
Thursday 25 May 2017

Daisy Delight Thank you

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, another fun and productive day with Pat yesterday, we did lots of chatting and actually lots of crafting. (oh and a little bit of eating naughty cream cakes) OOPS!
Pat made some cards and some toppers and inserts for cards. I sat and made these flowers and played around with a new technique (to me) with an Embossing Folder, watch this space!!

I made today's card yesterday evening, I just went and had a play after dinner, this was the result.
I used 'Gorgeous Grunge' stamp set to create the background, in 'Night of Navy' & 'So Saffron' ink pads and then a light touch of 'Pear Pizazz' here and there.  I stamped out the Daisy in 'So Saffron'
and punched it out 3 times with the new 'Daisy Punch'  that matches the Daisy Delight' stamp set.
I layered it up and added a Dazzler into the centre and a few leaves. The 'Thank you' stamp was a Sale-a-bration stamp and is sadly no longer available. I mounted this onto 'So Saffron' & 'Night of Navy' card and then onto my white card base.  

I used the same method to make the daisies in the vase, except this time I added a little bit of wire to the last layer with a sticky dot, I popped them in the little vase with a little piece of Gypsophila, what do you think?

Paul is away on a course today so it will be a quiet day for me, hopefully catch up with some card making.

Have a lovely day, whatever your plans are.

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Sandra, such a beautiful card. I just LOVE the background and the flower is perfect. Your vase of flowers is beautiful. So lifelike. You must be extra proud of yourself today. Glad you and Pat had a fun time crafting yesterday. It's good to craft any time but crafting with friends is special.

    Doing spot of housework this morning, then lunch with a friend and this afternoon devoting myself to devouring my Stamping Up Catalogue which arrived late last night. Thank you Sandra. Had a very quick glimpse through it and wow, I know I'm going to be spoilt for choice.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Good luck today Pat. Hope all goes
    Hugs to all not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val enjoy meeting up with your friend & looks your going to have a spending spree of SU
      Have a good day
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your lunch with your friend. I sat with Sandra yesterday looking at the new catalogue. You could spend a fortune couldn't you buying new stamps as Dies.

    3. Hi Val, hope you had a lovely lunch with your friend. Take care xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card, the stamps are fantastic. Such a useful set for all occasions.

    Another busy day yesterday but I had a lovely surprise-an ex colleague called in to tell me she's got a promotion at the hospital she now works in. She's only been there 5 months so that's fantastic news.

    Quick visit as I'm running late-again!


    1. Have a good day hope work isn't
      so busy. Good news about your friends promotion.

    2. Hi Michele
      Hope work isn't to busy today. Good news about your friends promotion.

    3. Hope your day is okay and not too stressful. Good news for your friend xx

  3. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Yes don't faint it's me HaHa
    Just a quick post. I had a bad day & night yesterday I did a long post yesterday then just as I pushed publish it all went blank internet packed up Terry tried to phoned BT then phone wasn't working so used my mobile. Told him the Router wasn't working going to send a new one then he said our phone wasn't any good
    Went Tesco & got a new phone got it all out plugged it in & nothing there wasn't any instructions in box so got to take it back today. Went to bed with a headache & have woken up still with a really bad headache
    I'm doing this on my mobile as using 3 mobile conditions.
    The Sun is shining & hot already. I'm going to do my ironing now before it gets even hotter sorry for going on & on need some good luck for a change
    Hope you all have a lovely day
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Sandra your card & flowers are beautiful love it Xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer25 May 2017 at 07:39

      Oh Lynda poor you, sending spepcial hugs just for you.xxxx

    3. Hi Lynda, you slipped in while I was sending my post.
      Sending special hugs. xx

    4. Oh Lynda, what a pain and how frustrating. Sounds like a stress headache. Hope today gets better. Love and hugs. Valxxx

    5. Sending hugs Lynda, take it easy the ironing can wait !!
      lots of love

    6. Hi Lynda
      My word you and Terry need some hugs. I hope your headache is improving and you managed to get your ironing done. Fingers crossed things improve. You've had enough bad luck in 1 year to last a lifetime.

    7. I really hope you feeling some better now then you did this morning and that you left the ironing to another day. Take care of yourself and make sure you have some Me time. hugs xx

    8. Hi Lynda, do hope you are feeling better now, hugs on the way.

  4. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    Don't faint I'm just up early as we are going to my hairdresser friend this morning. It such a lovely morning, sun is shining,everything in the garden looks lovely and bright, I just love mornings like this. Hope it's the same where you are. Enjoy your day. xx

    I Love today's card and at first glance thought your your flowers were real, in fact I thought they were Gerbera, and how clever to match your card to these flowers. I definitely need this set.

    Will try to look in later. Have a good day,.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes, you would think these were real looking at them.

    2. Lynda first and now you up so early, thought it must be a reason Lol. Have a lovely day xx

  5. Morning Everyone
    I thought I'd got the wrong end of the day when I see Lynda and Brenda have been in the CAFE this morning hehehe. I can see that this sunshine and high temps are helping everyone with early starts to the day.

    A very pretty card SANDRA and I love your flowers. I too thought they were real when I first saw them.

    The fridge arrived mid afternoon yesterday so all is back to normal. The delivery was within their time frame and the two men were really nice -they unpacked the new fridge outside so no messing about in the kitchen. It was really refreshing to be given a definite time frame for delivery -a two hour slot with a phone call thirty minutes before they got here- and not having to waiting all day eg 07.00 to 18.00hrs like most large item deliveries. If necessary I shall use that company again though hopefully not for a long time.

