
Sunday 21 May 2017

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

This weeks Challenge was to make a 'Man' card, sticking to the sketch wasn't the most important thing, as making a 'Man' card is hard enough!

Lilian has used Sue's new Fish Bowl dies to make her Challenge card, I absolutely love your card Lilian, those bright red sails add a real pop of colour to your card.
How did you create your background ?? Amazing card thank you XXX

Janet two very different cards from you this week. I have the Kanban Kit that you used for your first card, barely used of course!  I love this image though, your second card looks Hand drawn, I am guessing 'High Green House' is a local tourist stop, It looks lovely Janet, I also love how you have let the Sketch stand alone on your card, an image as magnificent as that needs no embellishing! 
Thank you my lovely for two Fantastic cards XXX

Val has made two cards this week too, your first card is amazing Val, I love the colours you have used, that Lighthouse image is stunning Val.  Your second card is super cute, have you used Pixie Powders for your background? Those little fish are super cute!! Thank you so much for managing two cards in so little time XXX

Margaret has used the Stampin Up 'Lovely As A Tree ' stamp set to create both her background​ and her main image, a fantastic card Margaret, have you managed to make that cake yet ??πŸ˜‰. She

Maria has three cards to share with us this week, the first two feature 'Wellington Bear' who is both masculine and cute, perfect for Man cards.  The third card is a typical man card featuring football, perfectly composed Maria, 3 fantastic cards, thank you so much, I know how busy you have been, it means so much that you take part XXX

Brenda, what an amazing card, I love it, I think most men like a shed to disappear into, we have two but you can't get in either of them!! 
I absolutely love how you have created the shed, then there's all of the detail, the shrub in a pot, the fork and take too, the hinges, the cobweb too, a stunning card, thank you so much for taking part. XXX

Michele, two fantastic cards from you this week, I have to say that you are one person that has no problem making man cards, yours are always perfectly neat and finished, I love the first card with the map background, I have seen a few cards like that on Pinterest and loved every one.  Be great to use part of a map that has some significance. 
Your second card is amazing too, love the vintage car image and as always your Matt and Layering is perfect, thank you so much for taking part XXX

Lynda, you managed two cards too! I love all of those background dies that you have used on your first card, the give such interest to your card.  
I loved the leaves on your second card too, they are all so 
Textured to look at, are those skeleton leaves you have used? 
I think we all must have bought them at some point over the past ten years.  There used to be a company that sold them on C&C, the Lady was called Sue and she measured everything 'by eye',
Come on, one of you must remember, her company used to sell packs of skeleton leaves and mulberry paper!! I still have it all!
I keep meaning to try making flowers with it, one day maybe!
Anyway, thank you Lynda for two fantastic cards XxX

Cheryl created this fantastic​ card, I love your layout and the added detail of the tag and metal charm! Thank you so much Cheryl XXX

Now Cheryl's Jamie loved her card so much he wanted to make a similar one for his Dad, just look what an amazing job he did !!
Brilliant work Jamie, you did great, move over Cheryl you are going to have to share your stash! Thank you Jamie for allowing us to see your card XXX

Tracy's first entry into our weekly Sketch Challenge, wow what a start, a fantastic Mam card, I Love both the composition of your card and your colour scheme! Brilliant Tracy thank you so much 
For taking part XXX

Right, I think that's everyone, I hope I haven't missed any one out, I didn't think that I would get very many cards entered this week as it isn't the easiest of Challenges, but you did me proud once again ladies, you are just bloomin' amazing !! 

Have a lovely Sunday ladies, I hope it's a bit warmer than today.

Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and and all in the CafΓ© today.
    Fantastic! That's the first word that springs to mind while I sit here enjoying each CC that has been lovingly created by you all 😊 It is so good to see our Tracy's first, and hopefully not the last, CC. And also it seems wonderful to see that Cheryl has inspired her Jamie to have a go as well. His Dad will be chuffed to bits with this great Father's day card. Thank you for sharing your lovely card Jamie. It would be good to see any more that you make 😊
    Maria, I hope you are feeling a little better each day. Good luck at Work, if you go today x
    I'm afraid the only time I have crafted this week was on Friday afternoon at Mums when we sat outside enjoying the glorious sunshine. I tried her new Stampin' up Daisy punch. Now I usually struggle with bigger punches as my hands aren't very strong these days....aagghh, blooming Arthur Ritus, but it was really easy to use the Stampin' Up one. I only managed to make a couple of different styles of flowers, but spent most of the time chatting to Mum and watching little Chris engrossed in moving around some bird seed with a little tractor and trailer and a new front loader(digger to you and me) that "GG" (Great Granny) had bought for him 😊😊😊 x
    We have little Chris until tomorrow night and we are spending the day with Tim, Roz and the girls so another good day 😊
    I hope you all have the same lovely blue sky and sunshine that we have here today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Wow-what a fantastic collection of challenge cards. Al amazing and all so different. I have to confess that I didn't make my two cards for the challenge, they are ones I've already made. I've had absolutely no time to craft this week. I'm desperate to get into my craft room-hopefully that will happen today.

