
Wednesday 3 May 2017

A quick and easy Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I'm all out of sink this week, I thought it was Tuesday today! 

Today's card is another card that fits this weeks Challenge theme, it has all been made using one colour, 'Sweet Sugarplum', I love this colour! 
I used 'Sweet Sugarplum' Card and matching Designer Series paper (DSP), matted with white card, I didn't have matching ribbon so I created a border using the 'Delicate Details '  stamp set, stamped in Sweet Sugarplum ink. I matted that onto 'SS' card and white card. 
For the sentiment I used  the 'thanks' from the 'Hello You' Die set, the little butterfly is from the 'Sunshine Sayings ' die set. 
Quick and simple, yet quite pretty. 

One or two of you may have noticed a lovely lady called Christine has popped in a few times, well she messaged me last night saying she would love to join our lovely blog family, So I would like to all to welcome her in, Christine you will I've it here, you could not wish for better friends.  I look forward to getting to know you and seeing some of your work. XXX

Hopefully seeing Pat and Sue today, Pat is definitely coming but she was travelling back from Devon yesterday so I will wait to see if she is feeling up to it, those long car journeys can be exhausting. XXX

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Hugs



  1. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.

    Lovely card Sandra. Just love the colours. Hope the two or three of you have a great meet up today.

    Welcome Christine to this loveliest, friendliest blog family.

    Have to dash. Fed the cats, packed my bag, just taking Gracie for a walk then it's off to the coach.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Pat hope your visit goes well today.
    Will pop in later.
    Love Valxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra-another one colour wonder. I have my challenge card planned in my head, just hope I can get round to making it.

    Work was busy yesterday. Amazingly the dentist couldn't find anything wrong so I just have another check up in 6 months. I think that only the second time that's ever happened!!!

    Dad was fine but the GP surgery had annoyed him. They'd reduced the dose of his painkillers without mentioning it so when he phoned them he got a lecture on how addictive they were, then he asked if someone could come out to change the dressing and was told he'd need to get a taxi to the clinic!!! I've suggested he phone the hospital & see if there's anyone there that could change the dressing after he goes for Physio tomorrow.

    Best get ready for work.


    PS welcome Christine, hope you can visit the Cafe most days.

    1. Poor Dad, Michele, It's bad enough having to be reliant on others but then get a lecture from his surgery when all he wanted was to be free from pain aaaargh! The district nurse should have been booked to change his dressings. I hope you sort them out and give that someone a lecture on how to do her job without being patronising. x

    2. I agree with CHERYL Changing his dressings should be part of his CP Whilst he's on crutches he needs those pain killers I know we both work for NHS but sometimes .... Argh! Hope you get it sorted

    3. Hello Michelle, I was really saddened by the experience your dad received yesterday from his GP surgery. Could you on his behalf make a complaint to the practice manager or to a senior GP. Too often it is left for family's to 'sort things out ' quite frankly that is not good enough in your fathers case. I hope he continues to improve, with or without the support of his GP's practice. xx

    4. Hi Michele. It's good to hear that your visit to the dentist went without you needing any work done. I agree with Cheryl and Karen. What is happening to basic care from the NHS? I hope your Dad can get his dressings sorted and maybe he could speak to his surgens secretary about his pain meds. I hope work goes well for you today x

    5. Hi Michele, sad to see what your dad have to go through with after his surgery. Of course he need his pain killers and help with getting his dressing changed. Hope it all sorts out asap. xx

    6. Hi Michele
      I don't understand why your Dad didn't have a letter from the hospital to take to the surgery asking the nurse to make him an appointment to have his dressing changed or taken off as required like I did. I thought hospitals all worked the same in that respect. Anyway he certainly didn't need a lecture from his surgery. I only had paracetamol, and was given these at the hospital.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Thank you Sandra for today's very pretty card and the inspiration.

    I'm more awake this morning so I know what this week's CC is I'll get my thinking cap on and see what happens.

    I have to start unpacking my craft box today and get some bday cards in the post hopefully in plenty of time for them to arrive for those special days.
    I say that because it was Jim's eldest Grandson's bday on the 28th April and we posted his cards what we thought was in good time and he still hasn't received them. I despair of the postal service. I sometimes seems that wherever you are the post can be awkward!!

