
Saturday 27 May 2017

Mixed up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

🎈🎁🎉 Happy Birthday Maria 🎂🍾🎉

First up today I would like to wish our love Maria a 
Very Happy Birthday, I hope you have a fantastic
Day with your family, sending you 
Huge Birthday Hugs and lots of Love

I have some absolutely stunning projects to share with you all
today as well as a couple of your cute pets.

So without further a do a will get in and let you see them for yourselves.......


This absolutely stunning Pencil Portrait was drawn by Janet's husband Jim, the sketch is of the beautiful Leanne. 
Jim drew this just after they lost their Sweet Leanne, Leanne was only 4 years at the time, so so heartbreaking.  
Janet this sketch must be so precious to you and Jim.
Thank you so very much for sharing Something so very special.


Cheryl has started her beautiful Memory Book for the beautiful
Milly-May, this is the 1st page, I love that you have left the photo
page delicately decorated so that the photo of Milly-May
Is the main focus on the page.

This 2nd page has a beautiful family photo with
Nannie (Cheryl), Daddy & Mummy, such a lovely photo.
The opposite page has a pocket for keepsakes and photos 
of the things that are dear to Milly-May,
(such a fantastic idea Cheryl)
Milly-May will look back on these amazing memories 
for many years to come, such a thoughtful gift, I look forward
to seeing the rest of the pages as you complete them.
Thank you for sharing Cheryl


Margaret has shared a photo of their gorgeous dog Star,
She is such a cutie, her coat looks so shiny , 
How old is she Margaret? She still looks like she's 
A puppy at heart! 
Thank you so much for sharing 


Brenda has shared a photo of the now famous 'Speedy', I wonder 
who named him?!  Brenda did try to capture a photo of him 
eating a strawberry but he ate it too fast!
He looks huge Brenda and not a day over 21 ! 
Thank you so much for sharing 

I'm going to leave it there for this week Ladies, I hope you are all 
enjoying the sunshine, while it lasts!

Thank you so much for taking part today Ladies, you are
The very reason that this blog is so Special

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Maria-hope you have a wonderful day.

    Janet-your drawing (well Jim's) is beautiful, he's very talented.

    Cheryl-love your memory book, it's really pretty. I have kept so many things from various occasions that I plan to use in memory books-you've just reminded me.

    We have rain here at the moment but it looks like it's going to pass-good job as I'm off to the hairdressers after some shopping in the village.


    1. Hi Michele
      We had rain through the night so it's quite warm today. I hope it keeps up.

    2. Hi Michele first your cards yesterday all brilliant I love the fist one with the glass & the golf theme.
      Have a good day hope the rain holds off we have had a storm this morning now sun is out xx

    3. I didn't make that lovely card-it was Karen's.


  2. Me again-forgot to mention the pets! Great photos-I don't have any pets as we're out alll week but I could send a photo of my Dads dog. Casper is a Sheltie & very cute.


  3. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA - have a lovely day doing just what you want to do.

    I love your Memory Book CHERYL- they are so beautiful to do and hold so many memories. Looking forward to seeing other pages.

    MARGARET and BRENDA - gorgeous pets.I for one can understand calling a tortoise 'Speedy'. Despite looking for bulky and awkward they really can move when they want to.

    Shopping is first on the list today and then I have birthday presents to wrap ready for tomorrow. It is Isobel's 6th birthday (my eldest Great Granddaughter- where does time go!!) party so all the family will there and then hopefully I may get to sit in the sunshine for a little while.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so come on in and have a look. HUGS on their way to all of you. xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      What a fabulous drawing Jim has done of Leanne. Such a wonderful keepsake.
      Wish Isobel a very happy birthday from the both of us.

  4. Morning ladies,

    LOTS OF BIRTHDAY WISHES MARIA. Hope you have a fantastic day celebrating.

    Janet. Jims drawing is amazing. He's very talented and I'm sure the picture is treasured. Enjoy your day especially the sitting in the sunshine part. Xxx

    Cheryl your memory book is beautiful. What a lovely idea for Miller May to look back on.

    Margaret. Star looks so cute and what a gentle face. She looks like such a nice dog.

    Brenda I love Speedy. I had a pet tortoise when I was a youngster and remember he couldn't half move fast when he wanted to. For the life of me I can't remember what happened to him.

    Off out for lunch today - Chinese I think and a few things to pick up at the Chinese Bazaar.