    I have the usual housework to do plus our new furniture was delivered yesterday (bookcase & sideboard) so we need to decide what is going back in each piece of furniture. Everything has been packed up for over 8 weeks and is mainly on the landing but there's 5 boxes in the back lounge which is where the new units are. It will be nice to get rid of the boxes & crates. Next job is to order the new 3 piece suite.


    1. Hi Michele
      I think that's the hardest part putting everything back. Then you find a better place for whatever you've been looking for. So the juggling starts again. My dining room table is full of papers for the hospital. I had to leave them out so as I don't have to keep looking through letters to find the right one. Pete has appointments for Sept as well but these I put in a drawer.

  3. Morning Everyone
    WOW WOW what a bumper bundle of Craftiness we have this week!!!
    I don't think anyone can say that 'they cannot make a man card' anymore lol.

    I love each and everyone of them and thank goodness we don't have to choose a favourite as they're all my favourites. It's a good job that we got that extra display board for the cafΓ©.lol

    We have a sunny start to the day but then again we had a sunny start yesterday but by lunchtime it was throwing it down and didn't stop for the rest of the day. Perhaps today will be different.

    The CAFE doors are open and Roast Beef is on the menu for dinner today so just place your orders on the counter so dinner can be reserved for you.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extra for Dear Friends in need.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Enjoyed the roast beef for lunch today. Roast beef or Turkey are my favourites. Great cards.

  4. Morning ladies,

    Another gorgeous array of man cards.

    My cards on show were made using 'Die Cut with a View' Tattered Time and The Goodwood. I bought these 12x12 packs two years ago, put them in a box and promptly forgot about them until I was searching for 'men' papers on Thursday. Once I got going, I have since made several more to go in my stock box, on the same theme with wood and the clocks but different colour schemes.
    Yesterday's gardening became a total washout with the amount of rain we had. Today has dawned bright and sunny so maybe today the tree stumps will be removed. Cross fingers.

    Kettle is calling me for my second tea of the day.
    Will pop in later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. WOW Cheryl, Jamie has done an amazing card. I think you might be sharing your Craft stash in future.
      Hope you manage to get the gardening done today. Xxx

    2. Well done Jamie for making your dad's card, a new crafting buddy ey, Cheryl. Washing on the line so hope no rain today :-) xx

    3. Well done Jamie on making your card. Hope the tree stumps come up ok.

  5. Morning everyone.

    Another Sunday of gorgeousness. Every one is different. Think I'll be pinching a few ideas so thank you ladies and gentleman.

    Yes Sandra, I did use Pixie Powders on my second card. I love making the backgrounds with them. I think that card is more for a child than a man but thought I'd send it in anyway.

    Nothing much on today. A bit of housework, some ironing, an hour or so crafting and then a sit in the garden. We're having a barbecue later so just some salads to get ready.

    Love to all especially those ladies not feeling so good today.

    Love Valxxx

  6. Morning Arrived home about 4.30
    Your cards are amazing And a special shoutout goes to TRACY and JAMIE It's lovely to see you join in I hope you're able to do it again
    MARIA Take care sweetheart You need to be fit for 1st June
    VAL I hope the mozzies are not attacking you any more Someone recommended Avon Dry Oil It works brilliantly but I don't know if you're able to get that where you are
    I hope you were successful in the trouser shopping dept LILIAN My daughter and I have the opposite problem - are they long enough We tend to look at the length of trousers skirts and dresses before we even consider the style/shape of what we're looking at
    The more I think about your goodie bag the more disgusted I feel
    I remember seeing Sue who did everything by eye SANDRA I think her company name began with a K At one point she was working with Christine from Pinflair on a crafting buddy thingy
    I hope you manage to find a three piece suite that you both like MICHELE- not easy
    Off to start unpacking and loading up the washing machine now I hope we get to see Oscar at some point
    Take care all xxx

    1. Thanks Karen.we do get Avon over here so I'll invest in some Dry Oil. Thanks for the tip.
      I hope you'vemanaged a sleep since you got home at 4.. 30.
      Oh to be tall. I'm 5 foot 2 inches and like Maria usually have to cut off about a foot from the bottom of most trousers.We're never happy are we? Have a good day xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      I think Sandra told me that Avon made something that keeps mozzies away. I bought some, but I wonder where I put it. I have trouble with the length of dresses and trousers as well. I see some lovely styles but the dresses trail the ground on me. I see no point in buying dresses that need to be altered so I no longer buy any.

