
Friday 26 May 2017

Man card Medley

Karen's Father's Day card

Two fab cards that work perfectly for men

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well I am almost too afraid to say this but I was a little too hot yesterday, it was a glorious day, our neighbours were out sunbathing and the others were in their pool.
I was getting a little frustrated as I was here on my own and the Lamb seemed a little unsettled and kept "baaing" which wouldn't have worried me last week as it's not very loud and she doesn't do it that often, sadly though the lady at the end of our garden called Paul over to say that she had had a Representative from Defence Housing at her door on Monday morning asking if she knew anything about a lamb as they had had a 'noise complaint' last weekend.  Bless her she told them that she didn't know what they were talking about and the woman went on her way.  So now I'm a little paranoid about every noise she makes.  Why are people so grumpy?  The lady at the end of the garden said that she loved seeing and hearing the lamb, watching him hop and skip about is hilarious.  I guess there's always someone waiting to bring clouds to a sunny day !!  Matt is going to take this little lamb to stay with 'Pascal' the Black lamb locally, the lady there is happy to continue his two feeds a day, as she is feeding Pascal twice a day anyway. She is still too small to join the rest of the flock as she can still get under the gate.  Milo (cat) will miss watching her bound about the garden and he will also miss trying to get into the sack of 'Lamblac'
(Powdered milk), we have caught him a couple of times with just his bum and back legs sticking out of the top of the sack!! 

I thought it was about time we upgraded our old step that we use as a 'Soapbox' to 

The real thing, so here it is ready to use, who will be first I wonder?  Remember to do a risk assessment before you use it though ladies, maybe good on to the back of a chair while you mount and dismount !!! 😉😂😂

Now onto today's fantastic cards........

Karen's card is just amazing, completely her own design, here is Karen's description.....

I have a few Serif kits (most of which were free) and created the cocktail glass with basic shapes in blue and made them quite transparent. The grass from a freebie was placed over the top and I "erased" the bits that were overhanging the edges. The flag, again, from basis shapes and the ice cube, golf balls, was in another Serif kit. It does need a bit more tweaking like, placing the grass better taking them forward or back etc. But I am quite pleased with the result and it's a bit different for a "golfie" !
You are a Serif Genius Karen, thank you so much for sharing your card.XXX

Michele's cards are both funny and fabulous, perfect for men of ladies to be honest but just as they are shouts 'Man' card to me.  The Scrabble Tiles were part of a kit a few years back from "HunkyDory ' on Create and Craft.  I think that these were the only part of the kit that I used (I bought the same kit), I bet atleast 1 of you ladies has too !! 
As ALWAYS with Wasn't "Michele" card, every element is perfect, the little black mats you have made for the letters look perfect, you have aligned them perfectly too,  I love the sentiments that you have written to match the age of the card, very well thought out.  Thank you so much Michele for sharing your cards with us XXX

It is always great to get a lift inspiration for those "pesky Man' cards, so thanks again. Ladies, if any of you have other cards that you would like to share as well as your Challenge cards, I am always happy to share them.

If any of you want to share your pet photos, I would love to see them today, so that I can share them tomorrow, if that's too soon I can leave it until next week.

It's going to be another warm day, so please have a slow day today, let's all follow Tracy's idea and relax in the garden with a lovely cool drink! 

Maria sweetheart, I hope you had a better night last night and are feeling slightly better as you don't want to spend your birthday feeling poorly!  sending you big 'bamse' hugs XXX😘

Love and hugs to you all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-I love your card, it's brilliant. Hubby would just love that image-he's obsessed with golf.

    My cards are very similar to one I saw on Pinterest, if I made more then I'd separate the number from the text & put it above the scrabble tiles so it stands out more.
    The 50th birthday card is for a friend and the 70th is for my Uncle although his birthday isn't until November! I just need to make another two special birthday cards-my M in L is 70 in August and a certain lady is also 50 this year.

    Yesterday was busy but we had more staff so it was ok, did my Tesco shopping then I was shattered as it was so warm. Phoned my Dad who has been getting out each day using his crutches which is great news.

    Thank goodness it's Friday & I have 3 whole days off. Looking at the garden last night-I think we'll be doing some weeding this weekend


  2. Morning Everyone
    It's already very warm and so looks as though we have another glorious day ahead.

    A wonderful set of 'Man' cards this morning and I can see so many occasions they can be used for.

    I love the new 'Soap Box' and so I've taken the old one and put it out back for Herman to keep an eye on lol. I'm sure we can find a use for it out there.

    Housework is the order of the day and then hoping to make a start on moving pictures off the walls in the living room and putting ornaments etc into a box as we're going to make a start decorating the room at the beginning of next week. I can then go to Marigny in June with a clear

    The CAFE doors/windows etc are open and waiting for you all to pop in. Cold drinks are in the fridge. Hugs to you all. xxxx

  3. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous card made by our Karen. Perfect for anyone who like golf.
    Also two great cards from our Michele, like them both and the way you have used the scrabble tiles.
    Sorry to see someone must have complained about the little lamb , hope she will have good company with Pascal.
    Going to some shops this morning so best get a move on, OH already waiting in the hall and I'm not dressed yet,Lol Have a nice day all. Hugs ,Maria xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all,

    Love today's 3 cards. Karen your Fathers Day card is great. Ideal for any golfer.
    Michele the scrabble tiles are such a good idea. Might have to look in the Charity shop for and old Scrabble set.

