
Friday 5 May 2017

We were stopped by the POLICE !!! Oh and another Challenge Card !!

Good Morning Ladies,

Another Challenge card to inspire you this morning, a super quick card too, I die cut a base card using the outer die of the 'Lucy' tag die set and then cut another layer with the same die, I used Stampin'Up​! 'So Saffron' card for the colour layers on this card, it is such a pretty, soft yellow.  I cut the decorative layer of the Lucy die with white card and the final decorative layer in ,'So saffron' , I used the pretty central section of the
'Peony Diamond' Finishing Touches die (From this Latest launch) to finish my card.
I stamped the sentiment in 'So saffron' ink too!
I think it's a pretty little thank you card, what do you think?

I really like the little cards you can make with the die itself, perfect for little notelets or thank you cards.

Paul dragged me out today, he only lets me be a 'hermit' for a few days before he insists on us going out somewhere, so we went to the garden centre to get some Seed Potatoes, we also managed to get two pots of Sweet Potato 'Slips' too, Cucumber and Tomato plants finished our vegetable shopping, every thing will be grown from seed apparently!  Watch this space.!!
On the way home we got pulled over by the Police, oh my goodness, my anxiety went through the roof! I was in a fair state of panic, the worst part was that we were 'pulled over' in a small village, you could see all the residents coming out onto the street to have a nosey.  The Policeman was VERY serious when he came to my window, apparently the reason for the stop was that we had a brake light bulb out!!!
We were thoroughly 'checked out' and were allowed to go on our way with a stern warning! I had to have a lie down when we got home, as my heart palpitations had left me exhausted, oh what a Drama, there are some benefits not being a hermit after all. The curtains of the street almost caused a breeze with their twitching as we drove off! Hahaha

I hope you all have a good day, less dramatic that mine was yesterday!

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, it's so pretty and a lovely colour.

    My goodness-I think I'd have had palpitations if the police stopped me and started walking towards my car. I hope you're feeling better this morning.

    I started to read last night (after doing the Tesco shopping & putting it all away) and I nodded off-haven't been sleeping very well recently. Of course-as soon as I got to bed I was wide awake!!

    Today looks like it's going to be a busy one at work so at least it will go quickly. I'm calling at my Dads tonight with Fish & Chips plus collecting his shopping list which I'll sort out tomorrow morning.


    1. Hi Michele. It sounds like another busy day for you. So hope you can get some 'me' time on your week off. Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Michele sounds like another busy day for you. Enjoy your fish & chips with your Dad tonight. Sounds like he has mastered his crutches too.
      Enjoy your week off have some rest & of course some crafting
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Michele, wishing you a wonderful week off work and you can have plenty of R+R. Are you going away anything or planing to do things at home ? take care and enjoy the fish and chips tonight, say Hi to your dad xx

    4. Hi Maria
      Enjoy your fish and chips that's if your having any with your Dad. I hope you have a lovely week off, you deserve it.

    5. We know you mean Michele, wish tho I had some fish and chips tonight :) x

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - a beautiful card you have created. It is really a 'work of art' and that colour is amazing. It is also amazing as to how many shaped cards we could achieve if we looked at our dies. I shall be looking at my dies with this in mind.

    I too would be having a 'dickie fit' if we were stopped by our 'boys in blue'. I hope you're feeling OK this morning. By the way have you made an appointment with your GP?

    I finished my CC yesterday and so today I have to take a picture and get it sent off.

    My large parcel arrived yesterday morning in the middle of having my hair cut. It has nothing to do with craft BOOOOOOOOOOO so no photograph but e fingers crossed it will give me many hours of freedom. I have given in after quite a while of thinking and purchased a 'bright shiney red three wheel walker and so hopefully I will be able to take myself out for a little walk but most of all it will help me walk more upright and take some pressure of my spine. It will be having it's test run tomorrow morning round Meadowhall.

    The sun is shining and it's dry. The CAFE door is open so everything is ready for you all. The coffee/tea pots are full and I've replenished the biscuit tin.
    HUGE HUGS are on their way to you all with a few extra for those Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Your parcel might not be craft related but oh so useful and I'm sure you'll get so much use out of your wheel walker. Great colour as well.
      Enjoy your day. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Wow your parcel sounds great & very beneficial for you. I love the colour of your 3 wheel walker.good for you enjoy your test run today
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Janet,
      I think your walker will make you feel more comfortable when you go out and give you confidence to go that little bit further.
      I am awaiting a Occupational Therapist appointment to maybe have a walker at home as I struggle with crutches as they push me too 'upright' and make the pain in my lower back a lot worse.
      I can't wait to hear your review!!!
      Sending hugs

    4. Hi Janet, a new sporty red walker sound real good so you be able to go out more freely. Hope the trial run goes well, maybe have a little bell on it just to warn others you coming :) hugs xx

    5. Janet, hope your lovely bright shines red walker was a help to you, your back must feel better for having it. Maybe the next parcel will be crafting goodies. xx

    6. Hi Janet
      A red sporty walker sounds great. Just make sue you don't go over the speed limit. You never know where the bots in blue can pop out from. Enjoy your shopping.

