
Sunday 23 April 2017

Your Challenge Cards

The sketch

Brenda's Challenge Card

Karen's Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge card

Maria's Challenge Card

Val's​ Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Another lovely line up of cards ladies, 

Brenda, I absolutely love your card, that basket weave style embossing folder you have used is stunning, Brenda inked the embossing folder with Tim Holtz 'Potting Soil' before running through the machine, it has given a lovely effect, highlighting the design, the little flower appliques are stunning. Beautiful background paper too.  I absolutely love your card Brenda, thank you xxx

Karen, I love the picnic, tea party look of your card, the way you have used the two die cuts as a drop shadow it really makes the image stand out from the card. The gingham card looks like a tablecloth too, so the whole card really works, thank you so much Karen for taking part. Here is Karen's description:

Here's my challenge card. I am really pleased how it worked BUT it wasn't until I photographed it I realised that the squares are "wonky"! ((Note to self (again) - take a few photos before sticking)) down for layout ideas etc)

It's the first time I have used this die - Spellbinders paper Cuts Collection/Tea Party and originally went for two layers of blue but decided, see above, that it was too dark, so added a white layer on top.
The cup was trimmed away from the Dreamweavers die I bought at Ally Pally and the "steam" (poetic licence needed here!) is part of a Tattered Lace pearl flourish die
The gingham was a freebie when I ordered my ScanNCut.

Margaret, such  a pretty colour card, I love the layout of your card too, the central flower is really lovely, a fantastic challenge, thank so much for taking part. xxx

Lynda, oh my, your card is so pretty, I love that 'Groovi' parchment background, it is so delicate, the dies and flowers are perfect for your card, finishing it perfectly, thank you so much for taking part XXX

Lilian, such pretty patterned paper, have you designed it yourself, I love your colour combination too, they look very much like Stampin'Up! Colours, your beautifully​ stamped topper and delicate flower work perfectly to complete your Challenge card, thank you for finding the time to join in XXX

Michele, you too have used such, pretty, summery colours for your card, I loved the teacup die too, this would make a perfect, 'Just a note' type cards, beautiful, thank you Michele XXX

Maria, oh I love the Embossing folder you have used, the distress look works perfectly too, that pretty lace ribbon is stunning and works perfectly with the colour and  style of your card, that one little flower is all that is needed to embellish this beautiful card , thank you my lovely xxx

Val, a pretty, romantic card from you this week, those hearts are so delicate, the Embossing folder has a real Delicate pattern too, really pretty, yet subtle, those tiny diamantes are the perfect embellishment, pearls would have been almost too harsh, a stunning engagement card, that will fly off the shelf! Thank you Val, it's good to see your 'Mojo' has returned!! XXX

Thank you so much ladies, once again you have done me proud xxx

Here is a photo that Lynda's Terry took off all of us at Ally Pally.....
A welcome break from a hard mornings shopping! 

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    Once again a beautiful set of CCs to decorate the display board in the Café.

    I'm sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday but we did get the Spring Clean done and dusted and so the result was 'out on my feet' and early to bed was called for.

    We have a glorious start to the day here with sunshine and clear blue skies. The temp is a little low but if it matches yesterday it will warm up quickly to a very warm day.

    Not sure what's on the cards for today but something will pop it's head and shout. It always does.
    I'm not sure where my CC card has got to but as we all know anything can happen in cyber space lol.

    There are breakfast goodies waiting for you all in the Café and a beautiful cream sponge cake for later in the day.
    HUGE HUGS to you all and have a good Sunday.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Enjoy your day and I'm looking forward to a piece of cream sponge unless it's all been eaten.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lots of lovely challenge cards today. I'm so glad I made my card on Easter Monday when I had some free time as i certainly haven't had any at the end of this week.

    Dad was quite chatty. The nurse on duty explained that he wasn't very steady using the crutches so the Physio wasn't too happy. They'll assess him again today but he might need to stay in another day, which I find amusing considering they said on Friday that they wanted him out this afternoon despite them knowing he lives alone & that they hadn't sorted out a care package (which they could do until at least Monday)!!

    We went out for a meal last night with my brother & sister in law to the Indian restaurant which was lovely and they paid for everything as a treat to us!!! We went to the wine bar for a drink but I was almost asleep by then so we didn't stay long.

    Ironing & some gardening to do today then I'll visit my Dad this evening and see how mobile he's been today.


    1. Hi Michele
      That amused me as well with Doreen after she'd had her second hip done. We found her sitting waiting for us to take her home. She was supposed to go to converless after her op. No mention of that, nor of a care package. So she came home with us for two weeks. Social services were shocked that no one had been to her house to see what it was like before they sent her home. Her house is think the 1940's with steep steep stairs. It fair made my blood boil.

  3. Great cards ladies I nearly didn't do one as I kept promising myself every day since Monday that that was the day I was going todo the CC and ended up doing it yesterday I really enjoyed playing with the dies I may add glitter or pearls and a sentiment
    Today is a very special day for us As it's the weekend we are celebrating Oscar's first birthday and daughter is having a little party It'll be the first time some of the relatives will meet him - distance, life, illness preventing it before
    I will be extremely emotional as I am so so proud but will also be thinking of the important people that can't be there too
    I cannot believe he'll be one year old on Tuesday
    Take care all xxx

    1. My word Karen, doesn't the time fly by. You wouldn't think it was a year since Oscar was born. Enjoy the party for him.

    2. Hope you had a great birthday party for the little man, xx

  4. Hello All, beautiful sunny Sunday here today, if a little cold.

    Lovely lot of challenge cards today, mine is made with stamping up stamps and memento inks.

