
Monday 22 May 2017

Monday Challenge

My Challenge card using Buttons 

An older card of mine using SU Swirly Dies

Michele's card using SU Swirly Dies

Michele's card using Hexagons

Micheles's card using Xcut Pennant Dies

Good morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and rested after the weekend, hopefully this week will be a little warmer, out heating was on again on Saturday evening, hopefully it's off now until October!
Now onto this weeks Challenge, I would like you to make a 'Christmas Card' with anything that you have that ISN'T Christmas themed,so no Christmas dies etc, you can use Festive Sentiments of course, you can't have a Christmas card without a greeting.
I know it seems early to start but I thought that this way around you could use dies that you have out all the time.  We will try the other way around in a few weeks.
To help you understand the idea (I may not have explained it particularly well last time), I have included some cards to inspire you, I would like to thank Our Michele for making 3 of the 5 cards above to help me yesterday, I think her mind was buzzing with ideas! I absolutely love it when I have an idea that inspires someone.

It was feeling very festive in our house yesterday, Christmas card making and I was cooking a large Ham joint, glazing it with honey, orange and cloves, so the smells were Christmassy too!
I think that next month, as all the Die Designers start to release their Christmas dies we will start having maybe I Monday a month as Christmas themed Challenges, so that we can get a start on those Christmas cards early, what do you think?

I hope that all of the sample cards will inspire you enough to take part in this weeks Challenge, there are so many things that will work, Buttons, stars, birds, ribbon....
The list goes on, have fun with it, I am excited to see your creations!!

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-love both your cards especially the one using buttons

    I had great fun making my Christmas cards-in fact, I'm not sure you actually need any Christmas Dies!! Well-maybe not when you're starting out. Once I got making the cards, I was so inspired that I didn't want to stop-had to cook the tea so I did stop. I can't wait to make some more cards for this challenge.

    Hopefully today won't be too busy & we can catch up from last weeks lack of computers. I have some shopping to do for my Dad tonight then I'm taking him Fish & Chips, he'll put them in the oven while we sort his shopping out then I'll leave him to enjoy his tea.


    1. Hi Michele, love your cards and thank you for giving us some ideas. Have a good day at work and say Hi to your dad from us xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope it's not to busy at work today and you can catch up. Say hi to your Dad. I hope he's more mobile now.

  2. WHello All,

    Sandra and Michele great cards, not sure about this challenge, ill have to really think about this one.

    Have to go busy day ahead,will pop in later hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, take care and don't rush around to much. Loved your card yesterday by the way, might have to get the set. hugs xx

  3. Lovely cards SANDRA and MICHELE I have my idea ready in my head (thought about it before we went on hols) Let's hope it works!
    First day back to work today Not looking forward to it at all especially to see the aftermath of the hacking Hopefully most of it will have been dealt with I knew for sure we'd been walloped before we went away "we" were mentioned on the news
    I hope everyone's feeling better xxx

    1. Hi Karen, hopefully work will be fine and all the problems are sorted. Hope you had a nice weekend and managed to have lots and lots of cuddles with Oscar :-) See you on the 1st xx

    2. Mentioned on dispatches eh. How does it feel to be famous.

  4. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for the inspirational cards for this week's Challenge.

    Like Lilian 'thinking cap' will have to go on and see what happens. I'm rather a traditionalist when it comes to Seasonal Cards and all other decorations as it's a season with so many memories.

    We had a glorious day yesterday and it looks as though today may be the same. The washer is already churning away and I have one or two small jobs to do this morning.

    The CAFE is open and waiting for you all.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with a few extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hope you are alright after your fall and not to bruised. Was in very late and got hold of some scraps from the roast beef, very nice tihi have a nice day, hugs xx

    2. I saw that Pete had done some washing while I was at school today. I suppose I ought to think about dinner for later.

  5. Hi Sandra and all.
    Well this is certainly a challenge Sandra. I had some ideas be for I went away but my minds a blank at the moment. Love yours and Michele cards. Lovely ideas.

