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Another beautiful card Sandra. You've certainly showed off that set of stamps to their full potential.

    I like both challenges-perhaps the "make a Christmas card using a non Xmas stamp/die" is winning for me.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your Enjoying your trip to London.

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a difference from yesterday morning! We had glorious sunshine and it was really warm all day and then the weather fairy seems to have taken a step back and it's dull/grey and a little chilly at the moment.

    A very pretty card SANDRA and as Michele says you certainly have shown these stamps to their full potential.

    I managed to get my CC off yesterday and put together a set of stamp pad holders. They just need decorating now but probably not today. Housework is top of the list and the washer is already churning away in the kitchen.

    The CAFE is open and in need of clean linen so that's also on the list. Have a good day everyone.
    HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

  3. Lovely card You're really getting into stamping I know exactly what you mean about the girls try for work experience It's not easy
    I like the idea of a challenge and st the moment I am struggling to think of anything either way
    My ScanNCut is being collected today for repair It's not cutting circles cleanly And guess what I am missing it already That's saying something considering I sent one back 3 years ago saying I'd never use it How wrong am I! I don't do anything grand with it just custom sized mats and layers for cards and printed sentiments
    I'm off next week and will try and pop in If hotel has wifi access
    PS I didn't get any of those card blanks at AP

    1. Karen have a lovely holiday, hope the weather is good for

    2. Hi Karen, have a fab. holiday. The beautiful Island with it's turquoise water and some wonderful food and drinks. Tell us all about it on the first xx

  4. Hello All, wet and misty, but no real rain, which as Sandra says is desperately needed.
    Lovely card Sandra you are really good at combining stamps and colours.

    I bought some cards from Anna Marie at the Exeter craft show, always get them, I thought it was me with my folding and they are not the same quality, very disappointing. I buy mine from the range now, only use 7x5 and 6x6 , I loved the landscape 7x5 Anna Marie used to do , but couldn't find them last time and no one else seems to do them.

    Hope the girls manage to find their placement, don't think either of my two had official ones, always worked in the summer hols though.

    Not sure about the challenge, think non Christmas card would suit me better but
    will go with the flow. Spent a whole day making or trying to make DL card, most want in the bin !!! Bought some new sprays, but they spray too heavy I think.

    Karen glad you love scan and cut, I'm not keen on mine , could willingly throw mine out of the window most times.

    Going to clean up the mess I made yesterday, spray goes everywhere, hope you all have a lovely day, my daughter is 51 today, where does the time go !!!xxx

    1. PAT hope today goes well.thinking of you sending hugs.

    2. Thanks Lilian. No news as I have to have an MRI scan on my throats and biopsies taken. Wish your daughter a very happy birthday.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I love that stamp set I think it is my favourite, I did a sheet out the other afternoon & used part of it for my CC. I did buy from Anne Marie but have not opened them yet will have a look later & let you know. Very difficult for the girls to decide, I am sure the school used to have a list of firms who were willing to take youngsters on, good luck with looking, maybe an Art shop for Sophie?xxx
    Pat thinking of you today hugs on way.xxxx
    We had alot of rain over night & last evening so things do look abit fresher. I have bedding on the line but don't think it is drying much & it keeps looking like rain.
    Maria hope your acupuncture takes effect soon hugs on
    Must get on might see Sue later if her headache disappears.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, Lynda hope Terry got meds before it gets too bad give him a hug from
    Love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, funnily enough it is first today after three sessions that I'm not limping. Still hurts a bit but I can live with that until the knee op. Hope your back is okay. hugs to you and Pop xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love your card today Sandra, you have created such a beautiful frame for your sentiment. I really love it and love the colours as well.

    I like the idea of a Christmas versus non-Christmas card. I think my choice would be non-Christmas. Although in my head I'm thinking if you choose Christmas card, can we put in Christmas words with non-Christmas images? Because that's option would be easy... I think! I hope I haven't confused you with my waffling .