    Sandra how mean that someone would complain about a lamb baaing. It's a pity they've got nothing better to do with their lives. What a nice neighbour you have to not tell tales. On a happier note I bet Pascal will be delighted to have a playmate.

    Being picked up by Wendy in half an hour to go to Craft Group. These Fridays come around so quickly.

    Maria hope you managed to sleep last night and your feeling a lot better this morning.

    Love to all. Have a lovely day.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Georgeous cards. I do struggle a lot with guys cards but I do try hard lol usually Pinterest saves the day!!

    Back to work today in till 4 on lunch now thank god everyone going do lally buying BBQ stuff and salad there won't be much left at this rate lol.

    Love to all xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well another lovely day today. I hope it's just as nice where you are.
    Hope your feeling better today Maria and you had a good sleep last night.
    Lynda and Terry sending you some gentle hugs today.
    Lovely three men's cards today ladies.
    Karen you are the Serif Queen. It must be great to be able to get so much from from one machine.
    Love the scrabble tiles Michele.

  7. Afternoon everyone,

    Well it is stonking hot again in Somerset, I hope you are enjoying some lovely weather too.
    One day left to finish Milly-May's album as far as I can, her birthday is today and party tomorrow. I spent yesterday afternoon in the coolness of my lounge making full use of my CutandMake by die cutting leaves, peonies, swirly bits and configurations whilst playing catch up with a lot of recorded programmes. Two jobs done in the same time. Now to get the photos printed out.

    Can't say much about my sewing yet, I had the pattern for the log cabin squares upside down and then turned the material round the wrong way so none of them match! They will not be wasted though as I can use these for cushions for the granddaughters.

    Gentle hugs for Maria, Lynda, Terry, Pat & Pete

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I do not mind you saying it was too hot yesterday because I agree, there was no air blowing which there is today thank goodness​, we are never satisfied are
    Karen your card is great well
    Michele​ another great card from you, hope you get some rest at
    Maria hope you slept better last night & feel a little better. Eye test was ok but I do have cataract in my left eye, which I had thought, so referring me to hospital but apart from that nothing else had changed
    Lynda I really hope things are going better for you today, hugs on
    Sue hope you have good journey to Devon & enjoy the wedding tomorrow, love xxx
    Washing washed dried & ironed so am going to hopefully sit & read in the shade.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Love your new soapbox Sandra, it's just what we need.
    Karen great man card.xx
    Michelle your cards are lovely and great for male or female friends

    How sad a neighbour complained about you little lamb. Some people have nothing better to do.
    When I started this message I was under the comment left by Val. But like Maria OH was waiting in the hall to go out. As I had a message to call into the hospital to pick up some medication in readiness for my procedure next week. When I got there young lady I spoke to said "no you don't need it". So it was a total waste of a trip....AND there had been an accident between here and the hospital, which apparently had happened about 8 am this morning, all traffic going through towards Croydon was on diversion, we were on a bus which normally stops right outside the hospital, so got off just before the diversion and walked the rest of the way. Thank goodness I didn't have an appointment.
    After that went into Croydon, I wanted to go to M&S also the Works. Also we were picking up some school uniform for Ciara, in readiness for big school

    I feel quite tired, think it was all that exercise I had this morning, I might just have 40 winks.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  10. Hello all
    I love your scrabble idea MICHELE I am definitely going to try that and I don't think they need altering
    My card was inspired by something I saw on Pinterest or Google I wish I could remember who "posted" it Thanks for the compliment but I really do only scratch the surface of Serif Sometimes I just press buttons to see what might happen!
    So glad your neighbour defended little lamb and 👎 To the person who complained!
    I was going to craft but it's so hot (especially in my little space) So I'm just going to loll in the shade of my living room whilst OH "cooks" outside We're off out dancing later

    1. Hi Karen
      You'll be hot dancing as well won't you. We're baby sitting or should I say child sitting as they're 9 and 12.

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous cards from Karen and Michele. Always great to have some inspiration for masculine cards :-)
    How sad that someone has complained about your little lamb :-( Don't know what's wrong with some people!
    Maria, yes James has half term next week, then 2 weeks left of exams after. So halfway through :-) Hope you're feeling better today and had a good nights sleep.
    Hope everyone is having a good day, and has a lovely weekend. Sending love and hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I hope James is coping with his exams.

  12. Hello All, sorry to be last minute again, very hot here and windy, lovely drying weather, washed all pillows and their protectors. Matress one tomorrow if fine again although they are saying we are having thunder storms, hope not, hate it.

    Karen love your golf card, I have Serrif but forget to use it.
    Michele love your scrabble cards.

    Sandra can't think why anyone would complain about the little lamb bleating, glad your neighbour pleaded innocent.

    Spent this morning making challenge card, which is early for me, took ages, I'm so slow these days.

    Have a lovely evening all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      I meant to answer you yesterday regarding the Daisy punch. Both Sue & I suffer with our hands & we both find it easy to use, so I am sure you would manage ok. I love all the Stamping Up goodies.
      We have had lovely day abit windy but as you said great for drying washing. Enjoy your

  13. Hi Ladies,
    Just had a message from Sue in Devon she is not sure when she will be in as WiFi is very patchy, will try in

    1. Didn't know she was in Devon. Hope we don't have patchy WiFi when we go.

  14. Had a laugh Sandra when Pete and Zander were playing on the wii. They played cycling and they were on a tandem.