    MICHELE- I sometimes wonder how some local surgeries think that elderly patients can just get into the surgery all the time particularly when they do not have their own transport etc and particularly when they have been in hospital for major surgery and are in need of aftercare. I sometimes grumble about our surgery but we do have a good team of nurses and admin staff. I hope your Dad can get the dressing sorted tomorrow at the hospital.

    CHRISTINE - welcome to the best blog you will ever find. We are all very friendly and don't bite and I have to say we can all be a little on the 'daft' side at times. Looking forward to seeing some of your work.

    The CAFE doors are open and the sun is shining in so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

  4. HELLO CHRISTINE AND WELCOME This blog is so friendly and helpful It allows us to share our good times and are here to lend a bit of support in tough times too
    Your card is lovely SANDRA The font of the sentiment is lovely It looks very 3D how did you do that?
    I've got the dentist later (don't laugh) at 2.30 My OH was beside himself when I told him!
    I hope you have a fab day with PAT - lots of laughter and hopefully SUE will be able to join you too
    Will pop back later Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen. How funny that your dental appointment is at 2.30 😊 I hope you are as lucky as Michele and don't need any work x

    2. Oh Karen, you just make me laugh, OH told that same joke to our 17 yr old grandson, well he fell about laughing, saying grandpa I've never heard that before, (grandpa is a great one for telling jokes and teasing them all) he immediately said I've got to text it to my dad and friends. He was still laughing as he was sending the text. It's the sill jokes that always work. Will be thinking about you at tooth Hurty! - Hope you have a good day xx

    3. Hi Karen
      That's one of Petes favourite jokes, no wonder OH laughed.
      Sue couldn't join us today as her family were all coming round to celebrate her birthday.

  5. Morning everyone from a bright sunshiny Somerset.

    I had a chuckle when I read you have lost your sink Sandra, I had imagined it had gone on holiday only to come back to mountains of dirty dishes, hahaha.

    Monday, Cannington held it's first Annual Music Fest in aid of the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance. A good day was had by one and all, I thoroughly enjoyed the live music, I have missed that since Pete passed away. The sun shone brightly and although dark grey storm clouds were brewing up late afternoon, they serenely sailed past us and dropped the rain elsewhere. The second wave caught us about 6-7 pm and soon cleared.

    Tomorrow I get to present Pete's Panto Trophy to the lucky winner. It has been hard work trying to get the school to arrange it during Assembly, we were told it would be done before the Easter holidays but nothing happened so the Director has been on the case and voile! tomorrow is the day. I then travel to Gloucester to pick Brian up for a few days R&R down here.

    Pete's Calla lilies have just started to poke the first spears above ground. Last week when I weeded the border they were still underground but this glorious weather we have had has woken them from their slumber. I look forward to a sumptuous display this year. Last year they got a good battering from the wind and rain which flattened them. This year they have new support stakes to counteract the weather.
    All my hanging baskets have been found, washed and sterilized and are now hanging from the rotary line to dry off ready for planting this afternoon with Tumbler tomatoes and strawberries. The herb wall cannot be hung up just yet until the plants have grown new roots to anchor themselves.
    Time now to get a wiggle on, housework and the EZ-bed to sort out this morning leaving me the afternoon for potting up.
    A warm welcome to Christine should she pop in today to 'see' us.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. It's good to hear that the music fest wasn't​spoiled by rain. I hope lots of much needed funds were raised for the Air Ambulance. You have been busy getting your garden ready, it would be lovely to see some more photos, please. Have a good time relaxing with Brian x

    2. Hi Cheryl. Glad you had a nice time at the music fest and the Air Ambulance got some more money in. Like Sue saying, do take some photos to show when your plants are potted and thriving. Have a nice day xx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you had a lovely time at the music fest. Sounds like your garden is coming on lovely. Have a great time at the presentation.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another lovely card from you, love the colour. I hope you manage to see Pat & Sue, I know Sue is suffering withdrawal symptoms, it is soo long that you have all met
    Karen hope dentist goes
    Michele it is good to be told by dentist no need to see you for 6 months, hope Dad can get
    No Petanque to day have to take my 91year old for blood test, I am quite pleased as it is not very warm out & a nasty wind.
    Christine welcome to this amazing blog run by lovely Sandra it is such a friendly cafe & all calorie free!! What more could you want. Hope to see you soon.
    Must get on, sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Mum. I hope you and Pam manage to get her bloods done without any daft moments that we seem to have sometimes 😊 love you xx