    I hope the girls can find work experience in an area that interests them. Debbie has been trying to sort something out for Callum, his chosen interest would be something in the finance industry. Only to be told the school have allocated him to work experience in an insurance company. Yet they never informed parents.

    Sorry can't help on the Anna Marie query I didn't buy any of her projects this year, I was a little disappointed with the last products I got from them, I did look but didn't buy anything.

    Hope you are all having a good day. We had rain overnight, so it's a bit wet to go out in the garden, although I can always find jobs in my greenhouse. I haven't done my CC yet so could get on with it. Think I will take the day as it comes.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today but then I did see this one in the flesh so to speak. My left leg is so painful today. I went out on Wed to cut down some tree suckers from those that next door planted up against our fence. I got bitten and as usual had an allergic reaction. So my leg is swollen blotchy and very painful. I'm taking Periton but it's not having any effect.
    No news on the hospital front. I have nodules near my voice box but the Dr doesn't know what they are. So I'm to have an MRI scan on my throat and biopsies done.
    I hope that the girls find some work as I know you found them work at the Wildlife Park. Sooner or later they'll have to apply for jobs and attend interviews.
    I didn't buy anything from Anna Marie. I stopped buying after there stamping card wasn't the same quality.

    1. Hi Pat, I know you seen enough doctors to last you a lifetime but go and see someone for the leg please ! Sending hugs to you and Pete and hope you have a rest over the weekend xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card and you stamping is amazing. Do you use the frame from Ikea or are you doing it free style :) anyhow it is beautiful.
    I hope the girls find somewhere for their work experience that will perhaps show them where to turn for their jobs in the future. Wishing them good luck.
    Brenda- you confused me , not difficult to do hihi
    A christmas card but not using a die or stamp I think would work for me best then a card with a stamp and it should not look like a christmas one, better stop for now I'm confusing myself hihi
    Lynda- sending well wishes for Terry and hope his leg will get better with the meds. More bloods taken from you, do you have any left in your poor veins ? take care.
    Had a few days with no energy or mood for card making after done some gardening and patio cleaning but will not let you down so a cc will have to be done later or latest tomorrow. The day I wanted to do it a friend came around and that was it. Today we had a walk and then popped over to Wyevale and got some flowers for two of the pots we bought some for last year and as usual with not having any 'green fingers', they died.
    I hope our missing friends are alright and just busy with life.
    Hope you all have a nice day !
    many hugs, Maria xxx

  9. Hi Sandra,
    I have just looked at cards I bought & they are same as yours, not good.
    I think Christmas card without Christmas die or

  10. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    Who pinched my day it's flown by. Trying all morning to get back on online banking as Terry did that BT scam we phoned bank & they said they would cancel my log in details. Had two letters & gave me a temporarily password & temporarily security no. Went online & put all numbers in as the letters said got online then had to log off & on again new screen asked for pass word & security no but wouldn't accept them why is everything so hard so phoned the help line no & it's press option 1 2 3 4 or 5 ahhhhhhhh enyway she is sending two more letters out & said ring again someone will talk me through it. Gave me a migraine 😩😩
    Then went Tesco forgot to pick up Terry's prescription so got to go back tomorrow 😩😩 think I might put my head in the oven then remembered we have a electric oven 😂😂😂😂 .
    PAT hope your hospital appointment went ok. I know you have had enough of doctors but you should go doctors about your leg being bitten. Terry went yesterday about his leg going red again doctor said she could see he had been bitten & as he has thin skin it gets infected quickly so avoid getting bitten 🐜
    Easier said than done.
    BRENDA gosh you did confuse me about the CC it doesn't take much lol.
    SANDRA wishing the girls good luck on choosing their work experience places.
    Both your CC suggestions are good perhaps you could do both on different weeks. Sorry I didn't buy anything from Anna Maria at AP
    MARIA glad your not limping but sorry still in pain have you got appointment for your knee operation or how long is waiting list!!.
    Well I'm off for A cupper.
    Love Lynda Xx