    The CAFE is open as usual and waiting for you all.
    HUGS to everyone. I hope everything goes well today PAT.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, glad you are all back to normal and that the company you used were so efficient. Who did you use??
      I am all for promoting any company that go that extra mile.
      enjoy the sunshine while it lasts my lovely
      love and hugs

    2. Sounds like you had great service from the company you used. Which one did you use. I'd like another under the counter freezer with auto defrost. The bottom end of our kitchen is quite narrow so it'll be quite problematic to get the old one out.

    3. What a great company and service you found. Glad the new fridge arrived so promptly. Hate it when you have to spend all day in for a delivery. Have a nice day xx

    4. Hello Everyone
      I used a company I found on the internet called 'Appliances Direct'. The Larder Fridge I bought is an Indisit. I highly recommend the company. xxxx

  6. Morning or is it evening? Lots of early birds this morning!
    Your card is lovely SANDRA and I honestly thought the flowers in the vase were real I thought "ooh she's gone all arty"
    Woken up with a headache (again) Sadly we're off to a funeral today of a very dear friend But then this evening I out with work mates celebrating a colleague's 21st How mad is that - opposite ends of the spectrum
    Hope all is well or getting there everyone xx

    1. Hope the funeral went as well as they can go and you now can enjoy the evening with a few drinks for them both. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card & daisies in the base are soo life-like I love it. I had a lovely play with my Daisy Delight set yesterday afternoon sat at the table in garden, you can do that with stamping. I have not tried punch yet, Sue has, so may have a play later. I have food shopping this morning & eye test early afternoon. Enjoy your day
    Pat hope all goes well
    Hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather, sending hugs to all in need love

    1. Hope the eye test was okay and you too have some minutes to enjoy the lovely weather we got (it won't last) hugs xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Lovely summery card today just smashing.

    Finished at 10 this morning boss wanted me to work on as a visit was happening. I'm like err naw sorry I've plans. She was driving everyone nuts this morning so I couldn't get away quick enough Lol
    Anyway came home cut the grass an hung washing out. Too warm to do anything else so I'm sitting on my swing with a sangria to chill out for the rest of the day.
    Pure bliss ahhhhh

    Lynda ur having a right crappy time the now aren't u hunni. Squashy hugs sent ur way xx

    1. hahaha, lovely to hear that you are relaxing, I have to say though if I had a sangria at lunch time the rest of the day would be a blurr!
      enjoy swinging in the sunshine!

    2. Hi Tracey
      I must get my cushions out and put on my swing. Enjoy your Sangria.

    3. Sound like you doing the right thing in this nice weather we got so enjoy yourself Lol xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Lovely day yesterday chatting, card making and eating fresh cream raspberry cakes. Yummy yummy.
    Love today's card you've made. Love this Grungy style look you've made. Must say I do like the So Saffron ink pad. Mind you all the ink pads are lovely.
    Horrific journey into Oxford today as there was an accident on the Wolvercote roundabout into Oxford. That's the main roundabout from all directions into Oxford.

    1. Hoping everything goes well today for you Pat. I got a bit worried reading you ate a Flesh Cream Cake in yesterdays comment so I'm so glad it was just a miss print hihi Take care ,hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card today and I adore your beautiful vase of daisies. I too thought they were real :-) The more of your Stampin Up creations I see is making it so much harder for me to choose what to buy! Have been through the catalogue several times and I still can't decide ;-)
    Glad you had a good time with Pat yesterday. Hope everyone is having a good day. Sending love and hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, hope you have a nice day and your son is okay with going in to school. Do they have a holiday soon or do they still doing the exams ? Used to work in a school but don't remember when their brakes were anymore xx

  11. Today at the hospital went well. Virtually straight in and out. Connected Pete up to a machine. Told him his heart had been going slow a few times. The longest time apparently was a minute. Slowed his heart down for about a minute, made a few adjustments and he was good to go. Marvellous that a machine can tell you what your heart had been doing over the last few weeks. We'd already had two appointments to see the Drs in Sept so we see this cardiac dept again in November.

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Hope you all have a lovely day with sunshine and feeling a lot better.
    Lovely card Sandra and I too thought the flowers were real in the vase. They are Gorgeous ! Your style have changed some since you became a SU but I must say that your crafting is wonderful and I love seeing your cards.

    Having a 'slow' day after a horrid night but got up around 7, took my pills and then nothing at all done so far aaarg! I need someone to give me a kick where the sun not shine Lol Maybe some lunch will help, salad I think in this lovely weather. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    oh by the way, Herman is loaned out to a neighbour for a week so he will not eat any table cloths outside for now Lol

    1. Great to hear that Herman is plaguing another neighbour for a few days. We don't have to watch the bottom of our trousers either.

  13. Hello All, lovely day, very warm, but rather windy.

    Sandra love your card and flowers, have the stamp on my list, but wonder if my hands can cope with the punch, it's a lovely catalogue, have a long list,will email you soon, have to whittle in down a bit.

    Pat glad the hospital visit went ok.

    Maria do hope you will soon feel better, and that you get a better night tonight.

    Well am going to put my pulled pork in the oven for dinner, not quite the weather for roast but R loves it, have all the veg ready so just need to cook.
    Have a lovely evening all, hugs Lilian
