
Thursday 4 May 2017

A 40th Anniversary Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, how is the weather where you are?  It's cold here, you never know quite what to wear.  I still have all of my winter clothes out, I have managed to pop out once without a big jumper last week, but back to thicker clothes and scarves this last couple of days.  My sister went camping last week, thinking it would be OK at the end of April, she said they could only manage one night as they were so cold, they had gone prepared with super sleeping bags etc , but even sleeping clothed with a hat on too didn't warm them up! So they have decided to shelve any plans to go until June at the earliest. Haha. We did it once when we just had Matt & Becca, it was Easter and we went to Scarborough, we had beautiful weather in the day but boy did it get cold at night, we ended up all in one bed! Hahaha xx

Pat came over yesterday, Sue had other plans so couldn't make it.  For the first time ever we managed to Craft in my craft room !! There was room for both of us to sit and craft, which was a huge bonus as we had everything to hand!  
Now Pat came with some ideas of what she had in mind for a 40th Wedding Anniversary Card, we had a quick browse through my stamps and dies and then had a quick look on Pinterest, pretty much all of the ideas that Pat had in mind went out of the window and we decided to have a play with the Stampin' Up​!  'Large Number ' Thinlits' and matching "Number of Years " Stamp set

Large Number Framelits

"Number of Years" Stamp set

These two sets together can make some stunning cards (check out Pinterest), they are perfect for most occasions, Birthdays, Wedding, Wedding Anniversary, Male cards, New year, pretty much any occasion.  I love them, I think Pat did too, she was as pleased as punch with her card, I made a box for it too, to make it more of a gift, it was plain white with a pretty red bow across one corner.  I can't wait to play with it some more! 
Let us know what you think about the card, the Glitter card really made it look special.
Both of these items I can order for you from Stampin Up, or if you prefer you could pop into my Stampin' Up Website, the address is on the contact page.

Thank you ladies for the lovely Welcome you gave Christine yesterday, she did pop back in and write a quick paragraph about herself for you all, she was really touched by your warm welcome xxx

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Stunning card-Pat & Sandra. It's a real Keepsake .

    Quick visit to my Dads last night-he'd been outside already on his crutches. The gardener had been so my Dad felt brace enough to join him outside. Hopefully a nurse at the hospital will remove the dressing today.

    I have a parcel to collect-I'm hoping it's my prize from Sue Wilson as it would be nice to try out my new Dies over the weekend.


    1. That's meant today "brave enough"!!!


    2. Hi Michele
      Great that you Dad felt he could go out in the garden. Pete did some digging while I was at Sandra's yesterday. I helped a bit in the morning and the day before. He grows so many vegetables he's always complaining we never use them all. But there's only so much beg you can eat in one go. He does give some away but during the summer most people eat salads.
      I hope you parcel is your Die from Sue. I'm waiting to see what stamp set I get for my win.

    3. Hi Michele. It's good to hear that your Dad is starting to get more confident on his crutches, hope that he gets his dressing sorted by the hospital today.
      I bet yiur fingers are crossed that the parcel is your new dies, that's the sort of post we all love to get isn't it 😊 I hope work goes well for you x

  2. Morning Everyone

    SANDRA - a beautiful Anniversary Card you created yesterday and I love those numbers. I can see they would be a 'go to' set many times over.

    I seem to have a busy day ahead of me - my Hairdresser is due at 10.00 and then I must get on with my CC for this week.
    I'm also expecting a large parcel to be delivered either today or tomorrow and I'm quite excited about it. Is your parcel still sat untouched Michele?

    Have a good day everyone whatever you're all planning.
    The CAFE is open and ready for business. I've put little pots of Lily of the Valley on the tables this morning so I hope Herman doesn't get in through the back

    HUGS are on their way to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Thank you for putting the vases full of beautiful Lily of the Valley in the Café, they are a special flower to me 😊
      Is your parcel full of crafting goodies? If it is you must be looking out for the delivery man. Have a good day x

    2. Hi Janet
      Did your parcel come today. Hope it was full of crafty goodies if so look forward to seeing pictures of them.
      Big Hug's xx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA and PAT
    I meant to congratulate CHERYL yesterday on the huge amount that was raised for Air Ambulance
    I hope your dad manages to get the dressings sorted today
    Dentist went OK (my new dentist is a bit of a dreamboat!) BUT my blood sugars started dropping and so I asked if I could delay the extra treatment he wanted to do Next available appt -June!
    CC done and photographed Will email it later
    Craft club tonight I usually take a bit of crochet or knitting - easier to carry and I have to rely on a lift so feel I can't load up her boot!
    See you later xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your craft club tonight. I've always wanted to be able to crochet. I always used to see a top I liked and thought I'll knit that. However, it always turned out to be a crochet top.