    3. It's the skin so soft oil from Avon. It works for the midges here too lol fab stuff x

    4. That's it Tracy It's a spray Mine is still in the suitcase so I couldn't remember exactly The words dry oil might be on it somewhere It certainly works for me as does Brewers Yeast before we go away Again I can't claim anything but they work for me

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great selection of men cards, I can see lots ideas I may have to copy, a special welcome to Tracy & Jamie both great
    Maria hope WW goes ok this morning & you feel better
    Karen hope you get to see Oscar for
    Quiet day today I hope, sun shining at the moment but every where is soo wet.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, it could have gone better but half off is better then on I guess. I'm alright, just a bit disappointed that they don't know why my calf is so painful and it wont be here or there after the knee op so waiting to see the specialist to see what he have to say. Have a nice day xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Another wow Sunday, what a fantastic display of inspiration. Special mention for Jamie and Tracey, you have both made fantastic cards, looking forward to seeing more in the future.

    Well the sun is shining so may get into the garden, have a few plants to put into tubs. The tomatoes in the greenhouse need attention lots of side shoots starting to grow and they need to be supported as some are getting quite big. Few jobs to do indoors first then I can get on.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day, take care, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra, ladies.
    Lovely CC's for the men this Sunday, some wonderful ideas to keep for when they are needed .Great to see a card from you Tracy, hope to see some more. Well done everyone.
    Had a look at all the fantastic craft shopping, cake and Tracy's gorgeous garden. Hope you get many happy hours out there this summer.
    It was a beautiful morning here but now it clouded over once again and it is not so warm, just hope the washing can get dry. Having a lazy afternoon myself and I hope you can have the same. Love and hugs, Maria Xxxx

    1. I'm having a lazy day as well today. But I've been outside and pulled up a few weeds. Don't want to get into the long stuff at the top of the garden until my leg isn't so swollen.

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous selection of cards today. Will definitely be borrowing some ideas for masculine cards when I get back to it ;-)
    A great selection of crafty buys yesterday, along with Michele's birthday pics and Tracey's garden :-)
    Janet, sorry to hear you had a fall. I hope you're on the mend and taking it easy x
    Karen, hope you had a lovely holiday and get time to see Oscar in between the unpacking and washing x
    Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday and all well. Love and hugs to you all xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Well what a lovely array of cards today. Especially like the fish bowl extras. Might decide to get that set Lilian. Might pinch some of these ideas if I May ladies. A great selection of men's cards. Well it's a bit warmer today but not by much as the clouds keep coming over to blot out the sun. Had a great time last night at our friends 40th Anniversary. She was impressed with my card Sandra so thanks for your input. Andrea who still works at OUP told me a customer from America rang to speak to me, as I left 8 years ago I must have made an impression. He'd told me my voice sounded like Pam Ayres. Not to sure if I was flattered or not at the time.

  12. Hello All, lovely day here.
    Just got back from lunch out, roast chicken, nice to have it cooked and no clearing up.

    What a wonderful collection of cards, I bought the fish bowl set , because Oscar my grandson is fascinated by any thing nautical, it's the aquanauts program on tv I think, there are lots of little fish and all sorts of other embellishments.
    Going to get some tea now, scrambled eggs and smoked salmon I think for me and bacon sandwiches for Roger.
    Have a good evening all, Lilian

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Fabulous selection of cards as usual
    First day back at work today. Needless to say I really didnae want to be there but ah well gotta pay the bills. lol xx

  14. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Wow lovely array of cards today they are all different & all stunning well done Tracy & Jamie's cards look forward to seeing more.
    We have had a really sunny warm day we have been to Broadstairs for a walk. After doing housework & washing left about 10 o'clock found a parking space on the road as they have put up the price of the car parks now £4 per hour. Walked down to the harbour & along to the bandstand had a cup of tea & coffee & toasted tea cake & listened to the brass band it was so relaxing 😎 😎 sat there for about two hours. Then had a slow walk back to the car got home at 7pm
    Put lamb chops & roast potatoes in the oven & veg is now done so I'm off to dish up. Look forward to tomorrow's challenge card Thank you Sandra for all your hard work setting the Sketch cards every week.
    PAT good luck with all you hospital appointments this week.πŸ€—πŸ€— hows you leg hope it's better.xx
    MARIA hope your pain is easier sending πŸ€—πŸ€—s xx
    πŸ€—πŸ€—for anyone who needs them.xx
    Love Lynda xx