    Lynda. Hope everything is OK with you my friend. I missed you

    Whatever you've planned for this Bank Holiday weekend, have a lovely time and may the weather be kind to
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Enjoy your Chinese and your shopping.

    2. Hi Val I'm ok thanks I just had a Migraine all day & spent most of the day in bed hopefully it will be better today.
      Enjoy your Chinese mmmmm & your shopping
      My friend love Lynda xx

  5. Sorry Cheryl, predictive text took over. Of course I meant Milly - May. Xxx

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA I hope you have a smashing day
    A quick thank you for your kind comments on my card yesterday It was my interpretation of an image I found on Google/Pinterest It'll make my dad chuckle
    I feel your pain JANET as my son died just over seven years ago Never lessens does it JIM's drawing is beautiful and very cherished
    Your memory book is lovely CHERYL It's prompted me to start/finish some of holidays and of OSCAR
    The photos of pets are lovely and it's great to see them
    Beautiful day so far Not a lot on the cards except for collecting a parcel from the depot ascI wasn't in yesterday and it needed to be signed for (long story which I won't bore you with)
    Have a great day all xx

  7. It's now pouring down with rain! Typical Bank Holiday weather!

    1. Hi Karen
      We had our rain last night. It's getting warmer so I hope it stays that way.

  8. Good Morning All, not much sleep, thunder and lightning most of the night, and rain like stair rods, still raining now, feel so sorry for all those who came on holiday yesterday.

    MARIA, MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY, may it be the best one ever, hope you have my card.

    Janet , Jim's drawing is beautiful, love a lovely keepsake.

    Cheryl lovely memory album, keep meaning to do one for the children, when I retire maybe.

    Great to see photos of your pets Margaret and Brenda , we don't have any pets as we live next to the main road between Newquay and the Eden project, so lots of traffic and coaches.

    Will spend the morning , trying to see if I can get my scanncut to work, not had much luck with it, bought some new card stock which Mel recommends on C&C.
    Also bought the sentiment set they had on recently, so we will see how it goes.

    Hope you all have a lovely day and you have better weather than we have, hugs to all Lilian.

    PS. Lynda hope you are OK, and that you have your wifi back.

    1. Hi Lilian
      Yes thanks the new internet box turned up this morning so all working
      I had a Migraine yesterday so spent most of the day in bed. Hoping it's going to better today.xx

    2. Persevere Lilian it'll be worth it I have the Sentiments & Pheases USB and the first volume of the Special Shaped cards USB I've not used them yet At mo all I'm doing is mats and layers but it's great practice to get to know blade depth etc

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA. Wishing you a wonderful day. I hope you are doing something good xxx
    Just a flying visit before we need to get our glad rags on. It's overcast and drizzling here in Devon at the moment!! Fingers are firmly crossed that it clears and we have the sun that everyone has been enjoying for the last few days.
    I will get to catch up with you all as soon as I can but my phone is playing up, I can't go online so have now got Chris's
    I hope you are all as well as possible. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xc

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    First of all can I wish our lively Maria a very happy birthday. Enjoy it with your family.
    Wow Janet, what a beautiful drawing of your beautiful Leanne that Jim has drawn. Such a beautiful keepsake for you.
    Cheryl I love you keepsake book your making for Millie-May.
    Great picture of Star Margaret.
    Great picture of Speedy as well Brenda.

  11. Well lively was meant to be lovely. Mind you she's quite lively when we meet up.

  12. Morning everyone,

    Just a flying visit as we are out for breakfast at Frost in a minute :)
    A huge Thank You to all for my Beautiful cards !!
    don't think I ever had so many before Lol

    Janet- beautiful drawing by Jim, a treasured memory.
    Cheryl- gorgeous keepsake book for Milly-May.
    Margaret- hugs for Star.
    Brenda- go Speedy. I thought it was a little one you had, how wrong was I tihi
    Have a lovely day all. love and hugs Maria Xxxxxx

    1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA 🎂🍷🍾🎁🎉🎈Hope my card arrived 📮
      Enjoy your special day XX

    2. Hi Maria
      Happy birthday again. I hope you enjoyed your hug from Terry.

  13. Margaret Palmer27 May 2017 at 10:37

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Maria a very Happy Birthday to you may you be spoilt rotten.xxxx
    Sandra thank you for showing Star, she will be 10 in October. Star was the smallest of the 7 puppies our last dog Maisie had & Star decided that she was going to stay. Although I say it she is very special. Enjoy your
    Janet what a beautiful keepsake for you, thank you for allowing us to share
    Brenda never had any dealings with a tortoise, they obviously know what is good them liking
    Cheryl what a lovely keepsake thank you for showing
    Lynda hope to see you in today you are
    Going to friends for coffee so must get on, sending higs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret I love your photo of Star she looks adorable.
      After a horrible Migraine yesterday thankfully it's going to leave me alone today.
      Love Lynda xx