  3. Hi Sandra and all.
    Beautiful card Sandra. I love the dies you've used and the pretty colour tone. I'm not too happy with how my cc turned out but thought of anotherIidea during the night so I'm hoping to have time to make it. Sandra you may get two off me this week wow.
    I'd have been shaking as well if I was stopped by the Police. They carry guns over here so I always sidle past them and hope I'm not noticed. No wonder you had palpations. Hope you've calmed down now.

    Lynda. Congratulation's on getting your Gemini. Enjoy playing today.

    Off to Craft Club in an hour. These Fridays come around so quickly. Taking all my stencils today to have a play.

    Will pop in later. Hugs to everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val thank you I'm going to set my GEMINI up this morning after housework & clear a more suitable space for it. Then it's all cisterns go.
      Enjoy craft club & getting messy with your stencils.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi val. Have a great time playing with you stencils, what kind of media are you using. I have bought some texture paste but not used much of it. Got to practise for I'm a bit heavy handed. Seeing Julia tomorrow, making cards for men ! Lol hugs xx

    3. Hi Lynda
      Isn't predictive text fantastic. Hope the cistern will be all systems go.

  4. Good morning SANDRA & everyone
    Wow Sandra I love your card today ithe couloirs are so pretty. Gosh how frightening having the police pulling you over. No wonder your heart was pounding away. Please go to the doctors about your palpitations. I had that good few years ago with irregular heart beats resulting into haveing an ablation
    Operation to regulate iit. Hope you feel better today my lovely Big Hug's xx
    I did say last night I now own a GEMINI MACHINE got it from the Range yesterday. I saved enough money in my Pal Pal quicker than expected.
    So will be playing today after Housework & have some ironing but might leave that for tomorrow. Very windy again & dark will have to take Bambie for a walk sooner rather tan than later before it rains.
    So will pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda, you lucky, lucky lady, I so want a Gemini machine!! The girls laugh at me because I have to call them to crank the handle on the Platinum, bigger dies are the worst! Maybe one day xx
      I am so pleased for you though Lynda, no more struggling!
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Lynda, now also a Gemini owner. Hope you get many,many hours of play with this new machine. Starting to feel lonely with just a Cuttlebug and a GC hihi you all seem to go for this newbie and it must be nice not to have to crank the handle which can get your hands aching some silly. many hugs to you and Terry bear :) xx

    3. Hello Lynda - Ohhhhh another Gemini into our little Café. I just know that yingou will not regret buying one. I could not believe how light the plates are and how low the noise is. please let us know how you get on. xxxx

    4. Hi Lynda
      I hope you enjoy your new Gemini. Soon it will be as you said all cisterns go. Enjoy.

    5. Thank you Sandra Maria Janet & Pat. I'm really pleased with the Gemini it. I can't believe how good it cuts SW weaving Die on my Ebosser it took at least 8 passes before it cut then wasn't very good.
      I tried it on Gem & cut in just one pass BRILLIANT one happy bunny.& yes the plates are a lot lighter than Ebosser could hardly lift them with my painful hands.
      Love &Hug's to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Love the Saffron colour. But doesn't the Peony Diamond go well with the Lucy Die.
    Great drama yesterday then. We're off to Yarnton for lunch today taking Doreen with us, so hope the police have done a runner.
    Well, yesterday Pete had the all clear to start the trials. What we didn't know was that if he didn't start next Tuesday he couldn't start at all. So Monday is an 8hrs stay up at the Churchill for tests and a meet up with the team. Not to sure what other tests he can have that you might need 8 hrs for, and on Tuesday the trial starts proper. That will probably be at least 4 hrs. So we're off to London the week after, so he goes up on the Momday instead of Tuesday and we'll catch a later train than our friends. good job I'm up the Churchill as well this Monday we can kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

    1. Oh Pat, it seem like it now mowing in the right direction but bless you to have to be so long at the Churchill. maybe do up some stamping and so you have some colouring in to do or make up some flowers. You both take care and I sending you many hugs xx

    2. FANTASTIC NEWS PAT/PETE. have a restful week end as it sounds as though the next couple of weeks are going to be super busy.xxxx

    3. Yes they certainly are. I'll get Pete sorted on Monday then go for my appointment. Good idea to take something with me to do Maria.

