
Tuesday 23 May 2017

An alternative Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

What a glorious day yesterday turned out to be, the sun was so warm, I went and sat at the allotment with Paul for a while in the afternoon and the sun beating down on the little sheltered area we have behind our Polytunnel made me feel like I was somewhere in the 'Med', well except for the pigeons coo'ing instead of Seagulls, Oh and Paul hollering everytime those pesky nettles made contact with the exposed areas of skin, usually the underside of your arm as you uproot them.  We were discussing the satisfaction of pulling a nettle and getting the great long root out with it!  We're simple folk and easily pleased!!! 
Everything is starting to spring into life after the few showers we had, the strawberry patch is looking it's best ever, Paul is going to cover them with netting tomorrow so that we might get a few rather than the birds eating them all!  Raspberry canes seem to be shooting up all over the place too, we have more outside of the fruitcage than we do inside.  We need to find a use for the large numbers of Blackcurrants and Gooseberries that we have too, it's something we aren't so keen on, I remember my mum making a gooseberry crumble when I was a child, it still makes me shudder today!!  Rhubarb, that's are other run away success, we have loads of it, Sue would you like Paul to pick you some today?? 

Anyway onto the crafty stuff, I felt guilty that so many of you found the Christmas Challenge too much of a Challenge yesterday, so for those of you that would prefer it I have chosen a Sketch for you to follow.  I will share both lots of Challenge cards in two categories on Sunday.  If any of you are feeling super adventurous why not try both?! 
As long as you are all happy, I am happy!!

Hoping to see my crafty chum today, seems like months since we last crafted together.

Pat I hope all goes well at the hospital today XXX

Sending love and hugs to all of you lovely ladies,



  1. Your day yesterday sounded fabulous Do you ever make jams or chutneys with your fruit gluts? My feelings on gooseberry crumble are the same as yours - cringe worthy!
    1st day back wasn't too bad And today I am working from home as I'm expecting my ScanNCut to be returned (can't wait to play again)
    I like the idea of both challenges It'll depend on how much free time I will get Housework and ironing permitting
    Enjoy your crafting today Girlies
    1st June booked off So Watford here we come!

    1. Looking forward to seeing you on the 1st. I hope your ScanNcut turns up today.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Interesting sketch but I'll stick with the Christmas challenge I think Sandra.

    Busy day at dorky, mostly catching up from last week but quite a few patients on the list. Same today & tomorrow-list for both days is full.

    I'm off out this evening with my crazy friend for a curry which I'm looking forward to.


    1. Enjoy your curry with your crazy friend this evening.

  3. Morning ladies,

    Lovely idea for an alternative CC Sandra. Will be interesting to see what we all come up with.

    We had the most glorious balmy weather here yesterday. Blazing hot sun and a gentle warm breeze. Rosie, walking buddy, and I spent a delightful two hours walking around Steart Marshes, saw the two swans from last week, a sole white egret came to land right in front of our hide, avocets were nesting on a sandy gravelly bank in the pond area. We marvelled at an avocet protecting his/her nest by chasing after a huge herring gull that thought he could land on their bank. Gulls can be very aggressive to smaller birds and destroy the nests and eat the eggs, but this little avocet must have believed he was a Spitfire dive-bombing the gull and his partner until they both flew off.
    Lunch was spent in one of our village pubs with conversations ranging from internet bullying to the EU. I do believe we have put our little corner of Somerset to right. LOL

    Today is my first sewing day, the log cabin strips are all cut out ready to sew first thing after breakfast along with some lacey collars for the Dame.

    Off now to catch up with yesterday's comments.
    Fingers crossed Pat the your hospital visit will go smoothly.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday walking with Rosie and putting the world to rights. Somebody needs to I must say after last night.
      My hospital visit went well as it was just a pre op. The nurse and I were laughing when she weighed me, as Pete thinks I need to loose a few pounds. She told me I was fine, then told Pete I wasn't overweight when we'd finished, the longest wait was in Oncology Outpatients for a blood test.

  4. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for the alternative challenge. It looks a very interesting one.

    Today is going to be super busy. I had a phone call yesterday afternoon from one of my Friends from K&N saying could I please help and get a card done for today as the lady who should be doing it hasn't got a card ready. As it happens I did a 'show and make' set just before I came back from France as I knew it was my turn coming up very soon but I haven't anything suitable for refreshments so I've got to go and do some shopping this morning and then pack my craft bag for this afternoon. I just hope that everyone likes the card I prepared (it is the stepper butterfly card Sandra showed a couple of weeks ago).

    Anyway good luck to everyone who has medical appointments today. I hope everything goes to plan.

    The CAFE door and windows are wide open and the sun is beaming in making everything look so inviting.
    Hugs on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Crikey they do on you at short notice don't they. I don't understand why the person who should have provided lunch didn't. Sometimes I have to go over to Sandra's but I always take lunch if it was my turn. Hope the person who should have provided lunch takes your turn.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Your day sounded lovely Sandra, hope you have another one today.
    I wish you all a good day and to Pat, thinking of you both.
    Love and hugs ,Maria xxx

    1. Thanks Maria. We arrived home at sixish. I went down the fish shop and got chicken and chips. Not mad keen on fish in batter.