  14. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    Sandra sorry I didn't get in yesterday I had a horrible migraine so spent most of the day in bed hopefully it will go away today it always affects my eyes they are all blurry Not upto much today must send CC to Sandra & send pet pictures too also have some new buys to photograph. So will get them done soon.
    Janet Jim's drawing of Leanne is beautiful he's very talented such a lovely keepsake to be treasured thank you for sharing.
    Cheryl your memory book is beautiful look forward to seeing more pages.
    Brenda speedy is adorable & Margaret so is Star.
    We had a storm erlier the thunder was really loud but now the sun is out so looks like a lovely day after all. We are Looking after Hendrix today for three days he is no trouble but Bambie is not keen on him. HaHa
    Internet back on yay
    We are off out for a walk now so hoping will clear my head pop back later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm sorry to hear you have had a migraine all night. I hope your walk clears it for you. Well this morning was quite sunny. However, that went in and it looks quite black outside and windy. Guess what Petes doing yes you've guessed it watching the car racing with his eyes shut.

    2. Hi Lynda, so sorry you weren't so good yesterday with a nasty migraine. I know from past experience that all you want to do is lie in a dark room and wait for it to ease. Hope you've had a good day and a lovely walk with Bambi and Hendrix and the sun stayed out for you. xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and Paul,

    Firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY Maria I hope you're having a lovely day and really getting spoilt by everyone, you deserve it. XX

    JANET, A big thank you for sharing this beautiful drawing of Leanne. Jim has created a very precious keepsake, I know you will treasure this forever. It really is lovely, thank you once again xx

    CHERYL, your memory book for Millie-May is coming along beautifully, I know it's something you will probably keep adding to for years to come, and will be treasure it for ever. Thank you for sharing xx

    MARGARET, what a lovely photograph of Star and she is beautiful. And I'm sure Very much loved by everyone. xx

    Our tortoise is called Speedy - because he is, now you see him then he has disappeared, he tries to climb onto flower beds even up steps and is so strong. Just now John is putting a piece of wood behind a railway sleeper that edges a flower bed, to try and stop him getting onto the plot. He has lots of areas where he is free to roam. He even has his own little house, John made it some years ago, where he returns most evenings to sleep and that's where he hibernate in the winter time. Sometimes he sleeps on the opposite side of the garden where we have a Yew tree, behind it there are some roof tiles, he likes to tuck himself behind them and sleep. He has also goes into John shed with the door is open and sleep. The only thing about that is John has to remember to get up early in the morning and let him out,

    I hope everyone is having a good day, sending caring hugs for everyone.
    Love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Sounds like your Speedy is an adventure seeker. Seems to try and get into every nook and cranny he can.

    2. Hello Pat, He is a nightmare at times, he even tries to get out of the side gate when it is open. When I tried to grow sweet peas he climbed up an ate them all. John has talked about asking a zoo or finding a new home for him. Children/grandchildren didn't like that idea. BUT they have not got suitable gardens to house him. so for now he stays where he is.. Lord of all he surveys!! xx

    3. Hi Brenda. Speedy sound a real character and obviously loves his adventures and his food ha ha. xx

  16. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Happy Birthday wishes Maria 🎉🎂 Hope you're having a lovely day xx
    Janet, such a lovely drawing by Jim and a treasured keepsake for you all xx
    Cheryl, love your memory album :-)
    Margaret and Brenda, love seeing your pets :-)
    Hoping everyone is having a good day and the weather is being kind to you whatever you're doing. Quite windy here but dry at the moment.
    Sending love and hugs to all xxx

  17. Hi again everyone.
    Just wanted to say a massive thank you to you all for my birthday wishes today. The day have been very nice and finished off with a Chinese take away and a movie. We are going for a few nights to Colchester so might not be in , depending on the wi-fi at the hotel.
    Sue- hope you had a great day and the weather got nicer.
    Speedy- love hearing more of your antics. You are a bit naughty aren't you Lol
    Janet- happy birthday for your great-granddaughter tomorrow, have a nice day.
    Lynda- hope you had a better day. Hugs to you both.
    Have a Good night my friends xxx