    Karen and Michele. Hope everything is back to normal in work today after the Cyber Attack.

    Off to the vets again this morning with Harvey this time. He had a nasty abscess which burst last week and although he's finished the antibiotics and I'm bathing the wound its still looking really nasty.

    Hope those not feeling so good have a better day today.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Fingers crossed for Harvey and a gentle cuddle that he be ok. Have a nice day Val xx

    2. Fingers crossed Harvey's abscess clears up soon.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you & Michele came up with some good ideas for the Challenge this week, I have a idea will have to see if it works. Thank you both for time & effort you put into
    Lovely morning sun shining with a little breeze so washing will dry lovely for a change.
    Have a in & out day today got to take Pop shopping for electrical bits this morning then this afternoon he has appointment with Rheumatologist so not much chance of crafting, plus lawn needs cutting, never a dull moment in this house.
    Washing machine just finished so will send hugs to all in need particularly Maria love Margaretxxx

    1. Hi Margaret,hope you and Pop have a good day and can have a break in between all the things you are doing today. Many hugs back.xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies this hopefully sunny day everywhere.
    Great cards for Christmas and thank you Sandra and Michele for making some up so we got an idea what you want for this weeks cc.
    Have some plant to put outside so going to do some digging this morning, washing is already on the line and OH is cutting the lawn, love the smell of freshly cut grass.
    I wish you all a lovely day, many hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Our lawns need cutting I suppose I ought to have a look at them and get the mower out.

    2. Did the old lawn-mover get a run around or did you just look at it :-) It has been a lovely day x

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra and Michele, what great cards you have made for this weeks challenge, you have both given us so much inspiration. Michele it sounds as if you are really on a roll. I have one idea so far, am scratching my head, hopefully more ideas will come!
    I have just spent a good hour in the craft room first looking for a photo of my idea, which was in the place it should be but can I find the guys I need to make it again? Then I started cutting out some foliage which I always like to hand. So I must get back on track...... Whatever that is, ha ha.

    Wishing everyone a good day, hope you've all got some of the lovely sunshine we have.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. NO I can't find the Guys .......... because I was looking for DIES !!!!

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous idea for this weeks challenge. Love all of yours and Michele's cards :-)
    Received my catalogue in the post today - thank you :-) Looking forward to having a good look through it later.
    Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely sunshine today - fingers crossed its here to stay!
    Love and hugs to all xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies. Well we have sunshine today. Just because I'm inside all day. Well except for the fire alarm going off at school today. Pete had a phone call from the hospital to ensure that he was coming in on Tuesday as he had to do Monday last week as we were going away.

    1. I hope it goes OK tomorrow

    2. Fingers crossed for tomorrow

    3. Pat hope all goes well for Pete tomorrow fingers crossed
      Sending 🤗🤗🤗🤗 for you both xxxx

  11. Hi again Sandra & everyone
    Well I did comment earlier but can't find it.
    Sandra & Michele your cards are a great inspiration for the Challenge card thank you. Not done a great deal today went out for a walk this morning. When we got home we had lunch Then Terry was doing the back garden the grass was so long. He bought some grass couple of week in the Range to patch up the lawn,when he started cutting it he said there was lots of baby frogs jumping out so it took him longer as he didn't want to cut them up.he picked up about 7 &put them over next doors fence into their pond so that was his good deed for the day. I went in craft room instarted looking on Pinterest for card ideas for the CC the time went so quickly once I get on there it takes over. Oh well another day tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good day we had another really gorgeous day of sunshine again. Hope tomorrow is more productive for me.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra and and all in the Café tonight. Guess who has just realised that she hasn't been into the Café today! I was just setting my alarm for tomorrow (funny how I always look forward to waking up on a Tuesday, I wonder why 😊) when I realised I haven't been in today so am just wanted to say goodnight to everyone. I will be in tomorrow to catch up. I hope you all had a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
