
Tuesday 2 May 2017

The Wedding Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is the Wedding card that has had me frustrated for a couple of weeks!
I'm not even sure why, the brief was a pretty wedding card for a wedding that was Emerald and White themed. The lady had seen the Diamond anniversary card I did a couple of weeks ago and that was what prompted her to ask.
I sent her a photo of this card last night and she was delighted, boy did I breathe a sigh of relief!!
I made the box to fit the card and decorated it to match the card, those Cheery Lynn Flourishes work perfectly to surround the heart shaped tag/sentiment.

So today I will be tidying the disaster that I created while making the card, I reach for something tinder if it will work, put it to one side because it doesn't and then get something else, which leads to .........
This disaster!!!

So first job today is to find my desk, I did tidy most of it last night, but the box of lace needs to go away and the floor needs hoovering, I lost a needle somewhere too!! 
Oh that reminds me if you look closely at the card you will see I had a go a making ribbon roses, I enjoyed it, but was under pressure for time, so I will have another go when I'm not so rushed! I'm in awe of Brenda who makes her own ribbon roses all the time and they are stunning! 

I'm pleased you all liked the Challenge idea, I guess this card works for that idea as well, all made with one colour + white!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Hello All, very bright and sunny here, but COLD

    Sandra beautiful card and box , hope you charged a goodly amount, or perhaps it was for a friend. No one would ever find one like that in a shop, let alone the cost of it. You are a marvellous card maker.( green is a funny colour for a wedding or is that my superstitious mind comming out again ).

    Cleaner day today and also plumber comming at the same time should be fun ( o/h arrange it.)
    Have a good day all Pat hope the appointments go well this week, hugs Lilian

    1. Thanks Lilian
      Perhaps it's an Irish Wedding Lilian. Hope your cleaner and plumber have done good jobs. I hope it stays sunny for you. The sun has just about come out here.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    I have tried to leave my thanks to each of you on yesterday's blog but I couldn't leave a comment anywhere so will say a very big THANK YOU to you all for my lovely birthday wishes.
    Sandra, I'm sorry that you struggled with the brief for this but the card is gorgeous, I love everything on it, especially the beautiful variety of flowers you have used including the pretty ribbon roses you have made. It's no surprise that your customer was delighted with it.
    Question, Where on the high street would you be able to buy such a beautifully made and presented card that is personalised? Answer - Nowhere. There is no doubt that this card and the matching box will be treasured by the happy couple 😊 It's reassuring to see that you still made the usual mess(as we all do) while making this card, but I bet you will have put everything back in its proper place before you start on the next card as I know just how much easier you find it now you have reorganised your craft room. I do hope you find the needle without standing on it! 😊
    We will be having a quick, for me, walk on Hound Tor before visiting BIL then we will be making our way back home this evening. I'm starting to get crafting withdrawal so I will be looking forward to getting on with some cards once we are back home 😊
    I hope you all have a good a day as possible and that you manage to avoid the heavy rain that is working its way up the country. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-that is one stunning card & with the box you have made, its the perfect Keepsake.

    Well-I don't feel like I've had 3 days off as I've been do busy. At least I'm only in work for 4 days then off for a whole week-yippee.

    Best get ready for a busy day then I have the dentist at 5pm and I've promised my Dad we'll do another walk using his crutches before I can head home.


    1. Sounds like another busy day today. I'm assuming your Dads doing his exercising and walking around at home.

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a stunning card this morning. Everything just shouts beauty and what a keepsake for the start of a marriage.

    We had good journeys both sides of the water but oh boy am I shattered this morning. I think today will be a 'whatever happens' day.

    I'll catch up later with everything I've missed over the last couple of days and hopefully make sense of this week's

    I've put Marigny Dobbie on duty for another couple of days hoping that I'll be revived by then. See you all later. Hugs to you all xxxx

    1. I'm glad you had a good trip back Janet.

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone.
    Sandra, you have made a wonderful card for this couple and a equal beautiful box. They will love it !
    Lilian -glad you got a bit of sunshine and hopefully the cold will go soon too. have a nice day.
    Sue-enjoy your day. Drive carefully home. hugs xx
    Michele- any luck with the furniture shopping ? we are going to look into Dunelm today but I like to try before buying and they haven't got a very big collection in the shop so we will see. Hope your dad is alright with the crutches and manage to walk a bit better. Take care.
    Janet- are you back home ? hope the journey was not too bad. Dobbie have made a great job while you were away tho ,you should be proud of him. Herman have kept the grass down nicely so don't need a cut for a long time Lol
    Pat- take care. Sending you both some hugs. Cricket, can't stand it ! Not since on my birthday treat many years ago going to see my step-son playing. I'm scared for life hihi
    Let Pip have his fun Val and let him have a holiday without thinking of work but thank you. Have a lovely day.
    I hope you all will have a nice day whatever you are up too. Thought about an early walk but changed my mind as we are going out and I have physio later.
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      If you've had your physio I hope it went well.