    4. Hi Pat BRILLIANT NEWS for Pete a long 8hrs up the hospital but will be worth it. As Maria said do some cutting out & you can do some colouring. Have you got a adult colouring book that's what I took when I was in hospital. Lot's of Hug's for you both Love Lynda xx

  6. Margaret Palmer5 May 2017 at 11:54

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have recovered from ypur ordeal, not nice at all. Your card is very pretty nice change of colour as
    Pat pleased Pete can go on trial hope all goes
    Janet enjoy your new
    Lynda I bet you cannot wait to try your Gemini,
    Maria hope you had a good
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, hope your day is good. My night was a bit on the weak side, didn't get to bed before 3am and woke up when the sun was coming up. Luckily after a Wc visit I managed another couple of hours tihi so feeling alright. OH and I had a nice walk and coffee out this morning. I hope Sue feeling better too when the days get lighter. Hugs to you and Pop xx

    2. Hi MARGARET yes I'm over the moon with it my weaving Dies went through one cut YaaaY
      Love Lynda xx

  7. If any of you ladies have craft shopping or anything for mixed craft Saturday let me know xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    oh Sandra I really hope you are okay after being stopped by the boys in blue. So glad it was something easily fixed and your heart is back to normal rhythm.
    Your card is a lovely two toned creation ! I have made one but might make another one this afternoon, you never know what can be done at times Lol
    I have comment a bit on the way down, hope you all have a nice day ! Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a lovely card Sandra, I love the So Saffron colour it really is a lift me up/happy colour. You are not going to forget yesterday's trip out in a hurry are you. What a scary experience, I know they are only doing their job, but there are so many drivers on the road who's vehicle and driving should be questioned, yet they get away with it. We were once pulled over, right outside our house 11.00pm and blue lights flashing. We were driving along the main road, our road was the next right turn, a police vehicle was in front of us, kerb crawling, John didn't overtake but as we almost reached our road indicated and pulled into the centre of the road, at this point we were level with them. As we turned they followed with blue lights and siren. We were now outside our house (2nd house in off the main road) not a very nice experience, like you I felt traumatised. All the officer said was why didn't you overtake me earlier? (No offence had been committed). As John said to him had I overtaken you, you would have had me for speeding. I'm pleased to say at that point they left. I can honestly say I was shaking. You have my sympathy, hopefully you are not scared from this experience.

    Take care, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  10. Ooh it is scary when the police 👮 pull you over So I hope you've recovered SANDRA Enjoy your new toys LYNDA and JANET I really hope the walker helps
    Brain gone blank! Anyway take care all xx

    1. Thank you Karen I am so happy with my new toy it cuts like a dream
      Hug's xx

  11. Good evening ladies, late to comment today so apologies. I have been busy making my next challenge card for the Design Team.
    I was expecting a delivery for UPS today with one of my 3 parcels from Stampin Up. Nothing arrived so phoned UPS to be told it will not arrive until Monday!!!!!!!!!! Not happy as they delivered the same parcel to Amazon in error.
    I saw the Doctor yesterday and she prescribed stronger pain killers but is going to refer me to a Rheumatoid Consultant. Watch this space as it could be weeks before I hear anything.
    I have emailed Sandra the card I made for my 1st week as a DT and thanks for commenting on my Blog. It means a lot.
    Off to 'chill' with a glass of wine. Have a great weekend.
    Hugs Christine xxx

    1. Hope you don't have to wait long for your appointment Christine take care looking forward to seeing your card.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hello All,
    Sandra,lovely card, looks blue and mustard on my iPad, perhaps it's on the blink.
    Very scary being pulled over, happened to us once, they made O/H get out and get in the back of their car, all because we had a back light out, it was dark, nearly gave me a heart attack.

    Pat so glad things going the right way for Pete, good luck for next week.

    Well I have wasted most of this after noon looking for two dies, I have the tonic folders, where they should be, so cross with myself, I suppose you could say must be age, going to do my card for Sandra then I'll have another search.
    Have a good evening everyone, hugs Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian hope you find your Dies. It's so annoying I've done it a lot.
      Take care Hug's xx