  7. Morning Sandra, thanks for your welcome to the group/blog. Thanks also to the ladies who have posted a welcome to me.
    Some crafting is on the cards and it is my huuby's birthday today so I will be cooking a special meal tonight.
    Just received a new Spellbinders Shapeabilities Die, a Scalloped Pop Up Box so will be trying it out later.
    I gather from Sandra you like to see what we 'buy' crafting wise. I am a SU Demonstrator like Sandra and I will have quite a lot to share when my goodies are delivered.
    I look forward to getting to know you all and taking part in your 'chats'
    Christine xxx

    1. Hi Christine,
      Hope your hubby has a lovely birthday and enjoys his birthday meal. Forgive me, I have worked out which part of the country you live in. I was born in Rugby. Family moved to Whitwick about 1950. My father was an Engine driver at Coalville sheds. My sister until she retired was a Head Teacher in Loughborough. Growing up in the area was brilliant, so much freedom. Unlike our children who were only allowed to play in the garden or if accompanied in the park. So I have lovely memories of your area. Unfortunately I only get to go to Loughborough now.

    2. Hi Brenda, I go to Loughborough when I want to look round somewhere different. It is bigger than Coalville 'town' as not a lot of shops are there now. Maybe we will see each other in Lougborough? xx

    3. Hi Christine
      Welcome to this lovely group. I look forward to seeing some of your lovely creation. I hope hubby is having a great day on his birthday.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a pretty card you have for us today 😊 I agree with Karen's​ comment about the sentiment looking 3D. Did you glue 2 or 3 together or is it just that way after being embossed. Whatever it is I love the look. Have a good day with Pat. Sorry I can't make it, as Mum said I am getting withdrawal symptoms! Big hugs are on their way x
    Pat, I hope you get to relax with Sandra today as you do deserve it what with all of the appointments etc. at the moment. Sending you big hugs x
    Janet, it's good to hear you are safely home and nearly unpacked 😊
    I have to catch up on what you were all up to yesterday but I hope the heavy rain we have had over the last couple of days down in Devon has missed you all. BIL pond water level raised by nearly 5" over night on Monday!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Sorry you were unable to join us today. I hope you had a lovely day with your family.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I hope our 'Three get Graces' get to meet up today, I know for Pat it will be lovely change to do something normal, her life is somewhat challenging at the moment, no two days are the same. Sue will be tired after the long journey from Devon. But for all three of you it will be the best tonic you could have. xx

    CHRISTINE, Welcome to this lovely place. Everyone is very friendly, you can talk about your day. If you want advice someone usually has the answer. Just join in and be yourself, it's as easy as that.
    We would all love to know about you, like where do you live?
    When's your birthday? etc. etc. What ever you feel happy to share with us. xx

    Think I will wiggle on, haven't had my coffee yet, and it's nearly lunch time. Someone is steeling the hours from my day again!!!

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. I took so long isending my message Sue and Christine dropped in and I was faffing about. Pleased to see both of you. Xx

    2. Hello Brenda, I am originally from Stoke-on-Trent. Born at a place called Harriseahead near to Mow Cop. I moved to Derby when my Dad moved his work and lived there until 1993 when hubby and I moved here to Coalville.
      My birthday is in October and to be precise 10th and I will be the young age of 70. lol
      I love to craft, enjoy our Caravan, both here and in Spain where we spend the winter months.
      I have a blog as well as two Facebook pages.
      Look forward to getting to know more about everyone.
      Hugs Christine xx