    2. Maria

      We have narrowed our search down to 2 styles and 12 fabrics!! I've put a deadline of this weekend for as decision as hubby would just leave it.


    3. Hi Ladies, Physio just gave me some more exercises to do at home, wont see him now until after the calcium have been dealt with.
      OH do not see my view for a new lounge with some new sofas, a small electric fire place (to have a little garland on at x-mas) and new curtains but he got his kitchen so I will get it !! Lol xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    A gorgeous card today. Just love it as I'm sure the recipient will as well. I'm not a great fan of green although it's growing on me. I wonder if it's an Irish themed wedding.
    Off to the hospital this morning for Pete and Drs first thing tomorrow. So the rest of the week will be Dr free. Yippee. Then it's just a waiting game unless they decide today they need more tests. Not to sure what as I'm sure Petes gad every test going. At least another 3 months before the cancer on his eye is removed.
    Hugs to all who need it today.

  7. Your card is stunning SANDRA As LILIAN said I hope you charged a goodly amount but we never charge for our time do we
    I hope your dad continues to improve on using crutches MICHELE
    I hope the hospital appt go OK PAT
    Off to work in a mo leaving OH to try out the new washing machine!
    Need to make a Sympathy card later - it's always a difficult one to do isn't it

    1. They are hard to do Karen. Hope OH manages ok with the washing machine. Or is he like Pete, likes to do the washing and hanging it out.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Sandra. Your card is sensational. I love that Cheery Lynn flourish and although I don't use green very often, the emerald works perfectly. Beautiful box as well. Definitely one to keep.

    Michele, hope your dad is managing on his crutches. I bet your more than ready for a week off work.

    Pat. Wishing you well at the hospital today and doctors tomorrow. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the hsptl to contact you.

    Janet. Glad you're home safely. Bet you're in need of a few days R+R.

    Nothing exciting on today. Just about to go food shopping mainly for cat food. They eat more than I do ha ha.

    Looking forward to tomorrow as I'm off on a coach trip to a place called Mazarron. It's a beach resort and we hope to go on on a boat trip. I'm gong with Wendy and Val from Craft Club and a friend of Vals so should be a good day.

    Sue glad you had a lovely birthday. Have a safe journey home.

    Maria, hope physio goes well.

    Bye for now. Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Sounds like a fun day planned for tomorrow. Must look up Mazarin on the internet as I've never heard of it.

    2. It sounds lovely with a trip out with friends, have a wonderful day. I'm saying it now because by tomorrow I sadly have forgotten hihi xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra your card is absolutely beautiful, I'm sure the couple will love it and the lady who ordered it will definitely be one very happy customer. I love that CL flourish. (Wish list - where are you?)

    SUE Have a safe journey back from Devon. Hope you find BIL has improved. xx

    LILLIAN Hope the cleaner and plumber didn't get in each other's way. xx

    VAL, Enjoy your coach trip, I'm sure you will enjoy the company. xx

    JANET, Pleased you had a good journey and taking things easy today. xx

    PAT Hope Petes hospital appointment went well, also your appointment tomorrow with your Doctor. xx

    MARIA. All the best for your physio appointment. xx

    I'm enjoying a quiet day today. I had a phone call yesterday offering me an MRI appointment today, but that's not till 7 o'clock this evening. That's pretty good because I only saw the consultant on Saturday. The NHS seems to get better and better. Oops I hope I haven't spoken to soon!

    Washing almost dry, think I will go out into the garden before I get it in.

    What ever you're doing, I hope it's good. Take care love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. My physio was fine, more exercises just to do at home (when I remember) :) Great you got for the MRI so quickly, hope you be alright. hugs xx

  10. Margaret Palmer2 May 2017 at 19:23

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is beautiful, such a personal keep sake they will love it, well
    I commented this morning but it disappeared & didn't have time to do it again.
    Janet pleased you are home safe, hope you have rested
    Pat hope the appointments today & tomorrow go
    Maria please try & remember your excersises they will
    Brenda hope MRI goes well & you get results
    Val enjoy your trip
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hello Sandra & Everyone
    SANDRA your card is stunning you have done a excellent job. The recipient will absolutely love it. ( glad I'm not the only one that makes a mess making one card πŸ™„ )
    SUE glad you had a nice birthday. Hope you found your BIL has improved. Safe journey home.xx
    PAT hope Pete's hospital went ok, & your Doctors tomorrow sending Hug's xx
    MARIA hope physio goes well.Also you &OH agree on your furniture.
    JANET glad your home safe & sound. Have some RR over the next few days sending some πŸ€—πŸ€—xx
    VAL enjoy your trip tomorrow with Wendy & two from craft club.
    BRENDA hope your MRI went ok. Sending Hug's
    MICHELE hope your dad managed another walk & in good spirits.
    Believe it I have been doing this comment since 2pm so many interruptions My hairdresser came & had so many phone calls also having to run to the loo with a bad tummy. 😩Then I had to get Terry some dinner I didn't have anything thought it best not too.
    Wishing everyone a lovely evening.
    Love Lynda xx