    2. Hi Karen. It's a shame that you need some dental work but at least you will get to see your dentist again 😊 Have a good day and enjoy craft club tonight x

  4. Hi Sandra
    Yes, I was really pleased with my card. However, somewhere between photographing it and putting back in the box there was a mark on the bottom left hand side. I was going to put a small butterfly on it. I've now decided to borrow Sandra's small flower stamp and just dot a few randomly around the card. Hence covering up the mark. I'll do the same on the inside so the front doesn't look odd.
    It was only Sandra and I crafting as Sues family were coming round to celebrate her birthday. I'm hoping to meet my friend for a coffee at Yarnton if the district nurse comes to dress her husbands legs early enough as we're out this afternoon.
    Back to the hospital for a chat to the trials team on Tuesday. I wish they'd hurry up and decide whether Pete can or cannot go on the trials.

    1. Lovely, lovely card Pat and such a clever idea to use the numbers. Little flowers and butterflies hide a multitude of sins don't they?
      Do hope the hospital decided soon about Pete's trials. Fingers crossed for

    2. Hi Pat. Your card is gorgeous, I love the glitter numbers, it adds just that extra something. Where would we be without butterflies to hide any little marks 😊 I'm so glad that you managed to get some time to relax properly yesterday with Sandra, just sorry that I couldn't make it too. I hope you and Pete hear very soon if he can go on the trial drugs. Sending big hugs x

    3. Hi Pat
      Your card is gorgeous I love those numbers they really stand out
      Lovely colour's too.
      Hope hospital appointment Tuesday gives Pete some answers about his trials.Sending you both some Hug's xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all,

    So love Pats card today. I have a silver and pearl anniversary to make for the shop. I have large X cut numbers so many thanks for the idea.

    Michele, glad your dad is getting used to his crutches and so pleased the hospital are going to change his dressing.

    Karen, enjoy your Craft Club tonight.

    Janet. Is you large parcel full of craft goodies? If so looking forward to seeing them.

    I had an early night last night after being out for the day. I think it was call the fresh air. Wendy (Spanish Crafter) has put some photos on her blog today of the boat etc. Of course I forgot to take my camera! !!!

    Meeting up with a friend later for a coffee but just off to my craft room to finish off my cc.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I'm glad that you had a lovely day out yesterday with Wendy. I am really good at forgetting to take pictures, even though I have a phone which takes decent ones! Have a good day crafting then seeing your friend x

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I didn't think I needed these numbers now the grandchildren are growing up. They really are an investment as you have proved here....... when are you next placing an order?

    PAT your card is lovely and it will be extra special to the recipients. I love how you've given the numbers that extra sparkle, thank goodness you can cover up the small mark with a butterfly, no one will know. How many times have we all covered up marks with a butterfly, flower or flourish!

    No crafting today we have shopping to do and will pop into the garden centre before taking our youngest granddaughter swimming. Must get into the craft room tomorrow as I have a 60th birthday card to put together, it's all cut out and ready to go. That's unless my head suggests another design.!!

    Hope you all have a lovely day. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Those dies really are great. I took the card to show Heather who we visit on Thursdays and who usually come on holiday with us.
      She suggested putting a small Heart over the blemish. So I might go down that road. I'll ask Sandra's opinion first though. She always seems to know what looks best on a card.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Beautiful card Sandra. Forgot to comment yesterday sorry. It was smashing as well. Pretty papers used.
    Was during a lot of running around yesterday on my day off finished up having some sangria whilst pitting up the last of the plants.

    Back to the joys of work today boo hoo.

    Big welcome to Christine. Lovely to meet u xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    I love the card, the stamped flower are so pretty and the glittery 40th adds that bit of sparkle. I can see these dies and stamps being used time after time.
    Maria, I hope the accupunture goes well for you today X
    The weather really is all over the place at the moment. It is changing almost hour to hour here isn't it! We have camped in April in the past but it is far too cold for me at night.
    I had a surprise yesterday as our children had arranged to spend the day with us. Both Gemmas weren't very well so didn't join us but it was lovely to see everyone else together.

    THANK YOU EVERYONE for my gorgeous cards which I put up yesterday. And just like the weekly CC's there are no two the same. Thank you all again x

    Brenda and Karen, thank you for the beautiful birth Congratulations cards too, and Karen, you have put so much work into Penelope's cardigan, it was so very kind and thoughtful of you. Tim and Roz were delighted with it and have asked me to thank you from them too 😊
    I have paperwork to do afterI have made my CC. so I must get on. Wishing you all have the same blue skies that we have today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. You are very welcome I hadn't realised you were an expectant grandmother until the prev week! Knitting is my sanctuary I love it ❤️

    2. Hi Sue, Couldn't let this long awaited gifts arrival go by without congratulating to you all. xx

    3. Hi Sue
      I'm glad you had a lovely day yesterday. I'm assuming you have only two Gemma's in your family. So I'm assuming your Gemma stayed in bed as she was unwell. Must have been a bit noisy for her though.