    Still playing with my new toy, it does embossing folders really deep as you can see from my card, made little holes., still it's a case of getting used to it.

    Card making this morning and out in the garden this afternoon.
    Have a lovely Sunday all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I haven't tried embossing folders yet so I'll be extra careful.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I didn't get in yesterday time just went, I love your storage unit it looks great. A lovely selection of cards again all so different, thank you. Xxx
    Janet your card yesterday is really pretty I love
    Maria what can say about your card, it is beautiful don't ever say you are no good, I would never have thought of using my ruler!! Well done, hope surgeon has good news for you Tuesday hugs on
    Michele hope Dad progresses well & they sort care package for
    Hope to have some time to craft today, thought that yesterday but finished up taking Alan for some wood, will be glad when he can drive again.
    Karen have a lovely time at Oscar's party, you are allowed some moments to think of missing family, sending
    Hugs on way to all who need them, we are still waiting for new arrival poor Roz is soo feed up. Love Margaret xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all.

    Just love seeing the photo of you all at AP. Never having met any of you I had to put names to faces and think I guessed you all.

    Lovely array of gorgeousness today. Brilliant cards each and every one.

    Just got back from Sunday Market. Treated myself to some new summer pj's.Just about to have lunch then Craft room is calling.

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday and special hugs to all of you who are not feeling so good or who are at GP'S, Dentist and Hospital in the coming week.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer23 April 2017 at 13:33

      Val to see if you guessed right, r.hand side is Paul,Sandra,Karen & Lynda. L side opposite Paul is Sue, Me, Maria, Brenda Lello,Pat & friend of Karen, sorry forgotten her name. Did you guess right? Love Margaret xx

    2. Thanks for that Margaret. Guessed everyone right except Karen's friend obviously. Hopefully see you in person one of these days !!!
      Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Val
      Karen's friend was called Cat. I'm glad Margaret named everyone for you. I also hope we can meet up in the best future.

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a lovely selection of challenge cards this week, mine was a very rushed card. The embossing folder cost the princely sun of £2 from The Works, I'm really pleased with it the basket weave looks realistic and even better when I inked the EF, the Lace flowers were £1 also The Works.

    KAREN, Have a lovely time at Oscars party. You are allowed to be emotional, HAPPY because you have this gorgeous little man in your life, and SAD for those you wish could be sharing this time with you. Sending you gentle caring hugs. xx

    LILLIAN, Enjoy playing with your new toy and time in the garden ....... if you can drag yourself away. I'm going out in the garden, I have lots of tomatoes in the greenhouse that need potting on, also some bedding plants to sort out. Could be out there a long time.

    Take care everyone, Hugs, Brenda xxx

  8. Lots of georgeous cards this week ladies. I love how u all have ur unique styles and interpretations too.
    Cheers me up in a sun when I have to work. Especially today when it's a lovely day and I could be doing better things in my garden lol.

    Love to all xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love all the cards on show today. Lovely bit of sun today, so we took Doreen to lunch today and then went for a ride around. Now sat watching the snooker. Pete is still chomping at the bit as he wants to get on the garden. We have a lovely ng garden but it needs dragging before he can start planting. Pete still thinks he can just go digging. He forgets that he's getting older and can't do as much as he used to. I've done the lawns and he cut most of our long hedge. But even that is a chore now. He's been on about taking some of it up and replacing it with a fence. I bet he wishes he'd done it a lot sooner now.
    No crafting this week unless we meet up on Wed instead of Tuesday. We should hopefully be going back to Wed soon.

  10. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Well it's a beautiful sunny day but still that cold wind. Terry is still patching up the lawn out the back & has Freddy S..t legs with him out side again.He can't fly as his flight feathers were cut when we or rather Terry got him.
    I'm in craft room with Bambie I'm putting stamps on E Bay for Margaret.
    Note to self tidy craft room again I'm So messy.
    Lovely cc again this week all beautiful well done Ladies x Look forward to see what Sandra has for us tomorrow.
    KAREN hope you & Oscar is enjoying his first birthday party &you are aloud to be proud of that little bundle of joy & emotional & sad for missing the others that can't be there with you. Sending love &Hug's xx
    MICHELE hope you find your dad in good spirits when you visit him Hug's for you both. BRENDA well done with your bargain buys at the works.
    LILIAN have fun with your new toy & take care in the garden don't over do it. Hug's.TRACY hope work wasn't so bad Hug's xx
    JANET sounds like you over done the spring cleaning yesterday hope your taking it easy today Hug's xx
    MARIA hope you get some good news on Tuesday take care Hug's xx
    PAT hope you have been resting up today before another week of appointments
    Sending you both Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Just got back and we've had a lovely day We had to leave early to bring MIL home Oscar was brilliant smiling, laughing chatting His favourite part was playing with the wrapping paper!

  12. Hi Sandra and all.
    I love Sundays when we have a whole lot of wonderful cards to look at on the wall in the cafe' and you can sit down with a coffee and a slice of cream sponge which I probably is too late for as it already gone 9pm Lol
    Since you started to give us these challenges Sandra I personally feel that have changed me about card making and waiting with bated breath for what's coming tomorrow. Lol Had ww this morning and then went for breakfast with a few of them from there, was not home before gone 1pm. OH ex was still here today so we spent the afternoon and early evening with her, we took her back to the hotel at 8 and now home OH watching football and I sorting out some e-mails and writing on blogs. Tomorrow I want to cut out for some cards I just must get together if they shall be sent in time. I hope you all had a good Sunday and the week ahead wont be too hard, too stressful or too painful. have a good night everyone. Love and hugs, Maria xxx