  6. Hi Sandra and all,

    Thanks for the alternative sketch today Sandra. I've still got a blank over the Original idea. Glad you had a lovely time at the allotment and the sun was shining for you. I never minded gooseberry crumble but disliked and still do, anything to do with rhubarb.
    Pat hope everything goes well today. Xxx
    Maria wishing you well. Xxx

    Thinking of the victims, families, injured, services and anyone caught up in Manchesters terrible terror attack last night.

    Love to all. Valxxx

    1. Here here Val, such a terrible thing to happen.

  7. Hello All from a damp and misty Cornwall.
    Like the new sketch, but I'll try and do the Christmas one, have an idea floating in my head, the thing is can it make it out onto paper.

    Glad you had a lovely day Sandra, do think a bit of early sun is a great tonic.
    Love both gooseberries and rhubarb, stewed with star anise..
    Pat hope the app. goes well.
    Hugs to all ,have a good day, Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for another challenge selection. Your day at the allotment sounded lovely, I love all soft fruits, we have raspberries & redcurrants, our blackcurrant has just died for some reason. My sister always said that she didn't like gooseberries so Mum used to tell her it was green plums!!! she was about 12 before she
    Cheryl your walk yesterday sounded
    Pat hope all goes well for you & Pete
    Not so nice today sun just trying to shine through, at least it was comfortable playing Petanque this morning & I managed to cut lawn before lunch, now have to go out.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hi Sandra. And crafty friends.
    Loved the idea of Christmas but not Christmas yesterday lol.

    Today is quite dull so catching up on my card orders with a bit of tv thrown in. Mind u I'd love to just go back to bed an sleep. I'm just so tired all the time. Thyroid blood test came back satisfactory this time so doc says it probably still remnants from the chemo etc. Says that the fatigue can last for years apparently. Not really happy about that but what else can I do. Ah well. Xx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Like the new challenge, but will try and complete the Christmas card.

    Sounds like you had a lovely yesterday shame about Paul getting stung, hope he is okay. I get great satisfaction growing my own, although these days it's usually tomatoes in the greenhouse. Outside is mostly flower beds, but we do also have lots of strawberry plants. Picked first of the season yesterday, well three in total. I ate one and tortoise had the other two, today he had a few more and was still looking for more. I bought some the other week and he was not interested. But I have to admit home grown have the edge, flavour wise.

    We've had a busy day today, I had to go into Croydon for my INR. As we were close I said that I would like to go to the market to see the plant man. I just needed a couple of plants to fill out a tub in the garden. Well three plants and five trays later we are heading home, Since returning home I've planted everything out. So hopefully we will have a lovely display this year.

    Pat Hope all went well for you today thinking of you and Pete. XX

    Time do you think about putting the dinner one.
    Hope everyone has had a lovely day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope your INR went well today Brenda. Appointments went well, Petes are always 5 or more hours. But mine just breezed through, apart having to wait for blood tests.

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the second challenge card today. Sorry to hear that Paul got stung by the stinging nettles. Hopefully when there all pulled up he can put his potatoes in to break up the ground. Liked the sound of your walk Cheryl. Lovely country side to walk in though.
    Pete's treatment finished at 2.00, just ready for my appointment at 3.00. I'm booked in for biopsies on my throat, but apparently I might have to stay in overnight. Pete has another 6weeks of treatment before he has a bone scan and a CT scan. Then we'll find out what's going on inside. One lady showed me where the Oncology restroom was that has sofas to sit on and tea and coffee. So instead of water to drink we had a cup of tea.
    Yes, Chemo can last for years in your system Tracey. Pete can sleep for England. His tablets are Chemo based.

  12. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    We had another gorgeous day of Sunshine. We was late going for our walk today about 4 o'clock & got back at 6pm. So I think dinner will be late 🤔.
    Margaret poped round this morning she wanted to try the crafters companion
    8 x 8 card creater Die that broke her Todo machine. She wanted to see if it went through on my Gemini yay it did cut I did have to put it twice though but think I should have changed the plates for intricate sandwich but she was pleased how it cut she is thinking of getting a Gemini now.
    Oh I better get dinner on. Guess what Terry is doing 💤💤💤💤did you guess HaHa. PAT hope you got on ok at hospital today sending 🤗🤗🤗🤗's for you both xx SANDRA the other CC for alternative is a good one thank you.
    Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Lynda
    Crikey that was a long walk. Told you Pete and Terry could be brothers, as Pete can sleep for England.

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂 Hi PAT yea Terry goes asleep for three or four hours after his dinner then he wakes & says come on I'm tired going to bed.
      Hope Pete got on ok at hospital today.
      Love Lynda xx