    3. Hi Christine
      How lucky to have somewhere to go to in Spain. I assume you go in our winter months.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cotswold Cafe' today.
    Gorgeous card for some cc inspiration. Love the colour.
    Hi Christine and most welcome to the best bunch of friends you can have. I'm the nosy one but of course you don't have to answer my questions,that is up to you but I would love to see some of your work, what kind of crafting do you make ? where do you live ? etc,etc :)
    Happy birthday to your husband ! hope he have a lovely day. What do you cook for him tonight ?
    Karen- I'm not laughing, it took me a while to get it actually. I am so dim Lol
    Janet- good to see you back safe and sound. Try to have a restful day x
    Lynda- hope you and Terry are alright and enjoyed your walk the other day. Take care.
    Pat- have a nice day with our Sandra today and have fun doing some crafting instead for Dr and hospital. I'm going again tomorrow for some acupuncture for my calf.
    Lilian- hope the weather has changed for you down in Cornwall. It's not that nice here today, very windy ,cold and I'm sure it will come cats and dogs this afternoon.
    SIL and her OH is on there way over so I best get a move on or I'm still in my nighty when they turn up hihi
    Have a good day everyone. love and many hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your acupuncture goes well tomorrow.

  11. Hello Maria, lovely to hear from you. Sandra tells me you are on Facebook? I am too with two seperate pages. I have a blog and love to craft. I am a SU Demonstrator so a lot of my work involves using SU products but I also have lots and lots of other companies things.
    I learnt how to do Parchment work at a class at night school, along with my Sister. Sadly I don't do much of it now as I have had eye problems.
    I will share my Blog link if anyone would like it so you can see what I do.
    Hugs Christine xx

    1. Hi Christine, welcome, great of you to drop in again, would love to see what you do.

    2. Hi Lilian, I do have a blog but I won't post the link on here unless Sandra say's it is Ok to do so.

  12. Hello again ladies, I have answered a few of your questions and I have asked to be Facebook friends with Pat, Michele and Marie.
    Marie, Sandra tells me you live on Coalville. May I ask you where abouts? I live on Blackwood and pop into Coalville town (as it is called) a couple of times a week. They have a 'Birds' confectioners there, love their sausage and of course the cakes and bread.
    Maybe we have passed each other. It would be nice to meet you.
    Hugs Christine xxx

    1. Sorry Christine it isn't this Maria that lives in Coalville it's another friend I have xx

    2. Ooops Sandra, sorry for my mistake. xx

  13. SORRY Sandra I didn't comment on your card. It's really inspiring, love this backing paper and the colour is yummy. I have sat this afternoon making little flowers, some of them are in this colour ribbon. BIG Hugs, Brenda xxx

  14. Hello Everyone,
    Sandra lovely card, love the colour.
    Been working all day, so this is a short post, will see you all tomorrow.
    Hope everyone is OK, hugs Lilian

  15. Hi everyone. Just got home. Had a great day, beautiful weather, lovely boat trip and good company. Feeling pretty shattered now si I'll catch up with you all in the morning.

    Lovely to read about you Christine and would be interested to hear where in Spain you have your caravan. I live in Algorfa which is Torrevieja way.

    Bye for now. Valxxx

  16. Hi Sandra and ladies. Love today's card today although it's a bit lighter in the flesh so to speak.
    Sue couldn't come today as all her family are coming around to celebrate her birthday as they were away in Devon.
    I hope you had a lovely day with your family Sue.

  17. Hi Sandra &everyone
    Well it looks like my comment is lost from this morning 😡 It must be traveling round cyber space 🚀 looking for all the other ones I have lost & might even bump into Brenda's on the way round.
    Welcome CHRISTINE lovely seeing you this is the best blog ever such a friendly lot of lovely ladies who give support. Make you smile & lots of healing Hug's given if needed. I would love to see your work please.Happy Birthday to your husband.
    SANDRA I love your card today it's Gorgeous love the colour. I must try & start my CC tomorrow I have a couple of ideas in my pea brain 🤓.
    PAT glad you enjoyed your day with Sandra shame Sue couldn't make it Hope appointment's went ok for you & Pete.
    SUE hope you enjoyed the family visit especially the adorable new little one.
    Karen hope dentist went ok sorry I was like Maria took a while for the penny to drop we I am older than she is. MARIA thank you we did enjoy our walk couldn't go today as heavy rain & cold really how are you feeling with your poor knee & shoulder. Hug's xx
    Thank you Margaret &Val Hug's for you both.xx
    Will have to catch-up on other comments tomorrow just been given a cupper.
    Love Lynda xx