    4. Hi Sue so pleased you had a lovely birthday & all the family visits yesterday how lovely getting cuddles with gorgeous Penelope.
      Sorry Gemma was unwell sending her πŸ€—Xx

  9. Hi Christine. Sorry that I am late with my welcome but you have found the most friendly and caring blog that also has a calorie free Cafe where you can sit back and relax with a cup of your favourite brew and whatever cake or treat you fancy 😊 There is always something to inspire you and not just cards but many other crafts and interests too. We are all here for each other through both good and bad times and we do like to have a laugh or
    two 😊 It is good to find out a little about you and it will be lovely to see some of your cards, please. Take care x

    1. Mrs B, no need for apologies and thanks for your lovely welcome.
      Christine xx

  10. Good afternoon ladies. It is a lovely sunny day here in Coalville even though it is rather windy.
    I had a Doctors appointment first thing and having had Blood Tests last week she confirmed what I already suspected. I have suffered with Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 20 years and have kept it under control with medication.
    For some unknown reason it decided to 'flare' up and every joint in my hands has been hurting. The outcome from this morning confirmed it there was a very high Rheumatoid factor in my blood so she gave me a course of tablets to control the pain and is referring me to a Rheumatoid Consultant.
    Today is the first week of being on a Design Team showcasing Stampin' Up products. The set we were given is gorgeous and right up my street being Butterflies.
    I am not sure if I can share on here my Blog or my design. Perhaps you will advise.
    Time for an afternoon cuppa but sadly no cake.
    Take care and hugs to you all. xx

    1. Ooh the pain! There's a few of us that has Arthur Ritis pay visits in one shape or other I hope the new medication helps and that you don't have to wait too long for your appt

    2. Hi Christine that sounds really painful. We do suffer when he pays a visit don't we. Mine isn't to bad, although I did have to have two hips replaced because of it.

    3. Hi Christine I also have the joy of Mr Rheumatoid Arthritis visits I suffer with it badly in my feet & legs I'm on methotrexate 4 tablets once a week I was on 6 tablets but it was affecting my liver so she cut them down I have blood πŸ’‰test every week to check liver.
      I'm also a butterfly freak you ask Maria.πŸ˜‚.
      I would love to see your first card for the design team.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Evening Sandra and everyone.
    Hope your sister is alright and not have any frost bites.... Going camping can really be a hit or miss this time of year.
    Michele- good that you dad is walking better with his crutches and can go outside a bit. Hope the day at work was alright.
    Karen- nice to hear you have a good looking dentist, are you now going even when it isn't anything wrong ? Lol
    Sue- how lovely for them all to rally around and celebrate your birthday. You have great kids and grand children. Did you get any nice prezzies ?
    Gorgeous card Pat, I love it all and the glittery card for the numbers are great.The happy couple will love it .
    Sorry but not sure if I'm coming or going today and apparently I seem to have moved towards Birmingham without me knowing hihihi and then it turned out to be another with similar name. Really sorry to hear you have Arthur ritis Christine, wish you not suffering to long and the meds. you got will help some. We still not that far from eachother tho so meeting up one day could easily be arranged. I'm going to the NEC sometimes and I might go to the Garden Show in June.
    I hope the rest of you have had a nice day. OH had dentist and I got pricked so feeling rather sleepy tonight so nothing then watching a bit Tv and then hopefully Mr Sandman will be so kind to visit me tonight.
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria hope your pricking has helped & OH get on ok at dentist did he have any treatment. Take care Hug's xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you & Pat produced a lovely card yesterday, good you were able to craft in your craft room it must have been so much easier. The bundle looks very useful, oh dear another one I would like!! Well done Pat & Sandra for
    Michele pleased to hear Dad feels more confident on his crutches, hope they took dressing of for
    Christine so sorry you have a flare up, as the Mum of Mrs.B who also suffers with it, I know how debilitating it can be, sending healing hugs & hope meds kick in
    Sue hope you have had some rest today & hope the Gemma's are feeling
    I have had busy day again food shopping this morning, embroidery for a while then check up at hospital for my wrist, pleased to say first time in about 4 years or more signed me off from hand clinic. Son arrived from Yorkshire this afternoon come for a few days to help with garden as Alan still waiting for hip replacement,so busy few days ahead.
    Maria hope the "needles" help with the pain, an Aunty of Pop's swore by it for her knee. Hugs on the
    Sending hugs to all who need them, sorry if I have missed anybody love

  13. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Sandra I love those big numbers I have a set but are rather small.
    It's been very cold today had to put heating on. We went Tesco shopping but first went to the Range &YAAY I GOT MY GEMINI 😁 I had saved enough in PayPal. There wasn't any on the shelf so asked the assistant she checked on computer & showed they had two so she went & got it for me. So I'm a happy bunny. Will have a play tomorrow. I must do my CC as well.
    I have commented on way down.
    Just got my cupper so see you tomorrow
    Love Lynda xx

  14. Hello, sorry to be so late, busy day.
    Pat and Sandra lovely card, love the idea of a little heart.
    Lynda glad you have got your Gemini, I am very pleased with mine, the only thing I don't like is the clear cutting plate.

    Sleep tight all see you in the morning, hugs Lilian
